Nina D
Nina D
  • Видео 2
  • Просмотров 62 797
August 10, 2024
August 10, 2024
Просмотров: 18


How to DIY Crystal Shoes
Просмотров 63 тыс.6 лет назад
How to DIY Swarovski Crystal embellished shoes, Christian Louboutin More info including sizes, and a link to written directions can be found here: I don't check RUclips much so for faster responses please comment on the site. Sorry guys! *Rude or harassing comments will be deleted.*


  • @May-May-Sue
    @May-May-Sue 7 месяцев назад

    So gorgeous can’t wait to see more videos like this 🩷💚💚💚

  • @teresaruf8994
    @teresaruf8994 Год назад

    I so want to do this but I don't know if my ADD will allow it. 😕

  • @adejoaminat2294
    @adejoaminat2294 Год назад

    Please can I use glue gun to make this

  • @deanndenny566
    @deanndenny566 2 года назад

    Excellent work, do more also bags, PLEASE. Thank you.

  • @PrasieJesus
    @PrasieJesus 2 года назад

    I want to share some life changing Truth out of The Book of all books that changed my life, that Book is The Bible, The only one true Word of GOD ..I don't know if you heard of being born again (John 3:3,5) but if not I urge you to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and become born again! This is the purpose of life! The Bible says we were made by Him and for Him, without a relationship with Jesus Christ you will not feel complete. You may think you feel complete without Him but trust me you’re not and if you end up making Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior you will notice the difference! Stop just existing and start living! I am a born again Christian who's been baptized in Jesus Name and filled with The Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and let me tell you there is nothing more fulfilling or beautiful! I believe the Rapture of the saints and the second coming of Jesus Christ is going to happen soon! People may say "Preachers have been saying this for years, but if one understands Bible prophecy you will see that we are truly at the point of HIS return! This life is short in fact James 4:14 says "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” People need to realize that there is a life after this one and no amount of good works will get you to Heaven, good works follow a Holy Spirit filled life but they won’t get you there..this is a price we couldn’t pay, this is why we needed a Savior and Jesus Christ is that Savior! You will either spend eternity with Christ or be separated from Him forever in the Lake of Fire where there will be eternal punishment and torment. People may also say if GOD is love then why would He send people there?...Well I heard someone say once metaphorically you have to step over the dead body of Jesus to get to Hell! Meaning GOD loved the world so much (John 3:16) that He became a Jewish Man (Jesus Christ, GOD incarnate) Jesus Christ died a cruel and painful death (Isaiah 53) on a cross for us to be reconciled back to Himself, that is GOD (for Jesus was fully Man (Son of GOD) and fully GOD, born of a virgin by The Holy Ghost.) He shed His blood for us (for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins, Hebrews 9:22) for the forgiveness of our sins if we chose to accept Him, for He is the ONLY Way to have eternal life (John 14:6)! All other so called gods are false and Satan’s (the devils) way of taking your eyes off the one True GOD, Jesus Christ! If you want to be to be saved Acts 2:38 says "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” You can see in The New Testament the common theme that one received The gift of The Holy Spirit was they spoke in other tongues (Acts 10:45-46, Acts 19:6) But you must believe in your heart! Romans 10:9 says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Have a relationship with GOD and I will repeat, stop just existing and really start living! As far as Spiritual gifts they are still for The Church today, so do not let anyone tell you the gifts have ceased! There is NO where in Scripture that states this and using 1 Corinthians 13:10 to try to show they have ceased is a gross misinterpretation is this Scripture as it so does not mean that whatsoever! 1 Corinthians 13:10 is speaking of the life to come (see: Do not be deceived by some Churches that say you shouldn't get emotional, being Pentecostal (I attend a United Pentecostal Church) and I love being Pentecostal, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with showing emotion and when I feel GOD’s presence through His Holy Spirit, emotion is not something I have to put on on or manufacture but comes naturally! King David danced before the ark in The Old Testament! I love to see people dance, run or shout in Church! It’s awesome! Also I want to tell people do not be deceived by satanic deception like evolution, this is a very false theory, Ray Comfort's evolution Vs. Godвидео.html would be a good video to watch as well as this article: Other satanic deceptions like practicing witch craft, psychic readings, etc. are sinful acts see Deuteronomy 18:10-12. People practicing these things or getting people to do these rituals/reading for them need to repent and turn to Jesus Christ! Also things that some are promoting like transgender or homosexuality, and men acting feminine wearing make up, etc. saying that it’s fine and going beyond that some so called churches are saying it’s okay, it’s not it is a Biblical sin, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says “9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” The good news follows in Verse 11 though, which says: “11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” The world needs to wake up and see that acts like abortion are not right! You even see things like yoga being practiced by Christians, which is not something The Church should be taking part off, see this for why: See this link for the dangers that go along with meditation: Satan wants to get people to take their eyes off Jesus and put themselves into these kind of practices, but back to the point, the Good News is Jesus Christ is both Lord and GOD and can deliver anyone from living a life full of bondage including homosexuality or whatever sin a person is struggling with in their life! He can heal the broken hearted woman who has had an abortion if they repent! People living in sin do not see it as bondage but it is. It is only because they are living in spiritual darkness that they do not see themselves as being captive to sin. The Bible says you are a slave to whatever controls you! Some may say to people struggling with cross dressing, homosexuality, etc. “live your truth and be free”, well there is only one Truth and that is Jesus Christ, John 14:6 says "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He is the only Way to eternal life and He came to set the captive free! Also you will hear some say “If God is Love, He should love everybody” Well that’s right, He does love the world, so much so as mentioned above He made a way to deliver people from the very sin their trying to justify! God defines love, some of humanity however is trying to make their own definition and also taking the Biblical covenant sign the rainbow and trying to make it represent abomination. Not to pick on anyone person as we all have sinned and have come short of the glory of GOD and we all need Jesus Christ and His forgiveness as only He can forgive! Always remember GOD loved the world so much that Romans 5:8 says "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Also remember if your suffering with a sickness in your body GOD can heal that too, He is the Great Physician! Jesus Christ that is the One and Only true GOD, is bigger than whatever you may be going though! He can deliver you from anything you may be facing, alcoholism, drug addiction also things like depression, anxiety, etc. I told my daughter if your feeling hopeless you need to examine what lie you are believing from the enemy that is from satan, for God is a God of hope. You see Satan and demons are not metaphors for evil they are real beings who have been around for eons and know the human nature. That being said please check out this link by David Diga Hernandez on Spiritual Warfare! So good!видео.html Please let people know if you find out their facing depression, anxiety etc., to never forget they have hope in Christ if they trust in Him! There have been times I thought mentally I could not take it anymore but God had always been faithful! 1 Corinthians 10:13 says “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” On this Verse Andrew Wommack has some great things to say, here’s the link to check it out: Also this one on Kingdom Dominion:видео.html Now moving on, Isaiah 45:5 says "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:” Now if you are reading this and you are not sure if GOD exists, if you are not sure that Jesus Christ is indeed GOD then let me tell you, IF you seek Him with all your heart you will find HIM! GOD Bless you as you trust in Him. Sara Venhuizen

  • @miznucutieisacutie558
    @miznucutieisacutie558 2 года назад

    Beautiful work

  • @gailbirnberg4168
    @gailbirnberg4168 2 года назад

    Still not really clear. It sound like your speaking from far away. Great visuals and content

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Unfortunately I think it was how I recorded the video. Apologies! It looks like closed captions work. Maybe that will help!

  • @jillhansen5984
    @jillhansen5984 2 года назад

    Will this work on a suede shoe?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Yup! It actually holds better on suede because of the texture.

  • @jackiesullivan4334
    @jackiesullivan4334 2 года назад

    I just discovered strassing and loved your video. Where did you get the attachment you screwed into the plunger?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      On Amazon. Just search "Lure Lock Syringe Tip"

  • @KIMetal
    @KIMetal 2 года назад

    What kind of paint do you use to color the shoe before you strassed them?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      I use leather paint usually. I prefer the Angelus brand.

  • @donnabobanna2821
    @donnabobanna2821 2 года назад

    Where do you buy your crystals?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      I usually get my crystals from Dreamtime Creations.

  • @lindasimonet323
    @lindasimonet323 3 года назад

    Fantastic and easy to follow. You rock! I used this to repair my rhinestone shoes.

  • @debbiedowning8863
    @debbiedowning8863 3 года назад

    BEST tutorial on how to embellish shoes! Thank you!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Wow, thank you! So happy it helped!

  • @Lacle04
    @Lacle04 3 года назад

    Very nice! 👍🏼 love it

  • @pcolindres2583
    @pcolindres2583 3 года назад

    How many of each crystal did you use for your shoes? What size were the shoes? I’m trying to get an idea of how many I need for my 36.5 shoes! Thank you so much for putting together this video!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 3 года назад

      that's going to depend on the texture you are going for, your shoe style and size. I think I used a total of about 85 gross and these and am a size 38.5. I usually go with sizes ss5-15. 1 gross of the 16, 10 gross of as 12 and the rest are all 9, 7 and 5; leaning heavier towards the smaller sizes! Hope that helps! Happy Strassing!

    • @pcolindres2583
      @pcolindres2583 3 года назад

      @@ninad2355 thank you so much! One more question, you said in the video about 20k crystals, is that per shoe? If my math is correct, that’s about 28 gross or you think is closer to that 85? I love the texture you did so plan to get more of the smaller sizes and a few bigger ones. Thanks again!

    • @bunnidevereaux6740
      @bunnidevereaux6740 3 года назад

      @@pcolindres2583 Hi there! 20K per pair should be plenty for a size 36.5! I usually only get 10-15 gross of the 12s and 2 gross of the 16s and the rest are all ss5-9! I hope that helps!

  • @jenniferrodriguez-frias1015
    @jenniferrodriguez-frias1015 3 года назад

    How did you prep the shoes before strassing ? They look as though you painted them blue to start. Also- if you're stressing with blue crystals, do you need to start with a blue shoe?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 3 года назад

      Prep depends largely on the material. These were blue glitter but the glitter was scraped and crumbling so I lightly sanded the loose parts off and painted them. I always recommend painting or starting with a shoe color that compliments the crystal.

  • @ttt38496
    @ttt38496 3 года назад

    I can tell you truly love this handcraft. no shortcut. awesome

  • @monaejackson3777
    @monaejackson3777 3 года назад

    I wish the focus of your camera was more clear because they are soo cute!!

  • @tbernal1971
    @tbernal1971 3 года назад

    Where did you get you crystals from? Because I’ll need a lot to cover my shoes!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 3 года назад

  • @amyrinato5217
    @amyrinato5217 3 года назад

    What size crystals did you use?

  • @JayOutOfMind
    @JayOutOfMind 3 года назад

    Alright Here i am CPFM Nike dunk SB 👀

  • @blinksbill1138
    @blinksbill1138 3 года назад

    I like that you used a high quality shoe to begin with that was just starting to show some wear and tear, it’s better than using a shoe you haven’t broken into that is cheap. It give it another life . However the placement of the crystals and the choice of glue is driving me crazy. There is too much of the shoe showing through. I am probably a little more experienced in this, and would’ve made them fit better.

    • @bunnidevereaux6740
      @bunnidevereaux6740 3 года назад

      Thanks for the input. The spacing is intentional as it assures the shoe has some flexibility for the wearer. I've strassed over 300 pairs in my day but as this is art, there's lots of room for personalization.

  • @victoriaayala7167
    @victoriaayala7167 3 года назад

    Do you paint the shoes before the rhinestones?

    • @bunnidevereaux6740
      @bunnidevereaux6740 3 года назад

      If the color doesn't complement the crystal I pick I do.

  • @MadamCharChar
    @MadamCharChar 4 года назад

    Yep,Never complain about the price of custom crystalized merchandise again folks! Impressive amount of work and attention to detail.

  • @luxe.saleshopper
    @luxe.saleshopper 4 года назад

    How long did it takes for you to put all the crystals?

  • @DopamineMVWM
    @DopamineMVWM 4 года назад

    Can't believe you're not wearing a respiratory mask or gloves, that glue is really carcinogenic. I wear non-vented, sealed goggles as well because the vapour also enters the system through the mucous membrane of the eyes.

  • @gailbirnberg4168
    @gailbirnberg4168 4 года назад

    This is a great tutorial. Very detailed and I'm learning a lot. However, I can hardly hear her. By chance as anyone else experiencing the same thing.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Sorry about that! Not sure if it was my sound balance as this was my first video.

  • @skylerlewis7821
    @skylerlewis7821 4 года назад

    Absolutely gorgeous, you’ve typically just cracked the code.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Thank you! Cheers!

  • @MrDevante007
    @MrDevante007 4 года назад

    You did an amazing job Nina

  • @jeffersond.c.5464
    @jeffersond.c.5464 4 года назад


  • @suzannedawson4120
    @suzannedawson4120 4 года назад

    One if a kind high end shoes! Stunning!

  • @fadoufadouat5361
    @fadoufadouat5361 4 года назад

    Darling lovely results, but too much bla bla bla bla bla blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

  • @ValarieEdwards
    @ValarieEdwards 5 лет назад

    The link no longer exists! Bummer😪😪😪😪😪 Please source your crystals. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thank you! 😻😻😻😻😻😻

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Valarie Edwards I recommend DreamtimeCreations for your crystals.

    @BLINGofBOSTON 5 лет назад

    Great detailed instructions! Thank you. I would recommend leaving out the music transitions next time. The volume was much louder than your voice so I had to keep turning the volume up & down.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Priscilla -Femme la FIT I totally agree. First time video mis-steps. 🖤

  • @Timetravel1111
    @Timetravel1111 5 лет назад

    Ohh I love the part about armor and making too stiff, so space out and not too tight.

  • @Timetravel1111
    @Timetravel1111 5 лет назад

    20:59 I was noticing that one you’re using and I guess I missed it in the beginning but is it an orange stick or are you using something special we gonna have to go back to the beginning or at least find out what you were using to put them on. Katana?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Jody Hakala it's like the Katana but much cheaper. It's called a wax dop stick.

  • @Timetravel1111
    @Timetravel1111 5 лет назад

    Thank you for this detailed tutorial it’s beautiful great description good pacing you’re not going to fast not too slow I think it’s the right amount of video for this I am really excited to do this on his shoes.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Jody Hakala thanks! Best of luck on your project!

  • @sydneyhumphrey8132
    @sydneyhumphrey8132 5 лет назад

    how many hrs or days does it take you to do a pair of heels?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Sydney Humphrey my first pair took about 40hrs but now I have it down to less than 20.

  • @deborahgonzales7479
    @deborahgonzales7479 5 лет назад

    You need to continue your RUclips channel with content and other DIY ideas. You are gifted at making things look doable. Plenty of You Tubers make good money off their channels.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Deborah Gonzales thanks Deborah! I am working on a diy series for my photography right now but definitely want to add more tutorials in the future!

  • @rubimanuelly5491
    @rubimanuelly5491 5 лет назад

    Você é muito linda

  • @bowerbirdstyle7661
    @bowerbirdstyle7661 5 лет назад

    Painstaking. Don't think I could do this. Maybe if I use glitter.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 2 года назад

      Definitely takes a lot of patience and dedication!

  • @oliviam5948
    @oliviam5948 5 лет назад

    Where did you buy the crystals from?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      OliviaM dreamtime creations

  • @missgbooker1598
    @missgbooker1598 5 лет назад

    Great podcast great results it's great leaders to be able to do that very tedious looking.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Miss G Booker it is certainly time consuming and labor intensive. The results are so worth it though!

  • @bernicestocker4100
    @bernicestocker4100 5 лет назад

    Omg I'm new to your Channel and I love love your work. In also new to DIY.

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Bernice Stocker thank you! Welcome!

  • @AR-gg2su
    @AR-gg2su 5 лет назад

    This is the best diy on Crystal application. Where did you purchase the swarovski crystals?

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Antonia Rigopoulos thank you! Dreamtime Creations

  • @jetcitysinatra7300
    @jetcitysinatra7300 5 лет назад

    They look really nice Thanks for the upload

  • @lindarosenthal6835
    @lindarosenthal6835 5 лет назад

    Great video and instructions!

  • @briannefield3310
    @briannefield3310 5 лет назад

    How did you prime the shoe before starting? Is there a paint that works best? What material is best for strassing? Kid, patent, suede? Thank you for sharing!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Brianne Field Hi! Suede works great as does kid leather. Avoid patent. I just cleaned the shoes with a seventh generation wipe and rubbing alcohol. Lumiere by Angelus is my preferred paint. I have more info about the whole process on my website,

    • @briannefield3310
      @briannefield3310 5 лет назад

      Thank you so much! Excited to start my first pair!

    • @blklacquer
      @blklacquer 5 лет назад

      @@ninad2355 I'm glad you said this I have a patent shoe that's scuffed and was going to try this.

  • @designsonyouinparis
    @designsonyouinparis 5 лет назад

    Great tutorial! Gorgeous! Thank you! Subscribed!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      marie-elena Waldrip thanks Marie!

  • @valeriedhodson3014
    @valeriedhodson3014 5 лет назад

    I am going just spray paint the bottom of my shoes red and buy shoes at Value Village. I am a single mom on a budget.

    • @designsonyouinparis
      @designsonyouinparis 5 лет назад

      Gracy Jones there is the red paint and sealer available on Amazon used to restore the L soles. Not expensive. Love your attitude! One doesn’t need to spend a great deal of $$$$ to look expensive!

    • @ninad2355
      @ninad2355 5 лет назад

      Marie posted my suggestion. Look for the red paint on ebay. It works great I hear!

    • @L.Sabore
      @L.Sabore 5 лет назад

      Gracy Jones lol that sounds about right

    • @Timetravel1111
      @Timetravel1111 5 лет назад

      Gracy Jones arc value village is the best thrift store for so many things. I would like to find heels in woman’s 11. Did you end up making a sparkly shoe either way?

    • @es4666
      @es4666 3 года назад

      Oh I miss Value Village. Are you a vancouverite?