• Видео 49
  • Просмотров 180 154


유아 숫자 퍼즐 영어로 말하기│Numbers & Counting Learning Activity│Counting Numbers 1 to 5│Toddler Learning Video
Просмотров 167 месяцев назад
#123 #숫자#numbers #countingnumbers #kidslearning #kidslearning #kidsvideo #onetwothree #cubes #counting cubes
영어로 숫자,색깔,도형 부르기│Learn Numbers Counting 1 to 10, Shapes, Colors for Kids│Preschool Learning Activity
Просмотров 2627 месяцев назад
#toys#numbers #123 #shape #colors #preschool #kidspuzzlevideos #영어공부 #공부 #kids 아이들을 위한 숫자, 색깔, 도형 공부 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다. 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요~^^ studying numbers, colors, and figures for children Thanks for watching.
알파벳 순서대로 동물이름 부르기 │알파벳송│ABC Animals for Children│Learn Alphabet with Animals for Toddlers & Kids
Просмотров 1377 месяцев назад
#alphabetsong #abcd #알파벳송 #알파벳배우기 #animals #kids #preschool 알파벳 노래 들으며 쉬운 동물이름 부르기 Singing animal names while listening to alphabet songs
알파벳송│ABC Phonic Song│Toddler Learning Video Songs│Alphabet A to Z │Alphabet Song for Kids
Просмотров 2347 месяцев назад
#alphabetsong #abcd #kidslearning #영어공부 알파벳 노래 들으며 쉬운 단어공부
A부터Z까지 알파벳 쓰기│Alphabet Writing│ABC Song | Learn ABCD Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video
Просмотров 1028 месяцев назад
#alphabetsong #알파벳쓰기 #알파벳배우기 #kidslearning #preschool #알파벳송 #abcd 알파벳 A부터Z까지 순서대로 쓰기 Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
유아숫자놀이│Counting & Numbers Educational Videos for Toddlers│Preschool Learning Activity│Numbers 12345
Просмотров 2568 месяцев назад
#kidslearning #numbers #toddlers #colors #counting #123 유아와아이들을위한 숫자공부 색깔공부 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. ^^ 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다. Thank you for watching the number study for infants and children and the color study Please subscribe and like
알파벳 배우기│알파벳송│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video│Alphabet Puzzle
Просмотров 1968 месяцев назад
#alphabetsong #알파벳배우기 #toddlers #kidslearning #preschool #알파벳송 #알파벳놀이 #알파벳퍼즐 아이들이 쉽게 따라할수 있는 알파벳 퍼즐 놀이 ~^^ Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
플레이도우숫자놀이│Numbers 1 to 5 with Play Doh │Toddler Learning Video│Learn Numbers Counting 123 and colors
Просмотров 57810 месяцев назад
#learncolors #learnnumbers #kidslearning #123 #playdohvideo #kidslearning #learnnumbers #learncolors #숫자와알파벳배우기 #preschool #영어공부 집에서 쉽게 따라할수 있는 플레이도우 유아숫자놀이 Play-Doh Baby Number Play that you can easily follow at home Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok_Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
장난감 숫자공부 모아보기│Numbers Videos Collection for Children│Preschool Learning Activity│Learn Number123
Просмотров 10610 месяцев назад
#kidslearning #numbers #toddlers #colors #counting#learnnumbers #123 #preschool #number #kidsvideo 유아와아이들을 위한 숫자공부 색깔공부 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. ^^ 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다. Thank you for watching the number study for infants and children and the color study Please subscribe and like
플레이도우 알파벳 색깔 놀이│Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Learn Color│ABC Song│Alphabet with Play-doh
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.10 месяцев назад
#alphabet #alphabetsong #preschool #abcd #알파벳송 #알파벳놀이 #learnenglish #learncolors #색깔놀이 #kidsvideo 플레이도우로 만드는 알파벳 색깔 놀이 집에서 아이들과 함께 쉽게 따라할수 있어요~^^ 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다. Alphabet game with children Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
유아 알파벳공부│알파벳 송│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children│Alphabet A to Z │Toddler Learning Video
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
#preschool #abcd #alphabetsong #alphabet #알파벳송 #알파벳배우기 #알파벳놀이 #유아교육 #atoz 아이들을 위한 대문자 소문자 알파벳 익히기~^^ Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
Counting&Numbers Educational Videos for Toddlers│Preschool Learning Activity│Toy Learning│count 123
Просмотров 381Год назад
#preschool #numbers #123 #kidsvideo #kidslearning #numbers #유아교육 1부터5까지 여러가지 방법으로 배워 보아요 Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
Numbers 1to5 with Play Doh │Toddler Learning Video│Learn Numbers Counting 123 and colors│Number Song
Просмотров 80Год назад
#playdohvideo #kidslearning #learnnumbers #learncolors #유아교육#preschool #numbers #colors 집에서 쉽게 따라할수 있는 플레이도우 유아숫자놀이 Play-Doh Baby Number Play that you can easily follow at home Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
숫자,도형,색깔공부│Learn Numbers Counting 123, Shapes, Colors for Kids│Preschool Learning Activity│Toy Video
Просмотров 145Год назад
#numbers #123 #shape #colors #preschool #kidspuzzlevideos #kidsvideo #preschool #숫자놀이 #색깔놀이 #도형 #유아 #toddlers #counting 아이들을 위한 숫자, 색깔, 도형 공부 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다. 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요~^^ Thank you for coming to the 알록달록[Allok-Dallok] channel Please enjoy the video and press subscribe and like
알파벳만들기 놀이│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video│Alphabet with Play-doh
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Год назад
알파벳만들기 놀이│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video│Alphabet with Play-doh
123숫자만들기│Best video for Toddlers to Count 1-10│Learn Numbers & Counting │Making Number with Play-Doh
Просмотров 167Год назад
123숫자만들기│Best video for Toddlers to Count 1-10│Learn Numbers & Counting │Making Number with Play-Doh
알록달록 알파벳 만들기│Alphabet Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Best Preschool Toddler Learning Video
Просмотров 286Год назад
알록달록 알파벳 만들기│Alphabet Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Best Preschool Toddler Learning Video
유아큐브│Best Learn Cubes Puzzle│Preschool Toddler Learning Toy Video│Toy Learning Educational Activity
Просмотров 278Год назад
유아큐브│Best Learn Cubes Puzzle│Preschool Toddler Learning Toy Video│Toy Learning Educational Activity
유아숫자배우기│Numbers&counting Learning Activity│Educational Videos for Toddlers │Count 12345 & Colors
Просмотров 11 тыс.Год назад
유아숫자배우기│Numbers&counting Learning Activity│Educational Videos for Toddlers │Count 12345 & Colors
알파벳찍기놀이│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video│Alphabet with Play-doh
Просмотров 29 тыс.Год назад
알파벳찍기놀이│ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet for Children | Toddler Learning Video│Alphabet with Play-doh
유아숫자퍼즐│Learn Numbers 123 & Counting│Educational Videos for Toddlers │Learning Activities│Puzzle Toy
Просмотров 6 тыс.Год назад
유아숫자퍼즐│Learn Numbers 123 & Counting│Educational Videos for Toddlers │Learning Activities│Puzzle Toy
플레이도우숫자놀이│Numbers 0 to 9 with Play Doh │Toddler Learning Video│Learn Numbers Counting 123 and colors
Просмотров 15 тыс.Год назад
플레이도우숫자놀이│Numbers 0 to 9 with Play Doh │Toddler Learning Video│Learn Numbers Counting 123 and colors
유아숫자공부│Counting & Numbers Educational Videos for Toddlers│Preschool Learning Activity│Learn Colors
Просмотров 36 тыс.Год назад
유아숫자공부│Counting & Numbers Educational Videos for Toddlers│Preschool Learning Activity│Learn Colors
유아색깔섞기│Learn How to Mix Colors│Best Toy Learning Video for Toddlers and Kids Learn Colors with Paint
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
유아색깔섞기│Learn How to Mix Colors│Best Toy Learning Video for Toddlers and Kids Learn Colors with Paint
물감놀이│Let's Play with Paint│Best Learning Video for Toddlers Learn Colors with Paints
Просмотров 457Год назад
물감놀이│Let's Play with Paint│Best Learning Video for Toddlers Learn Colors with Paints
숫자게임│Mathematics Balance GameⅡ│Counting toy│Learning Numbers 6 to 10│Educational Videos For Toddlers
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.Год назад
숫자게임│Mathematics Balance GameⅡ│Counting toy│Learning Numbers 6 to 10│Educational Videos For Toddlers
유아숫자게임│Mathematics Balance GameⅠ│Counting toys│Learning Numbers 1to5│Educational Videos For Toddlers
Просмотров 10 тыс.Год назад
유아숫자게임│Mathematics Balance GameⅠ│Counting toys│Learning Numbers 1to5│Educational Videos For Toddlers
알파벳놀이│Let's Play Alphabet With Play-Doh│Learn ABC Puzzle │Alphabet Song│Toddler Toy Learning Video
Просмотров 9 тыс.Год назад
알파벳놀이│Let's Play Alphabet With Play-Doh│Learn ABC Puzzle │Alphabet Song│Toddler Toy Learning Video
미니클레이 너구리 만들기│Making Racoon Dog With Clay And Toy for kids│Play-Doh│Toddler Learning Video
Просмотров 889Год назад
미니클레이 너구리 만들기│Making Racoon Dog With Clay And Toy for kids│Play-Doh│Toddler Learning Video