Andromache Kammenos
Andromache Kammenos
  • Видео 4
  • Просмотров 403
J. Haydn, Piano Concerto XVIII:11 / 3rd movement: Rondo al ungherese - Andromache Kammenos
Joseph HAYDN: Piano Concerto XVIII:11 D Major
3rd movement: Rondo al ungherese
Andromache Kammenos (piano) plays with the »Helmholtz« string quartet of Karlsruhe.
more information: andromachekammenos
Просмотров: 19


Andromache Kammenos - Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fuge e minor BWV 879
Просмотров 638 месяцев назад
Andromache Kammenos plays at the Köthen Bach Festival by Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fuge e minor BWV 879
Andromache Kammenos - Sergej Bortkievicz Caprice de la mer opus 8 number 1
Просмотров 418 месяцев назад
Andromache Kammenos - Sergej Bortkievicz Caprice de la mer opus 8 number 1
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Concerto "12" - 1st Allegro
Просмотров 2868 месяцев назад
Andromache Kammenos plays the first movement from KV 414 with Kammerorchester Karlsruhe in Gottesaue castle. (Steinway D piano) andromachekammenos
