  • Видео 233
  • Просмотров 219 701
Psalm 150
Quotes Out Loud
Poem Series presents
(Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud)
Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Просмотров: 140


Psalm 149
Просмотров 434 месяца назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the tim...
Psalm 148
Просмотров 254 месяца назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be abov...
Psalm 147
Просмотров 204 месяца назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number ...
Psalm 146
Просмотров 184 месяца назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth...
Psalm 145
Просмотров 74 месяца назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy wo...
Psalm 144
Просмотров 85 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me. LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of h...
Psalm 143
Просмотров 175 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life...
Psalm 142
Просмотров 155 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they ...
Psalm 140
Просмотров 85 месяцев назад
Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man; Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war. They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah. Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings. The proud have hid a...
Psalm 138
Просмотров 135 месяцев назад
[A Psalm] of David. I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee,...
Psalm 141
Просмотров 105 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au LORD, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline n...
Psalm 139
Просмотров 185 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, tho...
Psalm 136
Просмотров 195 месяцев назад
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that stretched out the earth a...
Psalm 137
Просмотров 85 месяцев назад
Quotes Out Loud Poem Series presents Psalm (Audio Read Acted Quotes Out Loud) Music by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing u...
Psalm 135
Просмотров 175 месяцев назад
Psalm 135
Psalm 134
Просмотров 95 месяцев назад
Psalm 134
Psalm 133
Просмотров 105 месяцев назад
Psalm 133
Psalm 132
Просмотров 125 месяцев назад
Psalm 132
Psalm 130
Просмотров 125 месяцев назад
Psalm 130
Psalm 129
Просмотров 65 месяцев назад
Psalm 129
Psalm 128
Просмотров 136 месяцев назад
Psalm 128
Psalm 127
Просмотров 66 месяцев назад
Psalm 127
Psalm 126
Просмотров 86 месяцев назад
Psalm 126
Psalm 131
Просмотров 86 месяцев назад
Psalm 131
Psalm 125
Просмотров 66 месяцев назад
Psalm 125
Psalm 124
Просмотров 36 месяцев назад
Psalm 124
Psalm 123
Просмотров 46 месяцев назад
Psalm 123
Psalm 122
Просмотров 106 месяцев назад
Psalm 122
Psalm 121
Просмотров 66 месяцев назад
Psalm 121


  • @RobGunter
    @RobGunter 21 день назад

    Well spoken. Excellent voicing. Kudos.

  • @himanshujaiswal2558
    @himanshujaiswal2558 Месяц назад

    i can only be conquered through love and here i am gladly conquered

  • @Fai1Ibiu-tl7gc
    @Fai1Ibiu-tl7gc Месяц назад

    Radhe radhe ❤

  • @loomingmenace6211
    @loomingmenace6211 2 месяца назад


  • @Simon.the.Likeable
    @Simon.the.Likeable 2 месяца назад

    The music is too loud in the mix, especially the rumbling synth sound under the piano.

  • @BlossomWhite877
    @BlossomWhite877 2 месяца назад

    2:56 this one is really true about God

  • @Omkarfooty
    @Omkarfooty 2 месяца назад

    greatest philosophy

  • @alexrocha7865
    @alexrocha7865 3 месяца назад


  • @taniyasonani2968
    @taniyasonani2968 3 месяца назад

    Jai Shree Krishna ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @hippieal
    @hippieal 3 месяца назад

    He was very wise and intelligent. There were many times he told the flat out straight truth, and the whole world can’t handle that.

  • @Michael-gp1he
    @Michael-gp1he 3 месяца назад

    Wow this guy is so cool

  • @Imt8888_
    @Imt8888_ 3 месяца назад

    The best teacher of my life.

  • @Imt8888_
    @Imt8888_ 3 месяца назад

    The best teacher

  • @marksellers4875
    @marksellers4875 3 месяца назад

    Incredible wisdom and insight

  • @ChibuezeIdoko-nd2vf
    @ChibuezeIdoko-nd2vf 3 месяца назад


  • @ДаниелМаринов-п5п
    @ДаниелМаринов-п5п 3 месяца назад

    Трагична. Съдба.

  • @jeanettearseneault100
    @jeanettearseneault100 3 месяца назад

    The way is between your ears!

  • @JamesLKing-ii9vy
    @JamesLKing-ii9vy 3 месяца назад

    he then tried to swallow as his ashekenazi mother’s firing mechanism

  • @minhng7208
    @minhng7208 4 месяца назад

    False quotes by Stalin. 😮

  • @stith_pragya
    @stith_pragya 4 месяца назад

    Thank You So Much for this Krishna conscious video....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @GodChitex
    @GodChitex 4 месяца назад


  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince this world too big for u to stay in a woman phone and can’t get her privacy what u waiting for my get out just leave

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince u know how l get this phone and how the service paying and u bullying to stay this is a big shame in your life

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince u don’t have uploaded movies and bhajans post comments u will have to get out u is not the owner

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince u should gets out long in my phone that forcing your self to stay on top of it u bleddy well and knows u have to get out

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince if u respect community guidelines. U will never be in my phone u should get out long. But u wants to see fair play

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince l will find all pages and channels reported u every day to social media that u don’t have respect for. Guidelines

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince lets your viewers l will find your page and embarrass u to publish u to social media. That u don’t have respect for

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince do they know this is not your phone to have page with comments let them know u is hiding to open pages and channels

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince comments on page do they know l am paying this services that u is using right now u have to get out this is not your phone

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince lets viewers know u is not the person for this phone u trying to force yourself not to get out l want them to know what u doing in my phone

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince u don’t have believe trust and respect for gods and viewers is seeing comments u still proud u is a hacker in my phone

  • @SavitaBodram
    @SavitaBodram 4 месяца назад

    Savita Prince Hamadan seeing these comments on RUclips u don’t have believe. Trust and respect for gods and viewers that seeing this comments

  • @quotesoutloud
    @quotesoutloud 4 месяца назад

    Its fun, i am done

  • @kshitijpawar1301
    @kshitijpawar1301 4 месяца назад

    0:30 to 1:00

  • @dzakahchristian7742
    @dzakahchristian7742 4 месяца назад

    This is beautiful ❤

  • @peterborkowski6934
    @peterborkowski6934 4 месяца назад

    Wrong bio info at the beginning. Good selection.

  • @JamesLKing-ii9vy
    @JamesLKing-ii9vy 4 месяца назад

    This was lord krishna vs god krishna for realie

  • @JamesLKing-ii9vy
    @JamesLKing-ii9vy 4 месяца назад

    He stole it from men

  • @onymous___97305
    @onymous___97305 4 месяца назад

    All So true 🔥🔥

  • @matthaderspeck7770
    @matthaderspeck7770 4 месяца назад

    Wait he was born in Chicago not Ohio and his birth was 1901 not in the 1800’s

  • @ljiljanamumlek3894
    @ljiljanamumlek3894 4 месяца назад

    Volim te 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️👏👏👏!

  • @speakerofchrist4273
    @speakerofchrist4273 4 месяца назад

    Amen ❤

  • @speakerofchrist4273
    @speakerofchrist4273 4 месяца назад

    Amen ❤

  • @aaryaamohod
    @aaryaamohod 4 месяца назад

    Prem se bolo radhee radhee✨💗🦚🌍 may kanhaa's<33 gracee upon everyone!!🪈✨

  • @speakerofchrist4273
    @speakerofchrist4273 4 месяца назад

    Amen ❤

  • @quotesoutloud
    @quotesoutloud 4 месяца назад

    Lost motivation Near the end Nothing left to give Still lose to temptation I can't defend At least god forgives Sucker for distraction God an angel send It's what it is

  • @reuarthfredele872
    @reuarthfredele872 4 месяца назад

    the most saddest lines from dr seuss 1. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. 2. Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. 3. Don't cry because its over, Smile because it happend.

  • @speakerofchrist4273
    @speakerofchrist4273 5 месяцев назад

    Amen ❤

  • @quotesoutloud
    @quotesoutloud 5 месяцев назад

    Post and ghost Roast and toast When jesus speaks You know truth tells Lies squeak Shame grows And tears flow So let your worries go And leave your life in gods hands