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Great video. The thumbnail looks evil though hahaha. More views with a better thumbnail:)
That’s so true
Amen thanks fir sharing dear pastor I am Joseph from Africa
Thank you for teaching God's word of faith. We struggle to believe God. If we would only believe. Ty sir!
Great Message!
Our King is coming soon! He will rule and reign with a rod of iron, and he is the King of Kings! Come soon Lord Jesus!
Great sermon dad
Goodmorning sir, 08:00 in the Netherlands. My name is Nancy, 48 years. I was asleep when i wake up by your nice, friendly voice. It's by accident that i (my phone) found your channel nel, but had a lot of joy listening to you. For now i wish you good and happy day. Till another time... and thank you for the message.
So many people do not understand what has happened. I will give you 100% proof of the meaning of Revelation 13. We are going to look at what the word actually says. One of the most important things that Jesus said was that in the end everything that was hidden would be revealed, and all that was covered would be made known to all as we see this in Matthew 10:26. When you look at what Jesus said about how things would happen in time, He went though in chronological order stating what would happen. The key thing is that right before the end, the truth will be revealed. This means that what people have previously known to be true is not entirely correct. How else can we know this is true? Well when we look at Malachi 4:5-6, we see that there is like always, someone who will come in the end to explain what most have not understood. This is also seen in Isaiah 49, Jeremiah 49. This would bring sense to what Jesus said in Matthew 16:17-19. Clearly there are things that have not been understood and in order to have the truth revealed in the end, you have to have the right keys. Jesus said that they hid the keys because they themselves were not going to enter, and that the Kingdom would be given to those who would produce the proper fruit. He often would preach against what they taught. This is because as He stated, they were teaching man made laws and not the laws of God and why He called it a synagogue of satan. The key important thing to remember with all of this is that this current generation did not create this mess. We are the after affects of what was done. When we look at the new heaven and new earth, we see there is finally peace. The Jews are waiting for their messiah, the christians are waiting for the Antichrist, the muslims are waiting for the Mahdi and the Didjal, Hindu's are waiting for Kalki, and Buddist are waiting for Maitreya. Now, if you were the devil and you wanted to make it impossible for people to know the truth and to try and prevent God's will to finally be done, what would you do? Well we all know he came to seek, kill and destroy right? We know he is a liar and deceiver right? So the truth of the matter is, he had things changed in texts, created other religions to keep people off track. The prayer of 2 Chronicles states that if only My people would turn from their wicked ways He would hear from heaven and heal our land. This is basically one huge math problem. Satan has the Jews believing that a third temple must be built even though it clearly says that there is not a building large enough to contain Him. They also want to bring back sacrifices even though it clearly states in Psalm 40:6, Psalm 51:16, Isaiah 1:11-31, Jeremiah 7:21-23, and Hebrews 10:4-10 that is not what God said or wanted. So if this is not what God said or wanted, then it should be clear that in all passages that state that they were to sacrifice animals, that they are part of what came from man and not God and part of what Jesus was saying about teaching man made laws.This also goes back to what Jesus said about them hiding the keys to the Kingdom. The thing is, this generation did not do these things and just like all religions, we believe what came before us. The reason why there is violence and war is because it states that God told them to conquer and kill, yet that is just another thing that is not from God. This is just one of the many reasons why non-believers want nothing to do with God because they are right in not wanting to follow a god that would tell people to do such things. When we go back to Malachi 4:5-6, there is a correction that is coming and is here as we speak. It is not aimed at one group in particular. It is a message to the entire world. This message is to correct the evil that has been throughout time. The Muslims were originally created by the Roman Catholic Church as an army to keep the Jews and Christians in line. That is why their doctrine says what it does about Christians and Jews. Now if you were satan and you knew that there was someone coming to correct this, you would try and make people believe this person is evil and like it's said in today's time, put out fake news. The reason he has tried to make this person seem evil is because if people truly see what is being said then he has no more power. And when he has no more power, then there can be no more sin and the prayer of 2 Chronicles will be fulfilled. People are waiting for this person who is supposed to deceive the entire world, yet they have forgotten that satan has already been doing this since the beginning of time. This again is why Jesus said that in the end everything was going to be revealed, and then the end shall come. The idea that has been forced on the world is this new world order, yet people have also forgotten that Jesus said He was coming to set up His kingdom. This so-called one world religion that people say is evil is actually the truth that comes out and people follow it, yet right now because of what others have done, they have tried to create a version of it but it's not of God. The fact that it says that everyone believed what was said in the end shows the power of God and as Jesus said when He gave the keys to Peter that nothing will overcome it and it will come to pass. As we have seen in the Old Testament, things are in there but doesn't mean it is all from God as Jesus said. Things didn't stop there. Seeing how Rome was in power and they already saw what happened with Jesus, they and the Jews wanted to one keep the power for themselves, but also wanted to create a way for that to never happen. Again, the only way to do that is to make people believe something that isn't true, and as Paul said, become all things to all people. Well how can we know this to be true? Well Jesus said in Matthew 10:24-27 gives a glimpse into the person stated in Malachi 4:5-6. Jesus has given the information that has been hidden to this end-time figure. He stated that the members of the household would be called by even worse names seeing how He was called the prince of demons. Now, when you look at Revelation 12 and the beginning of 13, I want you as you read this to picture the story about Mary and the birth of Jesus. Think about what she went through and how she had to hide because all the male boys were being killed. Think about what the Jews thought of her because she was having a child and wasn't even married yet. Think about all that Jesus said to the teachers of religious law and how they said that it blasphemed God. When you look at the time of His ministry which was 3.5 years and everything else, it is a complete fit and match. Seeing how He said the members of the household would be called by even worse names, that is because of what is said in Revelation chapter 13. The fact is, the person in chapter 13 is the one whom Jesus said in Matthew 24:45 is one whom He can give the responsibility of feeding His other household servants. Going back to right before the end shall come, the truth is revealed, He has given those keys of knowledge to Peter which is not the Peter that was with Him. This is what is going to make His church stand on solid ground and what is going to open the eyes of the blind, let those who can't walk in the true ways of the Lord to walk straight, those who are spiritually dead to come to life, those with little understanding to have understanding. Now, going back to Revelation 13, it states that wisdom is needed. When we look at the countless verses about wisdom, it is something that only comes from God. It is for this reason that Jesus said what He did in Luke 6:47. Knowing that wisdom only comes from God, it is only the person whom that passage was meant for that it will only be clear to its actually meaning. Seeing how God is a God of order, right after chapter 13, chapter 14 talks about all those who God saved and they had a "mark" on their forehead. Seeing how in chapter 13 it says that you could not buy or sell unless you had the "mark" which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name, the name of this person is literally right there. Seeing how the righteous inherit the earth and as God said He will remove all who sin and do evil, one would truly not want to be raptured. It is for this reason that many may say to Jesus on the day of judgement that they did this and that and He will say depart from me you who continued to sin. Certain people as I stated were privy to this information and why they changed it, because it meant they would lose their power. This is part of the reason why the woman sitting on seven hills in scarlet and purple will be destroyed. So many people have died not knowing the truth and it was because some changed what was truly said. In regards to the Jews, the person they are waiting for is not the person everyone else thinks this person is. Their misunderstanding about the temple needing to be built shows they had something to do with it, not to mention if you look on RUclips, there is a Rabbi saying a prophecy has been fulfilled because of the bullet hitting his ear. One could say it was just Rome, but in Daniel, it gives it away because Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 for the reader to pay attention. This is just one of the things Jesus said to show there is either more to the story, or something isn't right. Ears to hear and eyes to see would also be another one. When you look at Daniel 11:31-32, it shows that their understanding was that of a physical temple, not knowing as Jesus said it was a body as He said when He said He would raise the Temple up in 3 days. This is also why it states in Revelation about worshiping the first beast who's deadly wound was healed, which again refers to Jesus because His deadly wound was healed and He rose from the dead even though they thought He did everything He did by the power of satan.
Revelation 13:18. "Let he who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the name of a man and his number equals 666." Philadelphia is the Birthplace of America and is the same name of one of the 7 churches of revelation. From the center of Philadelphia to the center of Canton Ohio is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Canton is where Marilyn Manson was born the Antichrist. From the center of Canton Ohio to the center of Chicago Illinois is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Chicago is where Anton Lavey was born. Anton wrote and published the satanic bible in 1969 the same year Manson was born. So from Philly to Canton to Chicago equals exactly 666 miles. No one had thought to break 666 in half and form it into a simple equation, 333+333 = 666. Marilyn Manson and Anton Lavey became friends after meeting at "the Black House" Anton's house in San Francisco. Mansons best selling album is Antichrist Superstar. Manson has also stated that he wants to be the one remembered for ending Christianity. n 1996 I was laying in bed and became paralyzed the first time I heard Marilyn Mansons song "beautiful people". I finally broke free of whatever was restraining me. Then in 2001 I was riding my bike on a bike trail when a voice said go to that bench. Their was a bench about 20 feet from the trail. It said to go to the bench 2 more times, then I said fine I will go. I walked towards the bench and their was a book there. Its was Marilyn Mansoms autobiography " The long hard rode out of Hell.". The book was brand new. I took it home but threw it out later because the whole situation freaked me out. In 2002 after getting back from a trip to Detroit with my best friend Life a red orb came down from the ceiling and told me It was my angel of light. It then told me I was Jesus. Later in the day I thanked the angel for telling me I was Jesus. Immediately a voice shouted, "your never coming back". I walked home and when I got there my girlfriend was there and she looked freaked out. She told me while I was gone that a voice told her I was never coming back. That's how I knew the voices were real. I almost killed myself thinking I committed an unforgivable sin by believingI was Jesus. 2 months later I came across a Bible verse that says the devil will come to you as an angel of light. Then I realized it was all an elaborate plan by the devil to get me to kill myself, that's how I knew I was here for a reason if the devil wanted me dead. On April 8, 2003 a series of strange events happened to me on the same day after I almost drowned where the St. Joseph River meets the St.Marys river in Ft. Wayne Indiana. I was taken to St. Joseph Hospital where I met a man named OZ. Ever since that day I have never been the same. The creator of Superman George Seagal died on The Birdman of Alcatrazes Birthday January 28, 1996. The Birdman was shipped to Metropolis Illinois(Supermans hometown)when he died because his sister lived there. Metropolis Illinois to Ft.Wayne Indiana where I was born happens to be exactly 333 miles away as a crow flies, In a straight line. My wife was born on January 26th 1980, I was born on January 27th 1980 and the Birdman was born on January 28th 1890.
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Preach the Word. Just read the Word out Loud.
Hello everyone God bless ❤
this is not true, there will be an antichrist who the Jews will call their messiah, see Revelations & Daniel
pray for me anyone
Sir when it says "Men' it is talking of 'Mankind' in general, please check out the meaning of this word. Jesus had disciples that were married, why should these ones be exempted. That is not what Salvation is all about. It is spiritual, please read The Living Bible 14:4 which was recommended to me by the Holy Spirit. God is revealing these things directly to the 144,000 and to which tribe they belong to. Please seek the Father directly for further confirmation. Remain blessed.
Hey everyone Love you 😍
Awesome declaring the good news OF the Kingdom!! I too am ministering to the Mens at my church/administration about the Kingdom. I know many believers are saved and believe in Jesus but they dont understand the Kingdom message and so shooting the wrong arrows missing the target unto others. Causing havoc, bitterness and marginalizing the workers in the field who did not ask the landlord to send forth workers but went in themselves damaging more than sowing. This Kingdom good news truly transform the old into new and sets free anyone from condemning self, others and into grace, peace and eagerness to do good works unto God. God bless brother!
What can I say but . . . AMEN!!
Hello everyone God bless
CORRECTION: In my excitement, I spoke of Jacob when I meant ISAAC.
Hello, is there a way I could email you?
Sure. seaport12@netzero.net
It’s real my friend
CORRECTION: In this message I mentioned Morris Cerullo - MARIO MURRILLO is who I was referring to.
Hello everyone God Bless❤
Jesus Christ is Lord✝️
whats that coming down from the sky, but why would you want that. God paid for all. disciples of Jesus were quickly corrected on the judgement matter. but you know this dont you. but old is young and young is old. and first are last, and last are the first. clear understand?
Lexham English Bible has it correct
Who is the speaker?
Hi Frank . . . Michael Dixon
To keep the 10 Commandments and to teach others to do so is what it means to love God and neighbour, not our own vain imaginations Deuteronomy 6:1-5 Leviticus 19:15-18 Repent from the pagan idolatry you’ve brought into your home 🎄🎄🎄 Do you keep the Sabbath holy?
Matthew, the Scriptures you noted are good and are God's words. I think you may have been a little careless in your listening however. The "New Commandment" I taught on in no way disannuls or negates any of the other Commands of Scripture and YHVH. זכור את יום השׁבת לקדשׁו -Absolutely.
@@theswordtv535 why do you have a Christmas tree in your home?
Why are you legalistic and judgemental? Rom 8:1-2 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. ..... Mat 7:1-5 "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye ... And why no apoplogy for your previous mistake? Anyway, blessing in Jesus' Name Matthew
@@theswordtv535 I’m neither of those things. I’m fulfilling the royal law, actually loving my neighbour as myself You’ve twisted those scriptures so much. I’ve taken the log out of my own eye, and now I can judge RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT like Yeshua told us to do. I’m well aware with the judgement I show others, the same will be given to me, so I take this seriously. This is not condemnation, this is rebuke. You’re doing exactly what Israel did to get kicked out the land in 2 Kings 17-24 with that Christmas tree, learning the way of the heathen! If you drew the connections between Leviticus 19:15-18 and Deuteronomy 6:1-5, and still can’t see the true meaning of loving God and neighbour, then my rebuke is 100% necessary and I have nothing to apologise for Repent
You made me smile Matthew . . . that sounds like a joke so I won't respond. Honestly, that was funny. On an outside chance I'm wrong I will say, it appears you just might need to go back to square one and learn to respect your elders - even if you think they are wrong. Blessing . . .@@matthewforyeshua
Hello everybody
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1
In these days, we need to be diligent in prayer and his word. In order for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us we need to have that divine constant connection.
Amen God bless you so much pastor We are always blessed here through these teachings I'm Joseph
ep·ex·e·ge·sis (ĕp-ĕk′sə-jē′sĭs) n. Additional explanation or explanatory material.
PARANOIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD FOR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLOWEEN 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PARANOIS is not a word in the English language; perhaps you meant paranoia but surely not, because that would make no sense. Maybe you meant aphonia paranoica, however I'm guessing you're not in theater or entertainment. I'm left with thinking you meant to be acerbic and yet you surely would not be so base as to bring children "kids" into sarcasm. So, I will just assume I missed the blessing you meant by your comment in all CAPS and thank you.
GOD Bless You! Thank you for taking the time to make this video 🙏
Message was so short I didn’t even get home yet still good tho
Great message, thing to absorb. I’m still glad I have a pension tho 😂
I believe, God help my unbelief.
If this applies: Take my bet, you faithless, hypocritical, coward. The "rapture" is a lie and is the greatest false hope and deception, which is not found anywhere in scripture, not even the word, "rapture". No, not even the premise for a "rapture". No ignorant and arrogant Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, or Latin "interpretation" will ever change that fact. No dream or vision, will ever change that fact. The "rapture" belief will be the cause of many falling away from the faith, when it does not occur. Repent before you hear the most dreaded words known to mankind, from the true Jesus Himself: "...I never knew you: depart from me...". Teach these truths instead: Romans 10:9-13 2Thes.2:1-4 *Matt.**10:28* *Matt.13:30, 40 Rev.20:4 Rev.12:11 Mark 13:24 Daniel 12:2, 10 Auth.kjv only and always. Wise up, quick. I have an open wager for anyone (especially "spiritual leaders")...your annual salary, every year, for each year, starting now, for my annual salary, that a "rapture" will not and cannot occur in '22, or '23, nor, the following year (2024). Let's even include 2025. Also, sure, why not 2026, 2027, and 2028 as well! You in? Put your money where your sad pathetic "rapture" nonsense completely unbiblical faith, is. If you dare. Tell your friends and family! Open wager! Open wager! Your annual salary for mine! Tell your pastwhore$$$$$! #theraptureisalie #norapturewillbesavinganyonefromanything #thereisnorapture #rev20vs4willhappen #rev1211willoccur #donottakethemark #fearnotthemMatt1028