• Видео 1
  • Просмотров 58 843
Просмотров: 58 895



  • @LizBorg
    @LizBorg 10 дней назад

    Beautiful ❤

  • @lucesdelila5363
    @lucesdelila5363 11 дней назад

    Robin forever👑

  • @melbamccleery7419
    @melbamccleery7419 26 дней назад

    This make me cried all the time mine husband died from cancer June 3 2021

  • @allanbillingham4210
    @allanbillingham4210 Месяц назад

    just been to Robins grave in Thame Oxfordshire very emotional

  • @VladimirArdon
    @VladimirArdon Месяц назад

    Maravillosa Melodía, Fantástica.

  • @carlosrehlsanmartin1618
    @carlosrehlsanmartin1618 2 месяца назад

    Alguen me dedico esta cancion aun recuerdo mucho a esta dama que me quiso y bailamos siempre esta cancion

  • @alangeorgehayman4334
    @alangeorgehayman4334 2 месяца назад


  • @joanncales1067
    @joanncales1067 2 месяца назад

    I grew up listening to The Bee Gees and every song they had some of them I could relate too. When Maurice had died it was a sad day. Also Robin died I think I went into shock. Can’t leave out Andy, he looked and sounded so much as his oldest brother Barry. Well it 2024 and Barry is till here and want to say I really appreciated all the songs that they had written and they are still going strong for the younger generations.

  • @di5939
    @di5939 3 месяца назад

    Beautifull voice. I miss him😢🌹💞

  • @carolhardin5831
    @carolhardin5831 4 месяца назад

    I've been a huge fan of the Bee Gees for many years and I have never heard this song. I love it ❤

  • @sharonmarie1258
    @sharonmarie1258 4 месяца назад

    I will always miss you Billy ❤ We fly rings around the moon in my dreams.

  • @KvetaTumova
    @KvetaTumova 5 месяцев назад

    Nádherná píseň

  • @ittybittykittymama7582
    @ittybittykittymama7582 6 месяцев назад

    This song is so achingly beautiful, with Robin's voice soaring as high as the rings of Saturn itself! My heart breaks for the loss of Andy, Maurice and Robin. It would seem my tears would end, but they will persist in falling until we are all Home forever.

  • @karin10987
    @karin10987 7 месяцев назад

    Beautifull song..😢

  • @lindajames978
    @lindajames978 7 месяцев назад

    *Beautiful song sung by a trio of brothers that were our Bee Gees, no matter who your favourite was, this song is sung beautifully with Robin taking the lead, one of my very favourite*

  • @parisjok5311
    @parisjok5311 7 месяцев назад

    Barry said this is his favorite song that he loves to hear Robin sing❤.

  • @patriciaelg1464
    @patriciaelg1464 9 месяцев назад

    Beautiful Robin❤️ what a gorgeous voice and song by the Bee Gees.🎶

  • @cristinaluciapagliariccio2
    @cristinaluciapagliariccio2 11 месяцев назад

    Tema bellisimoooooo y la voz de Robin INCOMPARABLE, INCREIBLE UNICA. Por SIEMPRE JAMAS SERAS OLVIDADO. Vivirás en nuestro corazón ♥ ❤

  • @jeanetteSconzert-dc9nh
    @jeanetteSconzert-dc9nh 11 месяцев назад


  • @Marie-PierreHeddebaut
    @Marie-PierreHeddebaut Год назад

    Merveilleuse chanson.

  • @chopchung
    @chopchung Год назад

    For those of you outside the UK having a number one single @Christmas is VERY prestigeous!. I was convinced and REMAIN so that had they used this as an A side single instead of hiding it away on a B side and as a bonus track on the "Still Waters" CD, it WOULD have been a UK number 1. It perfectly conjures up winter images of freezing fog banks,glowing coloured lights and poor people trying to keep warm around firey braziers,above them the moon fights to break through from a dark, frozen sky!.🎑🌠🌠

  • @ElenaBeatrizRistau-z6g
    @ElenaBeatrizRistau-z6g Год назад

    Uma vez BEE GEES sempre amará BEE GEES, fantásticos! Eternos em nossos corações! Amo BEE GEES !

  • @margaretgeagan8121
    @margaretgeagan8121 Год назад

    My mom passed away on February 20th and she was my world, and she was my best friend and she was my ❤, And I miss her terribly 😢She loved the BEEGEES they were her favorite group, She always had their album and when she found out that they were on CD'S she asked me to get it for her, My heart goes out to Barry Gibb because I know exactly how he feels, I'm sorry for lose Mr. Barry Gibb😢

  • @evairevair7552
    @evairevair7552 Год назад

    Rings Around The Moon If you're lonely in the black of night If you call me, I'll be there I was falling, you helped me get it right And I thank you, yes, I thank you And I pray for the sign And it won't be too late If you just come down I can look you in the eye I can tell you that I love you And my love will never die And it's time that you know Just how far I mean to go We fly rings around the moon We fly rings around the moon Come tomorrow when the candle burns And I wake up by your side All my sorrow, you made it disappear And I thank you, yes, I thank you And I lay down my life And I won't be alone If you just take time And be sure of who you are We can take it up to heaven We can walk amongst the stars And I know if you stay I will never turn away We fly rings around the moon We fly rings around the moon And I lay down my life And it won't be too late If you just take time And be sure of who you are We can take it up to heaven We can walk amongst the stars And I know if you stay I will never turn away We fly rings around the moon We fly rings around the moon

  • @matthewhassain7269
    @matthewhassain7269 Год назад

    Robins voice so great an excellent voice with beautiful words rip my friend 😢😢❤

  • @lindajames978
    @lindajames978 Год назад

    Stunningly beautiful even today 2023. RIP Robin and Maurice your music plays on ❤❤

  • @kevinhoward9593
    @kevinhoward9593 Год назад

    its not on the album on iTunes

    • @Cozy_Ty
      @Cozy_Ty Год назад

      Yeah it isn't

    • @lclark6854
      @lclark6854 Год назад

      It's on the single for Alone. I can't understand why a song as good as this did not make it onto the album.

    • @musicalyte1
      @musicalyte1 Год назад

      It’s one of many beautiful Robin leads that ‘didn’t make the album’.

    • @patriciaelg1464
      @patriciaelg1464 9 месяцев назад

      This is the most beautiful Bee Gees song I have ever heard!❤

    • @kthor
      @kthor 10 дней назад

      Then why the heck didn't Robin put this on his '03 Magnet album??? Instead he desecrated Andy's Tribute & Memorial Song Wish You Were Here, just to put on the album! That's why Barry estranged himself from Robin after Mo died, as it was released 2 wks later. What a dumb azz & he deserved for Barry to distance himself from him!

  • @lizz5235
    @lizz5235 Год назад

    He was the most gauntly handsome man I have ever seen with a voice to die for. Flying rings around the moon - keep flying Robin xxx

  • @beegeesfanjessicashlee
    @beegeesfanjessicashlee Год назад

    In memory of Andy Gibb, Aaron Carter, Maurice Gibb and Robin Gibb. And all this is my little brother of heavenly Father, God bless you all of us.🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

  • @studiomontreux1995
    @studiomontreux1995 Год назад

    We fly rings around the moon

  • @eloarodriguesdasilva8255
    @eloarodriguesdasilva8255 Год назад


  • @mariweldon8648
    @mariweldon8648 Год назад

    No words❤🙏🏼✨

  • @debhanson8906
    @debhanson8906 Год назад


  • @fredvagi4360
    @fredvagi4360 Год назад

    So so touching m spirit pouring out my heart a climax of love of only people who are in love..a rythm of melody flashing through my being

  • @John-es7zn
    @John-es7zn Год назад

    This is a song to our loved ones who have passed and how we feel

  • @patriciacroteau6418
    @patriciacroteau6418 2 года назад

    Really lovely. Just came across this song and it is one of their most beautiful.

  • @kudabear4898
    @kudabear4898 2 года назад

    The only thing I can say is.....Beautiful song!!!!

  • @karimadam2897
    @karimadam2897 2 года назад

    J'aime beaucoup les BeeGees. Je suis fan et j'adore écouter leurs belles chansons. Je n'oublierai jamais les années de la belle époque.

  • @sahondrarijaraharison5812
    @sahondrarijaraharison5812 2 года назад


  • @lindacuttic6383
    @lindacuttic6383 2 года назад

    Come fly with me

  • @joannetrivignobozik6218
    @joannetrivignobozik6218 2 года назад

    I love this song so much!!!!!!!!

  • @shirinjim5375
    @shirinjim5375 2 года назад

    Simply beautiful when Robin sings he makes my heart melt love you Robin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

  • @luciamarianascimento8336
    @luciamarianascimento8336 2 года назад

    Vídeos dos pais deles muito. Emocionante lindos demais parabéns pra todos são lindos demais obrigado por todos os vídeos deles 💓😍💗💗❤️❤️❤️ bjos

  • @wendypark8033
    @wendypark8033 2 года назад

    Wow. Just came across beautiful

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    🌟🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Admiração por Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música amei o vídeo obrigada Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌟🌟🌟 Maravilhosos Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música mais de 5 décadas de trabalho juntos fazendo sucesso sempre abundância gratidão Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    Formidáveis 🇧🇷🌟🌟🌟🌟os maiores cantores do mundo sempre foi e assim será incrível gratidão Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    🇧🇷🇧🇷🌟🌟os melhores do mundo sempre foi assim sempre será incrível gratidão banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música obrigada Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 🌟🌹🌟🌟🌹🌹🌟

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    🌟🌟🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Simplesmente belíssimo fantástico encantador magia voando redor lua é por Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gratidão Porto Alegre Rio grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @ivonebergmann5797
    @ivonebergmann5797 2 года назад

    🌟🌟🌟🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Admiração por Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gratidão lindíssimo vídeo emocionante apaixonante amei assistir escutar assistir obrigada Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟