soheresthething podcast
soheresthething podcast
  • Видео 174
  • Просмотров 8 047
EPISODE 106 Just Kicking It
YEEEERRRRRRRR!!! On this episode we got a friend to the show returning guest of the show AK back on deck. If you remember AK from the last episode, he is not one to hold anything back and he did not disappoint. We talk about everything from: one night stands with STDs and pregnancies to what white person we'd allow to say the N-Word.
As always today's playlist has been curated for your pleasure and can be downloaded and enjoyed on apple music keyword search: So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 106 (Link Below)
You can also follow us on link-tree to keep up with everything we got going on.
Просмотров: 11


Is Boyfriend D**k Bad?
Просмотров 112 часов назад
what if your girl tells you that you have boyfriend d K. Is that bad?
So Here's The Thing...Episode 105 - We Gotta Do Better
Просмотров 51День назад
Once again it's onnnnn!!! The Boys are back the real is back with a new episode for your head top. This week we dive into hypotheticals on relationship behaviors and how we would react in certain scenarios. We discuss side chicks vs in home and the sexual experiences that differentiate the two. As always today's playlist has been curated for your pleasure and can be downloaded and enjoyed on ap...
Qwell giving out free game
Просмотров 1521 день назад
Episode 104 You can also follow us on link-tree to keep up with everything we got going on. ⁠
So Here's The Thing Podcast...
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
If dogs could talk, which ones would be allowed to say the #nword.
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 104: 60 Days In
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 104: 60 Days In
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 102: New Regime
Просмотров 372 месяца назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 102: New Regime
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 99: Keep The Faith
Просмотров 2610 месяцев назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 99: Keep The Faith
So Here's The Thing Podcast #shorts
Просмотров 1111 месяцев назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast #shorts
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 98: Just Some Thoughts
Просмотров 24Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 98: Just Some Thoughts
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 97: Entitlement
Просмотров 56Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 97: Entitlement
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 96: What I Do?
Просмотров 20Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 96: What I Do?
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 95: These Are Just Jokes
Просмотров 21Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 95: These Are Just Jokes
So Here's The Thing... Episode 94: Higher Power
Просмотров 19Год назад
So Here's The Thing... Episode 94: Higher Power
So Here's The Thing Podcast. Episode 93...We Goin Through It
Просмотров 25Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast. Episode 93...We Goin Through It
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 92: I'm Too Old For This
Просмотров 47Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 92: I'm Too Old For This
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 87 Trust The Process
Просмотров 10Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 87 Trust The Process
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 86 I Don't Even Know Ya'll
Просмотров 13Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 86 I Don't Even Know Ya'll
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Ep 85 Thats Gay...
Просмотров 14Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Ep 85 Thats Gay...
So Here's The News...Segment 5
Просмотров 7Год назад
So Here's The News...Segment 5
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 84 That's Just The Way It Is
Просмотров 25Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 84 That's Just The Way It Is
So Here's The News Segment 4
Просмотров 7Год назад
So Here's The News Segment 4
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 83: Just Talking 7
Просмотров 13Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 83: Just Talking 7
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 82: Perfect For Me (The Lost Episode)
Просмотров 16Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 82: Perfect For Me (The Lost Episode)
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 81: The Soft Life
Просмотров 129Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Episode 81: The Soft Life
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Paying For The Sitter
Просмотров 24Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Paying For The Sitter
So Here's The Thing Podcast... Letting you down softly
Просмотров 18Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast... Letting you down softly
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Types Of P***y i like
Просмотров 35Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Types Of P y i like
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Things I hate while eating P***y
Просмотров 18Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...Things I hate while eating P y
So Here's The Thing Podcast...How I got Out Of Getting Caught Cheating
Просмотров 44Год назад
So Here's The Thing Podcast...How I got Out Of Getting Caught Cheating


  • @jerseyboy8999
    @jerseyboy8999 26 дней назад

    When the new 60 says in come on

  • @sweetalkebulianviolet5655
    @sweetalkebulianviolet5655 27 дней назад

    Come on ol’ skool G’s……..preach to these young bucks ! 👍🏽💯🙏🏾

  • @BlueNote137
    @BlueNote137 27 дней назад

    Str8 big ol FACCZ

  • @jmrson6655
    @jmrson6655 Месяц назад

    That second one was unexpected, very done. I feel like all cats saying whatever they want though. Whatever to inflict the most pain

  • @mr.clarke4113
    @mr.clarke4113 Месяц назад

    Drake always irritated me! Him as an artist I have and will always respect him, but he was always a cornball! Take the music and fame away he is a cornball! Practices his moves and stuff for his videos in the mirror 🤣🌽

  • @mohammedbakkar3705
    @mohammedbakkar3705 2 месяца назад

    Missed you guys! Welcome back, but take as much time as you guys need in between eps.

  • @adamlang125
    @adamlang125 Год назад

    😢 "Promosm"

  • @soroushjalaei1106
    @soroushjalaei1106 Год назад

    Ya’ll are to funny bro 😂

  • @mohammedbakkar3705
    @mohammedbakkar3705 Год назад

    Really enjoyed this episode!

  • @boogfb3
    @boogfb3 Год назад

    That pink “I Ain’t Got It “ hoodie 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @boogfb3
    @boogfb3 Год назад

    My take on it is there is a perfect person for you because in reality like 2 said no one is perfect so your vision of perfection comes with the flaws. We know it’s coming cause no one’s perfect but you do have a boundary on how much you intend to deal with.

  • @boogfb3
    @boogfb3 Год назад

    This episode was great my guys

  • @tylermcivor6975
    @tylermcivor6975 Год назад

    I died laughing this whole episode 🤣🤣

  • @michaelmurphy8634
    @michaelmurphy8634 Год назад

    Just subbed. Keep it up lads love from the Wales🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿👊🏼

  • @voyuer777
    @voyuer777 2 года назад

    Nah this is funny ya gotta post sum clips on tiktok

  • @denirobossa9774
    @denirobossa9774 2 года назад

    This is a dope show my brother held it down 👑 salute

  • @saintp.5543
    @saintp.5543 2 года назад


  • @veronicarenthlei1327
    @veronicarenthlei1327 3 года назад

    ➡️ ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617881428

  • @lastpodcastbeforetheworlde4140
    @lastpodcastbeforetheworlde4140 4 года назад

    Real talk 💯

  • @pesos5857
    @pesos5857 4 года назад

    Yo this show is dope man

  • @quortieriayoung7197
    @quortieriayoung7197 5 лет назад

    I've been drinking and listening to these conversations and I'm intrigued

  • @AceHardy
    @AceHardy 5 лет назад


  • @quortieriayoung7197
    @quortieriayoung7197 5 лет назад

    ya'll speaking real facts, I approve this message...keep doing your thing guys