  • Видео 62
  • Просмотров 63 633



  • @justsaying8690
    @justsaying8690 7 дней назад

    O didn't see a family getting saved i saw a family trying to survive

  • @ralphvannaman2887
    @ralphvannaman2887 11 дней назад

    I heard this story a few months ago, this version doesn't make sense, taking her sister to court over the family home, getting beat up and being hit several times while walking hand in hand with her husband, why didn't he defend her or stop the sister from hitting her? How lame do you have to be to steal someone else's story, change a few things that don't make any sense and then put your name on it, just so stupid they won't get a like from me or subscribe, I'll give them a dislike thumbs down.

  • @gabriellafne4218
    @gabriellafne4218 11 дней назад

    Már több háttér videón is ugyanaz a személy nézegelődik. Én már unom ! :( A történethez: Op és a férje együtt, kézen fogva sétáltak, amikor a nővér megtámadta Op-t. Mit csinált a férj ? Miért nem védte meg Op-t ? A történet/fordítás szerint csak a szemlélődők közbelépése miatt ért véget a támadás.

  • @katrinacarnagey5298
    @katrinacarnagey5298 11 дней назад

    Too bad the video was not even the one the header described. Do better to show the matching video or make sure the header is correct.

  • @justsaying8690
    @justsaying8690 11 дней назад

    Resilience: I'm so tired of hearing that word

  • @marialipscomb6988
    @marialipscomb6988 12 дней назад

    Story repeats right in the middle after she came back from abroad. Do you people ever listen to the story before posting?

  • @ralphvannaman2887
    @ralphvannaman2887 12 дней назад

    What happened to the lottery jackpot? Just another lame click bait.

  • @71smorton
    @71smorton 12 дней назад

    Story has nothing to do with the title.

  • @sandramayers1553
    @sandramayers1553 13 дней назад

    Try this. She demanded I pay $2000 a month. Not demanded me.

  • @annwilson6606
    @annwilson6606 13 дней назад

    What a predictable half story.

  • @tami8027
    @tami8027 15 дней назад

    I thought she had no things left to pack. Kate needs to be punished. This was not a good ending!

  • @ralphvannaman2887
    @ralphvannaman2887 16 дней назад

    She repeats the story twice, what gives?

  • @christinepuliselic5340
    @christinepuliselic5340 17 дней назад

    Should have called the police.

  • @Arkelk2010
    @Arkelk2010 17 дней назад

    OP abandoned her mother and let Kate win. I'm glad there was no sententious coda, however.

  • @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel
    @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel 18 дней назад

    r/AmItheDoormat "It's not that big of a deal." is the mating call of the gas lighter.

  • @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel
    @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel 18 дней назад

    r/AmItheDoormat FOAD is a complete sentence. She should refuse to obey MIL. Why stay with a mama's oy man child.

  • @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel
    @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel 18 дней назад

    r/AmItheDoormat You'll get more with a kind word, a police report and a restraining order then you'll ever get with just a kind word. SIL's trespass into OP's room should have been her last entry into the house.

  • @HeatherWhiley
    @HeatherWhiley 18 дней назад

    Interesting story,but the waving hands and fingers is very annoying

    • @quix66hiya22
      @quix66hiya22 17 дней назад

      Hate this type of background. People aren’t that attractive this close up.

  • @jimmieyoung925
    @jimmieyoung925 18 дней назад

    The answer would be Hell no you sre not moving in to MY house

  • @lauriewood3916
    @lauriewood3916 18 дней назад

    Another Asian (Indian?) story? Arranged Marriages aren't a Western Civilised thing!

  • @lauriewood3916
    @lauriewood3916 18 дней назад

    The average time span of a marriage in the USA is 10-12 years. The selfishness of people indulging their carnal desires then forcing babies into a toxic, poisoned world, without the slightest idea of child-rearing, not a clue about Child Development only to rear them into obese and malnourished walruses stuffed with cheap processed garbage from the Dollar Store is a monstrous act of narcissism!!!!! Certainly it is no mark of achievement or worthiness!

  • @ioaneleiataua1929
    @ioaneleiataua1929 18 дней назад

    Why would you even allow her to talk down to you in your own Parents house?? And if your brother let's his wife get away with disrespecting you then they're both vindictive, entitled and delusional. Obviously she is jealous of you and has deeper issues that she needs to seek professional help for

  • @PamelaRing-ey5pn
    @PamelaRing-ey5pn 18 дней назад

    You never under ANY circumstances have gone back with him. A. Leopard does NOT change his spots and become a tiger. In a while he will be back to his old tricks. Remember …. “ once bitten, twice shy”…… best find a trusted allay(sp) for backup. I wish you happiness, you deserve it.

  • @PamelaRing-ey5pn
    @PamelaRing-ey5pn 18 дней назад

    Where do the sister and five kids come into the story Emma and Jack moved into “the small cluttered house” belonging to his parents then the sister and five kids move in … to the same “SMALL cluttered house” must have been cozy.

  • @PamelaRing-ey5pn
    @PamelaRing-ey5pn 18 дней назад

    If Susan faked her pregnancy and was living in the same house as Amy, after “several months” she would have had “a big belly” or maybe given birth. Why did Amy hear “through the grapevine” that Susan faked her pregnancy wouldn’t she KNOW by observing her on a daily bases? This unpleasant woman who continuously demeaned and criticized Amy for being single could not, even with her husband handle living independently. And ironically ended up being evicted from the house because they couldn’t handle the rent. Doesn’t make a lot of sense!

  • @eleanorturner4651
    @eleanorturner4651 18 дней назад

    I wouldn't care but then and his wife said your parents are standing there like they've got crazy glue in their mouth why this woman dictates the fact that she's coming home to their home to have her baby and that their daughter you should move out!!you people are just standing thereyour mother is the woman of the houseno it's not too soon you're not moving in you don't tell me you moving in my home you ask and since you didn't ask you're not moving in!!and this trick can tell you oh you're single at 35 and you've been living on Mom and Dad forever and it's time for you to move out how does she get to come in and dictate terms and rules in your parents house that's all I want to know??you should have been told that trickthis home belongs to me this is my house my parents and I live together you have no say but you waited until the last minute I guess the drama had the bill but you should have opened up a long time ago and put this trick in her place going in your room going through your financial papers talking about with that salary you should have gave us some better gift yeah!!yes she really would have needed a nice wedding gift a dentist a dental surgeon cuz her mouth would have been busted!!

  • @lindalapre6357
    @lindalapre6357 20 дней назад

    Smart b gal

  • @beckineeley7355
    @beckineeley7355 25 дней назад

    That girl staring out is really creepy. I can’t listen to this story. You should really try to get some interesting videos.

    • @NoeliaGonzalez7591
      @NoeliaGonzalez7591 20 дней назад

      I agree 💯 percent. They should be more careful when choosing the video to accompany the story. It's hard to follow with that person there. This is the second story I see with the same woman. Needless to say, I didn't watch either until the end.

    • @almays53
      @almays53 18 дней назад

      Creepy background! I hate it!

  • @ralphvannaman2887
    @ralphvannaman2887 25 дней назад

    This story doesn't match the title.

    • @lynette9457
      @lynette9457 25 дней назад

      yes it does...think about it ...he chose not to defend her against his his parents... it wasnt til she left that he realised how bad the parents were

  • @tilapiadave3234
    @tilapiadave3234 25 дней назад

    Vomit inducing rubbish

  • @pandorasbox4238
    @pandorasbox4238 28 дней назад

    the title does not match the story

  • @gabriellafne4218
    @gabriellafne4218 Месяц назад

    A háttérvideón pózoló tenisz szoknyás, teltkarcsú nőnek mi köze a történethez ?

  • @ninaross211
    @ninaross211 Месяц назад


  • @karenbrown1485
    @karenbrown1485 Месяц назад

    Sorry to say, but the background video lets the whole story down. It's better to have no background at all rather than something you see and think "WTF!"!

  • @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel
    @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel Месяц назад

    r/AmItheDoormat Yes, when dealing with bullies and boundary stompers, it *is* worth the fight. A couple should control its own wedding, and contracts should include penalty clauses for any changes that don't have confirmed authorization. Don't consult with family members who are not willing to stop arguing after you have made a decision. Attempting to stomp boundaries creates a rift, not enforcing them.

  • @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel
    @SeymourJ.MetzShmuel Месяц назад

    Proverb 23:8 There is a major difference between schooling and education. Any educated person is aware of the difference, Yes, it is easier for most people to become educated through schooling, but their have always been autodidacts who did quite well without it and those who in uni who would 'sleep through all the lectures, and cheat on the exams, and then pass and be forgotten like the rest." TL. r/AmItheDoormat FOAD is a complete sentence; use it. There i no such language as Chinese; there are multiple Chinese languages. I suspect that the AI engine was only trained on Mandarin.

  • @gabriellafne4218
    @gabriellafne4218 Месяц назад

    A háttér videónak mi köze a történethez ? Két nőt mutat, az egyik egy kisgyerekes medvesapkában, a másik pedig folyamatosan a fülig érő fogsorát mutogatja, mint egy fogpaszta- vagy egy műfogsor reklám :D . A történethez: Nem értem. A sógornő nem tulajdonos, csak szívességi lakáshasználó, nem volt joga Op holmijának kidobására. Op tenyerének erősen üdvözölnie kellett volna Kate arcát és rögtön szólnia kellett volna az anyjának és a bátyjának.

  • @pattiellis1613
    @pattiellis1613 Месяц назад

    Grief! The same background!

  • @pattiellis1613
    @pattiellis1613 Месяц назад

    Hate the background 😒

  • @barbaracarrasco5881
    @barbaracarrasco5881 Месяц назад

    Could you please change the background I don’t like the boobs

    • @gabriellafne4218
      @gabriellafne4218 Месяц назад

      Tyson biztosan szereti :D A nézők véleménye nem érdekli. :( Én tuti nem iratkozom fel !!!

  • @michaelmills5972
    @michaelmills5972 Месяц назад

    Tells her she should be independent, but thinks that means getting married; she's self-supporting, so she's already there...smh

  • @mukulsharma1090
    @mukulsharma1090 Месяц назад

    “I couldn’t believe what I was hearing”. Less than 7 minutes into this story, and Stacy said the above statement at least 10-12 times. What was so hard to believe? Was Stacy stupid?

  • @mercedesnierotka9241
    @mercedesnierotka9241 Месяц назад

    And where we the husband through all this snark by his niece? And the grandparents were.doormats!

  • @JamesMacDonald-xh8rt
    @JamesMacDonald-xh8rt Месяц назад

    Stupid distracting background..please!!!!

  • @georgek5546
    @georgek5546 Месяц назад


  • @susanbailey3715
    @susanbailey3715 Месяц назад

    Please do a part2 and part 3of this story thank you

  • @georgek5546
    @georgek5546 Месяц назад


  • @barbaracarrasco5881
    @barbaracarrasco5881 Месяц назад

    Can anyone explain why they can’t say the names

  • @gabriellafne4218
    @gabriellafne4218 Месяц назад

    A nagyszülőknek már korábban haza kellett volna küldeni Oliviát az anyjához. Olivia úgy élt a nagyszülők otthonában, mint egy here a méhkaptárban. Emilynek nem volt joga kirúgni Op-t a szülei házából. A ház nem az övé ! Op-nek el kellett volna tanácsolnia Oliviát is a cégtől, hiszen nem becsülte meg a munkahelyét, fegyelmezetlen volt (rendszeres, igazolatlan késések). Az én országomban ezt nem nézték volna el, súlyos következmények nélkül.