The World of Ifa Orisha Egun
The World of Ifa Orisha Egun
  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 727
Osain & The Magical Herbs of Santeria
Osain îs the Yoruba deity of herbal and magical medicine. There are many different types of spellings, but the deity is one and the same. This video reveals the 121 fundamental herbs of Osain that are used in the tradition of Ifa and Orisha worship by the Afro-Cuban tradition of Santeria.
I have been a Babalawo since 1995, a Santero Omo Shango since 1994, and a Palero since 1987. If you wish to schedule an Ifa reading, please text me at 323-825-9339, and we can arrange a day and time that will work best for you, as well as the derecho required.
Osain es la deidad yoruba de la...
Просмотров: 728
