Jon Kopel
Jon Kopel
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  • @andrameda1
    @andrameda1 6 лет назад

    Hello, educational and informative and very well done by the actors, beautiful work. The craft of acting, when approaching the portrayal of a character, who has many facets challenges the actor to focus one attribute out of thousands to start the unavailing of an evil complex personality character, such as 'Hitlery' The unknown actress, who played Hillary Clinton captured and demonstrates this extraordinary skill of portraying the iniquity of Hillary Clinton. The interviewer's questions are loaded with in-depth investigative facts, what our conventional news represses. Americans are not informed, at all, by our conventional media moguls allowing for the easy Orwellian indoctrination by Hilliary Clinton's mindless lack of real intelligence, lack of character and diminished spirit of the heart portrayed in all her info-bites the media indulges her condescending over bearing critical parental tone of voice, with the threat of punishment to the American Nation assault's the people's intelligence exposing Hillary's real attitude towards the voters as insignificant collateral damage, it has reach critical mass hypnosis, as the women of the world are deceived. In this video by Jon Kopel, film crew and splendid actors ,we see in parody and satire forms, Hillary Clinton's insane responses to serious questions, double think strategies regarding 'Hiltlary's' cover-ups yet on other street video interviews conducted by Jon Kopel, we see a live on the spot frightening survey of "women,' who still side with Hillary Clinton's campaign to re-peal the Constitution, by a majority of zombie women voters reaching critical mass in favor of 'Hiltlery,' is both scary and incomprehensible. I thought women were the more evolved species of this planet. There is nothing more awesome than ignorance in action. A monument to women's legacy and history is becoming a tragedy in present time with Hillary Clinton representing the favorite for the chair of the presidency. These so-called presidents are not elected, they are selected and voters votes manipulated and construed. The only outstanding president was John F. Kennedy assassinated for refusing to to follow the pope's commands to under mine the Constitution and follow dictates from the Vatican. Info wars and the crew, of Alex Jones have done more than due diligence, they cared about our Constitution, the people and well being of this country by risking their lives to report the real news watch globally. Alex Jones, has given the American people a great resource of investigative reporting that far exceeds the bought and paid for conventional news media. Alex and Eric Phelps, has awaken millions to the real truth about the New World Order inspiring many to the challenge of making informative and educational fun videos in spreading the word about our politicians membership to secret occult groups invested in taking control and domination of our planet earth by implementing the Atlantic, Asian, European world trade partnerships uniting Canada, USA , Mexico, all of Asia and Europe were individual nations are usurped into a one world Corporation controlled by the new monetary digital currency well financed and organized to kill all, who resist by the push of a botton ; and engineer wars, weather out comes; and private armies hired to do their, "coalition of foreign affairs," dirty work. The unknown actress in this video emotes Hitlery's laugh as Hillary' Clinton's signature maniacal laugh, so accurately, I was astounded by the actress's astute ability. The actress answers the interviewer's questions to the true character of Hillary Clinton's personality, her attributes are made visible to our eyes; the short fused temper; the menacing attitude surfaces; the switch n bate tactics; the fight/flight syndromes exhibited in interviews; the condescending critical parent tone of voice threatening with an authoritarian punishment is typical of a child abuser and satanic practitioners; followed by the secret threat of a private assassin named "Larry Nichols," to those who dare defy the Clinton's will; their bi-sexual and homosexual exploits under Mk Ultra mind control, were the CIA provides sex slaves to politicians as "rulers privileges"; kidnapping women and children from all over the country. The actor, who played Bill Clinton, was in his own element drawing from his own or Bill's Clinton perverse nature or imagination, was so convincingly hallerious; I thought it was Bill inside a confessional both in the Holy Catholic Church.This would have been a better set design for this actors scene. Intelligent fun combined with real news reporting make this video an academy award winner, 5 stars to the whole crew, who made it happen opening a window in Bill Clinton university days, while campaigning and during his presidency where he did rape employees in the White house, as if they the Government and Hollywood film industries are above the law; commanding law enforcement to stand down their investigations of "missing persons" promoting chaos as a normal life style and hiding that chaos behind the mask of 'liberty n Justice for all'; makes many Americans wake up to do a second re-think about this iconic couple, the Clinton's, in their diabolical character and secret escapades still fascinate many Americans, who have lost their sense of spiritual and social values and the heart felt experience of genuine spirit guidance from within were we get our true moral compass from and we come to learn the truth from fiction, that lofty witness consciousness, we inherited as humans, have all conspired against God, Nature and the American Constitution's founding fathers; "We the people" missed led and brain washed by the secret banking cartel's, whom have funded the CIA;FBI; Halliburton mercenaries and Assassins Inc. to provoke both sides of countries in conflict ; and private Corporate Governments globally uniting in supporting the Clinton's campaign to run for the presidency, on Hitlery's Clinton's VAPID maniacal words , gender and false flagging her international prestige making a mockery of the real Government already in place and the citizens suckered into their campaign rhetoric of all these loony candidates for president has left me absolutely death and dumb. Our politicians do not want common folks to win cases in any court system, State nor Federal, against their tyranny; swearing lawyers into the pak, to be loyal to their New World Order commands because they benefit from the phony tax systems and many favors there-of, by defending this New World Corporation replacing court rooms with their own tribunals and sabotaging the people rights and liberties, due process, rite to free speech, can be defended and reversed by the unified efforts of all Americans together. It has inspired a commentary about Chaos and Liberty: nature's laws vs constitutional laws, show different dynamics Natural law, has a time and space sequence, of random order, all inclusive to its merging in and out of space and time and nature's preconditions of elements of material forms, trailing along side the visible voice of spirit inside the flesh garments acting and compelling us towards a higher brain sphere, we do not pre-perceive as "freedom of choice"at the pre-thought levels because it is faster then thought; however their seems to be chaos or an involution or evolution, which when we let go of the illusion of choice, it really operates as a predetermined chosen destiny, by itself; based solely on the 'pr-existing conditions,' already present, which our reflective perceptions, can not see, that eludes us and confounds our divided mind compartments, that makes, the end result pre- determined, then, their is no, chaos. The chaos out come or sense of forced unification of organized unity paralleling the natural unity in diversity, with its dis-harmonies, hardships, stops and goes, forward and backwards, comes from the illusion of 'choice' splitting into two tracks evolving into unified agreements and fragmented disagreements, are made from different invested belief choices we make at the mind levels of concepts, symbols and philosophies, which are often times mistaken for actual heart field experiences, which we never learn to value because we have been preconditioned into the mechanical paradigms as a society; this direct platform of the organic heart, is the starting point; which often remains obscure for a very long time; a self induced prolonged stagnation of mind eclipsing the heart; because we think the concepts and symbols are the real thing, when it is not, at all. This is the appearance of so-called chaos in a divided mind. So 'chaos', results appearing like a fleeting ghost, under natural law and under the all inclusive verses of the Constitution, which attempts to unify; and appears to be a freedom of choice document describing a moral spirit indirectly, offering compensations and protections; perhaps this too, is just a grand illusion because we have mistaken the mind for the heart; or a great moral realm, that we repeatedly fail to experience, that is undermined by organized power and often missed by this fact, that, " we the people" do not know, who we really are in the spirit, shut out of its nurturing influence; because we lose our direct ability to experience, what's behind, language, thought and symbols, that unseen platform of undiscovered realms of unified fields of reality slips through the hand like sand; we all have in common this dual nature, it seems, a spirit intelligent career, while living inside this animal body always missing its wonder and glory; connection and fusion with the divine creator, missed by the wooden sliver in our eyes.

  • @kballs94
    @kballs94 7 лет назад


  • @jonkopel7458
    @jonkopel7458 8 лет назад

    Hi Bob Thanks for the comment That was an unedited part of a full video, For the full video you can email me at