山林蟲坊 Mountain Forest Beetles
山林蟲坊 Mountain Forest Beetles
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【山林蟲坊】三點鋸鍬形蟲:方方黃黃的小可愛 | Prosopocoilus occipitalis astericus: Square and Yellow Cute Stag Beetle
今天要介紹給大家的是三點鋸鍬形蟲。三點鋸鍬形蟲是一種非常有特色的鋸鍬,外觀上主色調是黃色,牙形厚直, 整體看起來方方正正的,非常鮮豔可愛!三點鋸鍬形蟲顧名思義就是牠們的前胸背板有三枚黑色斑紋,中間的斑紋可呈現菱形、心形或圓點,相當有趣哦!
The beetle I’ll introduce today is Prosopocoilus occipitalis. It is a very distinctive type of Prosopocoilus, Its main color is yellow, with thick and straight mandibles, giving it a square and very vivid and cute appearance overall! As its Chinese name suggests, this beetle features three black markings on its pronotum. The middle mark can appear as a diamond, heart, or dot, which is quite interesting!
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【山林蟲坊】養出長牙英特鬼豔So Easy | Odontolabis dalmanni intermedia: Getting long-tusked individuals is So Easy
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
最近因為蟲室的擴建與搬遷我忙得不可開交,好久沒更新頻道內容囉~今天就抽空來看看英特梅迪亞鬼豔的其他批次飼育成果吧! I've been extremely busy lately with the expansion and relocation of my breeding room, so I haven't updated my channel in a while. Today, I finally found some time to check out the breeding results of another batch of Odontolabis dalmanni intermedia! 訂購耗材➘reurl.cc/bDKbQr 最新蟲單➘reurl.cc/1bemYW 訂閱起來➘ 加入LINE官方帳號:lin.ee/FyPwYwh 加入LINE社群:reurl...
【山林蟲坊】英特梅迪亞鬼豔的超偷飼養法 | Odontolabis dalmanni intermedia: Super Shortcut Raising Method
Просмотров 7 тыс.5 месяцев назад
英特梅迪亞鬼豔是世界上最大的豔鍬之一,相信也是許多人非常喜愛的鍬形蟲之一。今天來介紹一種非常偷的飼養方式,不過這只能當作一個飼育的參考值,並不鼓勵大家用這麼偷的方法飼養哦~ Odontolabis dalmanni intermedia is one of the largest species of Odontolabis in the world, and it is believed to be a favorite stag beetle among many enthusiasts. Today, I am going to introduce a very lazy method of rearing them. However, this should only be considered as a reference and I do not encourage yo...
【山林蟲坊】南洋大兜蟲K亞種的新希望 | Chalcosoma chiron kirbyi: New Hope
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.5 месяцев назад
雖然南洋大兜蟲B亞種的故事暫告一段落,然而南洋大兜蟲K亞種的故事卻持續中。這批南洋大兜蟲K亞種是之前在「掌握5大重點,簡單養出長角南洋大兜蟲!」的影片中,幼蟲體重峰值134克的歪角公蟲後代。今天就來替K亞種的公幼蟲換木屑,一起來看看成長的狀況吧! Although the story of the Chalcosoma chiron belangeri has come to a temporary halt, the tale of the Chalcosoma chiron kirbyi continues. These Chalcosoma chiron kirbyi larvae are descendants of the crooked male with larva weight 134 grams in the video ""Chalcosoma chiron ki...
【山林蟲坊】殘念!超級南洋大兜蟲數據大公開! | Pity! The Size of The Super Chalcosoma chiron belangeri is Revealed!
Просмотров 9 тыс.5 месяцев назад
老實說,我的超級南洋大兜蟲CCB並沒有度過蟄伏期,翅鞘也沒有閉合,所以已經無法報送bekuwa記錄了。不過既然已經發生了,只好樂觀面對囉!今天就來公開牠的體長數據,並且將牠做成標本吧! Honestly, my super Chalcosoma chiron belangeri CCB hasn't entered its dormant phase, and its elytra haven't closed, so it's already impossible to submit the bekuda records. But since it has happened, I'll just have to face it with optimism! Today, let's publicly disclose its body length data and prepare...
【山林蟲坊】養蟲必看:耗材的曝氣 | A Must-read for Raising Beetles: Aeration of Consumables
Просмотров 5 тыс.6 месяцев назад
其實無論您使用那一家的甲蟲飼育耗材,有一個我認為很關鍵的流程是必須要做的,如果少了這個流程就比較容易發生幼蟲拒食的風險。這個關鍵流程就是「曝氣」。「曝氣」是使用 何耗材前的保險。今天要來告訴大家安全使用耗材的流程,而且無論您用的是不是我們家的耗材,這個流程都是通用的哦! Actually, no matter which company's beetle breeding consumables you use, there is one process that I think is crucial and must be done. If this process is skipped, there is a higher risk of larvae refusing to eat. This key process is ""aeration.""""Aeration"" ...
【山林蟲坊】寄生在甲蟲身上的蟎 | Parasitic Mites on Beetles
Просмотров 5 тыс.7 месяцев назад
在某些情況下,我們會發現甲蟲身上出現整片灰白色、像是沾到什麼東西的現象,這到底是麼東西呢?我們今天就來用手機外掛鏡頭APEXEL 200倍顯微鏡「APL-MS002BK」一探究竟吧! In certain situations, we may observe a phenomenon where a beetle's body appears to be covered in some grayish-white substances. What exactly is this substance? Let's delve into it with the mobile phone attachment microscope,APEXEL 200x microscope ""APL-MS002BK."" 商品連結與廠商資訊: APEXEL 200倍顯微鏡【APL-MS002BK】 👉...
【山林蟲坊】超級南洋大兜蟲羽化! | Chalcosoma chiron belangeri: The Super CCB Emerged!
Просмотров 7 тыс.7 месяцев назад
末重138克,蛹重121克的南洋大兜蟲CCB終於羽化了,然而還是有些遺憾。一起來看看牠的狀況如何! Chalcosoma chiron belangeri, with final weight of 138 grams and pupa weight of 121 grams, has finally emerged. However, there is a bit of regret. Let's take a look at its condition! 另外,2024年「台灣國際昆蟲博覽會」即將在3月2日星期六在台北花博爭艷館舉辦,「山林蟲坊」會在攤位「K16」與大家見面,歡迎有來參觀的人過來找我哦~ By the way, the 2024 ""Taiwan International Insect Exhibition"" will be held on Saturday,...
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
2024/1/26舉辦的APEXEL 12.5X微距補光手機鏡頭【APL-FL23M15X】抽獎活動開獎囉~恭喜兩位抽中的觀眾朋友,請在2024/2/5(一)以前,在山林蟲坊的FB粉專與我聯絡並提供收件資訊,逾期將取消資格不另行通知哦! 沒有抽中的朋友也別灰心,下方有購買連結,趁商品特價趕緊入手吧!^Q^ 商品連結與廠商資訊: APEXEL 100MM百微補光手機鏡頭【APL-HB100FL23】 👉 商品連結:bit.ly/3ROkkUP APEXEL 12.5X微距補光手機鏡頭【APL-FL23M15X】 👉 商品連結:bit.ly/3H5iaeG MEFU遇見未來 官方網站:bit.ly/3H7Vhap MEFU遇見未來粉絲專頁: mefu.shop/ MEFU遇見未來官方IG: mefu_shop 訂閱起來➘ 加入LINE官...
【山林蟲坊】毛象大兜蟲微距觀察筆記 | Megasoma elephus elephus: Macro Observation Notes
Просмотров 4,6 тыс.8 месяцев назад
最近手上有一批毛象大兜蟲的卵陸續孵化了,這其實是一件資深蟲友眼中再平常不過的事了。平常我就是將蛋挑出來,再將已經孵化的幼蟲個別飼養起來。但今天突然想到,這些司空見慣的畫面我好像從來沒有認真拍攝過!替成蟲拍攝漂亮的照片一直是我樂在其中的事情,但是...我發現我很少認真拍攝牠們的幼蟲階段欸!所以今天我要來好好拍攝這些可愛的小傢伙! Recently, a batch of Megasoma elephus elephus eggs has been hatching one after another. This is actually quite ordinary for seasoned insect enthusiasts. Usually, I separate the eggs and raise the hatched larvae individually. However...
【山林蟲坊】色彩超繽紛!白條綠花金龜羽化啦! | Super Colorful! Dicronorrhina derbyana Emerged!
Просмотров 6 тыс.9 месяцев назад
上個月替白條綠花金龜的幼蟲換土後,短短一個半月的時間牠們就開始造土繭並羽化了!不得不說牠們的蛹期和蟄伏期真的很短啊!一起來看看這次飼養的白條綠都有哪些顏色吧! Last month, after changing the soil for the larvae of Dicronorrhina derbyana, in just one and a half months, they began to construct soil cocoons and emerged! It must be said that their pupal and dormant periods are indeed very short! Let's take a look at the colors of Dicronorrhina derbyana raised this time! 【山林蟲坊2...
【山林蟲坊】暴風成長的南洋大兜CCB化蛹囉! | Chalcosoma chiron belangeri (CCB): The Overweight Larva Pupated
Просмотров 12 тыс.10 месяцев назад
大家還記得在「暴風成長的南洋大兜CCB」影片中,最後長到144克重的那隻幼蟲嗎?牠已經化蛹囉~沒想到在挖蛹時發生了嚴重的失誤,補救方式也出錯了,未來很可能會影響到成功羽化的機率, 到底發生了什麼事呢?今天一起來看看這批幼蟲的飼養結果吧! Do you remember the larva from the "Chalcosoma chiron belangeri (CCB): Lightning Fast Growth of The Larvae" video that grew to a weight of 144 grams? It has pupated now! Unexpectedly, a serious mistake occurred during the pupation process, and the remedial measure went awry. Th...
【山林蟲坊】蘇門亞齊巨扁木屑飼養測試(二) | Dorcus titanus yasuokai: Feeding Test of Homemade Fermented Sawdust (Part 2)
Просмотров 5 тыс.10 месяцев назад
時光匆匆,距離上次替蘇門亞齊巨扁幼蟲換木屑又過了兩個月了。這是我第一次用木屑飼養蘇門亞齊巨扁鍬形蟲,今天又該替這批幼蟲換木屑囉~ 順便看看牠們的體重是否有持續增加! Time flies, and it's been two months since the last time I changed the sawdust for Dorcus titanus yasuokai larvae. This is my first time raising Dorcus titanus yasuokai larvae with fermented sawdust. Today, it's time to change the sawdust for this batch of larvae again. Let's also check if their weight has contin...
【山林蟲坊】替海量的白條綠花金龜幼蟲換土 | Dicronorhina derbyana: Replace Flake Soil for Massive Larvae
Просмотров 5 тыс.11 месяцев назад
【山林蟲坊】替海量的白條綠花金龜幼蟲換土 | Dicronorhina derbyana: Replace Flake Soil for Massive Larvae
【山林蟲坊】波特瑞豎角兜的繁殖筆記 | Golofa porteri: Breeding Notes
Просмотров 7 тыс.11 месяцев назад
【山林蟲坊】波特瑞豎角兜的繁殖筆記 | Golofa porteri: Breeding Notes
【山林蟲坊】花俏的澳洲花鍬形蟲 | Ryssonotus nebulosus: Super Fancy Beetle
Просмотров 6 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】花俏的澳洲花鍬形蟲 | Ryssonotus nebulosus: Super Fancy Beetle
【山林蟲坊】超絢麗的彩虹鍬形蟲 | Phalacrognathus muelleri: The Ultra-colorful Stag Beetle
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】超絢麗的彩虹鍬形蟲 | Phalacrognathus muelleri: The Ultra-colorful Stag Beetle
【山林蟲坊】蘇門亞齊巨扁木屑飼養測試 | Dorcus titanus yasuokai: Feeding Test of Homemade Fermented Sawdust
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】蘇門亞齊巨扁木屑飼養測試 | Dorcus titanus yasuokai: Feeding Test of Homemade Fermented Sawdust
【山林蟲坊】扭蛋扭蛋 | Gacha Gacha
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】扭蛋扭蛋 | Gacha Gacha
【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲投產及開產房 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: The Reproduction & Checking the Laying Boxes
Просмотров 12 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲投產及開產房 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: The Reproduction & Checking the Laying Boxes
【山林蟲坊】泰國黃金鹿角鍬形蟲大量羽化 | Rhaetulus crenatus speciosus: Massive Adults Eclosion
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】泰國黃金鹿角鍬形蟲大量羽 | Rhaetulus crenatus speciosus: Massive Adults Eclosion
【山林蟲坊】甲蟲飼育基礎篇-累代標記法與血統 | Beetle Breeding Basics - Generational Marking and Pedigree
Просмотров 6 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】甲蟲飼育基礎篇-累代標記法與血統 | Beetle Breeding Basics - Generational Marking and Pedigree
【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬對蟲羽化縮時攝影 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: Time-Lapse of Male and Female Eclosion
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬對蟲羽化縮時攝影 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: Time-Lapse of Male and Female Eclosion
【山林蟲坊】螃蟹鍬形蟲飼育全記錄 | Homoderus mellyi: Full Record of Rearing
Просмотров 9 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】螃蟹鍬形蟲飼育全記錄 | Homoderus mellyi: Full Record of Rearing
【山林蟲坊】歐洲深山鍬形蟲的二度挑戰 | Lucanus cervus cervus: The Second Challenge
Просмотров 10 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】歐洲深山鍬形蟲的二度挑戰 | Lucanus cervus cervus: The Second Challenge
【山林蟲坊】總結五大要點,我終於養出破百霸王鬼豔啦! | Odontolabis burmeisteri: The Five Key Points to Exceed 100mm!
Просмотров 14 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】總結五大要點,我終於養出破百霸王鬼豔啦! | Odontolabis burmeisteri: The Five Key Points to Exceed 100mm!
【山林蟲坊】兜蟲挖蛹日 | The Day of Digging Beetle's Pupae
Просмотров 8 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】兜蟲挖蛹日 | The Day of Digging Beetle's Pupae
【山林蟲坊】羽化時差點翻車的南洋大兜蟲 | Chalcosoma chiron kirbyi: Almost had an accident while emerging
Просмотров 8 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】羽化時差點翻車的南洋大兜蟲 | Chalcosoma chiron kirbyi: Almost had an accident while emerging
【山林蟲坊】大衛森叉角鍬形蟲飼育全記錄 | Hexarthrius davisoni: Full Record of Rearing
Просмотров 8 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】大衛森叉角鍬形蟲飼育全記錄 | Hexarthrius davisoni: Full Record of Rearing
【山林蟲坊】婆羅洲神山姬兜二世 Xylotrupes pachycera Second Generation
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
【山林蟲坊】婆羅洲神山姬兜二 Xylotrupes pachycera Second Generation