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【天父世界真美麗】All Things Bright and Beautiful (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
詩集:生命聖詩 514
曲: 17th Century English Melody
詞: Cecil F.H. Alexander, 1818-1895
譯 : 滕近輝 等修頌主詩集本, 1984
1. 每朵開放的小花,每隻唱歌小鳥,
2. 蒼翠青山在遠方,流水江河迂迥,
3. 冬日雪花滿天飛,夏日明麗太陽,
4. 祂賜眼睛善觀賞,賜我口舌宣揚,
這首聖詩通常以威廉·亨利·蒙克於1887年所譜曲的《All Things Bright And Beautiful》作為旋律演唱。這首聖詩的旋律也常以《Royal Oak》的曲調演唱,這個曲調改編自17世紀的民謠曲《五月的第二十九日》(The Twenty-Ninth of May),該曲於1686年在《舞蹈大師》中發表。這個曲調可能起源於英國內戰,得名於1651年查爾斯二世在什羅普郡博斯科贝尔的一棵橡樹,被稱為「皇家橡樹」。這首聖詩的旋律最初由馬丁·肖於1916年為聖詩編曲,並收錄於他的兒童書籍《歌曲時刻》(Song Time)中。之後,這個編曲廣泛與《讚美詩》詩歌集中的這首聖詩相關聯。
《All Things Bright and Beautiful》這首詩歌首次於1848年刊登在塞西爾·亞歷山大夫人的《獻給小孩子的詩歌集》中。這首詩歌由一系列...
曲: 17th Century English Melody
詞: Cecil F.H. Alexander, 1818-1895
譯 : 滕近輝 等修頌主詩集本, 1984
1. 每朵開放的小花,每隻唱歌小鳥,
2. 蒼翠青山在遠方,流水江河迂迥,
3. 冬日雪花滿天飛,夏日明麗太陽,
4. 祂賜眼睛善觀賞,賜我口舌宣揚,
這首聖詩通常以威廉·亨利·蒙克於1887年所譜曲的《All Things Bright And Beautiful》作為旋律演唱。這首聖詩的旋律也常以《Royal Oak》的曲調演唱,這個曲調改編自17世紀的民謠曲《五月的第二十九日》(The Twenty-Ninth of May),該曲於1686年在《舞蹈大師》中發表。這個曲調可能起源於英國內戰,得名於1651年查爾斯二世在什羅普郡博斯科贝尔的一棵橡樹,被稱為「皇家橡樹」。這首聖詩的旋律最初由馬丁·肖於1916年為聖詩編曲,並收錄於他的兒童書籍《歌曲時刻》(Song Time)中。之後,這個編曲廣泛與《讚美詩》詩歌集中的這首聖詩相關聯。
《All Things Bright and Beautiful》這首詩歌首次於1848年刊登在塞西爾·亞歷山大夫人的《獻給小孩子的詩歌集》中。這首詩歌由一系列...
Просмотров: 137
Просмотров 37314 дней назад
0:00【啊!聖善夜】O Holy Night 4:17【平安夜】Silent Night 8:19【天使初報聖誕佳音】The First Noël 11:34【奇妙聖嬰】 What Child is This? 14:13【普世歡騰】Joy to the World 17:44【神賜喜樂歌】God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 20:12【請看新生一玫瑰】 Lo, How a Rose Is Growing 22:34【以馬內利,懇求降臨】 O Come, O Come Emmanuel
奇妙聖嬰 What Child is This? 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 20514 дней назад
Old English Melody Arranged by Margaret Goldstein Piano played by Frances Law on 21 Dec 2024 詩集:生命聖詩 92 1. 正當牧人看守群羊,天使在歌唱頌揚, 在馬利亞懷中安睡這架妙嬰孩是誰? 2. 為何臥身卑陋地方,牛羊驢馬在身旁? 好信徒當敬畏留心,聖嬰默然宣救恩。 3. 奉獻黃金,沒藥,乳香,不論尊卑齊仰望; 萬王之王帶來救恩,萬心當尊祂為王。 副歌:祂是基督我王,牧人讚美,天使歌唱; 快來向祂頌揚,至聖嬰孩新生王。 1 What Child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are kee...
【普世歡騰】Joy to the World - 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 33614 дней назад
曲:Adapt from George F. Handel , 1685-1759 Arr. by Randall Hartsell 詞:Issac Watts, 1674-1748 Based on Psalm 98 譯:第1, 2,4 節 滕近輝等修自多本聖詩集, 1983 第3節 滕近輝譯, 1983 普世歡騰,救主降臨!全地接祂為王; 萬心為主預備地方,宇宙萬物歌唱, 宇宙萬物歌唱,宇宙,宇宙萬物歌唱。 大地歡騰,主治萬方!萬民高聲頌揚; 田野,江河,平原,山崗,響應歌聲嘹亮, 響應歌聲嘹亮,響應,響應歌聲嘹亮。 世上一切罪惡憂傷,從此不再生長; 普世咒詛變為恩典,主愛澤及四方, 主愛澤及四方,主愛,主愛澤及四方。 主以真理,恩治萬方,要在萬國民中, 彰顯上主公義榮光, 主愛奇妙豐盛, 主愛奇妙豐盛,主愛,主愛奇妙豐盛。 1. Joy to the world; the Lo...
The First Noël PIANO SOLO【天使初報聖誕佳音】鋼琴獨奏
Просмотров 14314 дней назад
詞 : Traditional English Carol , 1823; 選自頌主新歌, 1988 曲: William Sandy’s Christmas Carols,1833 ; Arr. Cindy Berry 詩集:世紀頌讚,140 【天使初報聖誕佳音】 1. 天使初報聖誕佳音,先向田間貧苦牧人; 牧人正當看守羊群,嚴冬方冷,長夜已深。 2. 牧人抬頭見一景星,遠在東方燦爛晶明, 發出奇光照耀世塵,不分晝夜,光彩永恆。 3. 博士三人因見星光,離鄉追隨遠達他方, 專心一意尋求君王,景星前導,不問路長。 4. 景星導引渡漠越荒,到伯利恆停留其上, 景星射照,馬棚光芒,嬰孩耶穌馬棚為床。 5. 我眾齊來同氣同聲,讚美上主創造大能, 自無化有,萬物豐盛,藉主寶血救贖蒼生。 副歌:歡欣,歡欣,歡欣,歡欣,天國君王今日降生。 《The First Noël》 The first N...
【平安夜】Silent Night - 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 90414 дней назад
曲 : 弗朗茨·格魯貝爾 Franz Xaver Gruber (1787 - 1863) Arr. by Margaret Goldston Piano played by Frances Law on 21 Dec 2024 詞 : 約瑟夫·莫爾 Joseph Franz Mohr (1792-1848) 譯 : 劉廷芳(1891-1947) 詩集:頌樂樂,98 平安夜,聖善夜,萬暗中,光華射, 照著聖母也照著聖嬰,多少慈祥也多少天真, 靜享天賜安眠,靜享天賜安眠。 平安夜,聖善夜,牧羊人,在曠野, 忽然看見了天上光華,聽見天軍唱哈利路亞, 救主今夜降生!救主今夜降生! 平安夜,聖善夜,神子愛,光皎潔, 救贖宏恩的黎明來到,聖容發出來榮光普照, 耶穌我主降生,耶穌我主降生。 《平安夜》(德語:Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht)是一首十分流行的傳統聖誕頌歌,原...
【神賜喜樂歌】God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 12914 дней назад
曲 : English melody, 18th century Arranged by Cindy Berry Piano played by Frances Law on 21 Dec 2024 詞 : English carol, 18th century 譯:黃永熙 1976 詩集:普天頌讚 129 【神賜喜樂歌】 願神賜君歡喜快樂,無事使你頹喪, 莫忘基督我們救主,在聖誕日下降; 當我走錯祂拯救我,遠離撒但羅網。 在野地裡有牧羊人,夜間看守群羊, 天父上帝差來天使,大好信息傳揚; 那稱為上帝獨生子,在伯利恆誕降。 那位天使對牧人說:"你們不要驚慌, 有一童女今日生子,祂是救世君王; 祂使那信靠祂的人,脫離撒但捆綁。" 普天之下,萬國萬民,同來讚美上主, 以誠以愛,互相攜手,情誼深似手足; 神聖節令基督降生,萬民蒙恩得贖。 副歌:好佳音賜平安快樂,平安快樂, 好佳音賜平...
O HOLY NIGHT - Piano Solo【啊!聖善夜】鋼琴獨奏
Просмотров 24714 дней назад
曲:Music by Adophe Adam (1803-1856) Arranged by Melody Bober Piano played by Frances Law, recorded on 20 Dec 2024 詞:Placide Cappeau (French ) (1808-1877) 英譯:John Sullivan Dwight (1740-1816) 中譯:鄭棣聲 1998. 詩集:世紀頌讚 135 【啊!聖善夜】 1. 啊!聖善夜,眾星宿閃耀光芒,親愛救主誕生伯利恆, 世界不斷地步向沉淪失喪,救主顯現眾生靈復得尊嚴。 這困倦人生充滿欣悅希望,因清澈晨曦彰顯大榮光。 屈膝敬拜,靜聽天使唱歌聲, 聖哉此夜,救主基督降生,聖哉此夜,救主基督降生。 2. 信心之光在空中引導輝煌,歡悅心靈在聖嬰馬槽旁, 高掛在天那星光燦爛晶瑩,東方博士把禮物獻呈。 萬世君王躺臥在卑微...
【遠遠在馬槽裡】Away in a Manger (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 45228 дней назад
詩集:頌主聖詩,92 曲:Carl C. Mueller, 1831-1914 詞:Martin Luther, 1530 遠遠在馬槽裡,無枕也無床,小小的主耶穌,睡覺很安詳; 青天上眾明星注目向下望,小小的主耶穌安睡在草上。 一聽見牛鳴聲,嬰孩忽然醒,小小的主耶穌不哭也不驚。 主耶穌我愛你,願祢今臨近,在床旁保護我直到天放明。 求耶穌靠近我,永不離我身,愛護我無休止,魔鬼不相侵; 也愛憐並賜福天下眾孩童,讓我們在天家,常和祢相親。 《遠遠在馬槽裡》是一首聖誕頌歌,首次出版於十九世紀末,並在整個英語世界廣泛使用。在英國,它是最受歡迎的頌歌之一。 1996 年的蓋洛普民調 (Gallup Poll) 將其排名並列第二。 這首頌歌的流行導致了歌詞的許多變體。兩首最常見的音樂作品是威廉·J·柯克帕特里克 (William J. Kirkpatrick,1895 年) 和詹姆斯·拉姆齊·默里...
【普世歡騰】Joy to the World (粵語 四部和聲合唱 Cantonese 4-part Choral) 2024 version
Просмотров 84928 дней назад
詩集:生命聖詩,89 曲:Adapt from George F. Handel , 1685-1759 Arr. by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872 詞:Issac Watts, 1674-1748 Based on Psalm 98 譯:第1, 2,4 節 滕近輝等修自多本聖詩集, 1983 第3節 滕近輝譯, 1983 普世歡騰,救主降臨!全地接祂為王; 萬心為主預備地方,宇宙萬物歌唱, 宇宙萬物歌唱,宇宙,宇宙萬物歌唱。 大地歡騰,主治萬方!萬民高聲頌揚; 田野,江河,平原,山崗,響應歌聲嘹亮, 響應歌聲嘹亮,響應,響應歌聲嘹亮。 世上一切罪惡憂傷,從此不再生長; 普世咒詛變為恩典,主愛澤及四方, 主愛澤及四方,主愛,主愛澤及四方。 主以真理,恩治萬方,要在萬國民中, 彰顯上主公義榮光, 主愛奇妙豐盛, 主愛奇妙豐盛,主愛,主愛奇妙豐盛。 版權屬 宣道出版社...
【小伯利恆】O Little Town of Bethlehem (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Месяц назад
詩集:生命聖詩 94 曲:Lewis H. Redner ,1831-1908 詞 : Phillips Brooks,1835-1893 譯 : 滕近輝修自多本聖詩集, 1984 【小伯利恆】 1. 美哉聖城,小伯利恆,你是何等寧靜; 更深夜靜,沈睡無夢,群星悄然運行; 但在你黑暗街道,顯耀永恆之光, 萬世期望,戰兢等待,今宵匯集此方。 2. 因馬利亞誕生聖嬰,天軍雲集天空, 寒夜已深,眾生安眠,天使護衛愛羡; 天上晨星同宣告聖誕神聖佳音, 天上榮耀歸與真神,地上平安歸人。 3. 何等安寧,何等恬靜,真神賜奇妙恩, 神將各樣屬天恩惠,注入千萬人心; 因世界充滿罪惡,主降無人聽聞, 誰肯謙卑打開心門,主必進入其心。 4. 伯利恆城至聖嬰孩,我們求你降臨, 除去我心一切罪孽,降生在我心中; 我聽聖誕之天使宣告大喜佳音, 懇求以馬內利我王,永遠居住我心。 今次要為大家介紹的,是一首百聽不...
【天使初報聖誕佳音】The First Noël (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 4,9 тыс.Месяц назад
詩集:世紀頌讚,140 詞 : Traditional English Carol , 1823; 選自頌主新歌, 1988 曲: William Sandy’s Christmas Carols,1833 ; Arr. John Stainer , 1871; 附加高音: 羅炳良, 2000 【天使初報聖誕佳音】 1. 天使初報聖誕佳音,先向田間貧苦牧人; 牧人正當看守羊群,嚴冬方冷,長夜已深。 2. 牧人抬頭見一景星,遠在東方燦爛晶明, 發出奇光照耀世塵,不分晝夜,光彩永恆。 3. 博士三人因見星光,離鄉追隨遠達他方, 專心一意尋求君王,景星前導,不問路長。 4. 景星導引渡漠越荒,到伯利恆停留其上, 景星射照,馬棚光芒,嬰孩耶穌馬棚為床。 5. 我眾齊來同氣同聲,讚美上主創造大能, 自無化有,萬物豐盛,藉主寶血救贖蒼生。 副歌:歡欣,歡欣,歡欣,歡欣,天國君王今日降生。 廣受歡...
《以馬內利,懇求降臨》 O Come, O Come Emmanuel - 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 428Месяц назад
Thirteenth-Century Plainsong Arranged by Cindy Berry 《以馬內利,懇求降臨》是首很古老的詩歌,歌詞來自以賽亞書7:14,預言神要給以色列民一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,名叫以馬內利。「以馬內利 」的希伯來文是「神與我們同在」的意思。過去幾百年來,每逢進入將臨期,中外教會的信徒都在唱這詩歌,準備心靈等候耶穌生於世上。 這首詩歌的曲調使用小調音階,聽起來悽涼哀怨,原來與當時十三世紀的社會背景有關。那時正藉黑死病猖獗,死傷無數,人心哀傷無奈,怪不得這詩歌調子沉鬱,儼如如中古修院裡的拉丁文素歌,在院宇間低迴,與一般聖誕詩歌的平靜和歡樂氣氛完全迥異。 詩歌開始時的小調形態,委婉地襯托出逐漸轉變的氣氛,從身處黑暗、受壓之民的痛苦,因聽見神應許的彌賽亞快要降生時,心中燃起極大的盼望 (賽亞9:1-2)。漸漸地,小調變成大調,「歡欣!歡欣!」不絕於耳...
【請看新生一玫瑰】 Lo, How a Rose Is Growing 鋼琴獨奏 PIANO SOLO
Просмотров 167Месяц назад
德國民歌曲調 Rhenish Folk Melody Arranged by Carol Tornquist Played on 15 Nov 2024 (in Ryde Library, Sydney) 這首讚美詩最初由兩節經文組成,描述了以賽亞預言耶穌誕生的預言的應驗。它強調耶穌的皇家家譜和基督教彌賽亞預言。這首讚美詩描述了從耶西樹的莖上發芽的玫瑰,這是一個象徵性的圖案,描繪了耶穌從大衛王的父親伯利恆的耶西的後裔。該圖像在中世紀時期特別受歡迎,並出現在該時期的許多宗教藝術作品中。它起源於《以賽亞書》: 從耶西的莖中必長出一根杖,從他的根中必長出枝子。 以賽亞書 11:1 讚美詩的第二節以第一人稱寫成,然後向聽眾解釋了這一象徵意義的含義:耶穌的母親瑪麗亞是一朵玫瑰,它已經長出來,生下了基督的孩子,被代表為一個小孩子。花(“das Blümlein”)。德文文本確認瑪利亞是一位「純...
【我靈鎮靜】Be Still, My Soul (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 449Месяц назад
詩集:生命聖詩,273 曲: From Jean Sibelius’Finlandia, 1899 Arr. for The Hymnal, 1933 詞: Katharina A. D. von Schlegel, b.1697 Eng. trans. by Jane L.Borthwick, 1813-1897 譯 : 滕近輝 何統雄 修自多本聖詩集, 1984 我靈鎮靜!上主今在你旁;憂痛十架,你要忍耐擔當; 信靠天父,為你安排主張;萬變之中,惟主信實永長; 我靈鎮靜!天友最是善良,經過荊棘,引到歡樂地方。 我靈鎮靜!一切主必擔當;未來引導,仍像過去一樣; 莫讓何事動搖信心,希望;目前奧秘,日後必成光明; 我靈鎮靜!風浪仍聽主命,正如當年,遵主吩咐平靜。 我靈鎮靜!光陰如飛過去;那日與主,永遠同在一處; 失望,憂驚,那日都要消散;重享純愛,忘記一切愁煩; 我靈鎮靜!那日眼淚抹乾...
【主藏我靈在祂愛中】He Hideth My Soul (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
【主藏我靈在祂愛中】He Hideth My Soul (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【愛的禮物】The Gift of Love (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 5852 месяца назад
【愛的禮物】The Gift of Love (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【在花園裡】In the Garden (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 5783 месяца назад
【在花園裡】In the Garden (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【晚禱】An Evening Prayer (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 4553 месяца назад
【晚禱】An Evening Prayer (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【喜傳福音】I Love To Tell the Story (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 9524 месяца назад
【喜傳福音】I Love To Tell the Story (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【忠主託付】My Trust (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 месяца назад
【忠主託付】My Trust (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【向萬邦傳福音】We've a Story to Tell the Nations (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 7984 месяца назад
【向萬邦傳福音】We've a Story to Tell the Nations (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【教會獨一的根基】The Church's One Foundation (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.5 месяцев назад
【教會獨一的根基】The Church's One Foundation (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【聖哉,聖哉,聖哉】Holy, Holy, Holy (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 5555 месяцев назад
【聖哉,聖哉,聖哉】Holy, Holy, Holy (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【指示祢路】Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 6545 месяцев назад
【指示祢路】Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
聖詩精選集6 (粵語) - 我心獻曲/ 天父領我/ 靠主有福/ 主為保障/ 夜半歌聲/ 主手所造/ 虔誠敬拜
Просмотров 7096 месяцев назад
聖詩精選集6 (粵語) - 我心獻曲/ 天父領我/ 靠主有福/ 主為保障/ 夜半歌聲/ 主手所造/ 虔誠敬拜
【與主同在】Still, Still With Thee (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 6276 месяцев назад
【與主同在】Still, Still With Thee (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【我心獻曲】My Tribute (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.6 месяцев назад
【我心獻曲】My Tribute (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【主為保障】A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.7 месяцев назад
【主為保障】A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
【親愛主,牽我手】Precious Lord, Take My Hand (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.8 месяцев назад
【親愛主,牽我手】Precious Lord, Take My Hand (粵語 聖詩 和聲合唱) Cantonese Choral Hymn
😘Anem 祈禱 +1 我的心因耶和華快樂,我的角因耶和華高舉,我的口向仇敵張開,我因耶和華的救恩歡欣,只有耶和華為聖,除他以外沒有可比的,也沒有可比的,也沒有磐石像我們的 神 😍🥰弟兄春祖想念啊 😘我的心因耶和華快樂,我的角因耶和華高舉,我的口向仇敵張開,我因耶和華的救恩歡欣,只有耶和華為聖,除他以外沒有可比的,也沒有可比的,也沒有磐石像我們的 神 人的文化精神信仰是用任何東西換不來的 😜我的心因耶和華快樂,我的角因耶和華高舉,我的口向仇敵張開,我因耶和華的救恩歡欣,只有耶和華為聖,除他以外沒有可比的,也沒有可比的,也沒有磐石像我們的 神 Amen 祈禱 +1 中華民國加油🥰Amen 祈禱 +1
想起聖誕 並不簡單 投入人間 與你共談 風雷變幻 重價承擔 大能臂彎 拯救無限 相知未晚 迎候再返…
Father, I love you
We won't sing 4 parts.
🙂Do you like hymn presentation with some harmony parts?
真神之愛 …………………………………… #1️⃣ 2024 10 16 (三) 22 : 30 0:01 🎶🎶🎶 0:09. 1. 真神之愛,偉大無窮,口舌筆墨難以形容, 高超諸星,深過海洋,長闊高深無法測量, 始祖犯罪,惶恐低首,神遣愛子拯救, 使我罪人與神和好,赦免一切罪尤。 0:48. 副歌:真神之愛何等豐富,偉大無限無量, 永遠不變,永遠堅定,天使聖徒頌揚。 1:08. 2. 縱然世代變更過去,帝位王權衰落敗亡, 頑梗世人仍不求神,卻向山石呼求保障, 真神慈愛始終不變,偉大無限無量, 亞當後嗣得蒙救贖,天使聖徒頌揚。 1:47. 副歌:真神之愛何等豐富,偉大無限無量, 永遠不變,永遠堅定,天使聖徒頌揚。 2:06. 3. 世上海洋當作墨水,諸天穹蒼作為紙張, 世上萬莖用作筆桿,全球文人集合苦幹, 竭盡智力描繪神愛,海洋墨水用乾, 案卷雖長像天連天,仍難描述盡詳。 2:45. 副歌:真神之愛何等豐富,偉大無限無量, 永遠不變,永遠堅定,天使聖徒頌揚。 3:05. 📖📖📖 因 為 你 的 慈 愛 高 及 諸 天 ; 你 的 誠 實 達 到 穹 蒼 。 👍👍 多謝~ 聖詩共享 HymnShare (2.41K) 2年前提供視頻及可複製歌詞 👆👆 2024 10 16 (三) 22 : 30 _______________________________________________ #1️⃣ 2024 10 16 (三) 22 : 30 重設及待調整 (Day 20+-) From 2024 09 26 (四) 22 : 11 😋 旺角豉油街大家樂 😋 *1️⃣ 外出🚶♂️🚶♂️🚶♂️(From 30/01/23)* *2️⃣ 🏩天台 x 5 (From 12/04/23)* *3️⃣ 凌晨(😴醒)五時後 x 1 (From 02/05/23)* *4️⃣🚶♂️[樓梯 (5-9/F) + 梯級] x 130* *(From 05/08/23)* *5️⃣ 🏕️公園 🧘♂️伸展的 x 21 (From 03/09/23)* *6️⃣ 🛝 King's Park x 5 (From 20/10/23)* *7️⃣ 甩手功 x2 ~DED x194 (From 20/10/23)* *8️⃣ 地躺DED x0 (From 27/09/24)*
欲知真理請google :香港耶路撒冷,NFS研究室,為真道爭辯Dr.張逸萍--免費電子書,Mark Fairley 認識你的敵人know your enemy免費中文電子書 ,華人靈恩派教會排行榜前三甲,橄欖出版Rebecca Brown踐踏撒旦教prepare for war,在youtube 搜尋:芥菜籽mustard seed, 至關重要的真相,請轉發拯救更多的人,願上帝祝福您!
欲知真理請google :香港耶路撒冷,NFS研究室,為真道爭辯Dr.張逸萍--免費電子書,Mark Fairley 認識你的敵人know your enemy免費中文電子書 ,華人靈恩派教會排行榜前三甲,橄欖出版Rebecca Brown踐踏撒旦教prepare for war,在youtube 搜尋:芥菜籽mustard seed, 至關重要的真相,請轉發拯救更多的人,願上帝祝福您!
欲知真理請google :香港耶路撒冷,NFS研究室,為真道爭辯Dr.張逸萍--免費電子書,Mark Fairley 認識你的敵人know your enemy免費中文電子書 ,華人靈恩派教會排行榜前三甲,橄欖出版Rebecca Brown踐踏撒旦教prepare for war,在youtube 搜尋:芥菜籽mustard seed, 至關重要的真相,請轉發拯救更多的人,願上帝祝福您!
Excellent harmony! 👍😄
thanksdoc請清心祷告?--- " 耶和華是我的牧者+ ( The Lord Is My Shepherd) ! 全心歸回聖經: 父神爱子的話: (詩23:1-6) ; 來? 信+望+爱萬靈之父+眾光之父? 萬王之王+萬主之主+ 來? 耶稣基督宝座; 釘痕脚前+面俯於地! 來? 敬畏+敬拜; 自有永有+宇宙大君王+永生萬軍之耶和华 ! 聖三一父神愛子+ 來 ? 羔羊婚讌+喝新杯的; 那一天+同頌主奇妙; 可颂+可畏! 大恩慈+大仁愛+大救恩+是主! 侍主上算 + 來 ? 服侍自有永有+天上無限大而可畏; 來? 敬拜阿爸,父聖子-------萬主之主耶穌基督+信+望+愛子主必快來+阿们+主耶穌啊;我願您來,願主耶穌的恩惠;常与眾聖徒同在。阿们。(启22:20+21) ! 哈利路亚。請大家來? 主耶穌基督的宇宙教會+元首宝座面前 * 學祈禱?+ 敬拜+ 讚美+ 尊崇基督+曾被殺的羔羊! 您來 ? 學祈禱thanksdoc?
Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023+2024+......?
Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023+2024+......?
Peace be with you. Pray LORD JESUS Christ Loves all of you+ Repent to Holy Bible ( Rev. 22:20+21) Christ Jesus said that I AM coming soon! Amen. Lord Jesus please come! May the GRACE of LORD Jesus be with all the saints. ( Rev.22-20+21). Peace be with you all...........
耶和華是我的牧者+ 全心歸回聖經: 父神爱子的話: (詩23:1-6) ; 來? 信+望+爱萬靈之父+眾光之父? 萬王之王+萬主之主 耶稣基督宝座; 敬畏+敬拜; 自有永有+宇宙大君王+永生萬軍之耶和华 ? 同頌主奇妙+是主! 侍主上算 + 來?信+望+愛子主必快來+阿们+主耶穌啊;我願您來,願主耶穌的恩惠;常与眾聖徒同在。阿们。(启22:20+21) ! * 敬拜+ 尊崇基督+曾被殺的羔羊!
Peace be with you. Pray LORD JESUS Christ Loves all of you+ Repent to Holy Bible ( Rev. 22:20+21) Christ Jesus said that I AM coming soon! Amen. Lord Jesus please come! May the GRACE of LORD Jesus be with all the saints. ( Rev.22-20+21). Peace be with you all...........
小學時候總會聽 中學(變佛教)
冇descant 成首詩冇曬靈魂
Excellent praise with one bottom line! Jesus is Lord God and Savior! John 1:1, 3-4; 14,18. Thank you, beloved. We appreciate your presentation according to the Bible! May this praise you share bless all who visit your home here. In Jesus name I pray. Be blessed and encouraged in these perilous times in the world. Subscribed. Jesus is in our presence if we are one of His elect ! Chosen and called in this time. IN Christ by God the Holy Spirit, who has sealed us unto "forevermore in Glory" and remains IN US. That will be a reality at the moment Jesus Christ calls us *UP! John 14:3; Titus 2:11-15: Romans 11:25 (*The Rapture ! ). We will be sinless evermore! Maranatha! Our Lord comes! 1 Cor.16:22 In the meanwhile we have an assignment from our Lord and Savior. We are fishers of men and women who were foreknown to GOD and elect also of the bride of Christ, called in our time that we should call them, with the voice of the truth of scriptures rightly divided. ....JESUS IS LORD AND HE SAVES is the bottom line. (see John 14:6 "THE GOOD NEWS" below) THE ANGELS GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN HEAVEN! HERE WE HEAR AND SEE EARTH "ANGELS" DOING IT TOO! RIGHT HERE! JUST LIKE YOU! WE LOVE YOU, LORD! YOU GAVE ALL FOR US. YOUR SUFFERING WAS IMMENSE! WE GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY! YOU ARE OUR LIFE SAVIOR. YOU KEEP YOUR WORD IN THE BIBLE. GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLES Gospel! The good news about Jesus Christ and salvation from judgment on our sins. Jesus dined with His disciples; Mark 14:22-25, the night before He went to the cross. Jesus and His disciples were eating a Passover meal together at the Last Supper. After partaking of bread and wine (His body and His blood) , the Bible mentions the hymn Jesus sang with His disciples. “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” Mark 14:26. What were they singing on such an occasion? PRAISE! Psalms 113-118. THE GOOD NEWS "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John 14.6 . Blood coming from his body hanging on that cross like Roman torture weapon! What a Lord God and Savior! He had to. HE is God the Son. Only His sinless blood could pay our sins price.1 John 2:1-2. The Savior was born to die for our sins so we could live through Him. * * * God knew your ministry before the world was made! Ephesians 1:1-14. Prayer goes out for you and those here. A Crown in Heaven awaits all who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves a soul. ( see"JESUS SAVES") 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". This praise resounds throughout the earth: "Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Only He saves". He testified: ''I and my Father are One" John 10:30 (*see also 31-42). 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." JESUS SAVES God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16:15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." How can we hear it? Scripture tells us. Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (We receive the "word" in many ways. The "Word" is Jesus Christ!); John 1:1-5. God the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God in the Bible. The Birth of Jesus Christ Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died (John 19:30; Luke 23:46 ) and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew 28: 6. Isaiah 53:" 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 "1 Corinthians 15: 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" THE PAYMENT BY HIS BLOOD FOR ALL SINS EVER! Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him." “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19. Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life) "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 BY GOD'S GRACE ALONE THROUGH FAITH ALONE IN JESUS CHRIST ARE WE SAVED Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast." Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. He died on our behalf. We believe in Him, trusting His death and shedding of His blood as payment for ALL our sins and His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day! John 20:24-31; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 above. WHOSOEVER BELIEVES SHALL TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH Romans 10: 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” TO DIE IS TO REJECT SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST AND BE SEPARATE FROM GOD FOREVERMORE Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of God the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ and that is permanent! Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation 21:8.
Thanks ❤
Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023?
Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023?
Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023?
Prays Jesus Christ Holy Bible (Matt 4:17) From that time on Jesus Began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Prays Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah.2022.