- Видео 23
- Просмотров 6 661
Добавлен 2 дек 2021
The seeding is growing The edge is boiling
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Hechang, founded in the summer of 2020, is a literary and artistic brand that uses video content as the main means of expression and deeply cultivates the cultural and artistic interaction between the countryside and the city. Hechang advocates simple, sincere, and vigorous humanistic aesthetics. The visual language strives to reach the life itself and touch the softest part of the people's hearts. In addition, Hechang advocates an open and tolerant attitude to examine the past, present and future of the subject matter touched, looking forward to extending everyone's in-depth thinking on China's humanities and atmosphere, and then forming materials and references.
Turn on the bell 🔔 notification, and watch the exciting videos ~
Hechang, founded in the summer of 2020, is a literary and artistic brand that uses video content as the main means of expression and deeply cultivates the cultural and artistic interaction between the countryside and the city. Hechang advocates simple, sincere, and vigorous humanistic aesthetics. The visual language strives to reach the life itself and touch the softest part of the people's hearts. In addition, Hechang advocates an open and tolerant attitude to examine the past, present and future of the subject matter touched, looking forward to extending everyone's in-depth thinking on China's humanities and atmosphere, and then forming materials and references.
《一通电话》 「上海封控青年们与家长的对话录」|禾厂 Hechang
"A Phone Call" "Dialogue between Shanghai Youth and Their Parents"
上海目前有外地青年 800 万+人口,这代表着这个时期有 800 万份牵挂散布在全国各地。空间虽然隔离,爱不被隔离。愿上海疫情早日好转,互相牵挂的人们早日得以相见。
At present, there are more than 8 million young people from other places were being locked down in Shanghai, which means that there are 8 million cares scattered all over the country during this period. Although space is isolated, love is not in this way. We hope the epidemic will soon turn around in Shanghai and people will meet each other very soon.
[禾厂 Hechang] 禾苗在生⻓ 边缘在沸腾~
The seeding is growing The edge is boiling
Turn on the...
上海目前有外地青年 800 万+人口,这代表着这个时期有 800 万份牵挂散布在全国各地。空间虽然隔离,爱不被隔离。愿上海疫情早日好转,互相牵挂的人们早日得以相见。
At present, there are more than 8 million young people from other places were being locked down in Shanghai, which means that there are 8 million cares scattered all over the country during this period. Although space is isolated, love is not in this way. We hope the epidemic will soon turn around in Shanghai and people will meet each other very soon.
[禾厂 Hechang] 禾苗在生⻓ 边缘在沸腾~
The seeding is growing The edge is boiling
Turn on the...
Просмотров: 56
“Ten Springs”Extra Episode: A Letter to the Residents of Shanghai
Просмотров 502 года назад
“Ten Springs”Extra Episode: A Letter to the Residents of Shanghai 在过去的一个月时间里,我们收集了十位不同职业、不同年龄上海居民的春天,制作成一个包含了十支短片的合集。禁足生活的苦闷、确诊阳性的突然、想看看这个春天的期待......这些声音收到了来自全国各地的回应。 In the past month, we have collected ten Shanghai residents of different professions and ages into a collection of ten short films. The anguish of being confined, the surprise of a positive diagnosis, and the anticipation of seein...
A foreign executive photographed a sultry spring scene in his yard before his positive diagnosis
Просмотров 92 года назад
No.10 A foreign executive photographed a sultry spring scene in his yard before his positive diagnosis “第十个春天”的主角,是上海某外企的高管。采访前夕确诊感染,等待转运,故无法进行采访。他与所有抗疫的上海居民一样,期待自然的抚慰,春风拂面的美好感受! 让我们祝福他早日转阴,恢复自由,也祝愿上海这座城市,早日重获生机! "The Tenth Spring" features an executive from a foreign company in Shanghai. On the eve of the interview, he was diagnosed with infection and was waiting for transfer, so he could not ...
No.9 A female college student who was "locked" for 27 days wanted to see the spring by the sea
Просмотров 52 года назад
No.9 A female college student who was "locked" for 27 days wanted to see the spring by the sea 被封在校园里的生活是很热闹的。同学不得不变得更加亲密。早饭不爱吃包子的就互相交换点零食,晚上空闲无事就全寝一同唱年代久远的歌。 在这种物物交换的生活方式中,她甚至换来了一本书。 The life of being locked in the campus was very lively and classmates had to become more intimate. Those who didn't like steamed stuffed bun for breakfast would exchange some snacks with each other. In the evening...
No.8 The director who came to Shanghai for four years wanted to say to himself in March, flee!
Просмотров 132 года назад
No.8 The director who came to Shanghai for four years wanted to say to himself in March, flee! 尽管在短片的结尾,烂西瓜表达了逃离此刻上海的强烈心愿,但整支短片所呈现的氛围仍然充满了四川人骨子里的闲适安逸。 Although at the end of the short film, he expresses his strong wish to escape from Shanghai at this moment, the atmosphere of the whole short film is still filled with leisure and comfort of Sichuan people. 《十个春天》系列短片邀请了十位当下处在封闭状态中的上海居民,和他们共同记录这个...
Ten Springs | No.7 Unemployed youth in Jing 'an district wanted to see Yangzhou spring
Просмотров 72 года назад
No.7 Unemployed youth in Jing 'an district wanted to see Yangzhou spring 会因为第二天也许再也买不到菜的传闻而失眠一整夜, 努力敲击屏幕支付按钮二十分钟买到购物车所剩无几的食物, 居家时间过长且缺乏食物所以厨艺不断精进,做出了精美丰富的菜品…… 这不只是金雅,也是每一个上海封控中的人的现状。 He would lose sleep all night because of the rumor that he might not be able to buy any food the next day. He would tap the pay button on the screen for 20 minutes to buy the last remaining food in his shopping car...
Ten Springs | No.6 Female engineer in Fengxian who wanted to see the spring in the mountains
Просмотров 22 года назад
No.6 Female engineer in Fengxian who wanted to see the spring in the mountains leah简直不像住在上海,这句话是褒奖。由于疫情缺乏蔬菜的时候,她的首选也是去地里采摘,她因此认识了不少野菜,艾草,野芹菜…… 她说:“百分之九十九的话都是跟我的猫说的。” Leah hardly feels like living in Shanghai, and that's a compliment. Due to the shortage of vegetables during the pandemic, her first choice was to go to the fields, so she got to know a lot of wild vegetables, wormwood and wild cel...
Ten Springs | No.5 After working at home for a month, she wanted to see the spring in Wuhan
Просмотров 22 года назад
No.5 After working at home for a month, she wanted to see the spring in Wuhan 从事广告行业的女孩长峰有一支特别的粉色麦克风,这几乎成为她隔离生活的特效药。她认为疫情是上帝中途改写的游戏剧本,普通人不得不被动接受,改变自己的生活玩法。 Changfeng, a girl in the advertising industry, has a special pink microphone, which has almost become a miracle drug for her isolated life. She regards the epidemic as a game script rewritten by God in the middle of the game, ordinary people...
Ten Springs | No.4 Designer in Pudong wanted to see the spring in the campus
Просмотров 12 года назад
No.4 Designer in Pudong wanted to see the spring in the campus 邹巍说,他没有特别怀念去年春天,他只想走出小区。随便晴天,还是雨天,只要能出去走走,让双脚被雨水打湿,那种感觉一定非常好。 Zou wei says he doesn't particularly miss last spring, he just wants to get out of his neighborhood. Rain or shine, it feels good just to get out and get the feet wet. 《十个春天》系列短片邀请了十位当下处在封闭状态中的上海居民,和他们共同记录这个与往年相比,情况有些特殊的春天。 "Ten Springs" series invites 10 Shanghai residen...
Ten Springs | No.3 lockdown at home for 20 days of CEO wanted to eat hometown Qingming Kway Teow
Просмотров 12 года назад
No.3 lockdown control at home for 20 days of CEO wanted to eat hometown Qingming Kway Teow 封控在家,企业家最想吃到家乡的清明粿。那是春天的味道,也是记忆中家乡的味道。 Entrepreneurs would like to eat the hometown of Qingming Kway Teow even quarantine control at home. It is the flavor of spring, but also the memory of the home. 《十个春天》系列短片邀请了十位当下处在封闭状态中的上海居民,和他们共同记录这个与往年相比,情况有些特殊的春天。 "Ten Springs" series invites 10 Shanghai residents...
Ten Springs | No. 2 grounded director wanted to see Shanghai street in spring
Просмотров 172 года назад
No. 2 grounded director wanted to see Shanghai street in spring 被问及对于这个春天的期待,身为纪录片导演的她说:还是最想看到上海的春天。 When asking about her expectations for this spring, the documentary filmmaker said: "I still want to see the spring in Shanghai." 《十个春天》系列短片邀请了十位当下处在封闭状态中的上海居民,和他们共同记录这个与往年相比,情况有些特殊的春天。 "Ten Springs" series invites 10 Shanghai residents who are currently under lockdown to record this special spr...
The Song of Loneliness|34-year-old says music is her way of making contact with the world【EP05】
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 года назад
34-Year-Old Says Music is Her Way of Making Contact with the World 《孤岛之歌》第五集“龚钊”:「大龄独居女吉他手」 ,是很容易对龚钊产生的第一印象,这没说错。但当走近她和她的真实生活,这些标签就显得太过潦草。 舞台上灯光下,她是吉他手,知道让人群摇摆的秘密。在更宽泛的时间和场地中,她「作为一个人」存在着,充实而自足,知道可控的生活界限在哪里。 抱着吉他,拥抱生命,走下去。 这其实就挺摇滚的。 "The Song of Loneliness" Episode 5 "Gong Zhao": "Older female guitarist living alone" is the first impression of Gong Zhao that is easy to have, and it is true. But ...
留在澳门的葡萄牙人: 亲密关系分崩离析之后,依然热望这爱与被爱|禾厂 Hechang|孤岛之歌 The Song of Loneliness
Просмотров 7752 года назад
44-year-old says love is being there for you, no matter what 《孤岛之歌》第四集“Tatiana”:八年前离开葡萄牙,随当时的男友来到澳门,亲密关系分崩离析之后,她留在澳门独自生活,依然热望着「爱与被爱」,依然热情拥抱生活,就像从未受伤。 "The Song of Loneliness" Episode 4 "Tatiana": She left Portugal eight years ago and came to Macau with her then boyfriend. After the close relationship fell apart, she stayed in Macau to live alone, still looking forward to "loving and being loved...
78-year-old says happiness is being alive 【The Song of Loneliness】
Просмотров 8752 года назад
78-year-old says happiness is being alive 《孤岛之歌》第三集“福儿”:年幼时失去父母,中年时失去丈夫,老年时儿子也离开了。苦难与孤独伴随一生,福儿从中探寻活着的意义,生长出宽厚的生命感受。 "The Song of Loneliness" Episode 3 "Fu Er": Lost her parents when she was young, lost her husband when she was middle-aged, and lost her son when she was old. Suffering and loneliness accompanied her throughout her life, and Fu er explored the meaning of life and developed a gener...
50-year-old says she wants to love for her remaining years【The Song of Loneliness】EP02
Просмотров 6802 года назад
50-year-old says she wants to love for her remaining years【The Song of Loneliness】EP02
30-year-old says loneliness is a good thing【The Song of Loneliness 】EP01
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.2 года назад
30-year-old says loneliness is a good thing【The Song of Loneliness 】EP01
[澳门三轮车] 我在葡京赌场外组了个开心车队,准备骑到一百岁|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
Просмотров 2223 года назад
[澳门三轮车] 我在葡京赌场外组了个开心车队,准备骑到一百岁|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
[假山上的K歌之王] 我的孩子们知道我在这边唱歌却从来没来听过|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
Просмотров 643 года назад
[假山上的K歌之王] 我的孩子们知道我在这边唱歌却从来没来听过|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
[二人乐队] 四十年前,这个叫作流氓哨!|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
Просмотров 733 года назад
[二人乐队] 四十年前,这个叫作流氓哨!|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
[退休警察] 90岁的他,每天用毛绒玩具去公园“钓”小朋友|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
Просмотров 4423 года назад
[退休警察] 90岁的他,每天用毛绒玩具去公园“钓”小朋友|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
[EP.02] The capable "double generals" of the pen and the sword in Park | HeChang
Просмотров 5213 года назад
[EP.02] The capable "double generals" of the pen and the sword in Park | HeChang
[退休物理老师] 能量守恒和物质不灭定律是八卦的两边|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons
Просмотров 803 года назад
[退休物理老师] 能量守恒和物质不灭定律是八卦的两边|禾厂 Hechang|公园 Commons