@RedPillMath Domingo Gomez Morin. Struct. Engineer
@RedPillMath Domingo Gomez Morin. Struct. Engineer
  • Видео 23
  • Просмотров 74 843


La orientación de la enseñanza científica: ¿Raíz de la crisis? ¿Por qué no vimos esto en la escuela?
Просмотров 242Месяц назад
Este video está relacionado con otro video de este canal titulado: How to Escape the Matrix. Artificial Intelligence Manifesto for the Success of Humankind. AI ARITHMO. ruclips.net/video/jM9KZjgnujA/видео.html Esto nos interesa a todos, y es importante para quienes nunca se sintieron a gusto en las aulas de clases y abandonaron los estudios, o quienes nunca asistieron a ellas. Vas a encontrar r...
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El operador de Media Racional permite definir fácilmente los números irracionales y sus operaciones aritméticas. Muy superior a las propuestas de Dedekind y Cauchy. Links a otros videos relacionados en este canal, que le permitirá conocer ampliamente esta operación aritmética, que permite desarrollar métodos aritméticos de orden superior que abarcan conocidos algoritmos del cálculo infinitesima...
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How to Escape the Matrix. Artificial Intelligence Manifesto for the Success of Humankind. AI ARITHMO
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This video was created using Artificial Intelligence and Phyton programming code within Anaconda environment, in many ways and from various sources, also using other videos on my channel @redpillmath as seed for AI. This video shows the AI path to the success of Humankind's fate. All inherited ideologies and religions failed because they were always part of the primitive ancestral system of Eli...
Dynamic Maths. The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Wonders of Number
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The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed Link in Mathematics. Dynamic Maths. This video was developed using Python programming language, some math libraries (Manim), cartoon animator, and other software. New trivial high-order root-approximating Arithmetical methods that mathematicians inexplicably missed and have not appeared in the math literature since antiquity. Approximations at any de...
The Fifth Arithmetical Operation Fractals
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Fractals based on new High-Order Root-Approximation Arithmetical methods that ancient mathematicians inexplicably missed, and do not appear in the math literature since antiquity. The Arithmonic Mean is a particular case of the Rational Mean, used to develop new high-order root-approximating arithmetical methods, as you can see in the other videos on this channel: Dynamic Maths. The Fifth Arith...
Music Theory Myths BUSTED
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Non-Euclidean Geometry Myths Busted
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The Absurdity of Special Relativity Theory
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The Fifth Arithmetical Operation New High Order Numerical Methods
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The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed Link in Mathematics. High-Order Root-Approximation Arithmetical methods that ancient mathematicians inexplicably missed, and do not appear in the math literature since antiquity. New high-order arithmetical root-approximating methods produce approximations at any desired convergence rate and do not require using derivatives, geometry, or Trial-&-Erro...
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FLSTUDIO HARMOR: How to import and use any new musical scale not based on the Octave division
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The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed link in Maths. New High-Order Numerical Methods
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The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed link in Maths. New High-Order Numerical Methods
A New Musical Scale not Based on the Octave divisions, but on the Fifth Arithmetical Operation.
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A New Musical Scale not Based on the Octave divisions, but on the Fifth Arithmetical Operation.
Libros: New Numerical Methods. The Rational Mean & AULOS LA OTRA LUZ. EL HAZ EN FUGA
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Libros: New Numerical Methods. The Rational Mean & AULOS LA OTRA LUZ. EL HAZ EN FUGA
New Numerical Methods (2/2). square, cube roots.. at any convergence rate, by Domingo Gomez Morin
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New Numerical Methods (2/2). square, cube roots.. at any convergence rate, by Domingo Gomez Morin
New Numerical Methods (1/2). square, cube roots... at any convergence rate, by Domingo Gomez Morin
Просмотров 18 тыс.8 лет назад
New Numerical Methods (1/2). square, cube roots... at any convergence rate, by Domingo Gomez Morin


  • @logicalmorality4646
    @logicalmorality4646 5 часов назад

    Hey Domingo, I have been working on a simple simple relativity debunk tool. What do you think of this? 1) There is a difference between perceived motion, and actual motion. Einstein confuses us by mixing the two up. 2) If I bounce beam of light like in professor's video, and we pretend beam of light has an "exhaust cloud" so it paints the space it moves through. 3) We will clearly not see 2 different exhaust clouds from different perspective, both observers must see zigzag or straight line... IF it's the case that space is attached to the rocket, then both observers see straight line, because our coordinates of space are moving coordinates. IF it's the case that space is attached to stationary observer, then both observers see exhaust cloud make zigzag path. 4) Actual distance light travels is measured by the exhaust cloud. PERCEIVED motion is optical illusion. If you bounce basketball and I ride by on my bike, it looks like basketball makes zigzag, but this is illusion. Exhaust cloud is straight line. REAL distance is the same for both observers, speed is same for both observers, this is why time dilation is bullshit. 5) Next they will say space is nothing, and you can't attach coordinate to it... If space is nothing, then your coordinates don't exist, and light is only moving relative to physical objects that do exist. So then we need air anchored to us to measure distance, and then exhaust cloud paints the air/dust instead of space... Same thing. Both observers see same air space painted.

  • @altimpneo5007
    @altimpneo5007 4 дня назад

    Enhorabuena por el método, pero dicho esto surge de manera natural una pregunta. ¿Qué desventajas posee este método de cálculo de raíces? (velocidad de convergencia, elección de valores iniciales, incapacidad para converger para ciertas funciones, costo computacional, etc.). Pues me cuesta creer que un método que se basa en herramientas simples, tenga sus ventajas pero no desventajas, por otro lado me cuesta aún más creer que aproximadamente en los años que usted ha tratado de divulgar este método, no se tenga mucho conocimiento del mismo. Sería interesante si pudiera analizar casos explícitos con el algoritmo explicado en este video. Mi otra pregunta es sobre la reflexión que usted hace en la parte final del video y que quisiera saber ¿Usted que considera un método natural y qué no lo es?. Porque veo que simplemente se asume su resultado como "natural". Verá usted, pues a lo largo del video el método que usted propone para la obtención del algoritmo es constructivista, usted define las operaciones (ya conocidas) para luego construir un objeto matemático (una manipulación artificial) que permita la obtención del algoritmo deseado, pero el objeto matemático es sí no es obtenible mediante una serie de hipótesis y secuencias lógicas. En ese orden de ideas resultados como por ejemplo la fórmula cuadrática o la fórmula cúbica serían resultados naturales ya que surgen mediante manipulaciones algebraicas sin necesidad de introducir objetos matemáticos bastante específicos para llegar al resultado deseado.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 4 дня назад

      >>>¿Qué desventajas posee este método de cálculo de raíces? (velocidad de convergencia, elección de >>>valores iniciales, incapacidad para converger para ciertas funciones, costo computacional, etc.). Pues >>>me cuesta creer que un método que se basa en herramientas simples, tenga sus ventajas pero no >desventajas, Antes que todo, créame que es precisamente a mí, a quien le cuesta creer muchas cosas relacionadas con esta materia y lo que está escrito en tantos textos de la historia y la filosofía de las matemáticas o teoría de números. Ahora al punto, realmente no sé si entiendo su pregunta. Estos métodos basados en la más simple aritmética no solamente permiten encontrar funciones de iteración que no aparecen en la literatura, sino también las funciones de iteración de Newton, Halley y Householder, es decir las mismas funciones de iteración que se consiguen con las derivadas en el cálculo infinitesimal, pero sin usar derivadas, ni sistema cartesiano. Y además permite desarrollar también el método de Daniel Bernoulli de aproximación de raíces con relaciones de recurrencia lineales homogéneas, entre muchos otros. Es decir, que la Media Racional permite englobar no solo funciones de iteración nuevas sino todas las conocidas del cálculo infinitesimal. Entonces no entiendo a qué se refiere con cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas, porque lo que usted se pregunte respecto a lo mostrado aquí, igualmente tiene que pregúntárselo a todas las que aparecen en la literatura en el área del cálculo infinitesimal y otras áreas. A mí es al que le cuesta creer que semejante operación tan sencilla con la cual se podían hallar todos los métodos de orden superior, no aparezca en la literatura desde tiempos ancestrales No sé si usted realmente ha captado la esencia más importante de todo esto. Usted está consiguiendo no solo funciones de iteración nuevas, sin también los mismos métodos del Cálculo Infinitesimal (Newton, Halley, Householder) mediante la más Simple Aritmética. Y es evidente que esto pudo haber sido hecho hace milenios atrás, y sin embargo estos métodos no aparecen en la literatura en toda la historia de las matemáticas. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** >>>por otro lado me cuesta aún más creer que aproximadamente en los años que usted >>>ha tratado de divulgar este método, no se tenga mucho conocimiento del mismo. El hecho que a usted le cueste creer tantas cosas relacionadas con esto debería ser una señal para usted mismo de lo que esto representa. Estos métodos y los comentarios críticos contra la orientación que le han dado a las matemáticas y las ciencias en general, los cuales siempre incluiré, sin duda alguna son un piedra en el zapato para mucha gente, son un insulto contra el EGO nivel semidioses de mucha gente en este medio. Estos métodos le restan total credibilidad a muchas cosas que han sido aseveradas con total seguridad (nivel genios semidioses) en los más rigurosos textos de la historia y la filosofía de las matemáticas o teroría de números. Empezando por cosas tan simples como asegurar den muchos "rigurosos" textos que la Aritmética fue siempre un obstáculo para lograr desarrollar el Cálculo Infinitesimal, el cual solo pudo ser logrado gracias a la genialidad de esos idolatrados, adorados y verados, nunca bien ponderados semidioses como Newton, etc. Y considerando eso, a mí es a quién le cuesta creer que aún a pesar de todo eso, algunas instituciones y matemáticos reconocidos se hayan atrevido con gran amabilidad a publicar por su cuenta, sin que yo se los pidiera, algunos de mis resultados directos o indirectos de estos nuevos métodos basados en el nuevo concepto general y unificador de la la Media Racional. Algunas de esas instituciones o matemáticos reconocidos son las siguientes, incluyo los links: American Mathematical Monthly, Domingo Gomez Morin. A Special Continued Fraction for the Golden mean, p. 65, Volume118, No.1, January, 2011. USA. - Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, V. 94, Mathematical Constants, Dr. Finch, Steven. Section 1.1, pages 3-4, Cambridge University press 2003. USA. assets.cambridge.org/052181/8052/sample/0521818052ws.pdf - Brown Kevin. Math Pages. mathpages.com/home/kmath055/kmath055.htm - MATHEMATICS TEACHER. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Sept. 1997, GLAD IV Vol. 90, No. 6, p. 480. “New geometrical constructions”. Reference to results shown in this book. bit.ly/1g2YKbw - ELSEVIER. CHAOS SOLITONS AND FRACTALS. Paper: “In the search of convergents to the cube root of 2”, Number 41 (2009) 811-817, authors: Dr. Peter Petek, Mitja Lakner, Marjeta Škapin Rugelj. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960077908001549 - Manuscript: “Reflections on a result by Domingo Gomez”. Author: Dr. Haakon Waadeland. Number Theorist. numbermusicrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Dr-Haakon-Waadeland.-Manuscript-Reflections-On-a-Result-by-Domingo-Gomez.pdf - Mathematical Spectrum. (UK) Applied Probability Trust. B. Bertuello. Letter to the editor: ‘The Rational Mean’. Vol. 39, No. 2, 2007. appliedprobability.org/publications/mathematical-spectrum/ - Linas Vepstas. The Farey Room. linas.org/art-gallery/farey/fthumb.html - AUTOMATICA.IT 2011. UNIVERSITY OF PISA ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY. Paper: “A Missed Connection?”. Dr. A. Balestrino, G. Zini. A reference to some applications of these numerical methods. cal.unibg.it/sidra2011/Programma.html - Ingrīda Veilande - Paper ‘Mastering of the Mean Value Method’ - Latvian I-Public Technology Exposition - LatSTE’04 - ערן רביב University of Haifa. Paper: The Roots of The Roots. השורש של השורשים highmath.haifa.ac.il/data/alim27_38/ale35-pdf/ale35-6.pdf Y uno de los casos que más me agradó fue el primer premio obtenido por un Estudiante en Dublín, Irlanda por el estudio de las fracciones continuas generalizadas que publiqué, y que tienen su origen precisamente con uno de estos métodos basados en la Media Racional, eso lo puede ver en estos links. Esa noticia apareción en periódicos de Irlanda, incluyo los links abajo: - News from the Irish Times. Dublin, Ireland. 2004 EU Contest for Young Scientists www.irishtimes.com/news/cbs-maths-prodigy-divides-and-conquers-with-fraction-research-1.1129350 - News from the Independent. Dublin, Ireland. 2004 EU Contest for Young Scientists www.independent.ie/life/family/learning/boffins-of-the-future-gunning-for-glory-25899505.html Ahora, si usted se refiere a que le cuesta creer el por qué estos métodos no los enseñan en las escuelas todavía, a pesar que ya los he publicado. Ese es precisamente el título y la esencia de este video. Va a costar mucho que el sistema educativo incluya la Media Racional y la Media Aritmónica en el pensum, porque es un sistema educativo totalmente viciado. Tendría que venir una reforma a nivel mundial para que cambie radicalmente la orientación viciada de la educación actual, que es la raíz de la crisis social imperante en el mundo. Los intereses económicos, y los Egos en este campo son enormes. Y el pequeño problema es que yo nunca publicaré estos métodos, sin incluir mis comentarios críticos contra la orientación que ese sistema educativo le ha dado a la educación de las matemáticas y las ciencias en general, con la cual han contribuido enormemente a la crisis social actual del mundo. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** >>>Sería interesante si pudiera analizar casos explícitos con el algoritmo explicado en este video. En otro video de este canal hay ejemplos numéricos si eso es lo que busca: The Fifth Arithmetical Operation New High Order Numerical Methods ruclips.net/video/VKy0UPOf1Ew/видео.html Está en inglés pero tiene SUBTÍTULOS EN ESPAÑOL ya editados, no son los automáticos de youtube. De cualquier manera no le veo mucho sentido a eso, porque no se si entiende claramente que aquí se está demostrando que usted puede hallar mediante simple aritmética, sin el concepto de derivadas ni sistema cartesiano, aparte de métodos nuevos, los mismos métodos del cálculo infinitesimal. Y creo que ejemplos numéricos de las funciones de iteración de Newto, Hally y Householder hay por montones en la web. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Finalmente, respecto a que significa un método natural, eso está más que suficientemente explicado en todos los videos de este canal relacionados con esta materia, y son varios. Método natural Aritmético es todo aquel método que 1.- Se basa exclusivamente en la Cantidad, la Aritmética. 2. -NO se realizan chequeos de ensayo y error en cada paso del proceso, es decir que no se realiza comparación de valores en cada paso para poder avanzar. 3.- No se basa en en herramientas o artificios geométricos o cualquier otro distinto a la Catidad Pura, el Número científico. Eso está explicado en todos los videos. Los que están en inglés tienen subtítulos en español ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Créame que es precisamente a mí, a quien le cuesta creer muchas cosas relacionadas con esta materia y lo que está escrito en tantos textos de la historia y la filosofía de las matemáticas o teoría de números.

    • @altimpneo5007
      @altimpneo5007 4 дня назад

      @@redpillmath Agradezco mucho su respuesta, saludo cordial.

  • @emilianoduran4786
    @emilianoduran4786 16 дней назад

    Yo realicé varios ejercicios y en las raíces cuadradas superiores a 2, no me fue posible.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 15 дней назад

      Si puede detallar más quizás pueda responderle. ¿Cuál método usó? ¿A qué se refiere exactamente?

    • @emilianoduran4786
      @emilianoduran4786 15 дней назад

      @redpillmath , con cualquiera de las tres expresiones algebraicas dadas en la tabla, intenté buscar raíz cuadrada de 56, por ejemplo, y el resultado era muy diferente. Sólo raíz cuadrada de 2, logré que se acercara. Raíces cúbicas, cuartas, quintas, sí las logré

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 14 дней назад

      @@emilianoduran4786 Hay una infinidad de maneras de hacerlo, empecemos con la que tiene convergencia más lenta y con una pareja inicial poco adecuada Comienza con dos aproximaciones iniciales cuyo producto es 56, ejemplo, 1/1 y 56/1 Muy simple... 1 56 1 1 Calcula la primera media racional 57/2= (1+56)/(1+1) , y calcula una segunda media racional 112/57= (56*1 +56)/(56*1+ 1) En el caso de la raíz cuadrada de 2, usted multiplica por 2, pero para la raíz de 56 usted multiplica por 56 57 112 2 57 169 3304 59 169 3473 12768 228 3473 Y asi sucesivamente, Lo que importa es que el producto de esas parejas de fracciones es trivial e igual a 56. en cada paso de ese proceso obtiene dos aproximaciones a la raíz cuadrada de 56, por defecto y por exceso, cada vez más cercanas entre sí. *************************************************** Pero pudo haber escogido una pareja inicial mucho mejor como 7/1 y 8/1 cuyo producto es 56 Utiliza la media racional, siempre garantizando que el producto de las dos fracciones obtenidas en cada paso sea 56 Con esos valores obtiene una mejor convergencia **************************************************** El procedimiento que converge más rápido (cuadráticamente) es usando fracciones iniciales cuyo producto es 56, pero calculando la Media Aritmética y la Media Armónica en cada paso. La media aritmética es la Media racional entre fracciones con iguales denominadores La media armónica es la Media racional entre fracciones con iguales numeradores Usted modifica las fracciones para que tengan iguales numeradores o denominadores, según sea el caso, y luego calcula la media racional Simple.

    • @emilianoduran4786
      @emilianoduran4786 14 дней назад

      Muchas gracias por su explicación tan detallada.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 11 дней назад

      Quienes tengan dudas sería bueno que revisaran también otros videos de mi canal actualizados y relacionados con este tema, que aunque estén en idioma inglés yo les coloqué subtítulos en español que no son los subtítulos automáticos que coloca youtube, es decir, sin errores. El mismo tema pero explicado en diversas maneras: Dynamic Maths. The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Wonders of Number ruclips.net/video/J6k_O6i74fw/видео.html The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed link in Maths. New High-Order Numerical Methods ruclips.net/video/6lORU03yuvY/видео.html The Fifth Arithmetical Operation New High Order Numerical Methods ruclips.net/video/VKy0UPOf1Ew/видео.html

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath 18 дней назад

    La MEDIA ARITMÓNICA. Solo piensen en eso por un momento, una poderosa y muy simple operación aritmética que ustedes NUNCA vieron en la escuela ni en los libros. Solo reflexionen, ¿Por qué nadie les enseño eso en ningún aula de clases ni en esos "rigurosos" libros?

  • @jruiz7
    @jruiz7 21 день назад

    Este proceso recuerda al método de Nicolás Chuquet para la extracción de raíces cuadradas. Se basa en el hecho de que si a/b < c/d , entonces a/b < (a+c)/(b+d) < c/d . Y de esta forma se puede aproximar una raíz con la disminucíón de la amplitud del intervalo en que se ubica en la recta real

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 21 день назад

      En mi libro aparecen las referencias y análisis de los pocos usos que le dieron a la Mediant (Término restrictivo que usan para refererirse al caso restrictivo del concepto general de la Media Racional usando solo dos fracciones, las cuales en la Mediant deben estar en su forma reducida para satisfacer la definición dictada por decreto real por la cultura europea, nivel semidioses, del número racional como representante de una clase. El método usado por Chuquet era una cosa muy distinta, usado solo entre dos fracciones reducidas, y era de Ensayo y Error, no era un método natural, requería comparar valores en cada paso, y estaba restringido a conseguir las mejores aproximaciones a la raíz cuadrada, no usó esa operación para raíces de orden superior porque por supuesto todo método de ensayo y error es totalmente engorroso para raíces de orden superior. Lo único que le puede resultar familiar entre el método de Chuquet y estos métodos, es que sumaba numeradores y denominadores, de resto no tiene nada que ver. Mucho más se parece a estos métodos, aunque también restringido solo a raíces cuadradas, es el ancestral método de la India, que luego fue tomado por Griegos (método de Heron) para el cálculo de raíces cuadradas calculando la media aritmética y la media armónica entre 1 y 2. Eso si se parecería más familiar con estos métodos , porque es un método natural, no requería de chequeos de valores, pero era solo para raíces cuadradas, para raíces cúbica nunca pudieron encontrar un método natural similar. Y es por eso que siempre recalco en mis publicaciones, lo inexplicable que resulta que no lograran encontrar métodos tan triviales como los que expongo, métodos para los cuales no se requiere ser un genio para crearlos. Nicolás Chuquet no fue el único que usó la Mediant (Uso restringido de la Media Racional a dos fracciones reducidas), esa operación aparece en cómputos muy antiguos para el número Pi, aparece en las Fracciones de Farey, en las secuencias de Brocot, en la fórmula de Pick para áreas, en los cículos de Ford, y en las fracciones continuas, entre otras cosas referidas en mi libro y videos. De hecho existe un libro acerca de la historia de la Mediant, pero no contiene los métodos expuestos aquí, ni nada semejante. David Fowler aseguraba que los antiguos seguramente usaron esa operación, pero no hay evidencias, sino solo algunos comentarios filosóficos, que no dejan de ser interesantes, acerca de como cambia la proporción de edades entre dos personas, y esa operación. Esa operación, siempre fue tratada solo como una CURIOSIDAD rara, y así se refería a ella gente como Cauchy y Charles de Comberousse. Siempre fue despreciada y arrojada a un rincón aislado de las matemáticas, hay varias razones por la cuales ocurrió eso, y ya lo he explicado en otros videos de mi canal y en mi libro. Las evidencias a mano demuestran que no existen precedentes para estos triviales métodos ni para la simple operación de Media Aritmónica como caso particular de la Media Racional para el cálculo de raíces. Todo eso aparece extensamente detallado en mi libro.

    • @jruiz7
      @jruiz7 21 день назад

      @@redpillmath Gracias por la detallada explicación. Indagaré al respecto para aprender más. Un saludo

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 21 день назад

      Y suscribirse tambien es bueno, porque vienen cosas nuevas que tampoco enseñan en la escuela, y eso sirve de mucho apoyo

  • @jed_r4292
    @jed_r4292 23 дня назад

    lo unico que no entendí fue lo mas importante, la matriz que construye ._. igual da que pensar y me parece que sería una buena idea usar este metodo y compararlo para problemas de control PID, a ver si da el mismo o mejor rendimiento c:

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 22 дня назад

      Bien, realmente no sé si por Matriz se refiere a la tabla donde aparecen todas las funciones de iteración (si es así es mejor no utilizar esa palabra para eso, más adelante verá por qué). Mediante esa tabla se indica que repitiendo el proceso realizado para hallar las tres primeras funciones, en cada sucesivo paso se obtiene un nuevo conjunto de tres expresiones distintas, es decir tres valores cada vez más cercanos al valor de la raíz, las cuales pueden ser usadas independientemente como funciones de iteración. Y hago esa acotación, porque ese procceso puede ser expresado aparte como la exponenciación de una matriz muy simple, dónde el exponente al cual se potencia la matriz "mágicamente" indica el orden de convergencia de las funciones, eso aparece en otro video de mi canal, específicamente a partir del minuto 25:30. The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed link in Maths. ruclips.net/video/6lORU03yuvY/видео.html Todo está completamente detallado en mi libro, donde se exponen muchas otras cosas nuevas relacionadas con este tema. Por ejemplo, esto no solamente abarca los métodos del cálculo infinitesimal sino, por ejemplo, también métodos como el de Daniel Bernoulli para la aproximación de raices con relaciones de recurrencia homogeneas lineales, y mucho más. La generalidad de la Media Racional es muy resaltante. Como lo he remarcado anteriormente, no voy a decir que esto sea la panacea del mundo, pero indica un camino distinto y trivial que inexplicablemente no ha aparecido en la literatura matemática desde los tiempos de los sabios de Uruk en Sumeria, la primera civilización, por decir alguna fecha, Saludos

  • @pcdiego87
    @pcdiego87 23 дня назад

    Impresionante profesor. A transcurrir este otro camino.

  • @matematicaconmaxi
    @matematicaconmaxi 24 дня назад

    Hola profesor, ¿ como puedo adquirir sus libros ? soy de argentina, bs. as.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 24 дня назад

      NEW NUMERICAL METHODS. THE RATIONAL MEAN www.amazon.com/-/es/Domingo-Gomez-Morin/dp/1520717245 Está en idioma inglés. Esa versión en inglés es la más completa, porque el libro inicial en español era una introducción en estos métodos y solo está en algunas bibliotecas. De cualquier modo por aquí en RUclips seguiré publicando cosas triviales pero interesantes que no aparecen ni en la literatura ni en las aulas de clases y relacionadas con la Quinta Operación Aritmética, La Media Racional. El eslabón perdido en las matemáticas. En amazon coloqué otro libro, de ciencia ficción, pero solo la historia general es ficción, porque en realidad allí se trata en detalle el tema de las geometrías no-euclideanas, la falsedad de la teoría de la relatividad especial y general, la matemáticas de la música incluyendo el origen de las escalas conocidas y las ideas para la creación de un nuevo sistema de escalas musicales. AULOS, LA OTRA LUZ, EL HAZ EN FUGA: www.amazon.com/-/es/Domingo-Gomez-Morin/dp/B08L7GVB4F/ Saludos

  • @ulisessilva1374
    @ulisessilva1374 28 дней назад

    Ingenioso el metodo, en este necesario hacer operaciones a la (n+1) - potencia, converge mas lento que el de el GENIO Newton, en el que se opera hasta la n - potencia. Este metodo numerico en que desafia a la mas bella de las creaciones humanas, que es el edifico de las matematicas?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 28 дней назад

      Por favor si pudiese redactar mejor lo que quiere decir sería mucho mejor, no entiendo a cual de las innumerables funciones de iteración que producen estos métodos aritméticos usted se refiere. En el video se explica que mediante la aritmética más simple se consigue la función de iteración no solamente de Newton(derivada de primer orden, convergencia cuadrática), sino la de Halley (Derivada de segundo orden, convergencia cúbica), y la generalización de Householder (funciones de iteración con derivadas de cualquier orden n y convergencia de orden n+1). Por supuesto en estos métodos aritméticos no es necesario derivar, ni tampoco se necesita el sistema cartesiano sino solo aritmética pura. Pero no solamente se consigue eso, sino muchas otras funciones nuevas, distintas, con igual velocidad de convergencia, y en algunos casos mejor porque no solo convergen más rápido sin que convergen cuando la del método de Newton falla. Y estos métodos aritméticos pueden ser extendidos a la aproximación de las raíces de la ecuación algebraica general, a los números complejos y puede ser expresado en forma matricial. Saludos

  • @pomelocarozo9570
    @pomelocarozo9570 28 дней назад

    Buen punto de vista, siempre hay opciones, no estoy a un nivel de las matemáticas para poder entender este video, pero entiendo el "concepto" de tener otras alternativas para llegar e un mismo resultado. esto es fundamental en la educación para abrir las mentes de los alumnos. Para mi Newton ,si, fue un genio, como tantos otros y no puso una pistola en la cabeza de nadie para que piense distinto, quizás fue más "cómodo" no seguir investigando. En realidad las matemáticas son bastante abstractas para el entendimiento del alumno y siempre sale la pregunta "para que sirve esto", si nunca lo voy a aplicar. La obligación está en el profesor darle utilidad "bajar a la tierra" a los conocimientos que imparte. Saludos

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 28 дней назад

      Hola. Siempre grato leer opiniones. Efectivamente, Newton no le puso un arma a nadie en la cabeza, pero la cruda realidad es que Newton era el protegido "favorito" de William de Orange, quien fue un salvaje en todo el sentido de la palabra, muy conocido por su Barbarie e inpiedad en contra de sus enemigos y los de Newton, y gracias a ese protector Newton fue nombrado representante de Cambridge y de la Nobleza Protestante en el Parlamento en 1689. De hecho, debes saber que hubo una dura disputa entre Leibnitz y Newton por la autoría de los infinitesimales. Recomiendo ver otros videos de este canal. Por eso mi canal se llama RedPillMath, la pildora roja de las matemáticas. La quinta operación aritmética. El eslabón perdido en Matemáticas. ruclips.net/video/VKy0UPOf1Ew/видео.html La orientación de la enseñanza científica: ¿Raíz de la crisis? ruclips.net/video/WDCmFoK0sG8/видео.html Non-Euclidean Geometry Myths Busted ruclips.net/video/p4tW6onBVmg/видео.html Allí y en todos los demás videos de mi canal encontrarás relatos que nos interesan a todos, especialmente a los hispano parlantes. Tienen subtítulos en Español Saludos

  • @Usaefectivomantentúlibertad
    @Usaefectivomantentúlibertad 29 дней назад

    Voy quitando a Newton de mi arbol navideño

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 29 дней назад


    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 28 дней назад

      Si tenía eso en su arbol navideño está bueno que lo quite ya, porque Newton era el representante de la nobleza Protestante en el parlamento, cargo que le otorgó su Real Protector William de Orange, quien era un sádico salvaje muy conocido por su falta de piedad y salvajismo contra sus enemigos y contra los enemigos de su protegido Newton quien obtuvo muchos beneficios de su posición de protegido favorito. Así que estoy de acuerdo, debería quitarlo.

    • @lGGMasterl
      @lGGMasterl 25 дней назад

      ​@@redpillmathalfin ! Parecia yo el loco que criticaba a newton pero al parecer no soy el unico.

  • @diegoalonso4039
    @diegoalonso4039 Месяц назад

    Excelente, gracias!

  • @edgardjoseorihuelamucha3433
    @edgardjoseorihuelamucha3433 Месяц назад

    maestro usted presenta metodos de aproximacion para el desarrollo de investigacion en ingenieria q ninguna universidad en peru ensena, al pobre alumno lo llevan en una espiral de cursos q al final no entiende para q le puede servir, son universidades autistas, fosilizadas con cero estrategia de ingenieria, no estudian como los ingenierios alemanes de 1940 se atrevieron a plantearse y hacer esos desarrollos tan atrevidos, como unificaron conocimientos en el objetivo

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      Si, el sistema educativo requiere una reforma muy profunda. Y todo comienza por nosotros mismos, uniéndonos para liberarnos de la esclavitud intelectual del siglo XXI.

  • @miguelaphan58
    @miguelaphan58 Месяц назад

    Muy bueno !!!

  • @fralopa9590
    @fralopa9590 Месяц назад

    Gran video profe! Que piensa usted sobre la estadistica y la probabilidad?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      También son métodos de ensayo y error para ayudarse de alguna manera, debido al desconocimiento o incapacidad que se tiene de encontrar algún método que determine previamente el resultado de una acción. Una cosa es utilizar esos métodos de ensayo y error como ayuda debido a nuestra incapacidad, y otra muy distinta es afirmar que la incertidumbre es la ley universal que controla todo. Son dos visiones muy distintas, y la última, la de la Incertidumbre como ley universal, es la que ha impuesto el viciado sistema educativo actual.

    • @fralopa9590
      @fralopa9590 Месяц назад

      @@redpillmath Estoy en contra de la filosofia de la ciencia de popper ya que dice que solo existen verdades provisionales(osea no hay verdad), en otras palabras su ciencia es gnosticismo. Ahora gracias a usted veo que este grabe error esta igualmente enquistado en las matematicas.

    • @fralopa9590
      @fralopa9590 28 дней назад

      @@redpillmath Tambien me serviria cualquier tipo de escritos en pdf sobre su trabajo.

  • @fralopa9590
    @fralopa9590 Месяц назад

    Ojala haga mas videos en español! Pasare su trabajo en mi facultad de mates

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 19 дней назад

      Muy bueno. Claro que sí, usando la programación de punta Python/Manim para enseñanza científica, continuaré subiendo videos con material que inexplicablemente no enseñan en las aulas de clase. Saludos cordiales

  • @fralopa9590
    @fralopa9590 Месяц назад

    Hola profe. Donde puedo encontrar su libre sobre la quinta operacion?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      -. NEW NUMERICAL METHODS. THE RATIONAL MEAN www.amazon.com/-/es/Domingo-Gomez-Morin/dp/1520717245 Está en idioma inglés. Saludos

    • @fralopa9590
      @fralopa9590 28 дней назад

      @@redpillmath Me interesa más su libro titulado "La quinta operacion aritmetica, revolución del número". No soy muy bueno en ingles y no lo encuentro en amazon.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 27 дней назад

      @@fralopa9590 Disculpa. Esa fue la primera edición y solo está en algunas bibliotecas, esa edición fue apenas el inicio de este trabajo y faltan muchas cosas que sí están en la edición en inglés. Pero yo seguiré publicando por esta vía muchas de ellas, quienes se subscriban al canal podrán ir conociendo cosas nuevas que no enseñan en ningún libro ni institución educativa. De cualquier modo, me alegra tu interés, esa es la esencia de todo esto.

  • @Will-Ch
    @Will-Ch Месяц назад

    Buena información profesor, por eso en la universidad se sorprenden mucho al ver cursos como el algebra abstracta. Creo que desde la formación escolar debería enseñarse de la forma general los números porque así tendrían conceptos más genralizados de las matemáticas y que se le note más sentido.

  • @anamariagonzalezmolina5535
    @anamariagonzalezmolina5535 Месяц назад

    Bueno, a ver, vamos por partes. Por un lado, el método que se expone en el vídeo para aproximar raíces de números reales parece muy ingenioso y mejor que otros que ya están inventados. Felicitaciones sinceras por ello. Por otro lado, a mi siempre me felicitaron los profesores cuando me salía de la teoría y resolvía en la pizarra un ejercicio de manera diferente a la que nos habían enseñado. Es decir, nadie me impuso en el sistema educativo estudiar unos métodos y otros no. Todo lo contrario, nos explicaban las cosas a medias para que investigáramos por nosotros mismos como resolver los problemas. Por último, hay el cálculo de raíces cuadradas, cúbicas, cuartas, etc... no es la parte central del Cálculo. Los conceptos de límite, derivada, integral, series, etc... son esenciales en el desarrollo de cualquier estudiante de matemáticas porque abren las puertas para entender otros aspectos más profundos, como por ejemplo qué es un número real, o cómo se relaciona la geometría con la estadística. Además, algunos de los precursores del Cálculo, como Arquímedes o Newton, no solo descubrieron cosas relativas al Cálculo, y yo creo que sí fueron verdaderos genios. Pero no solo ellos, también lo fueron Leibnitz, Bolzano, Gauss, Cauchy, Weiersstrass, Riemman, Peano, etc... pero estos en menor medida que los dos primeros. Por cierto, ¿un método para calcular los extremos relativos de una función mejores que la derivada cuáles hay? ¿y para calcular áreas y volúmenes mejores que la integral? ¿y una demostración fácil de entender de la irracionalidad de pi o de e o de la trascendencia de pi y de e sin usar las herramientas "inconexas" que nos da el Cálculo que nos enseñan en la escuela?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      Bueno, a ver, vamos por partes. El método que expongo, a mi no me parece ingenioso, en absoluto, todo lo contrario, es absolutamente trivial y simple, imposible que fuese más trivial, y eso hace absolutamente inexplicable el que no aparezca en ningún libro de texto en toda la historia de las matemáticas. Y eso no es tontería, especialmente para toda aquella persona que haya dispensado tiempo leyendo tomos rigurosos (no panfletos) sobre la historia de las matemáticas y la teoría de números. Y no solo resulta inexplicable sino que por su trivialidad, el que no tengan precedentes en la literatura constituye una verdadera verguenza, y recalco: especialmente para todo aquel que hay leído suficiente la historia de la resolución de ecuaciones y sus métodos numéricos, y la filosofía de las matemáticas. Por otro lado, una pregunta, cuando usted le presentaba sus ideas a esos profesores que la felicitaban, ¿esas ideas de usted, por casualidad, sugerían acaso como corolario la existencia de un "Orden Natural"? Intuyo, con toda seguridad que no, porque si usted incluyera esa palabra o frase en cualquier escrito entonces se la tacharían y quizás le quiten hasta el saludo. De manera que por favor no haga comparaciones con algo que desconoce, una cosa son las ideas de usted y otra cosa son las ideas expuestas por otras personas. Eso que usted describe también me ocurría a mí, y a cualquiera, cuando exponía cualquier cosa nueva pero dentro del marco que el sistema educativo ha impuesto. Por supuesto que usted tiene libertad para exponer ideas, eso no se discute, pero con tal que sean ideas que se enmarquen dentro de la orientación impuesta y en la cual pareciera que estamos encerrados, es la esclavitud intelectual del siglo XXI. Solo repetir lo aprendido y defenderlo como si fuese la única vía, idolatrando personajes, no considero que sea lo adecuado, porque eso puede llegar a parecerse a lo que hacen en las Sectas. Su exposición pareciera no dar lugar ni posibilidad para ninguna otra idea que no sea la impuesta por Newton y sus exegetas. Yo en ningún lado afirmaré, que estos métodos sean una panacea, pero si afirmo que existe otra vía distinta a la que nos han impuesto, y hay que trabajar en eso, y es que no se trata solo de cálculo de raíces como usted afirma, esa es su visión limitada personal de la Media Racional y estos métodos, la misma visión que tuvieron tantos otros durante milenios, y lo cual dió lugar a que estos métodos triviales nunca aparecieran en la literatura en toda la historia. Esa operación fue ignorada a lo largo de toda la historia. Y como diría el famoso escritor Borges: El que usted no vea la generalidad de todo esto, no invalida mi testimonio. Solo le digo, como pequeño ejemplo, que las series de potencias de Maclaurin y Taylor, que contienen las derivadas de cualquier orden, son simples procesos racionales regidos por la Media Racional. Y los métodos aritméticos expuestos contienen los resultados de todas las derivadas de orden n de Householder. Eso, entre muchísimas otras cosas. La relación entre las derivadas y la Media Racional es evidente, la diferencia es que para trabajar con la Media racional no es necesario el sistema cartesiano, sino otro sistema. Osea, que si usted piensa que esto solo se trata de cálculo de raíces, debería repensarlo. Los métodos expuestos además se extienden fácilmente a la ecuación algebraica general de orden n y los números complejos, etc, etc. El problema es pensar que lo que le enseñaron a uno en la escuela es la única vía, que no puede existir otra cosa porque quienes crearon lo que uno aprendió eran genios semidioses. ¿Qué luego de mostrar métodos vegonzosamente triviales que dan los mismos resultados del cálculo infinitesimal, y que no aparecieron en toda la historia de las matemáticas, entonces me exijan también, que tengo que resolver todos los problemas matemáticos del mundo? Bueno, la respuesta a eso es simple: Hágalo usted mismo! Allí tiene las herramientas. Después no diga que no se la mostraron. Saludos cordiales.

    • @CRIS-BOU
      @CRIS-BOU 24 дня назад

      @@redpillmath Según lo que sumercé menciona en su mensaje sobre haber leído tomos rigurosos acerca de la historia de las matemáticas, ¿podría recomendar algunos libros clave para profundizar en esta área y la filosofía de las matemáticas? Sería interesante conocer fuentes que analicen estas temáticas desde una perspectiva crítica y con un enfoque profundo. Le agradecería mucho cualquier recomendación que pueda brindarme. Saludos.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 24 дня назад

      @@CRIS-BOU Libro que analice la historia de las matemáticas con sentido verdaderamente crítico y profundo, con humildad le puedo recomendar el mío: NEW NUMERICAL METHODS. THE RATIONAL MEAN www.amazon.com/-/es/Domingo-Gomez-Morin/dp/1520717245 Ahora, con respecto a libros que describan la historia y la filosofía de las matemáticas con bastante profundidad pero algunos siempre con la orientación que les impone el sistema, con gusto le indico a continuación apenas algunos de los muchos que aparecen referenciados en mi libro (Hay muchos más): **************************************** Dr. D.H. Fowler "The mathematics of Plato's Academy" (Con este matemático historiador de UK tuve intercambio de ideas por correo hace muchos años, ya falleció. El tenía la idea que esta operación LA MEDIA RACIONAL había sido utilizada por los antiguos griegos (Pero no para el cálculo de raíces, porque no hay evidencias de eso, pero si para fundamentar ideas filosóficas), eso está explicado con detalle en mi libro y es muy interesante e intrigante) Dr. Radha Charan Gupta. On some ancient and medieval methods of approximating quadratic surds (Con este matemático historiador también sostuve un intercambio muy agradable de ideas por correo hace muchos años, ya se retiró y no conozco su status actual en la India) Dr. Steven R. Finch. Cambridge. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Applications. (Este matemático muy amablemente incluyó alguno de los resultados de mi trabajo en la enciclopedia que le publica Cambridge) David E. Smith, History of Mathematics. Leonard Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers R. Courant ¿What is mathematics? Carl Boyer. A History of Mathematics James Newman. The world of mathematics. Thomas Heath. The history of Greek mathematics A.S. Householder. The numerical treatment of a single nonlinear equation B. Datta. The Science of Sulba, Calcutta. 1932 Nicomachus of Gerasa, Introduction to arithmetic. George Gheverghese Joseph. "La cresta del Pavo real". Las matemáticas y sus raíces no europeas etc. ****************************************

    • @CRIS-BOU
      @CRIS-BOU 24 дня назад

      @@redpillmath Muchas gracias!!

  • @ysaaclora4622
    @ysaaclora4622 Месяц назад


  • @avalons2170
    @avalons2170 Месяц назад

    Nunca habia visto el algoritmo que propone para el calculo de la raiz enesima de un numero. Muy interesante. No entiendo, en cambio, su postura en contra del calculo infinitesimal. Intuyo que lo considera contrario al "orden natural". Pero que vision tiene usted de los numeros irracionales, los trascendentes, de las ecuaciones diferenciales, etc ?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      Saludos. Me alegra ver su interés en esta materia. Mi postura respecto al calculo infinitesimal es que el sistema educativo no tiene derecho a imponerle a la gente una sola vía para el estudio de las ciencias, y que todos deberíamos sentirnos obligados a buscar otros caminos distintos y dejar de reverenciar a figuras intelectuales como si fuesen genios. El método de las fluxiones de Newton (o de Leibniz) requirió la construcción de los decimales, luego el sistema cartesiano y finalmente los infinitesimales. No se buscó algún orden prestablecido, simplemente se construyó a la fuerza un esquema geométrico donde poder aproximar la solución a ecuaciones, y al hacerlo entonces se consideran una especie de semidioses genios que son la única luz que nos ilumina. Por supuesto, yo no puedo afirmar que estos métodos sean la panacea del mundo, simplemente afirmo que existen otros caminos distintos y seguramente mucho mejores que aquellos que hemos heredado a la fuerza. Y seguramente existe un esquema distinto al sistema cartesiano para la representación de fenómenos y la utilización de la Media Racional, tal como lo he indicado en otros videos de este canal. Respecto a los número irracionales ya he indicado mi visión en otros videos de mi canal ARITMETICA DE LOS IRRACIONALES. ruclips.net/video/oHCUAv69ujg/видео.html Dynamic Maths. ruclips.net/video/J6k_O6i74fw/видео.html The Fifth Arithmetical Operation. The Missed link in Maths. ruclips.net/video/6lORU03yuvY/видео.html Mi conclusión es que los irracionales no son irracionales, son conjuntos de Racionales orbitando alrededor del núcleo que es el valor que representan. Y esa es la causa que explica la demostración de los antiguos griegos acerca de la dualidad Par e Impar de lo que sería el numerador o el denominador de ese valor(irracional) si fuese racional, razón por la cual concluyeron, por reducción a lo absurdo, que no podían ser racionales sino irracionales.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      Se me olvido mencionarle que no se trata solo de algortimos para la raíz enésima, el método se extiende a las raices de la ecuación algebraica general, números complejos, etc. Es un concepto general y unificador que conecta áreas de las matemáticas que podrían parecer desligadas.

    • @avalons2170
      @avalons2170 Месяц назад

      @@redpillmath parece mas potente de lo que imaginaba. Me pregunto si la teoría que usted propone puede llegar a describir un sistema en modo sintético y elegante como lo hace la lagrangiana.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      @@avalons2170 Muy buen punto. En eso se está trabajando. Y el sistema sobre el cual se asienta no necesariamente es el sistema cartesiano. En el sistema cartesiano el Cero o la Nada se encuentra definido como un punto localizado en el centro, la intesección de los dos ejes perpendiculares. Con la Media Racional sería un sistema distinto...

  • @logicalmorality4646
    @logicalmorality4646 Месяц назад

    I am not sure I quite understand it. Sorry. Maybe can you explain to me how experiment should work under classical mechanics how experiment should work under relativistic mechanics I am not sure why relativist would see sawtooth. I am a bit confused

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      Hi. All of that is fully detailed in the video. According to relativists, the photon should get lateral momentum and reach the mirror located at the extreme right, that is, the relativists "see" photons shining in the last mirror to the right. According to us, you see nothing shinning in the mirror located at the extreme right

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 8 дней назад

      In this video, which has English subtitles, all the details are fully explained about the device and the expected displacement of the photons in both cases, that is, according to special-bullshit relativity and, on the other hand, according to reality. I don't know what other details you want to grasp from that experiment. At a specific point in time (instantaneous time), the phenomenon that occurs with the tangential velocity of the light source in the aforementioned rotating device (rotating light source) is the same phenomenon that occurs at a specific point in time with the lateral velocity of the light source in the infamous thought light-clock experiment, I mean, according to special-bullshit relativity, in both cases, the photon will follow an inclined path respect to light source, yet in the real world, that will never ever happen. Since the configuration of a rotating apparatus in a practical and comfortable way makes it possible to demonstrate that there is no deviation of the photon, then such an apparatus is worth building. The video thoroughly explains all that with English Subtitles, and some calculations are also included.

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 8 дней назад

      @@redpillmath Ahh ok I get it now. It's like a merry-go-round with a wall along the radius. If an object slides along that wall, as it's ejected from the merry-go-round let's say at 12:00 position, it will still have horizontal momentum and move towards something like 1:00 position if rotating clockwise (depending on the speed it's ejected). This is similar to your gun. I actually didn't understand the physics here until I looked it up, I thought it would fly straight in the direction of the wall. Sorry my bad. Here is what I think relativity cult would say though... Your gun is rotating and in physics rotation is acceleration. Light works different in an accelerating frame of reference, in general relativity for example an accelerating frame of reference doesn't gain any lateral momentum from the source and travels perfectly straight according to outside observer. It's preposterously absurd, how can something accelerate without gaining velocity? Acceleration doesn't nullify velocity, it INCREASES it. Anyhow, I think it would be better to fire the light along a moving track at constant speed so acceleration can't be used as a counter-argument against your device. But ultimately if a person wants to believe in relativity they will. They will just say your track isn't perfectly straight, or the famous "spacetime" argument. When all else fails, they will just say "spacetime"... Time is the fourth dimension, now there is no rational argument you can present against that... Sorry I didn't watch your video too carefully the first time. Your device is quite convincing to me... Because I understand regardless of whether it's accelerating, it still has velocity perpendicular to direction of motion whether it's accelerating or not... Ok that's all I got for now! If you would like to direct message my email is logicalmorality@gmail.com Many more topics to cover! Quantum mechanics, godel's theorem, set theory, bertrand russell paradox, etc etc... Almost all the math and physics from around 1900 is bluepill. Einstein was the worst... "Not only children need a bit of thrashing, but also grown-ups, and especially women" -Albert Einstein

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 6 дней назад

      @@redpillmath Also I don't mean to sound negative... To any neutral/objective person this device will be convincing. I am confident though the relativity cult will try to intellectually berate you and say some garbage about how you didn't factor in acceleration.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 6 дней назад

      @@logicalmorality4646 There is no angular acceleration in the device, only centripetal acceleration. So. I am not quite sure what your point is. There is no accelerated frame moving in the experiment, only centripetal acceleration. In such a case, you, as a relativist, should prove how centripetal acceleration affects the photon in the radial and lateral directions. However, I must say that according to the Relativity Sect, acceleration also causes time dilation due to the change in relative velocity over time, even without a gravitational field. This is a fundamental aspect of how Special Relativity extends to scenarios involving acceleration. So in all cases, the experiment should yield a definitive and undoubtable result. On the other hand, even though there is no accelerated frame in there, I can add: The concept of a light clock experiment in an accelerated frame is less commonly visualized in the web and the literature than its inertial frame counterpart. However, resources that touch upon this topic or provide insights into how acceleration affects the light clock thought experiment without any gravitational field are available. Alll this gets even worse for relativists because the gravitational field should also contribute to deviating the photon path, much more than predicted without considering it. No matter the result of the experiment, the Relativity Sect will always argue some esoteric arguments as usual. I have no worries about that at all because in the Relativity Sect realm, we are dealing with scientific crime, with scientific mafia and mobs, not with scientific ideas.

  • @logicalmorality4646
    @logicalmorality4646 Месяц назад

    I thought a lot about this... If the light moves backwards in the rocket as shown, then from the rocket's perspective they see a sawtooth path now, and stationary observer sees straight up and down. This reverses Einstein's argument, which proves Einstein is not just wrong, but 100% backwards, but I think it needs a bit further elaboration why both would see same thing. You're right they would both see line up and down, but I think people might not understand why the rocket's perspective is optical illusion.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      The real problem is that this is not about science at all. This is not a matter of trying to convince people that Einstein was wrong. They all know they are wrong. All this relativity stuff is deeply rooted in the history of the philosophy of science and mathematics, as explained in my recent video ruclips.net/video/WDCmFoK0sG8/видео.html. There is no point at all in discussing this as a scientific topic because it is not science at all. Everywhere they can make observations, they shall conclude that Einstein was right, no matter the truth. All the particularities observed in the Michelson/Morley experiment, the light aberration effect using a telescope filled with water, GPS time clock differences, etc., All those cases can be explained in many other very different ways, but they will always choose special and general relativity as the only possible explanation. As some wise people say: The truth is relative, except for the Truth of Einstein's relativity theory. The relativists think they own the truth. I only use my videos to expose them, not to discuss with them any of their dementia absurdities that have been imposed by a vicious educational system with obscure intentions, as explained in my videos. I think it would be more interesting for you to construct the device as depicted in my other video: ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html so you can definitely and publicly prove that they are totally wrong.

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 Месяц назад

      @@redpillmath You have excellent videos! I watched the one on Non-euclidian geometry. Very well done. I made a video using some of the ideas in this video, I agree. And I think moral relativism emerges from this theory too. This is most dangerous type of relativity. I think relativity also has roots in nihilism. Once we clearly declare whether space is attached to stationary perspective or to moving perspective, then both observers either see zigzag or straight line up and down. Relativity illusion is cheap magic, vague reference points. I will watch your device, and try to understand it soon!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 24 дня назад

      @logicalmorality4646 Making videos that resemble the ideas exposed here is not a problem; this work's essence is spreading the Truth. Of course, that's fair as long as you mention or bring any reference to the author or the true source of the ideas that you grasped here and intend to expose to others; in that case, be sure everybody will be happy and will agree with that, otherwise we all agree it is not fair.

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 11 дней назад

      @@redpillmath Yes I am careful to reference the ideas of others whenever I use them! I included your name in both the video description, and in the video itself. You rock! Keep up the amazing work.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 11 дней назад

      The main goal is to construct the device shown in the video: SPECIAL RELATIVITY THEORY FUNERAL ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html I was looking for some parts on Amazon that are required. However, some problems that arose in my country (I will not talk about this for now) temporarily kept me from continuing with the construction. It is very simple; you only need the rotor that turns at the speed indicated there. There are many at Amazon, even faster. If that device is built, and the light beam is not reflected in the last mirror located to the right, then the sterile discussions and empty talks about special and general relativity will be over Notice the similarity between the behavior of the photons (alleged absurd lateral displacement) in such a device and the clock thought experiment (sawtooth path or inclined path) described in this video. . That would be the final burial of such an ill-intentioned intellectual fabrication whose main goal is to manipulate, control, and exploit vulnerable people and impose worldwide the philosophy of relativism and Uncertainty as the new religion. The leaders of all the religions of the world prostrated themselves before that and became accomplices by supporting the current tyrannical educational system imposed by the relativist elite.

  • @logicalmorality4646
    @logicalmorality4646 Месяц назад

    WOW! Awesome! Absolutely love this, I have been investigating relativity a lot myself. This is the best channel ever. I think we would have a lot of fun talking!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Месяц назад

      I'm glad to see your interest on this matter. Just today I uploaded a new video (Spanish language. I will include english captions) entitled: La orientación de la enseñanza científica: ¿Raíz de la crisis? ¿Por qué no vimos esto en la escuela? ruclips.net/video/WDCmFoK0sG8/видео.html

  • @marcoantoniazzi1890
    @marcoantoniazzi1890 5 месяцев назад

    What is the "3D-Postulate" ? I cannot find it mentioned anywhere in the video.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 4 месяца назад

      The 3D postulate is our 3D reality, with only three dimensions. This is commented on throughout the video.

  • @Xxcyclonexx44
    @Xxcyclonexx44 8 месяцев назад

    On the moving mirror example wouldn’t the light have no rightward movement if it wasn’t already emitted by a rightward emitting source. - The example where the mirrors move rightward but the photon doesn’t. The photon isn’t apart of the system anymore, so it would not be expected move with the Mirrors? - The photon isn’t tethered so why would it make a zig zag motion.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 8 месяцев назад

      No member of the relativity Sect will answer your questions, they will only argue that that can be explained by some "experimental observations they made", I mean, more on the same. The relativity literature is full of these lies. A huge hoax. You might also take a look at my other video: SPECIAL RELATIVITY THEORY FUNERAL ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html The simple experiment they will always refuse to make because it represents the end of all their relativity trash.

  • @onejumpman9153
    @onejumpman9153 Год назад

    Nice video, but I don't understand Lucas' explanation. He's saying that the light has no lateral motion in this particular example ... but what about a situation where it does? Suppose there's a photon moving at a slight angle -- mainly traveling vertically, but with a small lateral component to its motion (surely this is possible; light can move in any direction). Now suppose that there are two horizontal mirrors, and our photon comes in at its slight angle and gets caught bouncing between them. The photon will soon bounce out the other side of this "mirror sandwich". But say we begin to move the mirrors along, so that they keep up with the photon. The whole setup would look just like what's shown at 2:00. Now, suppose someone were moving alongside the mirrors, keeping perfect pace with them. Within their reference frame, the mirrors would be still, and the light would be traveling a shorter path. They would have to measure a different speed of light than someone standing still and letting the whole setup pass them by. Can you please explain this?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      There is no situation in which the photon has lateral momentum that does not exist because just as light does not acquire additional momentum due to the movement of the source in its direction of propagation (longitudinal), it also NEVER gains any lateral momentum (Transversal) due to the movement of the source. And if you say that the photon can get a lateral momentum from its source, you must prove it. After that, you will also have to explain and demonstrate why it does not acquire momentum in the direction of its propagation but it does magically get it in the lateral direction. I think you should also see the other video: SPECIAL RELATIVITY THEORY FUNERAL ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html Now, if you are clear that photons, in no respect, can acquire ***in any direction*** any momentum from the movement of the source. But you insist that the source initially generated the photon with a slight angle, then it is clear that you claim that in advance because you know the direction and are pretty sure about all that. So, knowing the slope, you can calculate the total tilt distance it travels, and you can calculate the time it takes to travel between the mirrors. But in that case, your Clock does NOT measure the time it takes to travel the minimum distance between the mirrors because you know that is NOT the distance. So now your Clock measures another different thing. However, the time it measures will always be the same regardless of the observation point. From any point of view, you will measure the same amount of time for that inclined distance because the light is not affected by the movement of the source. The brainwashing with all this scam Relativity stuff has been so profound and severe. The Elite has promoted and financed a massive campaign for more than a century and has been successful in raising funds from people's taxes. This is not a discussion about science anymore; this is a war against a tyranny that imposed a bunch of insane ideas in our educational system with all the terrible consequences our societies are suffering right now. In this regard, you might want to see other related videos on my RUclips channel, for instance, among others: **Non-Euclidean Geometry Myths Busted** ruclips.net/video/p4tW6onBVmg/видео.html

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 5 дней назад

      If the light moves on an angle forward, then to compare speed, your stationary observer's clock must also bounce light on the same angle forward to compensate... Thus the stationary person's clock moves the same increased distance, and measures the speed of light to be the same, because it is in fact moving the same distance, and no time dilation is occurring. You can not change how the moving observers clock works without also changing the stationary one, otherwise you are comparing different clocks.

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath Год назад

    Any fanatic who draws the sawtooth path for the light ray should be reprehended somehow, but a person who dares to state that that is due to the aberration effect should be intervened and assisted 🚑🚑🚑. --The effect of starlight aberration is due exclusively to the movement of the earth, not due to any lateral displacement of photons, nor any other insane relativistic elucubration, as the manipulations and decrees made based on Fresnel's, Fizeau's, von Laue's, Robert Emden's interpretations, assumptions, justifications and manipulations on the aberration effect among other things, like the twin stars, eclipses, etc. Of course, not the ridiculous Lorent's equations made to fit all their insanity. Insane elucubrations on old experiments that even all those relativity extremists internally know are FAKE, but they only want to tyrannically impose their corrupt and evil Caos-Relativity philosophy on our societies. They make all sorts of assumptions and think we must revere their lunatic ideas, decrees, and proclaims. The brainless-prepotent relativity extremists (similar to ISIS), will always argue something to justify their lies, but they will never try (and have never done) the extremely simple experiment shown in this video entitled SPECIAL RELATIVITY FUNERAL ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html (there are many variants for this experiment), because they know it will be THE END of their crude and immoral lies. It is just a matter of reality versus lies. There is no point in discussing anything with those the relativity fanatics because no matter the experiment or observation on aberration, parallax, twin stars, eclipses, etc., you can make, the relativists will always say they comply with their insane relativistic elucubrations. No matter the case, you will never see the sawtooth path. It is just a matter of reality versus lies and the intent to impose relativistic tyranny. In reality, the topic of relativity theory is not about science but about brainwashed extremists who will say anything out of hand without any care for the sake of truth because they follow a cult, a religious belief, or a best-selling commercial icon Einstein-type, very similar to what the ancient Sumerian enslaved people did before their kings and Uruk sages. It is about confronting an entire vicious system that exercises its power in the population and has modified the educational system by injecting the Caos-Relativity scam theories at all levels, a Ponzi scheme imposed at schools and homes, perverting our societies, with the severe consequences that we are suffering now with all sort of social trans-aberrations. In many cases, they have decided to be activist members of the Evil-Relativist Cult, and therefore, there is nothing to discuss with them. The only use we can make out of them is publicly exposing their lies and intents to create confusion as warning samples for mentally healthy young people so that they can prevent such relativistic brainwashing. Of course, I will never try to be a teacher for anyone because this is not about science but a WAR against evil installed in our educational system and our societies.

  • @dimal7439
    @dimal7439 Год назад

    what the student said is 100% wrong, the path of the light that is emitted from a moving source has an angle with respect to the horizontal plane this is called the aberration of light and it was known even before relativity. So the student must first learn physics before disagree with the professor just because he don't understand something

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      Firstly, that is false; the aberration of light is not an inclined light path but a telescope that has to get inclined due to its movement in reference to the star. They made some observations when the light passed through a telescope filled with water, and then they made all sorts of elucubrations. Relativity sect fans will always dictatorially match any experimental observations to their relativity hallucinations because this way, the leaders of the Relativity Sect can raise much more money. So, this is not a matter of science but a group of people conforming to a Sect that pretended to impose their beliefs and Faith on others. Regarding this particular false and arrogant argument from yours 🤡, I can say that any fanatic who draws the sawtooth path for the light ray should be reprehended somehow, but a person who dares to state that that is due to the aberration effect needs so much help 🚑🚑🚑. The student is there to ask the professor of the relativity Sect questions about what is wrong with the model he proposes. The professor will never answer anything because he knows that the student's remarks are correct, not the stupidity with which the relativists try to deceive the unwary. But fans of that sect think those lies are their reality, instead of the reality they see every day, and also think that they and their commercial icons, Einstein type, are kind of geniuses. The problem is one of psychiatric care before anything else. --The effect of starlight aberration is due exclusively to the movement of the earth, not due to any lateral displacement of photons, nor any other insane relativistic elucubration, as the manipulations and decrees made based on Fresnel's, Fizeau's, von Laue's, Robert Emden's interpretations, assumptions, justifications and manipulations on the aberration effect. Of course, not the ridiculous Lorent's equations made to fit all their insanity. Insane elucubrations on old experiments that even all those relativity extremists internally know are FAKE, but they only want to tyrannically impose their evil Caos-Relativity philosophy on our societies. They make all sorts of assumptions and think we must revere their lunatic conclusions, decrees, and proclaims. The brainless-prepotent relativity extremists (similar to ISIS), will always argue something to justify their lies. Still, they will never try (and have never done) the extremely simple experiment shown in my other video entitled SPECIAL RELATIVITY FUNERAL ruclips.net/video/oMrFFPJftWU/видео.html in all the versions or variants it can be done because they know it will be THE END of their crude lies. It is just a matter of reality versus lies.

    • @logicalmorality4646
      @logicalmorality4646 5 дней назад

      If the light moves on an angle forward, then to compare speed, your stationary observer's clock must also bounce light on the same angle forward to compensate... Thus the stationary person's clock moves the same increased distance, and measures the speed of light to be the same, because it is in fact moving the same distance, and no time dilation is occurring. Relativity is absolutely a cult! It has infected every domain of academia, especially philosophy. There is no right and wrong, there is no true and false anymore... Just relativity!

  • @Odair_Fernandes
    @Odair_Fernandes Год назад

    @00:14 The most difficult thing to understand: why does Lucas have Einstein as the front cover of his notebook?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      I don't understand why you say that. Lucas clearly explained that that is the easiest way to pass all the exams because the current educational system is totally vicious and evil. But things get even worse, the current vicious educational system has brainwashed vulnerable people to the point that even accepting that Lucas is right, the cranky members of the Relativity Sect still think that special and general relativity is not affected by that and continue being valid; at such a level of insanity and dementia, the current educational system has injected delusional ideas into their brains far beyond help.

  • @everythingisalllies2141
    @everythingisalllies2141 Год назад

    100$ correct. Its exactly what I've been saying for many years. Not only that SR is wrong, but its a real conspiracy that involves much more than just the science. But no one cares, they prefer their comfortable lies.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      That's right. Now, the time has come and we must unite to react against such a huge cultural conspiracy.

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath Год назад

    *MESSAGE TO GEOMETRY CHEATERS:* Someone sent me the following argument which I quote: "Spherical angles are perfectly well-defined; they don't even depend on the curvature of the sphere as they are defined as the angles between planes". And based on that he asserts there is nothing wrong with the example of the Spherical Surface that the relativity fans use to show a New Independent Spherical World, as indicated in the video. So, I decided to include such a nonsense argument because this is the typical line of thought of brainwashed people who only repeat what they read and are just devoted to praising the relativistic trash that the Elite that controls the current vicious educational system has imposed on all of us. *This is my response to these relativistic fanatics:* You cannot say to have created a new independent world (Spherical Surface), I mean a "New Non-Euclidean Geometry", and at the same time, define all its elements by using other elements that do not belong to your new independent Geometry, that is, by using the elements of our custom 3d Euclidean space. If you created a new independent spherical surface world, then you do not have 3D-SPACE any longer, you lost any connection with our current 3D-Space, and you are just alone in your NEW INDEPENDENT spherical surface world, your alleged New Geometry. Consequently, YOU CANNOT USE ANGLES BETWEEN PLANES TO DEFINE ANGLES IN YOUR SPHERICAL SURFACE BECAUSE PLANES DO NOT BELONG TO YOUR NEW INDEPENDENT SPHERICAL SURFACE WORLD, YOU MUST DEFINE THOSE ANGLES USING THE ELEMENTS THAT EXCLUSIVELY BELONG TO YOUR NEW SPHERICAL-SURFACE WORLD, no 3D elements allowed!. Otherwise, you are just a SPACE CHEATER, I mean, you have not created any new independent world, and even in your imagination, you are always trapped in the 3D-Space. YOU CAN NOT USE THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY TO DEFINE THE ELEMENTS OF YOUR NEW INDEPENDENT NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, YOU MUST LOCATE YOURSELF WITH YOUR NEW GEOMETRY SPACE AND USE THE AVAILABLE ELEMENTS OF THAT SPACE. Otherwise, you are just a GEOMETRY CHEATER, you are cheating, and you have not created any new geometry, you are just a vulgar cheater, and your alleged Non-euclidean geometry is just a SCAM, a vulgar PONZY SCHEME. *Got it?* I must remark, that his nonsense line of thought is not his fault, at all. Indeed, the Elite that controls the current vicious academic system has a huge brainwashing machinery, and most vulnerable people have been brainwashed with the relativistic trash and now are unable to see reality. They just need some help to know HOW TO ESCAPE THE MATRIX: ruclips.net/video/jM9KZjgnujA/видео.html (Unfortunately, some of them have no coming back) Of course, the unrecoverable brainwashed slaves of the current vicious educational system will utter insults out loud when realizing the truth before their eyes, because these videos are evidence that they do not have any valid justification for their absurd relativistic trash, they lack any trace of independent thought, and they are unconditionally prostrated to the relativistic trash that the current vicious educational system injected into their brains. They will not admit their wrong because they are not really interested in science but to manipulate, control, and exploiting vulnerable people, so they will try to continue CHEATING people with their relativistic trash, and this means that we are not dealing with any Academic stuff, but with a Mob willing to make anything to hold their power, so this is not just about rising logic arguments in academic discussions, this is bloody War. We can see the direct consequences of the chaos-relativistic-einstein trash in our societies, all the aberrations that we are witnessing day by day. They imposed their Ponzy-Relativistic stuff in our educational system since very long time ago, they got into the minds of young people, their homes, and the Media and so we are suffering the consequences. This is a war between good and perversion, and nowadays there are only very few people that are sincerely willing to face that battle against the current vicious educational system and its chaos-relativistic trash, most of them feel the discomfort but do not have any idea about the real causes for the current social chaos so they are not really prepared to face the battle, in other cases they are just "religion" fans that only want to use religions to manipulate and exploit others. So there are only very few people sincerely willing to face this battle, almost Zero. So our mission is to transmit this message, exposing the true causes of our current social problems and showing a proposal as explained in my book and other videos on this channel. so we need more people to join us, otherwise, it will be too late. Our mission includes trying to rescue all those stronger minds that even under the current social circumstances are capable of returning to sanity.

  • @InterestsInEverything
    @InterestsInEverything Год назад

    Sorry, one more question: At 14:30, you got "(P3x^2)/(x^4 + 2Px)" for the third RM. I didn't calculate that, but instead I got "(P3x)/(x^3+2P)". Is there a reason mine has the x cancelled out, but yours still contains the extra factor of x/x?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      I am back. So let's talk about this. As you can see, this is a new mathematics. Number is not just an absolute value; just like flowers have scent, color, and forms, also, Number is not just an absolute value, a decimal value, a mere reference class object. Number has multiple forms and locations that can modify the results when applying the general and unifying RationalMean concept. As you can see, I pointed out the general initial set: a1/b1, a2/a1, (P*b1)/a2 so using a1=x, a2=x^2, b1=1, this brings the initial set x/1, x^2/x, P/x^2, which is the same than x, x, P/x^2, but according to the Rational Mean Concept (Dynamic Maths), Number has multiple particular forms and locations in the set; both sets are not the same thing. So given the initial set x/1, x^2/x, P/x^2 then you get 3Px^2/(2Px+x^4), and this particular configuration brings a new set of functions that easily helps you appreciate that their product is trivial and equal to P. Try continuing the process using both initial sets that according to our traditional math concepts are the same thing, and try to get the second row of iteration functions. There is a vast amount of root-approximating algorithms that you can create by using the Rational Mean, and such algorithms produce High-Order Iteration functions, so it is frankly inexplicable to me that these methods have not appeared in the literature since ancient times. These methods embrace, -among other new ones-, the well-known Bernoulli's method, as well as Newton's, Halley's, and Householder's Infinitesimal Calculus methods that involve High-Order derivatives just by using the Simplest Arithmetic. These methods evidence the existence of a Natural order in Quantity that was inexplicably missed by ancient mathematicians. Of course, this contradicts what has been stated in thousands of math textbooks on the history of mathematics, so most modern chaos-relativistic mathematicians will not easily accept this, however, they have no other alternative. You might also take a look at another related video from mine: ruclips.net/video/jM9KZjgnujA/видео.html This issue is much more than just new algorithms; it roots back to ancient times and embraces the consequences we are suffering nowadays in our societies from an ill-conditioned educational system.

    • @InterestsInEverything
      @InterestsInEverything Год назад

      @@redpillmath Yes, I have watched all your videos and seen various articles and posts you've made. I have not read your book yet (English is my first language, and even watching the videos with captions has taken quite a long time). I am well aware that this is brand new, never before seen, and does not rely on infinitesimals, calculus, or geometry. I also understand that this introduces new methods that are equivalent to and better than Bernoulli, Newton, and Householder. I also understand that we should keep track of everything. For example, even though x/x would equal 1, we lose information if we write it as "1". Therefore it's better that we write it as x/x so as to not lose information, and also to generalize a process further and potentially develop further applications. I'm mainly trying to understand the importance of why we have chosen the sets we have chosen. Will it work for any chosen set? Why x, x, and P/(x^2)? Is it strictly because the product is P? What if you chose a set of four items, like x, x, x, and P/(x^3)? Would it change much? After all, the product is P. And also, why MUST the product be P? What is special about the product? What if instead the quotient was P? Or what if its raised power was equal to P? Perhaps I need to understand the Generalized Mediant more deeply.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      @@InterestsInEverything When approximating the cube root of P, we are trying to solve the equation x^3 = P. We can put that equation in the form x1*x2*x3=P, three different numbers x1,x2,x3 whose product must be P to satisfy the equation. So to solve x^3 = P you must make x1=x2=x3 = x, and you can achieve that by using the Rational Mean as shown in the video, x1=x, x2=x, x3=P/x^2 though there are many other ways. If you use four numbers, then you are approximating the fourth root of P, and so on. The rules you apply for the set of approximations depend on the equation you are trying to solve, in the case of Root Approximations, the rule is a set of 'n' numbers whose product is P, so to comply with the equation x^n = P. Note: The book is in English language. New Numerical Methds. The Rational Mean.

  • @InterestsInEverything
    @InterestsInEverything Год назад

    Thanks for this work! I have a few questions: 1. Why should we be allowed to use 1/0 here (in computing e and phi)? I understand that it "works" (it makes the numbers come out), but is there a deeper reason? Does it have something to do with infinity and God-like qualities? 2. Around 13:00, why do we change the order of denominator/numerator equalizations across all three RMs? Are we choosing them specifically BECAUSE their product is P? If so, is there a special reason that we want the product to be P? 3. What is the application of substituting in an x? Thanks again!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      1. You might also have asked that question in the case of Simple Continued Fractions where the Mediant algorithm for the generation of all the convergents must start with 1/0 to comply with the continued fractions results; that issue has been pointed out in math texts on Continued Fractions (Cauchy, Comberousse, etc). Also, in the case of the accepted proof of the ordered generation of all the Rational Numbers using Brocot sequences which start with 1/0 and 0/1 (Also consider the well known Farey Fractions). I have no answer to that question; this is a mix of philosophy and metaphysics, interesting indeed, but I have no answer for that, I am just amazed by all the Natural Order arising from the two extremes of Quantity 0/1 and 1/0. All this suggests a very different point of view of all we have inherited in mathematics, especially in reference to things like the Cartesian System where Zero(0/1) was confined to a point with an absolute Zero value, and also in the case of the inherited infinitesimal calculus and all its consequences.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      2. The condition that their product is always P, guarantees that you always have a value above and another below the root value. Besides, the condition that the Rational Mean yields a Mean Value between the extremes values of the set, guarantees that your algorithm will converge to the root.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      3. Please elaborate on your question, I dont understand the point here.

    • @InterestsInEverything
      @InterestsInEverything Год назад

      @@redpillmath I appreciate your quick response! 1. I understand. My imagination has always aroused at the idea of 1/0 and 0/1 being extrema, almost like you need one to have the other. This is very philosophical, but I had hopes you were aware of some more rigorous math about the case. 2. I am still confused as to what would cause us to want the product to be P, rather than just computing any of the Rational Means (RMs). Perhaps I need to dive in deeper and study more. I have filled up my whiteboards with it, but it is not yet clear to me. 3. I think I figured this one out. My original question should have been phrased as "When choosing the set of 3 numbers for a cube root-as x, x, and P/x^3-was that arbitrary? And if so, what is the purpose of choosing a variable (x)?" But when graphing the results, I think I have noticed that x is simply a number you choose to get closer to the value of the cube root of P, which is amazing that you can just choose a number value! However now I have a new question: What would be a good strategy for choosing a value for x? Also, sorry for all the questions, I don't know if you saw my other one: Sorry, one more question: At 14:30, you got "(P3x^2)/(x^4 + 2Px)" for the third RM. I didn't calculate that, but instead I got "(P3x)/(x^3+2P)". Is there a reason mine has the x cancelled out, but yours still contains the extra factor of x/x?

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      ​@@InterestsInEverything I am glad to see your interest in this, so I am also pleased to answer any questions. As you probably have noticed, I have two books on Amazon (One in English and the other in Spanish) whose description appears in the video comments; there is _much more_ information in those books. About your thoughts on Infinity and Zero, I can say there is no "rigorous" math on Infinity because Infinity escapes from human understanding; I mean, we can have models, proposals, and approximations. Still, you will never get a real "rigorous" math on Infinity, for whatever that word "rigorous" could mean to us ("The Truth"???). In both of my books, I included some reflections on that subject. As a matter of fact, the point you are raising on Infinity and Zero is what makes the 'Rational Mean' a truly unique operation. This new general and unifying 'RationalMean' concept contradicts many traditional definitions, leading to a different mathematics vision. In this regard you might also take a look at the other related videos: ruclips.net/video/6lORU03yuvY/видео.html (English captions) ruclips.net/video/VKy0UPOf1Ew/видео.html. I will answer the other questions as soon as I can; there is so much to say on that; I am on a short trip right now.

  • @gauravchauhan6343
    @gauravchauhan6343 Год назад

    I was sure about its not only me who thinks this theory is bullspit 😂😂😂. Love your work man . I hope people will realise one day

  • @rl7012
    @rl7012 Год назад

    Great subject matter but the music is too LOUD. Please turn it down as it drowns out the very important points made.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      Thanks for your comment, you are right. Unfortunately, the music and the voices were recorded at once, so I cannot modify only the music in the youtube editor. In the other videos on this channel, I tried to fix that.

    • @rl7012
      @rl7012 Год назад

      @@redpillmath OK thanks for the reply. I really liked your special relativity cartoon expose. Maybe do one on the photon and its so called wave/particle duality? The double slit experiment is a joke just waiting to be exposed.

  • @scotfarquharson6836
    @scotfarquharson6836 Год назад

    This is adorable.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      The issue is that the controversial videos shown on my channel affect many selfish interests and go against the imposed system, so I have been blocked or banned from almost all the related forums on the internet, Reddit, Physics, Math, etc. Therefore, it is imperative to unite interested people to fight against the tyrannic censorship they impose on the whole Media. I will not bend my knees and will continue fighting. The world is not fine, the current system urgently needs a radical change.

    • @scotfarquharson6836
      @scotfarquharson6836 Год назад

      @@redpillmath More power to ya my brother!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      @@markp4184 That is just another excuse to allow the ancient system to continue forever and some people profiting lots of money without bringing any real effort: Liability, Risk, and Contribution to society. You say that the change is very basic and everyone knows the solution, and that is false. Nobody knows what to do, and the proof is that since the first civilization we continue living within a loop of social injustice. You do not know what the heck you mean by your general phrase: "the simplicity of living naturally and without money and without totalitarian governments". You are not proposing anything but just a general phrase. I am proposing something very concrete, to measure each person's activity by means of an EFFORT INDEX. I am not talking about not using money, I am talking about using money in the right way, with true social justice. Something that no ideology has considered in the whole history of humankind.

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath Год назад

    You can give it a try. Be careful to use an account that you will not notice if you lose it. Try posting a link to this video on any science forum. You will be blocked and banned without any explanation, and if you insist on Reddit, for example, they will delete your account. No one will respond to what is shown in this video, no one will explain why the photon must follow the path they indicate in thousands of books about SRT, and you will not find an answer in those books either. Nobody will answer you; they will only tell you that you do not understand and you are wrong and that the manipulations they make with the experiments on aberration, twin stars, eclipses, etc., corroborate all their insane elucubrations. Besides, you must trust that GRT has been experimentally proven, but you will not be allowed to see the experiments and look for other reasonable explanations different from GRT. The same thing happens in any radical sect. Give it a try, and you will see the Sect in action.

  • @sciencevigilante6133
    @sciencevigilante6133 Год назад

    Very hilarious video. I always had a gut feeling that Relativity was intertwined with some conspiracy. This video reinforced that feeling.

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath Год назад

      Hi, all this has deep roots in past times, as seen in another video on this channel: Non-Euclidean Geometry Myths Busted ruclips.net/video/p4tW6onBVmg/видео.html and another one coming soon. This is something big, more than we can see at this moment. Some people were convinced that GPS satellite clocks depend on SRT; however, when I asked them for any GPS Technical Data Sheet showing any reference or configuration parameters related to SRT, they did not want to talk more about the GPS subject. I am an experienced civil engineer with almost 40 years in the field, so I know a bit about GPS, well enough to know that it is false because there are thousands of other reasons for the observed differences in time in satellite clocks. Unfortunately, some people, even colleagues repeat everything they read in the books without looking for the truth.

    •  Год назад

      FYI, a short video about GPS without Relativity: ruclips.net/video/xqcQy8lZp_w/видео.html (English subtitles available). This site (NNM) deals critically with the theory of relativity.

  • @shadowgames50
    @shadowgames50 Год назад

    My man couldn't handle the metric tensor🤣🤣🤣

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath Год назад

    This video shows strong and clear proof of the existence of the Natural Order that the ancient Greek philosophers foresaw but inexplicably could not find. This video reveals the lost connection, the link that the ancients missed, provoking the failure of their ideas and vision of the world. High-order arithmetic root-approximation methods that only require the simplest arithmetic, accessible to anyone with a secondary school level. And they embrace the most advanced algorithms of infinitesimal calculus for approximating irrational numbers, among other new algorithms. These elementary and powerful methods do not appear in any math text since the first civilization, even though they had the basic arithmetic tools to achieve them. The simplicity and general-unifying principle that rule these methods constitute clear evidence that the leaders of the religious and intellectual Elites throughout history never had any interest in pursuing and demonstrating the existence of a Natural Order; they just wanted to manipulate, control, and exploit vulnerable people. And that's a crucial revelation that comes out of these methods because such behavior gave rise to a very different view of the world, harmful ideologies, and philosophies that have caused so much pain in our societies. The genuine red pill for maths: to be able to visualize the whole picture, the true foundations that gave rise to a system of egocentrism, ambition, manipulation, control, and exploitation. These were the only principles of the religious-intellectual Elites throughout the history of humankind. The irony is that whoever expresses direct opposition to that story and proposes another path is immediately accused of being arrogant, self-centered, and pretentious.

  • @redpillmath
    @redpillmath 2 года назад

    The brainwashing that the relativistic Sect has done to many vulnerable people is severe. This cranky-Sect has caused so much damage to society, so one day, they will have to pay for that. When realizing that they had not even thought about what is shown in this video, the first sudden reaction of some followers of the special-bullshit relativity Sect is to argue that a mirror could reflect the photon in other directions. But, unfortunately, their brainwashing does not allow them to realize that if the mirror reflects the photon in another direction, then they would have to answer these two questions: 1.- In what direction exactly would it will be reflected? 2.- What is the cause of such reflection? You cannot escape from those questions. _First Question Analysis:_ Would the reflection exclusively follow the sawtooth path that they dictatorially impose? How convenient! What a deal! By royal decree! Because they are geniuses, kind of demigods that impose how nature acts! And they are not obliged to explain why!!! What a deal! Well, I say that it could be reflected in another very different direction, so it is not the original clock; that's another different clock. _Second Question Analysis:_ What would be the cause for such reflection? We are dealing with ideal mirrors, but if any member of the special-bullshit relativity Sect insists that the photon is reflected in another direction due to irregularities in the mirror (not due to lateral momentum) then you should understand that you are now measuring time using another different clock, which is not the original one, so you cannot state the bullshit relativistic stuff from that. And if you argue that the cause is a lateral momentum imprinted by the mirror, then you must explain how the source can affect light but ONLY in the lateral direction. Holy cow, my Gosh... And there are always the traditional fanatics that argue that SR can be demonstrated by experiments on the aberration of light, twin stars, eclipses, etc. So their manipulations and decrees, and the Fresnel's, Fizeau's, von Laue's, and Robert Emden's justifications and manipulations on the aberration effect and other phenomena, become by royal decree the laws of our universe. Now, who the hell do they think they are? The CRANKINESS of the followers of the special-bullshit relativity Sect makes them not worry about that. Things happen as they have decreed by royal mandate, and they have no reason to bring any explanation but just a proclamation of their theory. Showing their characteristic boorishness, arrogance, and egocentrism, they will just answer: You are wrong. You do not understand relativity theory. Reality does not matter for them. They have reached a high level of egomania and no longer care about anything in this regard, and they get so many benefits from that. They have the support of the Elite. They can silence the critics in all the internet forums and Media. They mute all those who do not buy their lies and manipulations. Of course, many know that special-bullshit relativity is a lie, but they do not care as long as they hope to benefit from it. But the change is coming, and people will put things in the right place.

    • @sciencevigilante6133
      @sciencevigilante6133 Год назад

      You have good arguments. I have also investigated the nature of light in a different approach and come to identical conclusions, so I mostly agree with your model. I think the brainwashing of the Relativistic sect is so strong that it needs a proper competition of natural orderly theory to completely displace it from the minds of the ignorant.

  • @MusicOneSG
    @MusicOneSG 2 года назад


  • @lucasmiras9296
    @lucasmiras9296 2 года назад

  • @lucasmiras9296
    @lucasmiras9296 2 года назад

    Hello World, my name is Lucas.

  • @robharwood3538
    @robharwood3538 2 года назад

    Thank you for the subtitles! Without them, unfortunately I would never have had the opportunity to understand your lecture, and your valuable insights! Thank you for this video. It is incredibly enlightening for me!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 28 дней назад

      Might be you could be also interested in this video: Proceso Racional vs Calculo Infinitesimal. Ni en escuelas, ni en libros enseñan esto! ¿Por qué? English subtitles ruclips.net/video/K2pRi_aONQc/видео.html

  • @robharwood3538
    @robharwood3538 2 года назад

    Wow! This was fascinating (if a little corny at times 😅). I have been dabbling with continued fractions, root approximations using matrices like this, and various other related ideas. But this video (and I presume the other videos on this channel) has such a more-complete -- and, not merely complete, but *especially* intuitive and conceptually-integrated -- comprehension of these topics I've been stumbling around with! I can't wait to start trying them out and seeing how they help unify my previous thoughts and ideas. Thanks! Subscribed!

    • @redpillmath
      @redpillmath 2 года назад

      I'm glad to see your interest. The videos tell a story and have been ordered in the playlists. Some videos can be unfriendly/shocking for some people; you must have an open mind to see them. The points of view of people around the world can be quite different. So what for some people constitute masterpieces that were produced by superior minds and a perfect educational system; for others, it is simply a parapet produced by a vicious financial educational system and based on selfish interests of control, domination, and exploitation of vulnerable people, implying that there must be other ways to make science. So beware of that.😀

  • @makowaza3560
    @makowaza3560 2 года назад


  • @nancileal7206
    @nancileal7206 2 года назад

    Very good video excellent innovative content. 👏👏🏾 👏🏻 🤜💥🤛

  • @nancileal7206
    @nancileal7206 2 года назад

    Excellent! 👍