Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
Please explain more - he says Jesus was a rabbi because He was called to read -what was the process to become a rabbi ? Jesus did not go to the temple and study there did He ?
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
So God looked down from heaven and saw the geography of the earth and noticed there was a place that would be a crossroads between Europe, Asia and Africa ? Or, did the God who made the earth design and build it so that He could place His nation at the crossroads to be a witness to the nations ? Look at a picture of the US from space. It is shaped like an eagle - Florida is the head and beak, the left wing extends up the east coast and the right wing extends down toward Texas. Can you see God's fingerprints all over that design ?
Right - the apostles were not part of the organized religious system. When Christ was born the announcement was not to the religious leaders at the temple. It was to despised shepherds. Rejects of society who were not accepted as witnesses in a court of law. Later, when Christ was at the temple, He called those religious leaders snakes, liars, hypocrites and children of the Devil. I guess He was not politically correct and forgot to read "How to make friends and influence enemies." Christ was not part of that system either. When He came to the temple the leaders questioned His credentials, saying, "Who gave you this authority?" This is good teaching but it looks like it is being done in a funeral home.
Thank you for sharing!!
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
What are these men dressed up as?
Please explain more - he says Jesus was a rabbi because He was called to read -what was the process to become a rabbi ? Jesus did not go to the temple and study there did He ?
Hello, Everyone! We wanted to let you know that Preserving Bible Times continues to provide Biblical Context Resources on our website. We have also produced new products and we are in the process of digitizing all of Doug Greenwold's teaching materials on our website. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, "Between the Lines" on our website here: preservingbibletimes.org We look forward to serving you in the future. If we can serve you in any specific way in your Bible teaching or small groups, please do reach out to us through our website.
So God looked down from heaven and saw the geography of the earth and noticed there was a place that would be a crossroads between Europe, Asia and Africa ? Or, did the God who made the earth design and build it so that He could place His nation at the crossroads to be a witness to the nations ? Look at a picture of the US from space. It is shaped like an eagle - Florida is the head and beak, the left wing extends up the east coast and the right wing extends down toward Texas. Can you see God's fingerprints all over that design ?
Right - the apostles were not part of the organized religious system. When Christ was born the announcement was not to the religious leaders at the temple. It was to despised shepherds. Rejects of society who were not accepted as witnesses in a court of law. Later, when Christ was at the temple, He called those religious leaders snakes, liars, hypocrites and children of the Devil. I guess He was not politically correct and forgot to read "How to make friends and influence enemies." Christ was not part of that system either. When He came to the temple the leaders questioned His credentials, saying, "Who gave you this authority?" This is good teaching but it looks like it is being done in a funeral home.
This explanation with context has given me a completely new view of this portion of scripture. Thank you.