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chinese cooking Home-cooked food
Добавлен 4 авг 2020
Hello everyone: I am glad that you can come to my channel, this channel is to record my family's daily eating habits, some life clips, city scenery, for every ordinary happy day to leave memories. If you have the ingredients you want to eat, look at my practice to talk about topics of interest, as well as look at my cityscape, you can leave me a message, look forward to our exchanges
用山藥+糯米,輕鬆做出高級感的美味! 絕對讓你的家人驚歎【Lee的廚房】#山藥#糯米#紅豆沙 🤩👌Yam + glutinous rice, absolutely amaze your family!
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes
【Lee的廚房】分享了如何使用山藥和糯米粉製作一道口感綿軟的美食。 再加上紅豆沙餡,這道菜肯定能夠讓你成為家庭中的烹飪高手!
【Lee's Kitchen】shares how to use yam and glutinous rice flour to make a soft delicacy. Coupled with the red bean paste, this dish is sure to make you a culinary master in the family!
I update videos every day, please turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any new videos~
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#Recipe #Cooking #How to make
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【Lee的廚房】分享了如何使用山藥和糯米粉製作一道口感綿軟的美食。 再加上紅豆沙餡,這道菜肯定能夠讓你成為家庭中的烹飪高手!
【Lee's Kitchen】shares how to use yam and glutinous rice flour to make a soft delicacy. Coupled with the red bean paste, this dish is sure to make you a culinary master in the family!
I update videos every day, please turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any new videos~
If you like the videos I make, please subscribe, like, and share! If you have any good suggestions or opinions, please leave me a comment or a message. Thank you for your support and encouragement!
#Recipe #Cooking #How to make
If you like my videos, remember to subscribe, like, comment, and share....
Просмотров: 513
手把手教你煎餃,金黃酥脆 餡香味美 讓你的廚藝大增#煎餃#冰花煎餃Teach you to make fried dumplings and increase your cooking skills
Просмотров 273Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 《冰花煎餃,讓你的煎餃更具視覺衝擊力》:學習如何製作冰花煎餃,讓您的煎餃不僅味美,還兼具視覺衝擊力。 本視頻將教您如何用特殊的煎餃技巧製作出獨特的花紋,讓您的煎餃在桌上成為焦點。 "Ice Flower Fried Dumplings, Make Your Fried Dumplings More Visual Impact": Learn how to make Ice Flower Fried Dumplings to make your fried dumplings not only delicious, but also visually impactful. This video will teach you how to make a unique pa...
【半燙麵油餅】柔軟多層,涼了吃也不硬,三種油餅分層方法,一次學會Hot dough oil cake soft and multi-layered#油饼#烫面#
Просмотров 77Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 這個視頻總結描述強調了半燙麵油餅的獨特口感,既有燙面的柔軟口感,又有涼水和麵的筋性,柔軟多層,涼了吃也不硬,讓人食慾大增。This video summary description emphasizes the unique taste of semi-hot noodle oil cake, which has both the soft taste of hot noodles, but also the gluten nature of cold water and noodles, soft and multi-layered, cold and not hard, making people appetite. I update videos every ...
傳統風味【茴香水煎包】,外酥內軟,味道鮮美,讓你的早餐添加美味Traditional fennel frying bun with delicious taste
Просмотров 33Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 想要學習水煎包的詳細製作教程? 這個視頻將為您展示製作,蓬鬆暄軟的冰花酥脆水煎包的詳細步驟。 您將學會從麵團的製作到包餡的技巧,輕鬆掌握製作水煎包的要領。 Want to learn a detailed tutorial on making fried buns? This video will show you the detailed steps of making, fluffy ice crispy fried buns. You will learn the skills from dough making to making food, and easily master the essentials of making fried buns. I up...
學會這個簡單又好吃的泡菜,清脆爽口,開胃下飯只需一晚上Simple and delicious kimchi recipe, crisp and refreshing, appetizing rice
Просмотров 176Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 這個視頻總結了製作泡菜的簡單方法。 首先,將新鮮的蔬菜洗净切成適當的大小,如捲心菜、胡蘿蔔和辣椒等。 然後,將蔬菜放入一個大碗中,加入適量的鹽和糖,再倒入足夠的水,用手輕輕攪拌均勻。 接下來,將蔬菜放入一個密封容器中,放置在冰箱裡一晚上。 第二天,泡菜就可以食用了。 這款泡菜口感爽脆,味道酸甜可口,非常適合作為開胃菜或下飯菜。 This video summarizes the simple ways to make kimchi. First, wash and cut fresh vegetables to the appropriate size, such as cabbage, carrots, and peppers. Then, place the ve...
韭菜只炒著吃就錯了,分享這個做法“男人加油站”讓你能量滿滿It's wrong to eat leeks just stir-fried,share this cold dressing recipe
Просмотров 121Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 想要嘗試一道簡單又健康的涼菜嗎? 涼拌韭菜絕對是您的不二選擇! 在這個視頻中,我將向您展示如何將韭菜與切成細絲的雞蛋並與調味料一起拌在一起,製作出一道色香味俱佳的涼菜。 無論是作為素食還是葷菜的搭配,這道涼拌韭菜都能為您的餐桌增添亮點! Want to try a simple and healthy cold dish? Cool leeks are definitely your choice! In this video, I will show you how to mix leeks with finely sliced chicken eggs and seasonings to make a cool dish with great color and ...
【三鮮餃子】薄皮大餡,香氣四溢,每一口都能感受到家的溫暖與味道【Three fresh dumplings】Thin-skinned filling, full of aroma
Просмотров 63Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #homedishes “想念家的味道嗎? 不如嘗試一下這款口感十足的三鮮餃子! 餃子的外皮薄薄的,一口咬下就能感受到鮮香的海參、蝦肉、豬肉和韭菜的絕妙組合。 這道美食不僅適合家庭聚餐,也是朋友聚會的絕佳選擇。 在本視頻中,我將為您展示製作過程和獨特的包餃子技巧。 快來一起動手吧,讓口中充滿家的味道! ” "Miss the smell of home? Why not try this delicious three-fresh dumpling! The skin of the dumplings is thin, and you can feel the delicious combination of sea cucumber, shrimp, pork and leeks in o...
飯店常備小菜【泡腌蘿蔔】最簡單省事的做法,酸甜爽口清脆又開胃【Radish kimchi】Simple and trouble-free method, sweet and sour
Просмотров 93Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 醃制白蘿蔔泡菜的製作步驟 - 這個視頻將詳細展示製作醃制白蘿蔔泡菜的步驟。 從切割白蘿蔔到調製醃制液,再到最後的腌制過程,你將一步步學習到如何製作出口感酸爽的泡菜。 Steps to make pickled radish kimchi - This video will show you in detail the steps to make pickled white radish kimchi. From cutting white radish to concocting the marinade to the final pickling process, you'll learn step-by-step how to make a sour pickle...
萬萬沒想到,土豆原來可以做月餅,軟糯香甜吃過忘不掉I never expected that potatoes could be made into mooncakes, soft and sweet
Просмотров 232Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes I update videos every day, please turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any new videos~ If you like the videos I make, please subscribe, like, and share! If you have any good suggestions or opinions, please leave me a comment or a message. Thank you for your support and encouragement! Feel Good by MusicbyAden | soundcloud.com/...
有手就能做,輕鬆搞定,手把手教你做【紅豆沙小月餅】家人讚不絕口Teach you to make 【red bean paste mooncakes】 praised by the family
Просмотров 54Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 紅豆沙餡小月餅是一種傳統的中秋節美食,是由麵粉、紅豆沙和糖等原料製作而成的。 紅豆沙餡小月餅製作工藝簡單,口感酥軟,餡料香甜,是中秋節期間家人和朋友們共同品嘗的傳統美食之一。 Red bean paste stuffed mooncake is a traditional Mid-Autumn Festival delicacy made from ingredients such as flour, red bean paste and sugar. The red bean paste stuffed mooncake is one of the traditional delicacies that families and friends taste toge...
中秋必備【鮮肉榨菜酥皮月餅】酥皮香脆餡料鮮嫩令人回味【Fresh meat mustard crisp cake】The crispy fillings are delicate and tender
Просмотров 123Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes 今天給大家分享一道傳統中秋佳節必備的美食 鮮肉榨菜酥皮月餅!這款月餅以其獨特的口感和豐富的內餡.帶給我們無窮的驚喜和滿足。外表酥脆,內裡鮮嫩多汁。榨菜的鹹香和鮮肉的鮮美在嘴中交融,帶來一種獨特的口感。快來動手製作一份屬於自己的鮮肉榨菜酥皮月餅,與家人朋友一同共度一個溫馨美味的中秋節吧! 🌕 Today, I will share with you a must -have food for the Mid -Autumn Festival -fresh meat mustard messenger moon cakes! This moon cakes bring us endless surprises and satisfaction with their uni...
栗子只會糖炒就錯了,這才是正確的吃法口感酥脆,餡料香甜【栗香酥餅】The correct way to eat chestnuts is crispy and the filling is sweet
Просмотров 224Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #chinesefood #Recipe #HomeDishes Chestnut shortbread making in detail: Have you ever wondered how to make chestnut shortbread with a crispy taste and a fluffy filling? In this video, I will show you how to make delicious chestnut shortbread. From preparing the ingredients to the baking process, I will show you step by step. 栗子酥餅製作過程詳解:您是否曾經想過如何製作出口感酥脆、內餡鬆軟的栗子酥餅? 在這個視頻中...
比包子簡單的獨特製作新手也能輕鬆搞定的美味麵食【肉龍】Unique method.Pasta that even novices can cook easily#cooking#homedishes
Просмотров 267Год назад
#HomeCooking #ChineseFood #how #Recipe #HomeDishes 這個視頻總結將向您展示如何製作出一道口感綿軟、肉香十足的肉龍。通過包裹餡料並蒸熟,肉龍的外皮保持了柔軟的口感,而內部的肉餡則散發出誘人的香氣。 This video summary will show you how to make a tender, meaty meatloaf. By wrapping the fillings and steaming them, the outer skin of the meat dragon maintains a soft texture, while the meat filling inside exudes an alluring aroma. Unique production method. Delicious pasta t...
一口咬下去,你會後悔沒早點嘗! 【炸韭菜盒】絕對是美味啊One bite and you will regret not trying it sooner! Absolutely delicious
Просмотров 167Год назад
一口咬下去,你會後悔沒早點嘗! 【炸韭菜盒】絕對是美味啊One bite and you will regret not trying it sooner! Absolutely delicious
餅檔老闆親授素餡【西葫蘆酥餅】製作秘訣.簡單易學 超級好吃Zucchini Shortbread Easy to make and super delicious
Просмотров 516Год назад
餅檔老闆親授素餡【西葫蘆酥餅】製作秘訣.簡單易學 超級好吃Zucchini Shortbread Easy to make and super delicious
想不到這種香料被我做成了美食,分享炸物的技巧,保持碧綠清香四溢#炸薄荷葉#薄荷#Unexpectedly I turned spices into delicious food, fried mint
Просмотров 174Год назад
想不到這種香料被我做成了美食,分享炸物的技巧,保持碧綠清香四溢#炸薄荷葉#薄荷#Unexpectedly I turned spices into delicious food, fried mint
不用烤箱,只需要平底鍋在家制做超級簡單【花生醬麵包卷】No oven,just a pan,super easy to make at home 【Peanut Butter Bread Rolls】
Просмотров 281Год назад
不用烤箱,只需要平底鍋在家制做超級簡單【花生醬麵包卷】No oven,just a pan,super easy to make at home 【Peanut Butter Bread Rolls】
雞肉【酥皮燒餅】享受美味早餐的同時,也享受自己動手烹飪的樂趣。Chicken Shortbread Pie - yummy breakfast, fun cooking! 🍳
Просмотров 225Год назад
雞肉【酥皮燒餅】享受美味早餐的同時,也享受自己動手烹飪的樂趣。Chicken Shortbread Pie - yummy breakfast, fun cooking! 🍳
【虎皮辣椒】獨特的口感和辣味,你也可在家輕鬆製作這道經典菜【Sweet and Sour Chili】Easy to make at home
Просмотров 89Год назад
【虎皮辣椒】獨特的口感和辣味,你也可在家輕鬆製作這道經典菜【Sweet and Sour Chili】Easy to make at home
柔軟筋道【蔥花雞蛋油餅】,簡單易做,只要雞蛋,無需專業技巧。Egg oil cake. No oven, no yeast, just eggs and flour.
Просмотров 153Год назад
柔軟筋道【蔥花雞蛋油餅】,簡單易做,只要雞蛋,無需專業技巧。Egg oil cake. No oven, no yeast, just eggs and flour.
啤酒的靈魂伴侶,烤肉的精神夥伴【花毛一體】夏日必備的下酒小涼菜[Peanut Boiled Edamame] A must-have cold dish for drinking in summer
Просмотров 36Год назад
啤酒的靈魂伴侶,烤肉的精神夥伴【花毛一體】夏日必備的下酒小涼菜[Peanut Boiled Edamame] A must-have cold dish for drinking in summer
【糖三角】怎麼做出絲滑巧克力狀糖心,暄軟香甜。全過程解析一學就會。Sugar triangle buns, soft and sweet, easy to learn
Просмотров 57Год назад
【糖三角】怎麼做出絲滑巧克力狀糖心,暄軟香甜。全過程解析一學就會。Sugar triangle buns, soft and sweet, easy to learn
一把韭苔三個雞蛋,跟我做【韭苔餡餅】皮薄餡大,滿口鮮香 A handful of leek moss and three eggs, let me make [leek moss pie]
Просмотров 207Год назад
一把韭苔三個雞蛋,跟我做【韭苔餡餅】皮薄餡大,滿口鮮香 A handful of leek moss and three eggs, let me make [leek moss pie]
花生醬和葡萄乾的絕佳搭配!口感鬆軟香甜可口,喜歡吃甜食,這款花卷絕對是你的最愛【花生葡萄卷】The perfect combination of peanut butter and raisins
Просмотров 111Год назад
花生醬和葡萄乾的絕佳搭配!口感鬆軟香甜可口,喜歡吃甜食,這款花卷絕對是你的最愛【花生葡萄卷】The perfect combination of peanut butter and raisins
家裡只要有麵粉,做出追劇小零食【香酥芝麻球】顆顆酥脆口口香As long as there is flour to make crispy sesame balls
Просмотров 283Год назад
家裡只要有麵粉,做出追劇小零食【香酥芝麻球】顆顆酥脆口口香As long as there is flour to make crispy sesame balls
雞肉別只會炒著吃了,用電飯鍋做窯雞!簡單易學味道絕了!快來試試吧 Roast chicken with a rice cooker! Easy to learn, come and try it!🍗🍚
Просмотров 281Год назад
雞肉別只會炒著吃了,用電飯鍋做窯雞!簡單易學味道絕了!快來試試吧 Roast chicken with a rice cooker! Easy to learn, come and try it!🍗🍚
營養與美味兼得早餐的首選美食,跟隨我的步驟輕鬆做出美味【茄子大包】The preferred delicacy for Chinese-style breakfast “Eggplant Buns”.
Просмотров 62Год назад
營養與美味兼得早餐的首選美食,跟隨我的步驟輕鬆做出美味【茄子大包】The preferred delicacy for Chinese-style breakfast “Eggplant Buns”.
輕鬆做出外酥里嫩的【韭苔盒子】讓你成為家庭美食大師Make delicious leek boxes easily and become your home chef
Просмотров 546Год назад
輕鬆做出外酥里嫩的【韭苔盒子】讓你成為家庭美食大師Make delicious leek boxes easily and become your home chef
Just sugar and flour try to make sugar shortbread by yourself sweet and crispy你有糖和麵粉嗎快試試自己做【糖酥餅】甜香酥脆
Просмотров 33Год назад
Just sugar and flour try to make sugar shortbread by yourself sweet and crispy你有糖和麵粉嗎快試試自己做【糖酥餅】甜香酥脆
原来这就是苔菜 感谢
@@weilinglin1346 谢谢您观看我的视频,期待与您更多的交流
@@davidwang1188 谢谢您的观看并留言,期待与您很多的交流^_^
老師請問沒有老抽可以用生抽代替嗎~? 分量一樣是10g嗎~? 以及密封冷藏可以保存多久呢~? 謝謝老師解惑~
@@homecooked5601 謝謝老師🙏🙏~~影片拍得很清楚易懂 ! 我試試看 !
Thanks! easy to follow and worked well.
Thank you for watching my channel🌹.Looking forward to more communication and mutual learning.😘
照著做十分好吃! 謝謝分享👏
好吃 😋
谢谢您关注我的频道。🌹期待更多的互动。<sooth musical beats>
[sooth musical beats] 谢谢您关注我的频道😘
Thank you for following my channel. 🌹 Looking forward to more interactions. 😘
Too salty .....🙋🇸🇬
用電鍋就可以了 水煮蛋不用水用毛巾沾溼放電鍋蛋放上面 跳起來就水煮蛋了 殼還不會爆
100克糖 100g Sugar 160克油 160g Oil 两个鸡蛋黄 2 Egg yolk 250克 面粉 250g Flour 5克 小苏打 5g sodium bicarbonate 3克 泡打粉 3g Baking powder 1.5克 盐 1.5g Salt 170° 25分钟 170°c 25 minutes😀
配料比例:毛豆1千克;八角3克;花椒3克;麻椒3克;白芷3克;辣椒4個;香葉6片;鹽30克 Ingredient ratio: 1kg of edamame; 3g of star anise; 3g of Sichuan pepper; 3g of hemp pepper; 3g of white atractylodes; 4 chili peppers; 6 fragrant leaves; 30g of salt. 😀😀😀
Dough recipe: 500 grams of flour; 350 grams of water; 5 grams of yeast; 20 grams of oil. Oil pastry recipe: 100 grams of flour; 100 grams of cooking oil. 和面的配方:500克麵粉;350克水;5克酵母;20克油 油酥的配方:100克麵粉;100克食用油
配料表:麵粉:380g;香蕉:250g; 牛奶1:80ml; 糖:60g; 雞蛋:3個; 酵母5g; 鹽:3g; 食用油:40g
謝謝分享美味料理~ 做菜注意安全加油~
謝謝分享美味料理~ 兩道色香味俱全加油
謝謝分享美味料理~ 祝妳全家新年快樂~
謝謝分享美味甜點~ 祝妳新年快樂開心~
配料表:馅料:花生、核桃共240g、糖80g 水面团:面粉300g、猪油20g、糖40g、水180g 油酥:面粉300g、猪油150g
@@homecooked5601 堅持~加油~
thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching