Broken Electronics
Broken Electronics
  • Видео 411
  • Просмотров 189 248
In Quest of Camera, Mac OS 15 2 on the test 5,1 Mac Pro
Apple dropped Sequoia 15.2, and I actually got around to updating the same week! ;-)
Просмотров: 53


Sequoia 15 1 1 on the test 2010 Mac Pro
Просмотров 14214 дней назад
Mac OS Sequoia 15.1.1 is up and running fine on the test 5,1 Mac Pro. I should be able to get to future OS update in a much more timely manner.
Into the Future, the M4 Mini!
Просмотров 11621 день назад
Yes, it's for the collection, but it's a lot more.
Farewell to the 2013 Mac Pro
Просмотров 344Месяц назад
The 2013 Trashcan Mac Pro, struggles on Sonoma. In this video we compare benchmarks to the 2010 Cheesegrater Mac Pro, also running Sonoma.
Mac Pro 6,1, the Trashcan goes to Sonoma!
Просмотров 2982 месяца назад
I'M ALIVE!!! Here we upgrade the Mac Pro 6,1, AKA "Trashcan". which has just reached end of support, at least according to Apple. But, with the use of OCLP, we shall now take it too Sonoma!
M4 iPad Pro Unboxing
Просмотров 3096 месяцев назад
Enjoy my new iPad with me.
Sonoma 14 5 on the Test cMP
Просмотров 1507 месяцев назад
It only took a couple of days to get the time to do this. As it turned out, this was one of the smoothest updates yet.
Sonoma 14 5 Placeholder
Просмотров 657 месяцев назад
I will get to this soon, I promise!
6,1 Mac Pro, the Upgrades!
Просмотров 2307 месяцев назад
A 4TB SSD and 64 GB of RAM should position this machine well.
Apple Displays, 2010s Style!
Просмотров 1057 месяцев назад
Demonstration and evaluation of two Apple displays from the period.
I bought a Mac Pro! No, Really!
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Okay, I own 7 Mac Pros. Why would I buy an 8th?
Mac mini Collection, the Acryllic Era!
Просмотров 1408 месяцев назад
The acrylic minis, from the Core Solo from early 2006, to the Core 2 Duo from late 2009.
2004 Apple Cinema Display, the 23 in!
Просмотров 3498 месяцев назад
A quick intro, there will be more Apple display content to come!
Mac mini G4, the first and last of its kind
Просмотров 2708 месяцев назад
The first Mac mini! And the first and last PPC Mac mini!
Power Mac G5 2003, report and update to 10.2.8
Просмотров 1948 месяцев назад
Apple still does make this updater easily available on their web site.
Power Mac G5 Dual Processor 1 8 and the return of it's original OS
Просмотров 1299 месяцев назад
Power Mac G5 Dual Processor 1 8 and the return of it's original OS
Mac OS Sonoma 14 4, on the test 5,1 Mac Pro
Просмотров 8829 месяцев назад
Mac OS Sonoma 14 4, on the test 5,1 Mac Pro
Sorbet Leopard Redux, Version 1 5!
Просмотров 3679 месяцев назад
Sorbet Leopard Redux, Version 1 5!
My Mac mini Collection!
Просмотров 3439 месяцев назад
My Mac mini Collection!
Mac mini Collection, the last three, I promise! For now
Просмотров 1789 месяцев назад
Mac mini Collection, the last three, I promise! For now
30 Apple Cinema Display HD
Просмотров 82210 месяцев назад
30 Apple Cinema Display HD
2007 2,1 Mac mini, the last piece!
Просмотров 42210 месяцев назад
2007 2,1 Mac mini, the last piece!
Sonoma 14 3 on the Test 2010 Mac Pro
Просмотров 35310 месяцев назад
Sonoma 14 3 on the Test 2010 Mac Pro
Mac mini Collection, the 2009 Server!
Просмотров 17010 месяцев назад
Mac mini Collection, the 2009 Server!
Mac mini, the Apple Silicon Era! A 1000 Subscriber Special!
Просмотров 50911 месяцев назад
Mac mini, the Apple Silicon Era! A 1000 Subscriber Special!
Mac mini Quad, 2012, Benchmarks and comparisions with the 2014
Просмотров 13211 месяцев назад
Mac mini Quad, 2012, Benchmarks and comparisions with the 2014
Mac mini 2014 Benchmarks
Просмотров 51911 месяцев назад
Mac mini 2014 Benchmarks
Mac mini 2014 and 2012 go to Ventura!
Просмотров 76711 месяцев назад
Mac mini 2014 and 2012 go to Ventura!
2012 Mac mini Server, SSD upgrade!
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
2012 Mac mini Server, SSD upgrade!
Sonoma 14 2 on the test 5,1 Mac Pro!
Просмотров 820Год назад
Sonoma 14 2 on the test 5,1 Mac Pro!


  • @fookoo567
    @fookoo567 День назад

    I'm having the same issue Lee, with my usb webcam.. I think will will have a fix soon...

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 День назад

      Yes, I had also seen post on Reddit referring to the same issue. I hope we do get a fix soon, I'd really rather not have to fuss with downgrading that computer to Sonoma, just to get the camera working, I do need that camera though. Thank you for the confirmation,

  • @cybergshulz4328
    @cybergshulz4328 12 дней назад

    where did you get the adapter?

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 12 дней назад

      It;s the same adapter used for the 2014-2915 MacBook Pros. They are freely available on Amazon or eBay. Here is one:

  • @fookoo567
    @fookoo567 15 дней назад

    Nice job Lee!

  • @jonesing4fame922
    @jonesing4fame922 15 дней назад

    FANTASTIC! Thank you!

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 21 день назад

    Still waiting for you to complete the iPad video... pencil/use video.

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I use the M4 iPad everyday. I got it to replace paper copies of sheet music, and it has been a brilliant alternative. I'm not sure when I might get to a video update on it.

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 21 день назад

    Welcome back! Yeah, these old cameras are pretty bad... might want to switch to ALL iPhone video/audio recording ;) Great video, per usual!

  • @TheOriginalCollectorA1303
    @TheOriginalCollectorA1303 22 дня назад

    Awesome, congratulations on the new Mini! It’s a cool redesign and should work well. I’ve got a space gray Trackpad and it’s been fantastic to use! It works really well for video editing and other applications and even just as a standard pointing device. The Magic Mouse is also a good one to use just like the Trackpad. The classic Mac Pros are always going to be excellent machines, but it’s also great to have another Mac Mini!

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I like the trackpad, it works really well. I go back and forth between it and the Apple Mouse, dep[ending on what I'm doing. Unfortunately, the desk setup I'm on doesn't really have room for both. My setup is kind of weird right now, I'm waiting on some longer Thunderbolt cables, so I can get a more convenient setup for the dock and the hub. I'll get a video out about it in a week or sp

    • @TheOriginalCollectorA1303
      @TheOriginalCollectorA1303 20 дней назад

      Cool, both are useful but yeah it would be nice to have space for everything. Nice, that should make it better to use overall!

  • @DrDavesDiversions
    @DrDavesDiversions 22 дня назад

    Thanks for the Mini review: useful to me!

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I'm glad it was of help. I have a more in depth video on the Mac mini history, I can't put my finger on the link right now, but it is in the Mac mini playlist.

  • @schuetting
    @schuetting 23 дня назад

    Greetings from Germany... I like the normality of your videos, carry on ;-) I am curious if there will be a hub for the M4 Mac Mini with sd-slot, USB-A etc. and with the possibility for install external storage (like I have here for my M1 Mac Mini)

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      "Normality of your videos....." I like that, it sums up what I'm trying to do. None of it is scripted, it's just me talking to my friends about my love of these devices and their history. Any of the currently available Thunderbolt hubs and docks will work fine with M4 mini. I'm on the machine now, using the OWC Thunderbolt 3 Dock, with 14 additional ports, including 5 USB A ports, making up for the lack of them on the mini. It has both SD and Micro SD slots on the front, and a mini Displayport port on the back. I have my 2008 Apple Cinema display connected via that, just plugged it in and it works fine. My 2010 Apple Thunderbolt display plugs into the Thunderbolt display port on the back of the dock as well, with the use of Apple's TB adapter, and it works fine as well. There is also the OWC Thunderbolt 3 Hub, which adds three additional TB ports, and works really well. When I get the setup working, I'll have the dock plugged into one of the TB ports, and the hub into another, with the third reserved for a Thunderbolt 4 external 4 TB drive. I have the M4 Pro, so I will eventually get a TB 5 hub. I already have a TB 5 enclosure on order. I'll have a video on the setup dso far out in a week or so.

  • @ElimarLucas
    @ElimarLucas 23 дня назад

    Amazing video, congratulations on your collection

  • @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub
    @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub 23 дня назад

    I'm running a hacked Mac Pro 5,1 mid 2010 which I upgraded to OS Sonoma. It ran fine until the last update, then it lost my wireless mouse and keyboard. I tried re-booting with a wired mouse and keyboard, but it didn't recognise. I am currently in the process of re-installing Ventura, as it was working fine with that. Once the M4 Mac Studio becomes available, my Mac Pro will be utilised as a local network file server.

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I see. I suspect that the problem is the lack of root patching. You will find that bluetooth peripherals will stop working. Many USB keyboards and mice need USB 1.1 support, which no longer works in Sonoma. It's never been a problem for me, since I keep an Apple aluminum wired keyboard handy, which is a USB two hub. Plug that in, and plug the mouse into that, and it should work fine. The other option is to use a USB 2 hub, and plug your keyboard and mouse into that. Once you get the install finished and your root patches installed, you should be able to repair your bluetooth devices.

    • @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub
      @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub 20 дней назад

      @@brokenelectronics3665 Thankyou for your help.

  • @KeyboardBuster
    @KeyboardBuster 25 дней назад

    I think as they are they are weak. But max out the ram, put a cheap SSD in, replace the WIFI card with a Broadcom crystal HD decoder card, a modern WIFI USB adapter. And a copy of Windows 7. It would be a decent media player.

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I suppose you're right. Remember though, for me, this is just a part of my collection, I have no reall need to use it for anything other than it's historic value.

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 29 дней назад

    He’s baaaack! 🎉

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I never went anywhere. My posting is going to continue to be erratic, though I'm on a bit of a roll right now.

  • @TheOriginalCollectorA1303
    @TheOriginalCollectorA1303 29 дней назад

    I wasn’t expecting it to be that big of a difference, the ability to upgrade everything in the 5,1 really helps out. The 2013 is a cool model, but the design is perfect for something like the M series of chips while the classic Mac Pro case is way better for upgrading.

  • @palote99
    @palote99 29 дней назад

    New Apple Silicon CPU´s are makig this macs really old machines......

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      The 6,1s are really showing their age. If I wanted to go to the expense and hassle of using an external GPU, that might well make a difference. But with the 5,1, I just put a better GPU into the slot, and off we go. Thus far, I can do just about everything with an upgraded 5,1 that I have done with the M4 Pro. In fairness, I just hooked up the M4 Pro Mac mini yesterday, and I have not really tried to push it yet, but the old cheesegrater is not quite done just yet.

  • @Mrbubzie1993
    @Mrbubzie1993 Месяц назад

    The Mac Pro 2013 was affected by graphics chip failures. When I worked for Apple, we actually had a repair program for it because the issue impacted a lot of people. Over time, the Mac Pro tends to overheat since it gets quite toasty under a full load. However, I can tell you that I’m currently running macOS Sequoia and usually have 5-10 apps open, including video editing and heavy Photoshop work, and it performs exceptionally well. I would recommend downloading the Apple Service Diagnostic bootable utility. If it’s freezing the way you describe, that’s somewhat normal-even with OpenCore installed. In fact, one of the machines used to develop OpenCore is a Mac Pro 6,1, and that developer has no issues at all. It’s a pretty powerful machine and, at least for me, it runs without any fuss. For more information on the repair program and that Apple launched search google “ Apple Launches Repair Program for Late 2013 Mac Pro Video Issues” and it’s the second link

  • @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub
    @MauriceWrightPhotography-xr6ub Месяц назад

    I've been running Sonoma on my mid 2010 Mac Pro successfully until I upgraded to version 14.7. At that point, my computer failed to recognise my wireless keyboard. I switched this out for a usb keyboard and re-booted. It still did not see a keyboard. Any ideas? Should I reinstall OS Ventura or Monterey, which both worked fine without any issues. In the interim I am using my Mac mini M1, which is struggling a bit with the latest versions of Photoshop and Lightroom.

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 20 дней назад

      I'm sorry I missed this, see my reply to your more recent comment, where I try to give you an answer.

  • @thedocta420
    @thedocta420 Месяц назад

    Great video! From my understanding of Quadro cards, they typically feature more VRAM at the expense of lower clock speed/drivers that aren't quite optimized for tasks like gaming. Besides the aesthetic/collector's appeal, and the use case for professional design software (CAD tools, video editing etc), are there noticeable drawbacks in other areas, like 3D gaming performance? Would a PowerMac G5 owner in 2024 really be missing out if they had something like a 7800 GT compared to this Quadro card? Keep it up man great work

  • @Xyspade
    @Xyspade Месяц назад

    I've been trying to get OS X installed on a PDQ over the last week dealing with these exact issues throughout, and this is one of very few search results documenting the issues. Sadly I'm three years late to help the video producer lol, but for anyone else stumbling in here: the mSATA SSD was to blame. My solution was to revert to the original 4 GB hard drive*, and OS 10.0 in my case finally installed. I then removed the drive, and hooked it and the mSATA SSD up to a MacBook Pro** running 10.5 with two IDE to USB readers. I used Disk Utility to restore the 10.0 install from the hard drive to a 7.9 GB partition at the start of the SSD, formatted as Mac OS Extended. Then I put the SSD back in the PDQ. If you get a question mark folder, don't panic yet, you need to select it as the startup disk. I booted an OS 9.2 live CD to borrow its Startup Disk control panel to select the OS 10.0 partition, and there it was. The first boot was quite slow but it works perfectly now. Hopefully this is helpful to someone, and to the video producer, at least the mystery is solved now! *If you don't have it, I imagine any hard drive 8 GB or less would work. Or possibly any hard drive would, so long as you make a 7.9 GB or less partition at the beginning and use that. **It has to be a MacBook Pro or a powered USB hub. I've found that PowerBooks don't output enough power over USB to spin up a hard drive.

  • @daedalao756
    @daedalao756 Месяц назад

    I'm glad you're doing "well!" I just found your videos! I found a 2008 MacBook 5,1 in the ewaste bin... powered it up and now I've got two PowerBook G4 15"s.. (1.33ghz and 1.67ghz respectively) Thank you for the videos you've got up so far!

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life Месяц назад

    Did we lose you again?

  • @ethanconnor-hodges
    @ethanconnor-hodges 2 месяца назад

    Were you able to get the wifi working?

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      Actually, the built in wifi is so slow, I use it hard wired.

    • @ethanconnor-hodges
      @ethanconnor-hodges 2 месяца назад

      @@brokenelectronics3665 Thanks for your quick reply. I would be installing it on a G4 iBook and would need the wifi. Do you think it would be better for me to install Sorbet Leopard?

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      @@ethanconnor-hodges It depends on what you want. Honestly, the Snow Leopard Alpha is more of a curiosity, though a cool one. If you are looking for an OS that you can really use, Sorbet would be a better option.

  • @iDok
    @iDok 2 месяца назад

    I have watched many of your videos and want to thank you for all the time you put in trying to help others. I do have a question.. I have a mid 2010 Mac Pro and want to upgrade the OS. Is there any way I could talk with you before I try to do so, maybe through discord or something like that? It wold be my 1st time and I really don't want to mess my computer up

  • @2BuckFridays
    @2BuckFridays 2 месяца назад

    Don't comment often, but had to let you know that seeing your upload made my day! Great to hear from you and that you've been taking care of yourself. Smooth install, and shout outs to Thunderbird. :)

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 2 месяца назад

    Heeeeee’s baaaaaack! Missed you!

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      I never really went anywhere. It may take some time, but I'll get back into it.

    • @vette-4-life
      @vette-4-life 2 месяца назад

      @@brokenelectronics3665 🥰

    • @vette-4-life
      @vette-4-life Месяц назад

      @@brokenelectronics3665 buddy, did you fall down? We need some more Mac history!

  • @aaroncook7709
    @aaroncook7709 2 месяца назад

    Welcome back! And please take care of yourself first since that's more important than making videos. On another note... I recently picked up a 6,1 12 core and haven't decided what to do with it yet. Kinda torn between going the OCLP route or installing Slackware Linux (and name it SlackCanPro 6,1). Haven't used my 5,1 in quite some time now. Installed Slackware (named it SlackPro 5,1) on 1 of the HDDs and it actually runs great after the headache of fan control was figured out. Maybe I'll make it a file server or something. All I need now is a 7,1 (when those start coming down in price) to add to the collection. That will probably cost some money to fully max out. Not really interested in Apple Silicon.

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      Linux is an option, but I'll stick with Mac OS as long as Intel is still supported. We've got three more years of support now. Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot.

  • @TheOriginalCollectorA1303
    @TheOriginalCollectorA1303 2 месяца назад

    Welcome back! Always important to take care of yourself first. That was a fast install, reminds me of how my G5 was able to install Leopard like it’s nothing. Mist looks like a great utility, will definitely have to check that out. Good luck with everything going on, hope it all goes well!

  • @laurencejohnson4106
    @laurencejohnson4106 2 месяца назад

    Welcome back!👍👍

  • @RonRonnieBSimons
    @RonRonnieBSimons 2 месяца назад

    Also wish you well with your health

  • @RonRonnieBSimons
    @RonRonnieBSimons 2 месяца назад

    Hi the reason migration didn't work is you have to revert root patches so you don't have graphics acceleration then migration works fine after reboot without root patches hope this was helpful

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      Okay, I can see that. Since I've stayed on Monterey, except for the test machine, I wouldn't have noticed that. We will see what happens , thank you!

  • @2BuckFridays
    @2BuckFridays 2 месяца назад

    I hope you've been doing well, your presence has been missed!

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 2 месяца назад

      That's very kind of you, thank you so much. I just started working on a video which will, in part, explain what's been going on. If I get it together on time, it should be out this Tuesday morning.

  • @weliveforvacations5203
    @weliveforvacations5203 3 месяца назад

    I have Sonoma 14.6 installed on my 2012 Mac 5.1 with RX580 and it appears to work correctly except the wallpaper. Both monitors are black and if I pull up the wallpaper settings it just spins infinitely. Any ideas?

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 3 месяца назад

      My first thought would be that you need to install the root patches in OCLP. Theoretically, when you start the system in Sonoma, OCLP should pop up with t nag to install the root patches. Sometimes it doesn't though/ Try restarting the system, and open OCLP, then click Post install root patches. Install the patches and restart. Hopefully your wallpaper will show up.

  • @gyoung7802
    @gyoung7802 3 месяца назад

    we need blackmagic ssd speed test !!

  • @mariozly73
    @mariozly73 3 месяца назад

    I been trying to get it done and my Mac Won't do it i do all the steps i Shut it down and see the blinking light here the tone and still goes in to el Capitan

  • @2BuckFridays
    @2BuckFridays 3 месяца назад

    Enjoyed your soliloquy. :)

  • @travislohmann5405
    @travislohmann5405 3 месяца назад

    love my dual 30" Apple Cinema Display setup!

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 3 месяца назад

    RIP 😢

  • @2BuckFridays
    @2BuckFridays 3 месяца назад

    Enjoyed the look. :) Was always a hater of these things and saw them as a big step down from the previous Mac Pros, but like you said, it really wouldn't have been as bad if they hadn't called it a Mac Pro. They are undeniably cool though, and I actually had no idea they were so cheap now, that's a lot of computer for that money!

  • @odnetdesign
    @odnetdesign 4 месяца назад

    Hello :) I've seen your process to upgrade from El Capitan (10.11.6) to Sierra (10.12.6), but that is an upgrade or an update ? IN fact on my Mac Pro Early 2008 (2 x 2.8 Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon with 32 Gb RAM 667 Mhz), what I would have is conserving all my fully configuration present on El Capitan and update (not upgrade !) to Sierra !!! Your process with the patcher is also an update to Sierra or not ? That's very important for me ;) What another thing is the compatibility of the graphic card.I know that on Catalina for example, the GPU graphic cards are limited to 800 x 600 pixels, because on Catalina only on.metal graphic cards are supported; is the same on Sierra ??? In fact I've one version on another hard drive of Catalina installed, but from El Capitan, the hard drive where is installed Catalina is invisible and not accessible !!! Perhaps from Catalina I can make the migration of all the fully configuration present on El Capitan with the App "Migration assistant" ??? Thanks really a lot for your next response and your next detailed informs ;) :)

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 4 месяца назад

      With the release of Sierra, Apple dropped support for the 2008 Mac Pro. That's why we need DosDude's patcher. Using the patcher, you "should" be able to install Sierra over the top of El Cap, thus preserving all of your data. I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of backing up your data before upgrading. If you have a Time Machine backup, or another backup solution, if the install goes wrong, you should be able to do a clean install with the patcher, then use Migration Assistant to transfer your data. Mac OS up to and including High Sierra, do not require metal capable graphics. Mojave and Catalina do, but the DosDude patcher gets you past that. My only experience running Catalina with a non metal GPU was my 2009 iMac. That machine was certainly not limited to 800x600. Anyhow, upgrading the GPU on a 3,1 Mac Pro is not a difficult process. You can get AMD RX580's at really good prices right now. It is not l all surprising that your El Cap install does not see the Catalina drive. Remember that Catalina uses the Apple File System (APFS), while El Cap (and Sierra) use Mac OS Extended Journaled (HFS+). Since APFS had not yet been developed when El Cap was a thing, the OS does not understand it. To share data from Catalina to El Cap, you would need to boot into Catalina, which can see the HSF+ drives. If you decide to go to an RX 580 GPU, note that El Cap does not have drivers for it. El Cap will boot and runs pretty well, though if you use more than one monitor, only the primary will work. Good luck, please let us know how you make out.

  • @RyanT-to4eg
    @RyanT-to4eg 4 месяца назад

    Someone has said he passed away….

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 4 месяца назад

      "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!" That's actually a misquote, Samuel Clemens actually said "The report of my death was an exaggeration." Regardless, I am very much alive, and intend to be so for a long time yet.

    • @vette-4-life
      @vette-4-life 4 месяца назад


  • @KlausKrog
    @KlausKrog 4 месяца назад

    you can use this one instead of the apple adapter: Club3D CAC-1510-A USB C to Dual Link DVI-D Adapter HDCP Off for Apple Cinema Displays, 3840x2160@30hz, 2560x1600@60Hz

  • @aivi3221
    @aivi3221 5 месяцев назад

    Do you mind sharing what display you are using?

    • @brokenelectronics3665
      @brokenelectronics3665 5 месяцев назад

      In this video, and the companions with the 2012. I had them both connected to a 30" Apple Cinema Display HD. The 2014 is currently hooked up to a 40" Samsung TV, and is part of the entertainment center.

    • @aivi3221
      @aivi3221 5 месяцев назад

      @@brokenelectronics3665 Thank you

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 5 месяцев назад

    Where did you go?!

  • @jameselroy6208
    @jameselroy6208 5 месяцев назад

    There is so much good information here, I just can't make it through the entire video, I cannot subject myself to the torture of listening to 5 minutes of useless rambling and pointless stories, for 10 seconds of useful content. Please for the love of cheesus, please fix this video

  • @jeeptrail08
    @jeeptrail08 6 месяцев назад

    I installed this on my Dual Core G5 but it hangs when I boot a fresh install

  • @daviddaniel1001
    @daviddaniel1001 6 месяцев назад

    Any new videos coming?

  • @laurencejohnson4106
    @laurencejohnson4106 6 месяцев назад

    Hello Lee, I finally have a working MacBook Pro, but it's an old one, it's a 17 inch 2008 model with a 2.4 GHz., core 2 duo processor, 8 gig of ram., and a 240 gig ssd., and I installed Linux Mint Mate and the laptop is currently working well, the laptop is fairly well designed, however, it only has two USB., ports and they are both on the same side and to apply fresh thermal paste to the processor the entire logic board has to be removed.

  • @vette-4-life
    @vette-4-life 7 месяцев назад

    Great choice! I got the same one. I upgrade to the largest one every time they come out. Best purchase ever.

  • @TheOriginalCollectorA1303
    @TheOriginalCollectorA1303 7 месяцев назад

    Very cool! If it’s anything like the 2018, I’m sure it’ll be great for a long time. It is a bit strange that they decided an iPad to be the thinnest device, and in general go back to making thinner devices. A thin iPod makes sense, but the extra size of the iPad can take advantage of a larger battery. Regardless, hopefully it works well! I’ve been using far older iPads, and they still work well. Even the original iPad is still excellent, I use it alongside some others. Once I get more added into iTunes like movies/tv, I’m sure I’ll use them even more.