  • Видео 108
  • Просмотров 451 472
Multigrain Toast | Whole Grain Bread
請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you!
* 1275g 高筋麵粉 Bread flour
* 225g 雜糧粉 Multi-Grain Flour
* 220g 紅糖 Brown sugar
* 100g 雞蛋 Egg
* 870g 水 Water
* 120g 淡奶油 Whipping cream
* 18g 酵母 Yeast
* 18g 鹽 Salt
* 150g 黃油 Butter
2、表面裝饰 :
* 燕麥片 Oatmeal
烘烤:190ºC烘烤約40分鐘 Bake at 190ºC for about 40 minutes
其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos:
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ruclips.net/video/MqzVouwhnwc/видео.html 手撕千層麵包
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ruclips.net/video/-sHCPFblXfI/видео.html 奶油乳酪麵包
ruclips.net/video/O80nCbiIwn8/видео.html 抹茶橘味乳酪麵包
ruclips.net/video/z2sGSm425EY/видео.html 皇冠奶酪面包
Просмотров: 1 215


Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies | Cookie Recipe | make cookies at home
Просмотров 3802 года назад
#餅乾#曲奇#橙子味#巧克力 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: 1、麵團: * 110g 低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour * 20g 奶粉 Milk powder * 3g 泡打粉 Sputum powder * 20g 砂 Sugar * 60g 黃油 Butter * 40g 全蛋液 Egg liquid 2、橙子片: * 1個 橙子 Orange * 15g 朗姆酒 Rum * 20g 砂 Sugar * Chocolate 巧克力 烘烤:160℃烘烤 20 - 25分鐘 其他美味食譜Other delicious recipes: ruclips.net/video/dN6gGWmzUcY/видео.html 苹果派 ruclips...
These are the easiest and delicious cookies ever!
Просмотров 4562 года назад
#餅乾#烘培#零食 食譜recipe: * 250g 低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour * 95g 黃油 Butter * 25g 砂 Sugar * 90g 椰汁 Coconut milk 160℃烘烤 20-25分钟 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/_FzROcIHiEA/видео.html 芝士脆脆棒 ruclips.net/video/stxarZjf8CY/видео.html 番茄愛心酥餅 ruclips.net/video/7DTpo1DXWis/видео.html 巧克力核桃曲奇 ruclips.net/video/ZRdBYFGz2-c/видео.html 麻薯面包恐龙蛋 ruclips.net/video/XxuOcYZVflw/видео.html 南瓜子餅乾 ruclips.net...
Only 2 kinds of ingredients are needed to make crispy healthy and nutritious snacks. Super simple
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#零食#點心#健康食譜 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: * 紅棗 Red jujube * 核桃仁 Walnut meat 打開烤箱熱風功能:80°C-烘烤3 - 4小時 烘烤時間根據紅棗的大小、乾濕不同做調整,烤脆就行 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/xh0GcoLgh9s/видео.html 蜜豆蔓越莓司康 ruclips.net/video/_FzROcIHiEA/видео.html 芝士脆脆棒 ruclips.net/video/stxarZjf8CY/видео.html 番茄愛心酥餅 ruclips.net/video/ZRdBYFGz2-c/видео.html 麻薯面包...
Brioche Crown Toast |Toast Recipe | Making Bread at Home
Просмотров 3 тыс.2 года назад
#吐司#麵包#在家製作#食譜 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝! 食譜recipe: 1、中種 Sponge-Dough * 280g 高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 4g 酵母 Yeast * 182g 水 Water 2、主麵團 * 240g 高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 60g 砂 Sugar * 8g 鹽 Salt * 20g 牛奶 Milk * 190g 雞蛋 Egg * 150g 黃油 Butter 烘烤:375°F/190℃烤 30-36分鐘 模具:450g/个 其他美味食谱 Other delicious recipes: ruclips.net/video/RbQvjXAU9k8/видео.html 揉面機揉麵的正確方法 ruclips.net/video/vYwAMrlDyDA/видео.html 柯基臀巧克力面包 ruclips...
The dessert made with apples was a success.
Просмотров 3982 года назад
#蘋果#美味#甜點#派 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: 1、馅: * 600g 蘋果 Apple * 30g 砂 Sugar * 40g 蜂蜜 Cinnamon * 2g 肉桂粉 Cinnamon powder * 5g 檸檬汁 Lemon juice 2、麵团: * 260g 低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour * 100g 黃油 Butter * 25g 砂 Sugar * 83g 水 Water 3、刷表麵: * 蛋黄 The egg yolk 200℃烘烤35分鐘 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/HDbATKi2vvA/видео.html 虎皮蛋糕卷 ruclips.ne...
Whole wheat grain bread|Delicious Bread Recipe | Making Bread at Home
Просмотров 1 тыс.2 года назад
#麵包#麵包食譜#減肥 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: 1、主麵团: * 700g 高筋麵粉 High gluten flour * 155g 全麥麵粉 Whole wheat flour * 53g 砂 Sugar * 6g 酵母Yeast * 38g 蜂蜜 Honey * 30g 奶粉 Milk powder * 12g 鹽 Salt * 600g 水 Water * 50g 黃油 Butter 2、表麵裝飾 * 50g 亞麻籽 Flax seed * 50g 黑芝麻 Black sesame * 50g 白芝麻 White sesame * 50g 燕麥片 Oatmeal (也可以換成自己喜歡的品種) 180℃ 烘烤25分鐘左右 其他精彩視頻Ot...
Multigrain bread sticks, low-calorie and sugar-free, crispy and fragrant, very simple to make
Просмотров 6642 года назад
#素食食譜#無糖食譜#減肥食譜#低卡食譜 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝! 食譜recipe: * 250g 普通麵粉 Flour * 100g 雜糧麵粉 Multigrain flour * 80g 橄欖油 Olive oil * 4g 酵母 Yeast * 10g 幹羅勒 Dried Basil(可以不加) * 2g 鹽 Salt * 150g 水 Water 180℃ 烘烤25 - 30分鐘左右 液體根據麵粉的吸水性做調整。這個食譜可以根據自己口味搭配材料。 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/_FzROcIHiEA/видео.html 芝士脆脆棒 ruclips.net/video/P2_LFAxX5dc/видео.html 亚麻籽法棍 ruclips.net/video/FipUVocEOxg/видео.html ...
Classic traditional old bread, reminiscent of the taste of childhood|Bread recipe
Просмотров 7652 года назад
#老麵包#經典麵包#傳統美食#麵包 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝! 老麵包,是麵包剛剛興起時的產品,隨著時代的發展麵包種類層出不窮,非常之多,但老式麵包並沒有被社會淘汰,反而成了許多人記憶中最為美好的味道,簡單、幸福,眾多的麵食企業也始終堅持老式麵包的老式風味以滿足消費者的需求。而老式麵包的做法也開始被眾多的消費者追捧,自己嘗試尋找小時候的味道。 食譜recipe: 1、酵頭 Sponge-Dough Method * 100g 高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 70g 低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour * 10g 砂 Sugar * 4g 酵母 Yeast * 160g 水 Water 2、主麵團 Main dough * 390g 高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 100g 砂 Sugar * 5g 鹽 Salt * 25g 奶粉 Milk ...
French fries made at home are very simple
Просмотров 2142 года назад
#薯条#炸土豆#油炸#零食 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: * 800g 土豆 Potato * 20g 玉米澱粉 Corn starch * 植物油(Vegetable oil) 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/PJFQ77MfuS0/видео.html 乳酪餅乾 ruclips.net/video/OUlvvQ54FN8/видео.html 全麦苏打饼干 ruclips.net/video/U8F-ysPnl_c/видео.html 旋风曲奇 ruclips.net/video/1sZl187c3iQ/видео.html 蜜豆玛芬 ruclips.net/video/qw5Z4...
Throw the leftover tofu skin into the oven and turn it into a ping pong ball~~
Просмотров 3452 года назад
#豆腐#豆制品#烘烤 食譜recipe: * 鹽 Salt (浸泡用随意) * 水 Water (浸泡用随意) * 豆皮 Bean curd(随意) 180°C烘烤约8分钟 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/qw5Z4_wd1Ss/видео.html 千层巧克力司康 ruclips.net/video/xh0GcoLgh9s/видео.html 蜜豆蔓越莓司康 ruclips.net/video/_FzROcIHiEA/видео.html 芝士脆脆棒 ruclips.net/video/stxarZjf8CY/видео.html 番茄愛心酥餅 ruclips.net/video/7DTpo1DXWis/видео.html 巧克力核桃曲奇 ruclips.net/video/ZRdBYFGz2-c/видео.ht...
Red velvet whirlwind cake roll, easy to do with one finger|Cake Roll Recipe|Make your own cake
Просмотров 5932 года назад
#蛋糕卷#蛋糕#甜品#创意蛋糕 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: 烤盘的尺寸是28cmX28cm * 4 雞蛋 Egg(每个鸡蛋55g~60g) * 55g 牛奶 Milk * 50g 玉米油 Corn oil * 65g 低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour * 2g 鹽 Salt * 50g 砂 Sugar * 3g 檸檬汁 Lemon juice * 5g 紅曲粉 monascus red powder ( natural red colouring agent) 165°C烘烤約25分鐘Bake at 165°C for about 25 minutes 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/v...
Almond Sweet Potato Melaleuca Scone, easy to make without fail|Scones recipes|Delicious dim sum
Просмотров 9152 года назад
#司康#英式鬆餅#餡餅#餅乾 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: 1)面团Dough: * 210g 低筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 26g 砂 Sugar * 2g 鹽 Salt * 7g 泡打粉 Baking powder * 80g 黃油 Butter * 100g 牛奶 milk 2)紅薯泥Mashed sweet potato: * 100g 紅薯 Sweet potato * 20g 煉乳 Condensed milk * 28g 牛奶 milk 3)表面装饰Surface decoration: * 杏仁片 Almond slices 180℃烘烤約25分鐘 美味食譜推薦: ruclips.net/video/qw5Z4_w...
"Bloom of Flowers" hand-teared sliced ​​bread, layer after layer, too fragrant|Making bread at home
Просмотров 1 тыс.2 года назад
#手撕麵包#丹麥麵包#黃油麵包#麵包食譜 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: * 240g高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour * 32g 砂 sugar * 24g 煉乳 Condensed milk * 4g 酵母 Yeast * 120g 牛奶 Milk * 40g 雞蛋 Egg * 2g 鹽 Salt * 15g 黃油 Butter * 86g 分層用黃油 Unsalted butter for lamination 170°C烘烤16分鐘,再190°C烘烤5分鐘 其他精彩視頻Other wonderful videos: ruclips.net/video/RbQvjXAU9k8/видео.html 揉面機揉麵的正確方法 ruclips...
(No kneading) whole wheat chocolate baguette|How to make baguette at home|Baguette recipe
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.2 года назад
#法棍#法式麵包#巧克力#免揉#法棍食譜 請打開字幕觀看視頻,謝謝!Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video, thank you! 食譜recipe: * 260g 普通全麥麵粉 Whole wheat flour * 5g 鹽 Salt * 20g 可可粉 Cocoa powder * 220g 水 Water * 5g 幹酵母 Dry yeast * 10g 水 Water * 30g 耐高溫巧克力豆 High temperature resistant chocolate beans 提前一小時最高溫度預熱烤箱 风炉烤箱:240°C烘烤10分鐘後取出派石,再190℃ 烘烤12 - 15分鐘 蒸汽烤箱: 进烤箱喷3~5秒蒸汽,240°C烘烤10分钟,再190℃ 烘烤12 - 15分鐘 其他精彩視頻Other wonderfu...
Leopard Toast|Toast recipe|How to make toast|
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.2 года назад
Leopard Toast|Toast recipe|How to make toast|
Salty cream cake roll, great taste, easy to make
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.2 года назад
Salty cream cake roll, great taste, easy to make
Cinnamon Mango Snowflake Bread|Bread Recipes | Delicious Bread | Making Bread at Home
Просмотров 7892 года назад
Cinnamon Mango Snowflake Bread|Bread Recipes | Delicious Bread | Making Bread at Home
(Super detailed production) Giraffe cake roll|Make delicious cakes at home
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(Super detailed production) Giraffe cake roll|Make delicious cakes at home
(3 flavors) A collection of chiffon cakes, accurate recipes, no failure
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(3 flavors) A collection of chiffon cakes, accurate recipes, no failure
Potato Cheese
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Potato Cheese
Cheese sweet potato cake, detailed recipe, easy to make|Home-made cakes
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Cheese sweet potato cake, detailed recipe, easy to make|Home-made cakes
Traditional Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are made at home, full of happiness and sense of ritual
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Traditional Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are made at home, full of happiness and sense of ritual
Melaleuca chocolate scones, very delicious, simple to make, without fail
Просмотров 13 тыс.3 года назад
Melaleuca chocolate scones, very delicious, simple to make, without fail
Classic Pondomi (French white toast), made into sandwiches or spread with jam, all delicious
Просмотров 9403 года назад
Classic Pondomi (French white toast), made into sandwiches or spread with jam, all delicious
Scallion cheese shredded bread/salty bread, any mold, no need for shaping, easy operation
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Scallion cheese shredded bread/salty bread, any mold, no need for shaping, easy operation
Golden mask bread, inspired by the Museum~
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Golden mask bread, inspired by the Museum~
(No kneading! No steam) Corn coarse grains, low-calorie, sugar-free and oil-free|Home-made bread
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.3 года назад
(No kneading! No steam) Corn coarse grains, low-calorie, sugar-free and oil-free|Home-made bread
(No kneading) Walnut sliced ​​French bread, thin and crispy, chewy, and fragrant,Easy to make
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 года назад
(No kneading) Walnut sliced ​​French bread, thin and crispy, chewy, and fragrant,Easy to make
Tiger skin cake roll ,nice and delicious|Cake Recipes | Making Cakes at Home
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
Tiger skin cake roll ,nice and delicious|Cake Recipes | Making Cakes at Home


  • @ezekiel1700ndoki
    @ezekiel1700ndoki 5 дней назад


    • @user-oc3rj8wp3k
      @user-oc3rj8wp3k 3 дня назад


    • @ezekiel1700ndoki
      @ezekiel1700ndoki 3 дня назад

      @@user-oc3rj8wp3k 謝謝老師回覆,我主要用黑麥粉做鄉村麵包和法棍, 打很久也最多就只能打到出厚膜或者一碰就破的薄膜,所以我想問問是不是必須加黃油才能打出手套膜。麻煩了。

  • @user-ss3dd7rp3s
    @user-ss3dd7rp3s 2 месяца назад

    請問老師上下火溫度? 要烤幾分鐘可取出?謝謝😂

  • @linamanda2197
    @linamanda2197 3 месяца назад


  • @user-wk2fy7nx5k
    @user-wk2fy7nx5k 4 месяца назад


  • @user-ot6zc1yk9o
    @user-ot6zc1yk9o 6 месяцев назад

    這配方不行欸 完全不能吃

  • @tiatang96
    @tiatang96 7 месяцев назад

    哈哈!柯基白屁屁太可愛ㄌ!請問老師 ~擠巧克力的圓花嘴要多長?出口直徑幾mm的?家裡目前沒有花嘴,想買一個比較通用的尺寸

  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 9 месяцев назад


  • @jasmineng6802
    @jasmineng6802 9 месяцев назад


  • @bahirahroxas7143
    @bahirahroxas7143 9 месяцев назад

    How to divide the ingredients if I only use one mould bread loaf?

  • @user-qp1or9sy2s
    @user-qp1or9sy2s 9 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 9 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 9 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 9 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 9 месяцев назад


  • @Amber-ci2ou
    @Amber-ci2ou 10 месяцев назад


  • @yuchensheng8246
    @yuchensheng8246 10 месяцев назад

    老師, 可以先將酵母跟所有粉、鹽巴、水混合後, 在水解過程時候,放進冷藏發酵12小時, 然後隔天直接跳到整形成兩個長橢圓麵團的步驟, 以省略中間多個發酵過程嗎?

  • @weichunnien3833
    @weichunnien3833 10 месяцев назад


  • @user-ow1gr9em1j
    @user-ow1gr9em1j 10 месяцев назад


  • @yihansun
    @yihansun 10 месяцев назад

    老師 謝謝您的分享!請問烘烤的模具是多大的呢?

  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 11 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 11 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 11 месяцев назад


  • @安静相宜
    @安静相宜 11 месяцев назад


  • @siewching9117
    @siewching9117 11 месяцев назад


  • @歐淑賓
    @歐淑賓 Год назад


  • @addie3636
    @addie3636 Год назад


  • @followtsy
    @followtsy Год назад

    老师您好,请问我可以用cake flour 吗?一样分量吗?😇

  • @rinisusanti3413
    @rinisusanti3413 Год назад

    Love ur video! Btw is there any substitute for sputum powder?

  • @jy7822
    @jy7822 Год назад


  • @jasonwang7050
    @jasonwang7050 Год назад

    今天試做結果外觀可以,但一脫模發現裡面大空心! 🥲🥲🥲想請問為什麼會這樣

  • @yuhenghuang4954
    @yuhenghuang4954 Год назад


  • @yukchulee2693
    @yukchulee2693 Год назад

    I like this recipe!! Simple but I succeed!🎉

  • @lilyliou3847
    @lilyliou3847 Год назад


  • @jaslinnah9574
    @jaslinnah9574 Год назад


  • @user-cs4oo9su7q
    @user-cs4oo9su7q Год назад


  • @shirleyteo1879
    @shirleyteo1879 Год назад


  • @shirleyteo1879
    @shirleyteo1879 Год назад


  • @lingcheung303
    @lingcheung303 Год назад


  • @patricklegwen8231
    @patricklegwen8231 Год назад

    Good morning . What type of flour do you use. What type of yeast do you use? instant dry yeast or active dry yeast to be reactivated. Thanks

    • @user-oc3rj8wp3k
      @user-oc3rj8wp3k Год назад

      Hi I use regular bread flour and regular yeast

  • @suyapajimenez516
    @suyapajimenez516 Год назад


  • @addie3636
    @addie3636 Год назад


  • @addie3636
    @addie3636 Год назад

    影片中沒有提到烤溫? 是200無帶蓋,還是帶蓋190

    • @user-oc3rj8wp3k
      @user-oc3rj8wp3k Год назад


    • @addie3636
      @addie3636 Год назад

      @@user-oc3rj8wp3k謝謝老 師

  • @swade-gandhebangali9197
    @swade-gandhebangali9197 Год назад

    Hello! Chef, it looks so good, sure i'm try it। But would you kindly tell me that, is 35 gram, 40 gram is equal to 35 ml, 40 ml? If i take those liquid as 35, 40ml, does my cake collapse?

  • @MrAaa861010
    @MrAaa861010 Год назад


  • @user-zp9uv1hv4f
    @user-zp9uv1hv4f Год назад

    I want to put 1000 likes, but I can't, put everything on my behalf! 😊❤

    • @user-oc3rj8wp3k
      @user-oc3rj8wp3k Год назад

      You can share with your friends, 👍 Turn on the little bell

  • @marial1639
    @marial1639 Год назад

    Gracias por la receta

  • @user-jm6pq4kw4z
    @user-jm6pq4kw4z Год назад


  • @sawchunkeat5789
    @sawchunkeat5789 Год назад


  • @wongwingyee4451
    @wongwingyee4451 Год назад

    如果將水部份變做班蘭葉汁,刪除朱古力粉,低筋粉+10 g可以嗎?

  • @siuchorli5874
    @siuchorli5874 Год назад

    入爐之前,面糰像個汽包,但這一刀,攞命的一刀,令面糰突然縮水,如同未發酵過,效果當然不理想? 請問師傅如何解決?