Chris (0to60_Exotics)
Chris (0to60_Exotics)
  • Видео 58
  • Просмотров 291 043
R35 Nissan GTR W/ HKS Exhaust (4K/Pure Audio)
Experience the captivating sound of this R35 Nissan GTR equipped with a HKS Exhaust system! Enjoy the pure sound of this R35 GTR from the inside and outside of this beast!!
- Startup/Idle 0:00 - 0:37
- Driving/Flybys 0:38 - 1:56
- Revs 1:57 - 2:13
- More driving 2:14 - 3:05
-Interior Sounds 3:06 - 5:01
#nissangtr #nissan #gtr #r35 #r35gtr #nissangtr35 #hksexhuast #exhaust #4k #audio
Просмотров: 146 582
