Lama Tsultrim Yeshe
Lama Tsultrim Yeshe
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Essential Practice by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Chapters 1 & 2
The book is a series of talks Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche gave about Kamalashila's Stages of Meditation in the Middle Way School and the Intermediate Treatise on the Stages of Meditation. Chapter 1 is Compassion and the Mind of Awakening. Chapter 2 is Practice. We need to develop compassion for all beings if we are to travel the Buddhist path. Then we need to have the aspiration to free all beings from suffering. These are deepened throughout practicing in the correct way.
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Listening Contemplating and Meditating
Просмотров 305 месяцев назад
We travel the path by listening, contemplating and meditating. Listening means taking in information by listening to talks, watching videos, reading and so forth. Then you chew on it. Examine and determine for yourself if the information makes sense. Then meditate on it.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 Visualizations to Benefit Others
Просмотров 345 месяцев назад
This chapter describes three different ways to use deity practice to dispel the obstacles of others. The methods are easy to do and will not cause problems for others or yourself.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 Vajrasattva Practice
Просмотров 505 месяцев назад
In order to progress we need to clear away obstacles to practice and fruition. The best way to do this is the vajrasattva practice and mantra. The 4 elements of confession is part of the practice. This chapter cover ngondro vajrasattva but includes other ways to purify using the mantra and confession.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 The Mandala Offering
Просмотров 265 месяцев назад
The accumulation of merit is the cause for happiness. There is no method of gathering the accumulation of merit more effective or more pro­found than the offering of a mandala. This talk covers the outer mandala offering and the mandala offering used in Ngondro.
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma The Meaningless Nature of Samsara
Просмотров 245 месяцев назад
This is a contemplation on the defects of samsara. We want happiness but it doesn't last. we don't want difficulties but they continually arise. There are the six realms yet each has it's own form of suffering. If we are going to be motivated to escape samsara we have to be aware of its defects. It is meaningless.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 The Cooling Shade Protecting Others Under The 3 Jewels
Просмотров 205 месяцев назад
The three jewels are like a parasol the protects one from the heat of the sun. This chapter discusses specific methods to do this and the methods come from the ngondro practice. Each of the 4 practices of ngondro are modified here so each one benefits another person or persons.
Relative and Ultimate Bodhicitta
Просмотров 385 месяцев назад
Bodhicitta means awakened mind. It is the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. This leads to the next step which actually engaging in actions that lead to that goal. This is relative bodhicitta. Ultimate bodhicitta is beyond concept. It is the experience of the ultimate,
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 Going for Refuge, Which Protects from All Danger and Fear
Просмотров 105 месяцев назад
There are temporary and ultimate sources of refuge from suffering. The Buddha is the only ultimate source of refuge. The Dharma and Sangha lead us to fruition, complete perfect Buddhahood. the three path give different approaches to fruition.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma The Generation of Bodhichitta, Which Is the Great Path of Awakening
Просмотров 125 месяцев назад
This chapter covers the Bodhisattva vow. There are two traditions: Tradition of Extensive Deeds and Tradition of the Profound View. There are the vows themselves and the commitments of the vows.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma vol 1 Disk of the Sun, The Way of Protecting the Three Vows
Просмотров 155 месяцев назад
This chapter focuses on both lay and monastic vows. There are self-liberating vows - hinayana, Inner vows - Mahayana, Secret vows - tantric. Then three precepts, the commitments, and how an individual practitioner will keep these precepts is examined.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma vol 1 Putting Away the Dice Abandoning Samsara's Path
Просмотров 285 месяцев назад
This chapter looks at renunciation as a means of ending the uncertainty of samsara. There are three paths in Tibetan Buddhism and this examines the foundation path, the mahayana path and the vajrayana path. It includes obstacles and mistaken paths to avoid.
Karma Chagme's Mountain Dharma vol 1 Gandi of the Nobles, The Three Vehicles
Просмотров 295 месяцев назад
This chapter of the book discusses the three vehicles found in Tibetan Buddhism. Gandi means fragrance so Karma Chagme is giving an overview of these three vehicles. The first is Shravakayana tradition and the second is the Pratyekabuddhayana tradition. Together they comprise the foundation vehicle. The third is the Mahayana tradition
Using Life's Manure for Spiritual Growth The Garden of Your Mind
Просмотров 195 месяцев назад
Life is full of difficult experiences, people and circumstances. How you view these difficult parts of life makes a big impact on outcome. Manure can be a pile of smelly stuff you want to avoid. A wise gardener uses it as a resource to grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. We can do the same with our life experiences.
Loving Kindness and Compassion Part 2 Start with Yourself
Просмотров 35 месяцев назад
This is the 2nd half on developing loving-kindness and compassion. Love is wanting all beings to be happy and have the causes of happiness. Compassion is wanting all beings to be free of suffering and the causes of suffering. As we learn to have these qualities we naturally realize we want others to experience them too.
Loving Kindness and Compassion Part 1 Start with Yourself
Просмотров 125 месяцев назад
Loving Kindness and Compassion Part 1 Start with Yourself
Bodhicitta and the Bodhisattva Vow
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Bodhicitta and the Bodhisattva Vow
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 Chapter 1 & beginning of Chapter 2
Просмотров 457 месяцев назад
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 Chapter 1 & beginning of Chapter 2
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1, Beginning Talk
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Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1, Beginning Talk
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 The Spiritual Biography of Karma Chakme
Просмотров 528 месяцев назад
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Vol 1 The Spiritual Biography of Karma Chakme
Interconnected Lenses For A Global Society Linking Aspirations, Chapter 12, Part 2
Просмотров 28 месяцев назад
Interconnected Lenses For A Global Society Linking Aspirations, Chapter 12, Part 2
Practicing Chenrezig During Our Daily Life
Просмотров 158 месяцев назад
Practicing Chenrezig During Our Daily Life
The Tashi Prayer
Просмотров 578 месяцев назад
The Tashi Prayer
Interconnected Sharing Resources Chapter 9 Part 1
Просмотров 2110 месяцев назад
Interconnected Sharing Resources Chapter 9 Part 1
Interconnected From Empathy to Courageous Compassion Chapter 5 Part 2
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Interconnected From Empathy to Courageous Compassion Chapter 5 Part 2
Authentic Freedom Chapter 7
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Authentic Freedom Chapter 7
Opening Heart and Mind Chapter 6
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Opening Heart and Mind Chapter 6
Sharing Resources Chapter 9 Part 2
Просмотров 210 месяцев назад
Sharing Resources Chapter 9 Part 2
The Value of Community, Chapter 10
Просмотров 210 месяцев назад
The Value of Community, Chapter 10
Lenses For A Global Society Chapter 11 Part 1
Просмотров 210 месяцев назад
Lenses For A Global Society Chapter 11 Part 1