  • Видео 16
  • Просмотров 1 957


20211212 English Sunday School - Psalm 136
Просмотров 143 года назад
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. 4 to him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. 5 who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever. 6 who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever. ...
20211205 English Sunday School - The Apostle's Creed Song
Просмотров 513 года назад
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried The third day He rose again from the dead He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence He shall come to judge th...
20211107 영어주일학교 Jacob and Esau (2) - Name
Просмотров 203 года назад
Quiz 1. What name has God given to Jacob after wrestling? a. Ishmael b. Israel c. Isabelle FUN Quiz 2. Why did Dinosaurs become extinct? a. There was no food for dinosaurs. b. All dinosaurs were sick. c. Dinosaurs could not get on Noah’s ark.
20211114 영어주일학교 Jacob and Esau (3) - Forgiveness
Просмотров 243 года назад
Quiz 1. How many times did Jacob bow to Esau as apology? a. 17 times b. 8 times c. 7 times FUN Quiz 2. The castle where only kids are living? a. Sky Castle b. AI Castle c. Lotte Castle
20211121 영어주일학교 Moses (1) - God knows me
Просмотров 143 года назад
Quiz 1. How did God appear to Moses? a. as a burnt bush b. as a burning bush c. as a bunny FUN Quiz 2. Who is the best at math? a. Daniel b. Peter c. Sam
20211031 영어주일학교 Jacob and Esau (1) - Blessing
Просмотров 233 года назад
Quiz 1. Why did Esau sell his ‘birthright’ to Jacob? He didn’t want his birthright. He could be leader without birthright He starved and wanted red stew FUN Quiz 2. Who can calculate the bset? Adam Sam Jacob
20211024 영어주일학교 Abraham - (3) God who supplies
Просмотров 243 года назад
Quiz 1. Why did GOD commended Abraham to offer Issac as bunt offering. Please chose the right option. a. To see Abraham’s faith b. God didn’t love Issac c. God didn’t like Abraham FUN Quiz 2. Who is the best diver staying under the sea for 3 days? a. Peter b. Jonah c. Samson
20211017 영어주일학교 Abraham - (2) Priority
Просмотров 263 года назад
Quiz 1. Abraham takes Issac to somewhere God commanded. Please chose the right place from the options a. Moriah b. Moai c. Momo Quiz 2 Who is the best seller in Bible. Please chose a fun option! a. David b. Maria c. Sarah
20211010 영어주일학교 Abraham - (1) Relationship
Просмотров 453 года назад
Quiz 1. Do you know the meaning of “covenant”? Please chose the right meaning option in Korean. a. 코코넛 b. 언약 c. 커피 Quiz 2 Who is the best seller in Bible? a. Adam b. Barbarian c. Barabbas
20211003 영어주일학교 In the Beginning (3)
Просмотров 663 года назад
*Today Quiz 1. As a lesson of this episode, Please make a sentence with the below words (이번 영상의 교훈에 따라, 아래의 단어 순서를 맞춰서 올바른 문장을 만들어주세요) *God protects us when _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ (하나님은 00가 000께 00할 때 우리를 보호하세요) a. God b. we c. obey 2. Who were not born in their mothers’ womb (엄마의 배 안에서 태어난 사람이 아닌 사람은?) a. Abraham (아브라함) b. Adam and Eve (아담과 이브) c. David (다윗)
20210926 English Sunday School - Word&Pray
Просмотров 353 года назад
*Today Quiz In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 라고 기도하는 모습을 영상으로 보내주세요 ^^ Quiz에 참여해준 모든 친구들 박규하 친구, 황성우 친구도 참 잘했습니다 ^^ (혹시라도 Quiz에 참여했는데 전도사님이 언급하지 못한 친구는 꼭꼭꼭 알려주세요)
210919 영어주일학교 In the beginning (2)
Просмотров 463 года назад
*퀴즈 참여 방법 안내 질문에 대한 대답을 영상으로 찍어서 보내주세요 ^^ 자신감이 있는 답변, 멈추거나 버벅이는 대답도 환영합니다.
The Aposties’ Creed song (사도신경 찬양)
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.3 года назад
(The Apostle’s Creed Song) I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of heaven and earth I believe in Jesus Christ His only son our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified, dead, and buried The third day He rose again from the dead He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence H...
210912 영어주일학교 In the beginning(1)
Просмотров 933 года назад
*퀴즈 참여 방법 안내 질문에 대한 대답을 영상으로 찍어서 보내주세요 ^^ 자신감이 있는 답변, 멈추거나 버벅이는 대답도 환영합니다. *퀴즈 1. Who obeyed God/Who Disobeyed God? (누가 하나님께 순종했나요?/누가 하나님께 불순종했나요?) 2. What is the first Zoo in the world? (이 세상에 첫 번째 동물원은 무엇일까요?) 1) Seoul Children's Grand Park (서울 어린이 대공원) 2) Seoul Grand Park (서울 대공원) 3) Noah's Ark (노아의 방주)
영어주일학교 인사 및 소개영상
Просмотров 383 года назад
영어주일학교 인사 및 소개영상


  • @jinjookim8838
    @jinjookim8838 Год назад

    이 음원 출처 궁금합니다! 다운받고 싶어서요:-)