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How to cast, download & decrypt your e-vote in Estonian IVXV protocol
More info & download the tool:
Presentantion at E-Vote-ID 2023:
My observer report from 2023 elections:
And another exploratory video from 2023 in Estonian:
Thanks for taking digital democracy seriously!
Просмотров: 16


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  • @warriorsorb1111
    @warriorsorb1111 8 месяцев назад

    Murtogg and Mullroy and Pintel and Ragetti are the best comedic duos of PoTC.

    @HEAVYDIAPER Год назад

    ...............and then they made me their chief.

  • @ylovaht2097
    @ylovaht2097 Год назад

    REAL RAW NEWS laine puhastab mujal ja siin on asjad vääga hästi kui siin ei ela

  • @boamaod
    @boamaod Год назад

    Valimisteenistus süüdistas mind valetamises, süüdistasin vastu. Aga tõde?

  • @user-fv6hp7nm2k
    @user-fv6hp7nm2k Год назад

    Kustkohast see LibreOffices olev tabel pärineb? Tahaks ka vahel vaadata mis mu kaardiga toimunud on :)

    • @boamaod
      @boamaod Год назад

      Seda peaks saama kaudu, aga mina tegin isikuandmete päringu otse sertifitseerimiskeskusse.

  • @piretkivi3218
    @piretkivi3218 Год назад

    Asi hakkab kiskuma väga traumeerivaks ajalookirjutajate jaoks. Kas meid on valitsenud lähiminevikus SEADUSLIKUD valitsused? Ehk valitsused, mis kajastavad valijate tahet... Kui ei, siis mida peavad tegema ajalookirjutajad? Appi! Kas elame üldse Eesti Vabariigis? Äkki hoopis Eesti E-Diktatuuris?

    • @boamaod
      @boamaod Год назад

      See pole hirmutav mitte üksnes ajalookirjutaja, vaid ka praeguse Eesti poliitilise avalikkuse jaoks. On justkui tekkinud üldine nõudmine teha e-hääletus korda, aga üleskutsed seda teha sisaldavad pahatihti enesesisendust, et e-hääletuse usaldusväärsuses pole olnud põhjust kunagi kahelda -- aga kui nii, siis pole ju ka eriti midagi arutada või korda teha? Tundub sasipundar, mida lõikeriistata naljalt ei ava!

  • @ukukas
    @ukukas Год назад

    On põnev jälgida meie noore riigi "deer in the headlights" meme reaktsiooni sellele, kui keegi reaalselt hakkab küsimusi küsima, et kuidas asjad töötavad. Aitäh sulle tehtud töö eest! Programm oli ilus ja presentatsioon hästi jälgitav.

    • @boamaod
      @boamaod Год назад

      Aitäh! Panin selle aasta hoogtöö saatesõna nüüd ka blogisse.

  • @kasperihankonen
    @kasperihankonen Год назад

    I'm a Finn and I understand those texts. They are in Estonian. But funny scene is still.🤣👍

  • @josephdecker4468
    @josephdecker4468 Год назад

    Yeah, but if he was telling the truth, he wouldn’t of cells that

  • @jamesplunkett8912
    @jamesplunkett8912 2 года назад

    There's no real ship as can match the Interceptor. Black Pearl is a real ship. No. No, it's not. Yes, it is. I've seen it. You've seen it? Yes. You haven't seen it. Yes, I have! You've seen a ship with black Sails ⛵️ that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out? No. No. But I have seen a ship with black Sails ⛵️. Oh. No ship that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black Sails therefore couldn't be any ship than the Black Pearl. Is that what you're saying? No. Like I said there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor.

  • @jamesplunkett8912
    @jamesplunkett8912 2 года назад

    If Jack Sparrow is trying to get a ship in Port Royal and hire a new crew and pillage as pirates often do, why would he be lying about it to the soldiers?

  • @JustAnArrogantAlien
    @JustAnArrogantAlien 2 года назад

    There was so much life in the first _Pirates_ movie. The characters were quirky; the dialogue was witty. Such a fun time. Then it became a franchise. The films felt more and more like products and less like adventures. Looking back, though, this one still holds up.

  • @donovanpitts6907
    @donovanpitts6907 2 года назад

    That “oh” has got to be the funniest part of the first film 😂

  • @jamesplunkett8912
    @jamesplunkett8912 2 года назад

    The Interceptor is a good name for a ship. But the Dauntless is how we say that someone is fearless or determined, Dauntless is also a fine name for a heroic sword. Swords often had names in medieval times.

  • @jamesplunkett8912
    @jamesplunkett8912 2 года назад

    Does anybody put on the subtitles in English in order to understand what the two soldiers are saying? I always put subtitles on when I watch something unless the disc is allowed otherwise.

  • @cheshire147
    @cheshire147 2 года назад

    Search your feeling you know it to be true ...

  • @Ceelker
    @Ceelker 2 года назад

    What are the odds of finding a 2009 RUclips clip of a movie and it has *ESTONIAN SUBTITLES??*

  • @otakuhunter4817
    @otakuhunter4817 2 года назад

    13 years ago just woah

  • @ResurrectionProphet
    @ResurrectionProphet 2 года назад

    "Unless he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if you told it to you"

  • @L-Prime
    @L-Prime 2 года назад

    This dock is off-limits to civilians. I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately. Apparently, there's some high-toned and fancy to-do up at the fort, eh? How could it be two upstanding gentlemen, such as yourselves, did not merit an invitation? Someone has to make sure this dock stays off-limits to civilians. It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me, a... A ship like that... ...makes this one here a bit superfluous, really. Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough, but there's no ship that can match the Interceptor for speed. I've heard of one. It's supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable. The Black Pearl. There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor. The Black Pearl is a real ship. No. No, it's not. Yes, it is. I've seen it! You've seen it? Yes. You haven't seen it! Yes, I have! You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that hell itself spat him back out? No. But I have seen a ship with black sails. Oh... And no ship that's not crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that hell spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl, is that what you're saying? No. Like I said, there's no real ship that can match the Interceptor... Hey! You! Get away from there! You don't have permission to be aboard there! Sorry. It's such a pretty boat. Ship! What's your name? Smith! Or Smithy, if you like. What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith? Yeah, and no lies! All right then. I confess. It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga to rape, pillage, and pilfer my weasely black guts out. I said, no lies! I think he's telling the truth. If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us. Unless he knew you wouldn't believe the truth, even if he told it to you. May I have a moment?

  • @razzaus1570
    @razzaus1570 2 года назад

    Hollywood redcoats would make great storm troopers.

  • @Intensegamer405
    @Intensegamer405 2 года назад

    I've got this on dvd 📀 and I might watch it today at some point

    • @TthemanJ
      @TthemanJ 2 года назад

      I might pirate bay it today at some point

    • @jamesplunkett8912
      @jamesplunkett8912 2 года назад

      I have in my collection and can watch it anytime.

  • @lanefunai4714
    @lanefunai4714 2 года назад

    He tells the truth a lot, yet people are always surprised.

  • @nelsonwanjohi4931
    @nelsonwanjohi4931 2 года назад

    This movie was a perfect example of amazing casting.i wonder if anyone else would have been jack Sparrow than Johny depp

  • @Lord.Dakshinamurthy
    @Lord.Dakshinamurthy 2 года назад

    HAHhahahahahha....a superpower :p 🔱

  • @Gaming4Justice
    @Gaming4Justice 2 года назад

    Oo eesti keelsed subtiitrid

  • @ahmedfelhi5999
    @ahmedfelhi5999 2 года назад

    It was nice to know that these two survived the entire series

  • @sultankebab1587
    @sultankebab1587 2 года назад

    This is funny for us but in older times it seems people lived by strict rules, were more cruel and didnt really have this kind of humour that wr have, but ia wondering if there actually were for example soldiers or even rulers like these two through history.

  • @mothman20
    @mothman20 2 года назад

    Drake and Josh be like

  • @g--br1el985
    @g--br1el985 2 года назад

    Estonian Sub

  • @tschoni_9780
    @tschoni_9780 2 года назад

    They both always remind me of Laurel and Hardy.

  • @realitycheck2539
    @realitycheck2539 2 года назад

    When this movie came out, nobody cared... until everybody start watching it and it was sooooo goooood!

  • @jamesmcneil3412
    @jamesmcneil3412 2 года назад

    0:10 those two soldiers would become pirates later on in POC Franchise

  • @letsdoit4639
    @letsdoit4639 2 года назад

    For anyone who’s wondering what’s the language of subtitles - it’s Estonian 🇪🇪

    • @teslatang4941
      @teslatang4941 2 года назад

      Thanks! I thought it looked like Finnish, but a bit different, so I guessed Estonian. And with your comment, I could confirm!

  • @MrChelseaboy25
    @MrChelseaboy25 2 года назад

    “And then they made me chief..”

  • @broom3426
    @broom3426 2 года назад

    Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

  • @Allulaatikko
    @Allulaatikko 2 года назад

    Estonian subs are fun when your finnish

  • @That_0ne_Dev
    @That_0ne_Dev 2 года назад

    "This dock is off limits to civilians" "I'm terribly sorry I didn't know. If I see one I shall inform you immedietly"

  • @MrZackavelli
    @MrZackavelli 2 года назад

    The eye bulge during 'that Hell itself' just cracks me up

  • @warriorprinces3333
    @warriorprinces3333 2 года назад

    💜 🔥🦋~*💛.*~

  • @nascarfan88ta
    @nascarfan88ta 2 года назад

    These two are the equivalents of those two idiots on the pearl's crew

  • @sweatshirtmusik
    @sweatshirtmusik 2 года назад

    “You believe in ghost stories?, because you are in one” my most memorable line from my childhood. This movie and Holes are my favorite non animated Disney films lol

    • @blackpanther1013
      @blackpanther1013 Год назад

      Correction the quote is "you best start believing in ghost stories Mrs. turner because you're in one"

  • @paulhetherington3854
    @paulhetherington3854 2 года назад

    Morons-- aga = gay! No accent over, that a! PAERL -- personally ER(mine!) Used with, a lift capacitance! Damn frauds!

  • @paulhetherington3854
    @paulhetherington3854 2 года назад

    Argh buts, REAL is in, Spain losers!

  • @broom3426
    @broom3426 2 года назад


  • @spongeesponge9623
    @spongeesponge9623 2 года назад

    The accent is soooo brilliant Brittish lad..

  • @logeyperogi1805
    @logeyperogi1805 2 года назад

    “If he were telling the truth he wouldn’t have told us” “Unless of course he knew you wouldn’t believe the truth even if he told you” It’s always a good time whenever Jack stays ahead of people The man is too smart, he’s always a good twenty steps ahead of everyone

  • @safeerah_6690
    @safeerah_6690 2 года назад

    Love this

  • @ObviouslyNotXenrek
    @ObviouslyNotXenrek 2 года назад

    i miss the early episodes where Jack was more a walking plot device that didnt *try* to answer questions. the series kinda lost a lot of the appeal IMO when they tried to make him out as some sort of "idiot savant" with a bunch of luck, rather than the force of nature and embodiment of chaos that he was in the first 2 movies. Early jack sparrow *felt* like a living legend that could stand on par with Barbarossa or any other pirate or captain/admiral, someone worthy of having his name known. Later jack sparrow felt more like some moron trying to use someone else's rep to get free drinks at the bar

  • @stephanginther9051
    @stephanginther9051 2 года назад

    This sentence is a lie.