da bi
da bi
  • Видео 25
  • Просмотров 9 133
★50min★Classical Music for a Relaxing Sleep : Sleeping Music, Reading, Meditation, Bed time Music
Classical Music for a Relaxing Sleep-great for before and during sleep as well as meditation,
reading, or just some quiet time.
50 minute of select classical melodies that will relax you and get your body and mind ready forsleep. Enjoy classical masterpieces by greats such as J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms, R.Schumann, Franz Schubert, G.Puccini, Mendelssohn, Eric Satie and Charles Camille Saint-Saens. Serene, graceful melodies with the warmth of such instruments as the piano, cello,violin, and harp will thoroughly relax every part of your exhausted body and mind, allowingyou to slip into a deep slumber. It is also great as background music anytime you wish torelax, have some quiet, meditate, or...
Просмотров: 6 648


★1hour★瑜珈呼吸冥想練習音樂 - 幫助放鬆靜心 / Yoga Breathing Meditation Practice Music to Relax and Calm Down
Просмотров 653 года назад
六十分鐘瑜珈呼吸冥想練習音樂 - 幫助放鬆靜心 / Yoga Breathing Meditation Practice Music to Relax and Calm Down 早晨、午休後、睡前或開始做瑜珈前,都是非常好的呼吸冥想練習時間,為自己找一個穩定安心的小空位,維持一個不駝背及聳肩的姿勢(站、坐、臥姿皆可),暫時關掉手機,調整好心情,播放此音樂,開始你的15分鐘呼吸冥想練習… 此影片精選自國際呼吸治療師-德瓦帕斯Devapath 20多年呼吸治療經驗的療癒創作,透過精心編排的樂音,使腦波趨於平穩,令情緒得以穩定沉靜,兼具功能性與聆聽性。此時再搭配習慣的呼吸法及舒適的環境與姿勢,就能輕易的進入冥想的氛圍,讓你隨時隨地都能開始你的練習,對於初學者或容易分心者都很適合。 In the morning, after your nap, before going to bed at...
★1 Hour★誠品書店輕音樂 - 閱讀陪伴、放鬆聆聽、營造工作氛圍 / Bookstore Relax Music - Easy Listening for Read, Study & Work
Просмотров 1763 года назад
走進書店,沉浸在書香與柔和的樂音中。 本輯精選多首由鋼琴、大提琴、小提琴等器樂交織而成的演奏曲,讓溫暖和諧的高品質輕音樂營造舒適氛圍,陪伴您度過閱讀、學習、工作等專注時刻。 *誠品書店合作播放音樂* Eslite Bookstore Music selection, Easy Listening, Beautiful Relaxing & calm Music, Study & Work music Walking into the bookstore, immerse yourself in the fragrance of books and peaceful easy listening music. This collection medley is performed by an assortment of instruments, including piano, cel...
【528Hz】知浦伸司紓解壓力療癒音樂精選-幫助放鬆、深度睡眠、冥想、靜心 / Shinji Chiura’s Stress Relief Music
Просмотров 1393 года назад
美國霍洛維茨博士(Dr. Leonard Horowitz)曾在研究報告中提出,528Hz的音樂又被稱為「Solfegio奇蹟頻率」。能夠舒緩壓力、情緒低落、焦慮等負面情緒,在醫學領域上被運用於DNA修復,並能夠淨化大腦、平衡脈輪。 此支影片精選日本新世紀著名音樂家知浦伸司 Shinji Chiura 歷年來的 528Hz 赫茲音樂作品,讓輕盈和緩的旋律釋放壓力,引導身心靈進入深層的放鬆狀態。在聆聽時,可以感覺到壓力漸漸紓緩,情緒低落、焦慮等負面情緒也漸漸平靜。可當作睡眠、冥想、靜心、瑜珈等行為的背景音樂。 關於知浦伸司(Shinji Chiura) 日本新世紀著名音樂家。以創作融合大自然、合成器等各種聲源交織而成的紓壓音樂而聞名世界。他所製作的專輯《睡眠瑜伽1 - 夢的瑜伽》(YOGA NIDRA 1 - YOGA of Dreams)暢銷多時,並廣泛被運用在瑜伽教學中。自此開始,...
★45min★舒眠古典放鬆音樂-舒曼、聖桑、孟德爾頌、華格納、布拉姆斯、德弗札克/ Sweet Dreams with Classical Music: Brahms, Saint, Schumann
Просмотров 2683 года назад
配樂鬼才范宗沛 以琴弦織網 捕捉沿著幕色垂降的繁星 鑲嵌在古典大師的五線譜上 點亮通往美夢的小徑 ★精選11首好眠古典樂曲 ★精心改編為舒緩柔美的小品演奏版 ★降低心跳速率,減少壓力反應,緩和主觀焦慮 古典樂擁有穩定情緒的效果,尤其是「慢板(Adagio)」、「大調」的樂曲,聽感更加愉悅舒服,在相關研究中是最能夠達到舒眠效果的音樂類型。 本專輯由知名配樂大師范宗沛,精選德弗札克、孟德爾頌、舒曼、聖桑、華格納、布拉姆斯等大師耳熟能詳的經典作品,重新製作演繹。採用音色溫暖柔和的大提琴、小提琴、鋼琴與豎琴,助和緩心跳速率,並減少壓力反應,沉澱撫平疲憊的身心。 讓大師指尖溫柔的音符,呢喃著日夜、故鄉、歌聲和回憶,點綴您的睡前時光。 關於范宗沛 喜愛配樂與美食,同時也是大提琴家、作曲家、音樂製作人。曾 國家交響樂團大提琴首席長達九年。自從活躍以來,范宗沛為無數電影、電視、舞台劇、音樂專輯,擔...
★ 2 Hours ★ Authentic East Asian Music for Zen Meditation Kung Fu, Tai Chi
Просмотров 253 года назад
★ 2 Hours ★ Authentic East Asian Music for Zen Meditation Kung Fu, Tai Chi
★50 Mins★ Fire Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music (Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Просмотров 6403 года назад
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shui creates a comfortable and cozy living environment, which results in good fortune. This series of music is composed based on the Chinese phi...
Resonate with Earth’s Rhythms - Judy Wu "Green Ark" & BU-TA-CHING / 和地球一起心跳 - 吳金黛 & 不達景
Просмотров 83 года назад
I inhale the earth into my heart. I exhale love. “Love” is the child of the earth. Earth is the mother of “Love.” With multiple colors, the earth is so beautiful. The earth is a bed. The earth is a seed. The earth is love. The earth is a space shuttle. I sleep on top of the earth. The earth sleeps in my heart. Sing a song for the earth. A song full of love and blessings. Be embraced by the eart...
★30 Mins★ Afternoon Cafe Break with Soothing Relax Music
Просмотров 73 года назад
The best background instrumental music for coffee and busy work Is your mid-day quite hectic? Take a break and have a cup of tasty coffee to refresh your mind. With this soothing music in the background, relax in eloquent melodies to recharge your brain, and to embrace the other half of the day with renewed energy. Tracklist (You can download on iTunes) : 1. Lost in the City / Don Tung 00:00-04...
★30 Mins★ Peaceful Music for Deep Sleep and Relax★30 Mins★ Peaceful Music for Deep Sleep and Relax
Просмотров 53 года назад
「When sleep is sound, health and happiness abound」(2015 World Sleep Day Slogan). Have you been having trouble sleeping recently? Has your brain been unable to stop functioning before going to bed? Have you been unable to fall asleep because of overwhelming stress? Do you lack energy when you wake up in the morning? Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your energy, mood, health, and...
★40mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Sacral Chakra (for Creativity)
Просмотров 63 года назад
★40mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Sacral Chakra (for Creativity, Sexuality & Passion) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centuries. Hans de Back is an internationally renowned sound therapist who has been applying Tibetan singing bowls for healing during the past 30 ...
★30mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing Third Eye Chakra for Perception
Просмотров 163 года назад
★30mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Third-Eye Chakra (for Intuition & Perception) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centuries. Hans de Back is an internationally renowned sound therapist who has been applying Tibetan singing bowls for healing during the past 30 years....
★3時間 ★ 最も美しい唐風のリラクゼーション・瞑想音楽 BGM
Просмотров 573 года назад
最も美しい唐風のリラクゼーション音楽3時間続けています。 座禅・瞑想・勉強をしたい時、マッサージ・エステを受け、休憩・カンフー・太極拳・ヨガなどをする時、一番相応しいBGMです。このミュージックで心の平穏な状態に導きます。 曲目集 Tracklist (You can get it on iTunes) : 1. Fairy by the Moonlight - The Green-Sepaled Plum Blossom 百花魁~綠萼梅 / Shi Zhi-You 史志有 00:00-08:12 2. Queen of the Blossoms - The Vermilion Plum Blossom 月下仙珠~朱砂梅 / Shi Zhi-You 史志有 08:13-15:22 3. Spring Tea, in Fukien 茶煙清陽落花風~福建春茶 / Zhang Fu-Cyu...
★ 2時間 ★Zen in SPA-スパ・リラックス・ヒーリング・癒し禅音楽★ 2時間 ★Zen in SPA-スパ・リラックス・ヒーリング・癒し禅音楽
Просмотров 163 года назад
東洋思想の基本概念のもとにある「禅」は静かな状態です。 音楽で聴覚、視覚、嗅覚、味覚、触覚という五感パワーを数珠つなぎにしてストレス解消し、重荷を下ろします。 自然のままに近く、偽りのない姿でいられて単純な生活の中で豊かな心を感じます。 東洋の禅へ回帰し、唐風の楽器の演奏を楽しめます。 瞑想、座禅、心を落ち着かせたいときのBGMです。 カンフーとや太極拳を練習する時のBGMに最適。 曲目集 Tracklist (You can get it on iTunes) : 01. The Free Flowing Meditation Spirit 雲水禪心 / Wang Sen-Di & Zou Jian-Ping 王森地、鄒建平 00:00 02. Breeze with Joyous Whispers 步步清風/ Wang Sen-Di & Zou Jian-Ping 王森地、鄒建平...
★3 Horas★La mejor música oriental Zen para meditar y relajarse (Zen, Buda, tradicional, espiritual)
Просмотров 183 года назад
3 horas sin parar de la mejor música oriental relajante y de prácticas zen, tu mejor compañía como música de fondo en momentos de meditación, concentración, enfoque mental, balance interno, masaje, SPA, estudio, descanso, Feng Shui, purificación ambiental, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Yoga y también para sanar tu cuerpo, tu espíritu y tu alma. Si te gustan las canciones del Lejano Oriente como el álbum "B...
★1 Hour★ Study Music, Easy Listening Music to Help Concentration, Focus, Work, Enhancement of Memory
Просмотров 33 года назад
★1 Hour★ Study Music, Easy Listening Music to Help Concentration, Focus, Work, Enhancement of Memory
★1 Hour★Relaxing Piano That’s Just Right for a Rainy Day | Healing Instrumental music with Rain
Просмотров 123 года назад
★1 Hour★Relaxing Piano That’s Just Right for a Rainy Day | Healing Instrumental music with Rain
★1 Hour★ Therapeutic Piano Music to Help You Relax, Focus, Study, or Simply Fall Asleep
Просмотров 223 года назад
★1 Hour★ Therapeutic Piano Music to Help You Relax, Focus, Study, or Simply Fall Asleep
$2021新春招財神曲$ 接財神迎財神,牛年開運財源強強滾2021新春招財神曲 接財神迎財神,牛年開運財源強強滾
Просмотров 173 года назад
$2021新春招財神曲$ 接財神迎財神,牛年開運財源強強滾2021新春招財神曲 接財神迎財神,牛年開運財源強強滾
★1Hour★樂活瑜伽與放鬆伸展音樂 - 幫助消除疲勞與運動前後暖身用 / LOHAS Yoga & Relaxation Stretching Music
Просмотров 7223 года назад
★1Hour★樂活瑜伽與放鬆伸展音樂 - 幫助消除疲勞與運動前後暖身用 / LOHAS Yoga & Relaxation Stretching Music
★1Hour★知浦伸司的放鬆療癒音樂精選-幫助睡眠、瑜伽、冥想、靜心 / Shinji Chiura’s Relax Music-Great for Sleep, Yoga, Meditation
Просмотров 1313 года назад
★1Hour★知浦伸司的放鬆療癒音樂精選-幫助睡眠、瑜伽、冥想、靜心 / Shinji Chiura’s Relax Music-Great for Sleep, Yoga, Meditation
★1 Hour★慵懶咖啡館氛圍.放鬆輕爵士與巴莎諾瓦.紓緩壓力及焦慮的音樂 / Positive Jazz & Bossa Nova Music - Relaxing In Starbucks
Просмотров 593 года назад
★1 Hour★慵懶咖啡館氛圍.放鬆輕爵士與巴莎諾瓦.紓緩壓力及焦慮的音樂 / Positive Jazz & Bossa Nova Music - Relaxing In Starbucks
★15 Mins★2021最喜慶熱鬧的新年純音樂!恭喜發財、財神來報到 / Chinese New Year Music BGM
Просмотров 543 года назад
★15 Mins★2021最喜慶熱鬧的新年純音樂!恭喜發財、財神來報到 / Chinese New Year Music BGM
★1 Hour★誠品書店輕音樂 閱讀陪伴、放鬆聆聽、營造工作氛圍 Bookstore Relax Music Easy Listening for Read, Study & Work
Просмотров 303 года назад
★1 Hour★誠品書店輕音樂 閱讀陪伴、放鬆聆聽、營造工作氛圍 Bookstore Relax Music Easy Listening for Read, Study & Work
vui ve16
Просмотров 54 года назад
vui ve16


  • @vaneden9603
    @vaneden9603 Месяц назад

    I feel revived and alive! It's all in the mind. Sleep is avoiding me and the violin gives it such a tranquil feel. What can be more irritating?

  • @loko007hernandez4
    @loko007hernandez4 5 месяцев назад

    I'm surprise fire element its not full of comments

  •  7 месяцев назад

    I hope your channel grows and grows… Thanks for this 🍀🌬

  • @PeacelandMelodicInspiration
    @PeacelandMelodicInspiration 8 месяцев назад

    For anyone feeling exhausted, let this music be your well-deserved break. Rest up, you've earned it. 🛏🎵 Leave a 😴 if you’re taking that much-needed break!

  • @BrandonMowatt
    @BrandonMowatt 9 месяцев назад

    for sleep... and you start with a violin? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • @vaneden9603
      @vaneden9603 7 месяцев назад

      What then? Panflute or drums?

  • @chicstyleandawinningsmile3085
    @chicstyleandawinningsmile3085 3 года назад

    Nice video! Have a calm and relaxed day!🎧🎵😎