Maryvic Perez
Maryvic Perez
  • Видео 136
  • Просмотров 55 396
How Altars Work & How to Destroy Evil Altars - FULL TEACHING
How Altars Work & How to Destroy Evil Altars - FULL TEACHING
Просмотров: 3 212



  • @Legacihandmade
    @Legacihandmade 16 часов назад

    You crack me up!!!!🤣

  • @yoekss
    @yoekss День назад

    Bible is heavily corrupted. The last testament is the Quran

  • @AlexisCabanlit-m3u
    @AlexisCabanlit-m3u День назад

    It is not until we reach a certain age or understanding or maturity. The Law is there as our guardian (we are held captive by the law due to transgression) until the coming of Christ, when we will be justified by faith. “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith." - Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  • @KenanOpoka-l4g
    @KenanOpoka-l4g День назад

    in order to be saved o chosen or an elect,you have to be taken out of something so the law was a necessary part of the equation

  • @antoinettedeleon4489
    @antoinettedeleon4489 2 дня назад

    The Law is a Guardian. It keeps you in check until you are Mature. Thank you Lord for fulfilling ALL the Laws🔥✝️❤️

  • @AlanaBeth04
    @AlanaBeth04 4 дня назад


  • @margiegarcia3615
    @margiegarcia3615 8 дней назад


  • @MaryvicPerez
    @MaryvicPerez 9 дней назад

    Im still cracking up 😂 1:29:40

  • @dianasanchez881
    @dianasanchez881 9 дней назад

    Lord turn my curses in to many blessings in Jesus name 🙏🏼🙌🏼🔥🙇🏻‍♀️

  • @SkylarWhitneyProck
    @SkylarWhitneyProck 10 дней назад


  • @elsaarias4317
    @elsaarias4317 12 дней назад

    Thank you Teacher Maryvic ❤️

  • @Legacihandmade
    @Legacihandmade 17 дней назад

    Thanks, always a joy to ready through the Bible with you!

  • @ashleywebb6724
    @ashleywebb6724 17 дней назад

    Love the content, keep it going for God's glory!

  • @altagraciaperez875
    @altagraciaperez875 17 дней назад


  • @altagraciaperez875
    @altagraciaperez875 18 дней назад


  • @altagraciaperez875
    @altagraciaperez875 18 дней назад


  • @AlanaBeth04
    @AlanaBeth04 18 дней назад


  • @margiegarcia3615
    @margiegarcia3615 19 дней назад

    There are 2 day 57. Thank you so much for doing this!!

  • @margiegarcia3615
    @margiegarcia3615 19 дней назад

    Thank you Jesus, I found Genesis 1 FYI, There are 2 Day 57

  • @margiegarcia3615
    @margiegarcia3615 19 дней назад

    Thank you Jesus~ Yes, let us do more and more of Jesus each day!

  • @elsaarias4317
    @elsaarias4317 28 дней назад

    TEACHER MARYVIC my husband heard the prayer that you did for him n my family n he was amazed n greatful, he said you have a gift for praying, he said that was beautiful....thank you ❤

  • @malindabrandle1471
    @malindabrandle1471 29 дней назад

    Price break at 43:00 whew 🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌 oh my goodness you are so precious,

  • @courtneyreyna88
    @courtneyreyna88 29 дней назад

    Jesus was always amazed at two things... 1. Belief 2. Unbelief

  • @velimirtomasevic8256
    @velimirtomasevic8256 29 дней назад

    GOD shoold I go out to fiight ...?

  • @MaryvicPerez
    @MaryvicPerez Месяц назад

    Bro the part where i dropped coffee on myself !??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Im still impressed… 1:16:02 1:16:21 the coffee still on dripping on my neck 🙈😂😂🫥 Im just gonna praise and shut the flesh up…

  • @rachelcruz1717
    @rachelcruz1717 Месяц назад

    Good morning

  • @kanibeMe
    @kanibeMe Месяц назад

    With God's word there are no wasted words. The genealogy of Genesis Names have meanings. Adam = Man Seth = Appointed Enosh = Mortal Cainan = Sorrow Mahalalel = The Blessed God Jared = Shall come down Enoch = Teaching Methuselah = His death shall bring Lamech = The despairing Noah = Rest Now read it as a sentence. Man Appointed Mortal Sorrow, The Blessed God Shall come down Teaching, His death shall bring The despairing, Rest The Messiah is on every page. God bless.

  • @hannah_enoch
    @hannah_enoch Месяц назад


  • @teri9542
    @teri9542 Месяц назад

    So beautiful I love you Lord ❤😊

  • @antoinettedeleon4489
    @antoinettedeleon4489 Месяц назад

    The Glorious presence of God Filled the Temple. DO IT AGAIN LORD! Fill the Dome Of Encounters with your Glorious Presence. Leave us peaches and in AWE! Thank you Lord!❤🕊️🔥✝️