- Видео 146
- Просмотров 7 893
AI Video & Python Projects: Building the Future
Добавлен 11 окт 2011
Welcome to our channel! Here, you'll discover exciting Python projects (using Pygame and Turtle), perfect for kids and beginners to learn programming in a fun and interactive way. We also share fascinating videos created with AI. Join us to spark creativity, explore technology, and get inspired by innovative ideas!
Python is an amazing, text-based coding language, perfectly suited for children older than the age of 10. The Python libraries Turtle and Pygame are the popular ways to introduce programming to kids. These libraries enables children to create pictures and shapes by providing them with a virtual canvas. You can create nice animation projects using images that are taken from the internet, scaled-down stored as a gif-files download to the projects. This channel includes more than 100 examples and 18 lessons that introduce to the Python codes through Turtle and Pygame libraries for school students of 10+years old with different applications: games, math and physics.
Python is an amazing, text-based coding language, perfectly suited for children older than the age of 10. The Python libraries Turtle and Pygame are the popular ways to introduce programming to kids. These libraries enables children to create pictures and shapes by providing them with a virtual canvas. You can create nice animation projects using images that are taken from the internet, scaled-down stored as a gif-files download to the projects. This channel includes more than 100 examples and 18 lessons that introduce to the Python codes through Turtle and Pygame libraries for school students of 10+years old with different applications: games, math and physics.
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Фильм интересный.Но читать вы научились,кто бы вас научил правельно ставить ударение в словах,слушать ваше чтение неприятно,печально.
amazing love it !!!!!! Teach me how!!!!