Tough Guys
Tough Guys
  • Видео 149
  • Просмотров 117 603


The most realistic game of all time! NOT BODYCAM
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.4 месяца назад
As shown in the video, this game beats BodyCam in every possible aspect. You can play it here for free, without any installation: Join us on discord: #bodycamgame #bodycamgameplay #gaming #realisticgaming
Waiting for the game to load be like...
Просмотров 9804 месяца назад
Discord server: #gaming #music #bulletforce #threetoughguys
Q&A + Giveaway results [Bullet Force]
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Q&A Giveaway results [Bullet Force]
Lava Boy [Short Movie]
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Lava Boy [Short Movie]
Halloween in my favorite game [Bullet Force]
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Halloween in my favorite game [Bullet Force]
1.000.000 Credits Prize! [Bullet Force]
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1.000.000 Credits Prize! [Bullet Force]
Birthday party [Bullet Force]
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Birthday party [Bullet Force]
Bullet Force News #1 [Bullet force]
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Bullet Force News #1 [Bullet force]
I became a Bullet Force developer? #Part1
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I became a Bullet Force developer? #Part1
POV: Joining a lobby with a flashbang spammer [Bullet Force]
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POV: Joining a lobby with a flashbang spammer [Bullet Force]
Important Announcement [Bullet Force]
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Important Announcement [Bullet Force]
HBO hack [Dying Light]
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HBO hack [Dying Light]
My Favorite Guns [Bullet Force]
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My Favorite Guns [Bullet Force]
Take it or double it and pass it on! [Bullet Force]
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Take it or double it and pass it on! [Bullet Force]
Bullet Force, but it is Spiderman! [Bullet Force]
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Bullet Force, but it is Spiderman! [Bullet Force]
AI wrote me a script in 2 seconds! [Bullet Force]
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AI wrote me a script in 2 seconds! [Bullet Force]
Nuke video [Bullet Force]
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Nuke video [Bullet Force]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! [Bullet Force]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! [Bullet Force]
Merry Christmas [Bullet Force]
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Merry Christmas [Bullet Force]
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Horror update [Bullet Force]
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Horror update [Bullet Force]
The saddest moment in history [Bullet Force]
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The saddest moment in history [Bullet Force]
POV: Living with an OCD [Bullet Force edition]
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POV: Living with an OCD [Bullet Force edition]
I'm depressed (Official video)
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I'm depressed (Official video)
Forcing Omegle to Play This Game!
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Forcing Omegle to Play This Game!
City is different now [Bullet Force]
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City is different now [Bullet Force]
***New Update [Bullet Force]***
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New Update [Bullet Force]
Sountrack cover [Bullet Force]
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Sountrack cover [Bullet Force]
Vacation is over [Bullet Force]
Просмотров 8582 года назад
Vacation is over [Bullet Force]


  • @Im_not_Rookie
    @Im_not_Rookie 13 дней назад

    No way we got GTA 6 in blf before we got gta6

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 12 дней назад

      @@Im_not_Rookie Weird world we're living in 😅

    @KPACHOBAT 19 дней назад

    Я в игре с декабря 2016-го. Тогда это был лучший шутер на мобиле. Надеюсь разрабы все таки достанут игру из ямы, в которую она погрузилась

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 19 дней назад

      Молодец, мужик, это довольно долго. Я тоже на это надеюсь... Хотел бы я быть там тогда

    @KPACHOBAT 19 дней назад

    Дружище, это реально красиво и талантливо🎉

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 19 дней назад

      Спасибо большое! Я это ценю!

  • @Миротворец-у8к
    @Миротворец-у8к 19 дней назад


  • @Миротворец-у8к
    @Миротворец-у8к 19 дней назад

    В ахере

  • @FloGlo-l5j
    @FloGlo-l5j 23 дня назад

    Don't say it broo💔💔

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 22 дня назад

      @@FloGlo-l5j It was a clickbait, I'm still here 😅❤️

  • @PC-ShadowNoob000
    @PC-ShadowNoob000 23 дня назад

    Yeah that's what I want to see ❤

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 22 дня назад

      @@PC-ShadowNoob000 Hehe glad I delivered ❤️

  • @AstritHuseini
    @AstritHuseini 28 дней назад

    "And of course Mr Sexy" get me every time😂

  • @familiaortega8893
    @familiaortega8893 29 дней назад

    Un saludo Morsel. Mi name in bullet forcé is Pablockpan. Espero que me recuerdes, quiero veré algún día jugando nuevamente, aunque yo también me retire pero siempre veía estos vídeos para acordarme.un saludos y buena suerte.🎉🎉

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 29 дней назад

      ¡Claro que me acuerdo de ti, tío! No te preocupes, seguiré jugando a Bullet Force y grabando vídeos de ello. Solo quería hacer este vídeo para marcar el punto en la historia del canal en el que empiezo a tomármelo más en serio :D

    • @familiaortega8893
      @familiaortega8893 29 дней назад

      Alabado seas por responder, Y RECUERDA QUE BULLET FORCE BUENO JUEGO.👍👍🥰

  • @sage_horseplays1344
    @sage_horseplays1344 Месяц назад

    thought You gonna end it all. But gave us a Bohemian reveal.

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@sage_horseplays1344 Hehe I hope we just start harder from now on 💪❤️

  • @nastery440
    @nastery440 Месяц назад

    I am a forward assault cc and have to say hats off to u! This is the first bf related video I have watched till the end ❤

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Oh, what an honor! Thanks, man, a truly appreciate it! 🥰❤

  • @User-bf7iy
    @User-bf7iy Месяц назад

    Are you really ending your chanel? Man it's was nice to be a part of this! By the way, if you really look like that, you look way better then what I expected 😮

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@User-bf7iy Lol, what did you expect me to look like? 😅 Thanks, man! Don't worry, I'm just changing thing a bit. I'm going to take the channel more seriously from now on

    • @User-bf7iy
      @User-bf7iy Месяц назад

      @toughguys7111 thank God. I thought you were done.

  • @User-bf7iy
    @User-bf7iy Месяц назад

    Is that really what you look like?

  • @Gamer21049
    @Gamer21049 Месяц назад

    💀 i wasn't expecting that bro face reveal!

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@Gamer21049 That was the point 🤗

    • @Gamer21049
      @Gamer21049 Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 nice so your still making videos right?

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@Gamer21049 Yes. This is the ending from the last video I posted

  • @teamh111
    @teamh111 Месяц назад

    Man you got me scared for a sec, had you left the community it really would have been the end !

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Hehe don't worry man, I'm not planning on leaving for now :D

  • @nxtboyIII
    @nxtboyIII Месяц назад

    dang the quality is really good also that ending sheesh, i like the color grading and your hair is awesome

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Hehe thanks, man! Glad you liked it! Time to level up content ideas ❤

  • @Cardif_
    @Cardif_ Месяц назад

    Mr sexy <3

  • @Straflight
    @Straflight Месяц назад

    POP OFF KING The animation quality is amazing to see

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thanks, man! Glad you like it 🤗 Blf anime vid might be the next bigger project though, so I'll contact you when the time comes

    • @Straflight
      @Straflight Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 okay man sounds good, yk my email

  • @Gamer21049
    @Gamer21049 Месяц назад

    no i have to play with you my friend 😵 atleast 1 video

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Just watch the video until the very end. 😀 Nothing has changed, I'm just about to change things on the channel a bit

    • @Gamer21049
      @Gamer21049 Месяц назад

      Oh my bad 🤦‍♂

  • @KAWALJOT7179
    @KAWALJOT7179 Месяц назад

    Man I can understand that there are a lot of things to say but as a man I can totally understand how it feels to end your favorite thing as I used to watch your videos man and then suddenly I can't because of Heavy work and studies after a joined my college But I will always remember you as one of the best editing youtuber because of your skills I remember I was shocked when I saw woods remastered. By the way a lots of love to you as always all the best for your new journey otherwise there's always an option for a comeback

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thank you, man! Means a lot. Honestly, I wouldn't even think about sticking with all of this for this long if there was not for the people caring about the content the way they did. As for coming back, don't worry, I'm not leaving youtube neither the Blf - just changing things on the channel a bit (watch the video until the very end, if you missed it 😀)

  • @DarkAlpha
    @DarkAlpha Месяц назад

    Goated RUclipsr For Real! Wish you the best on upcoming Content Ideas!!! <3

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@DarkAlpha Thank you, my brother! ❤️

  • @Im_not_Rookie
    @Im_not_Rookie Месяц назад

    best blf creater. Ahemelms and me (Roukey) wish u luck!

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thanks, I really appreciate it! I'm not leaving though, this is just a new chapter for the channel 🤗❤️

  • @ishaanlivepro
    @ishaanlivepro Месяц назад

    emotional video and unexpected ending

  • @CameronMitchell-k5e
    @CameronMitchell-k5e Месяц назад

    bye charlie will i ever see you again no bro pls dont go pls

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      No worries, I'm not going anywhere. Just changing things a bit on the channel ❤

  • @wallpe1522
    @wallpe1522 Месяц назад

    joined to the retired gang

    • @LocalGazza
      @LocalGazza Месяц назад


    • @BlobFish-BlobFish
      @BlobFish-BlobFish Месяц назад

      Noooo why Wallpe whyyyy😭

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      I'm not retired yet, just changing things a bit on the channel. Don't tell me you didn't watch to the end 😅

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      I expect you to un-retire btw ;(

    • @wallpe1522
      @wallpe1522 Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 i did but didnt pay attention much, i was in a bus lol

  • @MrZepth
    @MrZepth Месяц назад

    Scared me

  • @JayRowMay.
    @JayRowMay. Месяц назад

    It's been fun! Time for bigger and better things.

  • @GunnyDaGamer
    @GunnyDaGamer Месяц назад

    Did u just face reveal

  • @iSOLOIndia
    @iSOLOIndia Месяц назад

    So it's time to welcome the new morzel (the actual sexy) with facecam

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      It was about time for something to change. 🤗 A lot of things is going on rn, so not sure when I'll be able to start streaming, but yeah...that's the plan!

  • @DoUsucfrfr
    @DoUsucfrfr Месяц назад


    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Is it that big of a moment? 😂❤

  • @ydanoz
    @ydanoz Месяц назад

    Take care man, sexy face reveal tho 🔥❤️

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thanks man! I'm still here, we're just changing things a bit ❤️

    • @ydanoz
      @ydanoz Месяц назад

      @ Oh aight gl then 💪

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @ydanoz Ty man, likewise!

  • @toughguys7111
    @toughguys7111 Месяц назад


  • @thedankslav5191
    @thedankslav5191 Месяц назад

    The Doors reunion when?

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@thedankslav5191 You're the manager, organize something 😅

  • @SirCatsonreal
    @SirCatsonreal Месяц назад

    Morzel Has gotta be my favorite Bullet Force RUclipsr. He's been able to make content is always been so unique, funny, and entertaining with the help of his gaming, music, and animating Skills. Even though I'm relatively new to his channel, I'm honestly really glad I became a part of this community... ...and to see THE MAN HIMSELF.

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thank you so much for this nice words man! Means a lot! We're really glad to have you here with us ❤

  • @Gamer21049
    @Gamer21049 Месяц назад

    Hey bro i may have and cannot join in to play with you guys but i hope to play with you soon

  • @nonamedbro
    @nonamedbro Месяц назад

    This is amazing!!! Any chance to get some tabs?

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Thanks, man! Hm, I might be able to create some in the future 🤗

  • @Albert-m7j
    @Albert-m7j Месяц назад

    I play in Europe

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@Albert-m7j Nice, me too. See ya there

  • @Albert-m7j
    @Albert-m7j Месяц назад

    thats just dumb

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@Albert-m7j Why?

    • @Albert-m7j
      @Albert-m7j Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 cos its cheating but it does the job

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@Albert-m7j It was a joke though, but yeah :D It does the job. These two enemies are my friends

    • @Albert-m7j
      @Albert-m7j Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 lol

    • @Albert-m7j
      @Albert-m7j Месяц назад

      btw my names murser on bullet force

  • @kingdoge600
    @kingdoge600 Месяц назад

    bro playing bullet force back in 2017 was the best tbh

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      Possible. Unfortunately, I was not there back then :(

  • @9VBF
    @9VBF Месяц назад

    Anyone have unlock all for this game yet ??

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 Месяц назад

      @@9VBF I don't know ;(

    • @9VBF
      @9VBF Месяц назад

      @@toughguys7111 damn I was tryna get back on this game coz then when there were free modded accounts I used to play

  • @PC-xMaxTheConqrer
    @PC-xMaxTheConqrer 2 месяца назад

    I'll c yall next Sunday ✌️

  • @PC-xMaxTheConqrer
    @PC-xMaxTheConqrer 2 месяца назад

    Is that the end?

  • @Gaminghands11
    @Gaminghands11 2 месяца назад


  • @Gamer21049
    @Gamer21049 2 месяца назад

    BRO it looks medieval bro not modernised

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 2 месяца назад

      I don't see a problem there, I ramastered it backwards 😅

  • @AstritHuseini
    @AstritHuseini 2 месяца назад

    Hey morzel look in to my community!

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 2 месяца назад

      Lets goo! Wish you luck brother! Enjoy it!

    • @AstritHuseini
      @AstritHuseini 2 месяца назад

      @@toughguys7111 Thank you maby ill some shorts with my ps5 when i got time!❤️😁

  • @JeremyJjj-ee3uk
    @JeremyJjj-ee3uk 2 месяца назад

    I know many hacker and i am a feiend with sinbad

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 2 месяца назад

      @@JeremyJjj-ee3uk Oh, very nice 😀

    • @JeremyJjj-ee3uk
      @JeremyJjj-ee3uk 2 месяца назад

      @@toughguys7111 so if I win 1v1 vs you do y can give me amethyst gloves?😀

    • @toughguys7111
      @toughguys7111 2 месяца назад

      @@JeremyJjj-ee3uk I don't have ability to giveaway gloves. I don't even have them myself 😅 (I got only chill gloves from a friend as a bday present)