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Van De Moer Instruments
Добавлен 6 июл 2017
Van de Moer Instruments is een Belgische muziekwinkel die je kan vinden in Aalst, Antwerpen, Geraardsbergen, Gent, Leuven, Kortrijk, Hasselt en Groningen. Je vindt er akoestische gitaren, elektrische gitaren, piano's, keyboards, elektronische drums, akoestische drums, klassieke orgels, blaasinstrumenten en allerhande accessoires voor muzikanten. Bij Van de Moer Instruments koop je merken als Fender, Roland, Yamaha, Gretsch, PRS, Ibanez, Blackstar, Vox, Marshall, Domus, Johannus, Hofner, Duesenberg en vele andere aan sterke prijzen. Bij Van de Moer Instruments is de leuze niet voor niets 'voor muzikanten, door muzikanten': iedere medewerker is een specialist in zijn vakgebied en kan je steeds de beste begeleiding en oplossing bieden. Benieuwd naar ons aanbod? Surf snel naar www.vandemoer.be
Fender Acoustic vs Highway serie - Wat is nu juist het verschil?
De Fender Highway reeks is een gevolg van het succes van de Acoustasonic! Maar hoe verhouden de twee series zich tot elkaar en wat zijn de voordelen van elk? Wat vind je van deze nieuwe elektro-akoestische Highway-serie? Laat het ons weten in de reacties!
Fender Highway serie
Fender Highway Series™ Dreadnought, Rosewood Fingerboard, Natural tinyurl.com/45m7ev88
Fender Highway Series™ Parlor, Rosewood Fingerboard, All-Mahogany - tinyurl.com/6xzvcpjh
Fender Highway Series™ Dreadnought, Rosewood Fingerboard, All-Mahogany - tinyurl.com/25eh8ujc
Alle Fender Acoustasonics
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Wat is een Fender Highwa...
Fender Highway serie
Fender Highway Series™ Dreadnought, Rosewood Fingerboard, Natural tinyurl.com/45m7ev88
Fender Highway Series™ Parlor, Rosewood Fingerboard, All-Mahogany - tinyurl.com/6xzvcpjh
Fender Highway Series™ Dreadnought, Rosewood Fingerboard, All-Mahogany - tinyurl.com/25eh8ujc
Alle Fender Acoustasonics
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Wat is een Fender Highwa...
Просмотров: 248
Yamaha Genos 2 demo - Van De Moer Instruments
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Yamaha Genos 2 demo - Van De Moer Instruments
Halloween Actie bij Van de Moer Instruments
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Halloween Actie bij Van de Moer Instruments
Gibson Les Paul Tribute Satin Cherry Sunburst: New arrival!
Просмотров 513Год назад
Ontdek de Gibson Les Paul Tribute Satin Cherry in één van onze zeven winkels of op onze webshop! www.vandemoer.be/nl/gibson-les-paul-tribute-satin-cherry-sunburst.html De Gibson Les Paul Tribute Satin Cherry is gebouwd met vakmanschap en oog voor detail. De body is gemaakt van mahoniehout, wat bijdraagt aan de warme en rijke klank van de gitaar. Het bovenblad is voorzien van een prachtige Satin...
The Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s Figured Top Iced Tea
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What's in the case? The Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s Figured Top Iced Tea! Discover at www.vandemoer.be/nl/gibson-les-paul-standard-60s-figured-top-iced-tea.html Ontdek de Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s Figured Top Iced Tea bij Van de Moer Instruments Bij Van de Moer Instruments zijn we trots om jou de Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s Figured Top Iced Tea aan te bieden. Als officiële Gibson-dealer he...
Soundbite Taylor 214 ce
Просмотров 124Год назад
www.vandemoer.be/nl/catalogsearch/result/?q=taylor 214 From the Moer Instruments: your Taylor dealer! www.vandemoer.be This latest edition of the Grand Auditorium Taylor 214ce cutaway has been aesthetically upgraded with layered Hawaiian Koa back and sides. Under the hood, a redesigned internal bracing enhances the guitar's sound capabilities, while a solid Sitka spruce top provides a dynamic r...
New Martin Custom Shops !!!
Просмотров 47Год назад
3 Exciting new arrivals of Martin Custom Shops! Discover them: www.vandemoer.be/nl/catalogsearch/result/?q=martin custom shop Discover the extraordinary craftsmanship of Martin Custom Shops at Van de Moer Instruments. As an authorized dealer, we are proud to offer a wide range of custom-built Martin guitars tailored to meet your unique musical preferences. Martin Custom Shops represent the pinn...
Michael Schack's Push your Drumming Acoustic at Van de Moer Instruments Antwerp
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Michael Schack's Push your Drumming Acoustic at Van de Moer Instruments Antwerp
Martin GPC11e Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Просмотров 2672 года назад
Martin GPC11e Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite www.vandemoer.be/en/martin-gpc-11e-acoustic-guitar.html This Martin GPC11E is part of the Road Series, a series that effortlessly combines affordability with great quality. This also applies to this electro-acoustic 11E. It has a solid sitka spruce top, always good for a nice resonance. The sides and backs are also solid, made of sapele, a ...
Martin D15M acoustic guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Просмотров 2142 года назад
Martin D15M acoustic guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite www.vandemoer.be/en/martin-d-15m-acoustic-guitar.html The Martin D15M is pure, simple and authentic. You cannot describe him more aptly. Because it is a guitar without frills, but with so much character and sound. A full dreadnought, for those warm basses and first-class mahogany for even more warmth. It makes these 15 an ideal companion for ...
Martin D35 Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Просмотров 1822 года назад
Martin D35 Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite www.vandemoer.be/en/martin-d-35-acoustic-guitar.html You have some unadulterated toppers in the world of acoustic guitar. The Martin D35 is not only legendary, but also legendary! The D-35 is a real dreadnought, a solid-bodied guitar shape that delivers full, round sound with lots of bass. Yet the D35 is perfectly balanced, including the speci...
Martin D12e Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Просмотров 2062 года назад
Martin D12e Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite www.vandemoer.be/en/martin-d12e-dreadnought-koa-acoustic-guitar.html The Martin D12E Dreadnought Electro-Acoustic is part of the Road Series, made in the factory in Mexico. They are therefore very cost-effective, but they do have the Martin quality label! This 12 has the typical dreadnought body, good for a solid volume with a nice warm sound...
Martin D10e Sapele acoustic guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Просмотров 3292 года назад
Martin D10e Sapele acoustic guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite www.vandemoer.be/en/martin-d10e-sapele-acoustic-guitar.html The Martin D10E Sapele is part of Road Series, a series of guitars that combines the known quality of Martin with a great price. Also this D10, a dreadnought in sapele. The body shape dreadnought provides a full warm sound, with a nice lot of bass while the sapele wood adds ex...
Martin DJR 10 Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Martin DJR 10 Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Takamine P7DC Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Takamine P7DC Sound Sample / Soundbite
Eastman E10 SS Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Eastman E10 SS Sound Sample / Soundbite
Eastman E20 OO SS acoustic guitar sound sample / soundbite
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Eastman E20 OO SS acoustic guitar sound sample / soundbite
Eastman PCH1 GACE Sound Sample / Soundbites
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Eastman PCH1 GACE Sound Sample / Soundbites
Eastman E20D Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbites
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Eastman E20D Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbites
Eastman E2D Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Eastman E2D Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Eastman E2OM Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Eastman E2OM Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Fender CD60s Naturel Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Fender CD60s Naturel Sound Sample / Soundbite
Yamaha LL-TA Transacoustic Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Yamaha LL-TA Transacoustic Sound Sample / Soundbite
Guild OM240CE Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Guild OM240CE Sound Sample / Soundbite
Yamaha CSF1M Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
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Yamaha CSF1M Acoustic Guitar Sound Sample / Soundbite
Guild M240E Troubadour Soundbite / Soundsample
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Guild M240E Troubadour Soundbite / Soundsample
Просмотров 4222 года назад
Dynamic Style Control for the first time in any keyboard, that is not true. Korg has it for years. Nice marketing.
It is a shame that Yamaha Genos 2 does not support Seamless Sound Switching.
wow, who is this guy??
Sind alle Holländer solche Stoffel wie dieses Publikum? Der arme Kerl spielt vor Ignoranten...
Not Chieftain Red, fyi.. But definitely Cheryl Crow which plays out nice on a resonator!
peter was a music artist
Een virtuoos, een goed mens is niet meer. 😢
R.I.P. Peter. Nu de nieuwe PSR SX-720 en 920 er zijn, hadden we graag een Demo gezien van hem.
peter rip in pace
Peter Baartmans. Vele jaren was hij mijn favoriete demonstrateur van het merk Yamaha. Dank hiervoor Peter. Moge het zo zijn dat het geestelijk licht het te bewandelen pad zal verlichten.
Esse público é o que não se deixa enganar,só conhecimento
Please give the name of strings used in this guitar Alhambra 3 C ?
It’s too small to use bass fingering. I would just play it like a guitar.
I could listen to this for hours..
Such a weak sounding tone. Fender should just stick to the electric.
Da sitzt nur Friedhofsblond rum. Alle schon scheintot.😂 Unglaublich In diesem Alter kauft sich kaum einer ein 5000€ Computermusikkasten
never see such weired visitors.... Peter was a great Musican. R.I.P
Veel te vroeg overleden. Dank je Peter voor al je demos! Een geweldig persoon is heengegaan.
His personality and astounding playing has probably sold more Yamaha Arrangers over the years than any ad or salesperson ever did. R.I.P. Peter, and play for the angels now
Very sad to hear this!
R.I.P. Peter 😢
באמת ????
@@DAVIDROT-gb6rd oui malheureusement il nous a quitté 😟
I believe his instrumental skills are on par with the best of them
Cool. What kind of wood is that?
I believe Sapele. It’s kinda similar to mahogany
Cinematic Streicher, besser, als ein Musikschulorchester, welches sich an Mantovani versucht.
800 styles, aber leider nicht alle Genos 1 Werkstyles, so dass viele Registrierungen bearbeitet werden müssen. Bei Sounds gibt es immer legacy, bei Styles die nun wirklich nicht gerade groß sind, kann man nicht einfach ein paar Megabyte für so etwas zur Verfügung stellen
haha this is exactly what i think about the Genos..... 90 years old people in the crowd 😂😂😂😂😂😂
No question.......this people like real music
Sie sind einfach der Wahnsinn! Bester Präsentator des Genos 2!
Prachtig instrument ... moest Yamaha nu een electrische gitaar uitbrengen met al die effecten erin, direct :-) :-)
Perfect. George.
Apa udah masuk indonesia...
Van De Moer Instruments A Lap Steel Acoustic Guitar
Gorgeous use of delay on bass. Don't hear that much. Nice tune too.
3C Çin'de üretildiği söyleniyor doğrumu acaba?🤔
I think that’s a DTX6K3-X
Wait.. is that Cheryl Crow?
Haha, yup.
song name?
mooie gitaar maar de Esteve 6PS is niet volledig massief, zijkant is gelamineerd. Pas vanaf model 8 zijn ze volledig massief.
Hi, I need the lefty version please.
Où se procurer des tablatures pour banjo 6 cordes ? Merci de votre réponse
Welke stuk is dit?
I’m really impressed with Gretsch guitars in the lower price range
Très beau son.Merci.
actually sounds very nice
Is that the 23?
Sound cheap, disappointed.
Wtf? And what sounds good for you then.
Amazing performance on your piano. I love it all the way. So relaxing. Nice tune. Nice. I also play piano on my channel