  • Видео 8
  • Просмотров 18 677
Carnival 2020 I Hessen 🥳💃🏼✨
Hello there!
I've again uploaded a video as a throwback. Since I have so many videos in my archive, I'm editing these videos nowadays during my self-isolation.
Carnival is a Western Christian festive season celebrated during February and in the beginning of March. In Germany, it's generally celebrated in February. Carnival typically involves public celebrations, including events such as parades, public street parties and other entertainments.
People usually celebrate it in the streets by dressing up, drinking with friends and dancing. During the parades, people throw some candies, give free drinks and all kinds of other stuff to the crowd. The strangest things that I got from this carnival w...
Просмотров: 543


Christmas Market 2019 I Gießen Vlog🎄🌭✨
Просмотров 5984 года назад
Hello there! I know that it is quite late to post this video as it is already the last Christmas but I thought it would be a nice reminiscence to the time that everything was normal before these Corona days. I hope you enjoy the video and if you do so, don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe! 💕 Lots of love! Ozuzu
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.4 года назад
Warning❗️: The video is originally 19 min but I made an editing mistake and after minute 19, you can only hear the background music. I don't really want to delete the video and upload again just because of this reason. I hope it is okay for you 😇❤️ Hello there! 👋 In this video, I talk about accommodation options in Germany for students. I mostly focused on dormitories and shared flats regarding...
Alcalá de la Selva | Christmas Trip- Vlog
Просмотров 1164 года назад
This Christmas I went to visit the mountain towns located in the province of Teruel, Aragon, Spain and I wanted to share with you how these towns are so adorable!💕 Here is one of the towns called Alcalá de la Selva. The town is very small. However, it’s quite popular as people rent houses here to run away from the busy city life or go to ski in the mountains. The population of the town is aroun...
Просмотров 1594 года назад
Hello there! 👋🏻 During my holidays in Valencia I had the chance to visit the infamous zoo called Bioparc. What makes Bioparc very special? First of all, it is huge, having the size of almost 16 football fields! Secondly, the zoo's concept is "Zoo immersion" meaning that the visitors are immersed into the animals' habitat and not vice versa. Here you cannot see the traditional railings and cages...
A DAY AT THE UNIVERSITY📚🚴🏼‍♀️| Vlog and JLU Giessen Tour🎬
Просмотров 13 тыс.5 лет назад
Hello there! ❤️ On this day, I went to the university to talk about my thesis topic with my professor and I thought that recording the university life would be interesting for some of you who is going to study in JLU or just curious about the German university life. I hope you enjoy the video! If so, don't forget to give it a like and subscribe! Write in the comments what you would like me to r...
Просмотров 6495 лет назад
Merhaba! Bu videomda, kendi deneyimlerimlerimle örneklendirerek, Erasmus Stajı için neler gerektiğinden ve nasıl bir süreç olduğundan bahsettim. Son iki senedir bu konu hakkında çok fazla soru alıyordum. Umarım bu videolar ile kafanızdaki tüm soruları cevaplandırabilirim. Erasmus hakkında her şey (part 1) i izlemeyi unutmayın! Eğer videoyu beğendiyseniz, lütfen kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayın❤️...
Просмотров 2 тыс.5 лет назад
Merhaba! Bu videomda, kendi deneyimlerimlerimle örneklendirerek, Erasmus Stajı için neler gerektiğinden ve nasıl bir süreç olduğundan bahsettim. Son iki senedir bu konu hakkında çok fazla soru alıyordum. Umarım bu videolar ile kafanızdaki tüm soruları cevaplandırabilirim. Part 2’de görüşmek üzere! Eğer videoyu beğendiyseniz, lütfen kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayın❤️ P.S. Videonun tamamı çok uzun...


  • @janinreschke
    @janinreschke Год назад

    Wenn du jemand bist, der anderen nichts gönnt, dann schreib dich hier gar nicht erste in und nimm auch keinen Job an, weil Logan Paul

  • @RedCandelaria
    @RedCandelaria 2 года назад

    I visited this magical town last week and it was a dream... I stayed for 3 nigths!!!!

  • @danielmartinjimenez9522
    @danielmartinjimenez9522 2 года назад

    At the end of the video... See you next year... Hehehe...

  • @ttttt55
    @ttttt55 2 года назад

    hello, how much does it cost to rent 3 rooms there, can I spend the night with 2600 euros for a house there

  • @ttttt55
    @ttttt55 2 года назад

    hello, how much does it cost to rent 3 rooms there, can I spend the night with 2600 euros for a house there, that now thanks

  • @ramsolanke7941
    @ramsolanke7941 2 года назад

    Professor Mukherjee 😂

  • @jagodasawczuk2825
    @jagodasawczuk2825 2 года назад

    Hey, thank you for the vid! Maybe I would ask you, do you think it will be better to live in Studentenwohnheim or in WG as Erasmus student in Giessen?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 2 года назад

      I think as an Erasmus student it’s better to live in Studentenwohnheim because there you can socialise with a lot of people and make a lot of friends in a short time🤗

  • @lasagu3473
    @lasagu3473 2 года назад

    Is there anybody got admission 2022 winter semester- university of giesse- human movement analytics..

  • @gulylds3900
    @gulylds3900 2 года назад

    Erasmus intern sitesini paylaşabilir misini?

  • @mariamhesham7373
    @mariamhesham7373 2 года назад

    BTW😌 Are you from Turkey?:-) What is your studing field?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 2 года назад

      Yes, I am! I studied TEFL and Anglophone Studies😊

    • @mariamhesham7373
      @mariamhesham7373 2 года назад

      Merhabalar o'zaman👋👋 benim adin Mariam Ben Mısırlıyım🇪🇬❤️ tanıştığımıza çok memnun oldum❤️

  • @mariamhesham7373
    @mariamhesham7373 2 года назад

    Hey Ozuzu👋😊💖 Can you tell me how to know more about Veterinary Medicine specification in JLU

  • @mfm5376
    @mfm5376 2 года назад

    De qué parte de Valencia eres?

  • @ahmedlahraoui1295
    @ahmedlahraoui1295 2 года назад

    Thank you very much for your instructive and informative video. I have a question if you do not mind, For WG shared flats how much is the price for one applicant?. (For instance, how much do you approximately pay for your shared flat which contains for persons?). Accept my heartfelt salutations

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 2 года назад

      Thank you for your kind comments! ☺️ I pay approximately 300€ and live with 3 people 😊

  • @Achaotsarchive
    @Achaotsarchive 3 года назад

    ✨some more bikes✨

  • @abey7556
    @abey7556 3 года назад

    No snow in Christmas?

  • @saraboukhres8495
    @saraboukhres8495 3 года назад

    Heyy .. I want to share an appartment with my friend . How can we find it ? I hear in dormitories you have the choice to choose appartment too but only for one person not for 2 and we want it with 2 rooms so we can live together. Thankss

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      You can check out wg-gesucht website for this 🤗

    • @saraboukhres8495
      @saraboukhres8495 3 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 I've send you on Instagram can you check my message 🙏

  • @srijanjosephgomes3072
    @srijanjosephgomes3072 3 года назад

    I'm also looking for a Supervisor from the department without whose acceptance to supervise my dissertation both admission and scholarship will be beyond my reach. Can you help me ? My topic is 'Enlightened Humanism in the Selected Novels of Rabindranath Tagore' . Looking forward to your response.

  • @srijanjosephgomes3072
    @srijanjosephgomes3072 3 года назад

    Quite informative . Hello, I'm Srijan Joseph Gomes from India. I'm preparing papers for my admission at JLU. I wish to pursue my Phd from the Department of Language, Literary and cultural studies. Pray that my application gets selected. I appreciate your sense of humour in your presentation. Wish you good luck.

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 2 года назад

      Thank you! I hope everything went well with your application 🤗

  • @thaodao1765
    @thaodao1765 3 года назад

    Thank you for the great video. Is it easy for you to connect with professors after lecture hours and students from different majors? I plan to apply for a master degree at JLU next year.

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      Yes, it’s pretty easy to get appointments for the professors’ office hours. Meeting students from different majors is possible with students events etc. 😊

  • @thinnanttharhlaing1979
    @thinnanttharhlaing1979 3 года назад

    Is there any Tram in Giessen?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      No, there’s no tram in the city but there are busses with good connections🤗

  • @toratora1983
    @toratora1983 3 года назад

    Feeling nostalgic was an alumni of uni giessen class of 2011.. still miss eichendorrfrin parties ..ahahah ...and many more..

  • @elmasbetulyalcn1524
    @elmasbetulyalcn1524 3 года назад

    Erasmusu 1 yıl mı tavsiye edersin yoksa tek dönem mii

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      Kesinlikle 1 yil 🤗 ne kadar cok o kadar iyi 😅

  • @elmasbetulyalcn1524
    @elmasbetulyalcn1524 3 года назад

    Hii do you know about anything dorms ıf you know which one can you suggest?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      Selam Elmas! Yurtlar genelde guzel. Ozellikle fiyat acisindan baya uygun oluyorlar. Eichendorfring ve Unterhof yurt yerleskeleri populer. Onlara bakabilirsin 🤗

    • @elmasbetulyalcn1524
      @elmasbetulyalcn1524 3 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 çok teşekkür ederimm Türk olduğunu bilmiyordum çok sevindim be heyecanlandım erasmus programıyla gitmek istiyorumda dilde Almanca denklik istiyor mu ve sen tavsiye eder misinn?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      @@elmasbetulyalcn1524 almanca denklik hangi bolumde okuduguna ve bolumun hangi dilde egitim verdigine gore degisir. Once ona bakmalisin. Egitim dili %100 ingilizce de olabilir mesela. Ben acikcasi cok memnunum universiteden, egitim konusunda bir suphen olmasin ama kucuk bir sehir burasi. Daha buyuk ve guzel bir sehirde okumak istiyorsan oralara da bakmani oneririm. Onun disinda semester kartinla butun Hessen eyaletini bedava gezebilirsin bu da demek oluyor ki Frankfurt gibi buyuk bir sehre trenle 40-45 dk sure icinde ulasabilirsin🤗

    • @elmasbetulyalcn1524
      @elmasbetulyalcn1524 3 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 bilgi için çok teşekkür ederim son bir soru sorabilir miyim seni çok rahatsız ediyorum ama ben Erasmus tercihi olarak burayı yaptım ve çıktı sen tecrübeli biri olarak bir dönem yeterli mi dersin yoksa 2dönem uzun uzun git mi şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      @@elmasbetulyalcn1524 ne kadar kalmak istedigine bagli 😅 eger okul bittikten sonra erasmus staj yapmak istiyorsan bir donem yapmalisin ama staj dusunmuyorsan bence iki donem yapabilirsin

  • @mukomanathan4044
    @mukomanathan4044 3 года назад

    is that price per semester or month?

  • @mukomanathan4044
    @mukomanathan4044 3 года назад

    haha the captions are funny

  • @babatundeabiolazulikha1260
    @babatundeabiolazulikha1260 3 года назад

    How is living in Giessen and studying in JLU, I'm planning to apply there this year.

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 3 года назад

      Hi! The city is quite small compared to other well known cities in Germany but living here is definitely easier and cheaper. You can go almost anywhere in the city in approximately 15 min by bike. The University is also very nice. So far I’m very happy with my choice and definitely recommend it 🤗

    • @babatundeabiolazulikha1260
      @babatundeabiolazulikha1260 3 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 thank you

    • @badankadonka2958
      @badankadonka2958 3 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 what about the language of studying medicine there ? In the JLU

  • @erenseven8004
    @erenseven8004 3 года назад

    I want to ask few question you. When you dont know better german language, how is going on language course. Can i access them and you know that we must transmit a document which show you know german language as a B1 or B2. Can i give these document after summer language course?

  • @yasminsebtahmadi1568
    @yasminsebtahmadi1568 4 года назад

    thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyy much I enjoyed this video

  • @yinx4ts883
    @yinx4ts883 4 года назад

    Hallo,Wissen Sie, ob man einen Meister mit der Abschlussnote 2.7 machen kann?

  • @Beyza-ml5qb
    @Beyza-ml5qb 4 года назад

    çok teşekkürler

  • @keskin2509
    @keskin2509 4 года назад

    4 aylığına erasmusla ingiltereye gideceğim aylık 800 euro ile geçinebilir miyim?çok gezmeyeceğim.yurtta kalacağım.yani tasarrufla 800 euroya geçinir miyim?ingilizce seviyem kötü,4 ayda ingilizcem gelişir mi baya?

    • @halitsudan1822
      @halitsudan1822 4 года назад

      bu fırsatı yakaladıysan gerisini bir şeklide hallet pişman olmazsın

    • @keskin2509
      @keskin2509 4 года назад

      @@halitsudan1822 siz yaptınız mı erasmus

    • @halitsudan1822
      @halitsudan1822 4 года назад

      @@keskin2509 yok ben de gidiciyim ama çok şey katacağına şüphen olmasın. Bir çok giden arkadaşım var o yüzden

    • @keskin2509
      @keskin2509 4 года назад

      @@halitsudan1822 tamam teşekkürler

    • @aslnehirihtiyaroglu1052
      @aslnehirihtiyaroglu1052 3 года назад

      @keskin 2 İngiltere'de nerde buldunuz kurum acaba? Sürem kısıtlı ve hala bir kurum bulamadım acikcasi

  • @نوضتخدم-ه8ذ
    @نوضتخدم-ه8ذ 4 года назад

    Hello please can u help me .how much score in IELTS they require .and in consulat they require b2 germany language or not thank u a lot i am from morocco

  • @derdecouvreur772
    @derdecouvreur772 4 года назад

    tmm video ile hic bir alakasi yok ama seni ilk izledigimde dedimki cok turke benziyor ayni turk kizlari gibi demistim giessen vieolarinda xD simdi anladimki turkmussun gercekten . videolarani cok seviyorum devam et boyle :)

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Der Schüler hahaha dogru tahmin etmissin 😅😅

  • @derdecouvreur772
    @derdecouvreur772 4 года назад

    man! that looks awsome really this is my dream in germany to study thats why ım working on it. if i can reach to germany on this year Ill go to gießen . lovely day :)

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Der Schüler thank you very much for your kind comment😍 I hope you can achieve your dreams ✨

  • @Drfarhanekhaoula
    @Drfarhanekhaoula 4 года назад


  • @Drfarhanekhaoula
    @Drfarhanekhaoula 4 года назад

    I am an MA student in jlu as well 😍🙂

  • @flyingslayer27
    @flyingslayer27 4 года назад

    Sister can you please share your Instagram or email. So I can ask some doubts . Because I'm in a plan to join in the same college

  • @aysetmr4007
    @aysetmr4007 4 года назад

    Ön lisans programları yapabiliyor mu?

  • @ismailtas4123
    @ismailtas4123 4 года назад

    Teşekkür ederim bilgilendirdiğiniz için

  • @rohmanatasi1771
    @rohmanatasi1771 4 года назад

    Nice video! I am planning to apply to the university and would like even more videos regarding the city and the people

  • @alejandrajimenezvaca1542
    @alejandrajimenezvaca1542 4 года назад

    Such an informative video! Thank you very much. I'm going to study in Germany on the upcoming semester, so I'm glad to find tips like these.. How is it life in Giessen for a student? There's a chance I'll go there, and I'd love to see a video about it.

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Ale Jimenez thank you for your kind comment! 🤗There are some other videos on my channel that I took in Giessen including one video about the university. New videos are coming up, stay tuned ✨

  • @raghuramarigala5282
    @raghuramarigala5282 4 года назад

    Nice video do you know any Indian students in your University

  • @hamzaabbas1231
    @hamzaabbas1231 4 года назад

    Very informative video... Really appreciate you efforts to help students like us who find it very difficult to search information but your video made is so easy for me. thanks a lot .. Love from Pakistan.

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      hamza abbas Thank you so much for your positive comment😍 I’m glad to be helpful!

  • @baharsacan792
    @baharsacan792 4 года назад


  • @Yemre3758
    @Yemre3758 4 года назад

    Giessen’de Hangi bölümde okuyorsunuz acaba ?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Anglophone Studies :)

    • @sunagunindi1941
      @sunagunindi1941 2 года назад

      @@ozuzu9302 ben de o bölüme kabul aldım, bölümle alakalı videonuz var mı acaba?

  • @jeremyzhang1840
    @jeremyzhang1840 4 года назад

    Thank you for the video. I was expecting food might be expensive in this market, but €4 for ein Rind-Wurst Sandwich seems reasonable. Is location far away from university?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Thank you for your comment! Christmas market is in the city center. You can go there in 10 min by bus and 15 min by bike from the university ✨

  • @jeremyzhang1840
    @jeremyzhang1840 4 года назад

    seems like WG is a better option than a dormitory if you don't mind the price. Just have a question is WG welcoming all the applicants or only for specific groups? students for example. And thank you for your video as it helps, and stay safe in Germany! 😊

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Hey Jeremy! Thank you for your comment. I would say that most of the WGs are welcoming here. However, if the residents of the WG want a specific group to apply, they usually say it in the announcements as well 😊

  • @jeremyzhang1840
    @jeremyzhang1840 4 года назад

    Thank you Ozuzu for the tour! Looking forward to more videos about this city if you are still in Gießen. :)

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Jeremy Zhang Hi Jeremy! Thank you for your comment! Yes, I’m still in Gießen and there are upcoming videos soon. Stay tuned ☺️✌🏻

  • @benbm8965
    @benbm8965 4 года назад

    Visit the Gleiberg Castle (closed to Giessen!) Bus 802 goes there

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      B FM hey! I have actually visited 3 times already but I might go again and do a video🙈 thank you for your comment! 💕

  • @hanneslindberg6128
    @hanneslindberg6128 4 года назад

    Do you live in a student dorm? If so, could you give us a tour of what it's like to live in one? :) And could you talk more about what living i Giessen is like?

    • @ozuzu9302
      @ozuzu9302 4 года назад

      Hi A N! Sorry to see your comment so late. I live in a shared flat. Right now, I’m doing vacation but when I go back to Germany I will upload a video about accommodation and life in Giessen 💕 thank you for your comment!