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The jerk regrets dumping Cinderella and begs to get back together, but she's with a billionaire CEO!
#唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas
Просмотров: 1 768


All mocked Cinderella for dancing childishly, but CEO was drawn to her cuteness and fell in love!
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas XJSQJ 【夏家三千金】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由唐嫣、張檬、戚薇、邱澤、陳楚河、徐正溪等人主演的都市言情電視劇。講述了有關親情和愛情的故事,探討為人父母如何引導子女追求真正的幸福,展現子女人生旅途中父母真情的感召力量。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOym4kF8zXtQjrzsmirMf8inr
Beloved girl lost contact on Snow Mountain, CEO instantly regretted cold war, rushed to save her!
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #羅雲熙 #吳倩 #chinesetelevisiondramas ZGZ 【追光者】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由羅雲熙、吳倩主演的「新英雄」主旋律勵誌劇。講述了由律師羅本和醫生展顏與其他來自各行各業加入追光救援隊的人們在一次次公益救援中實現自我成長,並在危機四伏的天災人禍中全力以赴挽救生命的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOylr_aezNoCs7O30182wPQsR
Cinderella saved a man being chased, didn't expect man to be billionaire and fell in love with her!
Просмотров 14 тыс.23 часа назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas XJSQJ 【夏家三千金】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由唐嫣、張檬、戚薇、邱澤、陳楚河、徐正溪等人主演的都市言情電視劇。講述了有關親情和愛情的故事,探討為人父母如何引導子女追求真正的幸福,展現子女人生旅途中父母真情的感召力量。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOym4kF8zXtQjrzsmirMf8inr
Scheming woman seduced the CEO with her body, not knowing he only loves the Cinderella beside him!
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.23 часа назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #賈青 #張曉龍 #chinesetelevisiondramas QZDHY 【妻子的謊言】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是賈青、張曉龍、邱勝翊、徐璐等主演的家庭電視劇。改編自韓國電視劇《我的女兒素英》,講述了平凡女孩李夏曦擁有並不平凡的人生,她雖是法律系學生,但因為父親李國良生意失敗背上一身的債務,所以她只得通過半工半讀的方式賺取自己和弟弟的學費。誰知父親用家裏僅有的錢買彩票,最終導致母親急火攻心撒手人寰。無法原諒父親的夏曦經教授介紹,進入莫畏集團總裁江天浩的家中擔 家教,由此見到了曾有一面之緣卻鬧的並不愉快的大公子江一斌。在近距離的相處過程中,這對身份有著天壤之別的冤家越走越近,終於到了談婚論嫁的地步的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOymyq8rpibCLmyYLkWqw8N4R
His beloved Cinderella leaves without word, the billionaire panics, searches for her, waits 3 years!
Просмотров 12 тыс.23 часа назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #羅雲熙 #吳倩 #chinesetelevisiondramas ZGZ 【追光者】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由羅雲熙、吳倩主演的「新英雄」主旋律勵誌劇。講述了由律師羅本和醫生展顏與其他來自各行各業加入追光救援隊的人們在一次次公益救援中實現自我成長,並在危機四伏的天災人禍中全力以赴挽救生命的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOylr_aezNoCs7O30182wPQsR
Cinderella accidentally rides billionaire's motorcycle, he falls for her and relentlessly chases her
Просмотров 4,7 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #賈青 #張曉龍 #chinesetelevisiondramas QZDHY 【妻子的謊言】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是賈青、張曉龍、邱勝翊、徐璐等主演的家庭電視劇。改編自韓國電視劇《我的女兒素英》,講述了平凡女孩李夏曦擁有並不平凡的人生,她雖是法律系學生,但因為父親李國良生意失敗背上一身的債務,所以她只得通過半工半讀的方式賺取自己和弟弟的學費。誰知父親用家裏僅有的錢買彩票,最終導致母親急火攻心撒手人寰。無法原諒父親的夏曦經教授介紹,進入莫畏集團總裁江天浩的家中擔 家教,由此見到了曾有一面之緣卻鬧的並不愉快的大公子江一斌。在近距離的相處過程中,這對身份有著天壤之別的冤家越走越近,終於到了談婚論嫁的地步的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOymyq8rpibCLmyYLkWqw8N4R
Poor guy saves a beauty, not knowing she's a billionaire, and his fate changes forever!
Просмотров 8 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #陳偉霆 #馬思純 #chinesetelevisiondramas CHND 【橙紅年代】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由陳偉霆、馬思純、劉奕君、陳瑤、葉祖新、何明翰領銜主演的都市英雄劇。講述了一群為追求幸福美好生活的普通市民和為保護老百姓安全的人民警察,用熱血和正義與罪惡作鬥爭的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOyksrKG0n3TGWlb0RZelCKH_
The billionaire sees a girl crying, comforts her, and realizes she's his long-lost daughter!
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas XJSQJ 【夏家三千金】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由唐嫣、張檬、戚薇、邱澤、陳楚河、徐正溪等人主演的都市言情電視劇。講述了有關親情和愛情的故事,探討為人父母如何引導子女追求真正的幸福,展現子女人生旅途中父母真情的感召力量。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOym4kF8zXtQjrzsmirMf8inr
Cinderella patiently cares for the grumpy old lady, who chooses her to be her CEO son's wife!
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #羅雲熙 #吳倩 #chinesetelevisiondramas ZGZ 【追光者】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由羅雲熙、吳倩主演的「新英雄」主旋律勵誌劇。講述了由律師羅本和醫生展顏與其他來自各行各業加入追光救援隊的人們在一次次公益救援中實現自我成長,並在危機四伏的天災人禍中全力以赴挽救生命的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOylr_aezNoCs7O30182wPQsR
Billionaire CEO jumped into the pool to avoid marriage, but was saved by Cinderella, and love began!
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #朱梓驍 #潘之琳 #chinesetelevisiondramas SLMT 【閃亮茗天】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是朱梓驍、潘之琳、戴陽天、王笛、張璇等主演的愛情電視劇,講述了杜心羽從小受父親的影響,對製茶、品茶天賦異稟;而唐正浩則因為茶葉與父親長期不和。兩個對茶葉的態度南轅北轍的年輕人,卻因為茶葉而結緣,展開了一段命中註定的「找茶」之戀的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOylWUNOGtpfu6bLooOCX2ctr
Poor girl looked down upon, earns the admiration of the CEO with one sentence, changing her fate!
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas XJSQJ 【夏家三千金】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由唐嫣、張檬、戚薇、邱澤、陳楚河、徐正溪等人主演的都市言情電視劇。講述了有關親情和愛情的故事,探討為人父母如何引導子女追求真正的幸福,展現子女人生旅途中父母真情的感召力量。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOym4kF8zXtQjrzsmirMf8inr
CEO discovers woman he loves is his enemy's daughter, becoming cold, but regrets when she leaves!
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #羅雲熙 #吳倩 #chinesetelevisiondramas ZGZ 【追光者】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由羅雲熙、吳倩主演的「新英雄」主旋律勵誌劇。講述了由律師羅本和醫生展顏與其他來自各行各業加入追光救援隊的人們在一次次公益救援中實現自我成長,並在危機四伏的天災人禍中全力以赴挽救生命的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOylr_aezNoCs7O30182wPQsR
Cinderella gets splashed with mud by a car, not knowing driver is billionaire, who falls for her!
Просмотров 19 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #賈青 #張曉龍 #chinesetelevisiondramas QZDHY 【妻子的謊言】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是賈青、張曉龍、邱勝翊、徐璐等主演的家庭電視劇。改編自韓國電視劇《我的女兒素英》,講述了平凡女孩李夏曦擁有並不平凡的人生,她雖是法律系學生,但因為父親李國良生意失敗背上一身的債務,所以她只得通過半工半讀的方式賺取自己和弟弟的學費。誰知父親用家裏僅有的錢買彩票,最終導致母親急火攻心撒手人寰。無法原諒父親的夏曦經教授介紹,進入莫畏集團總裁江天浩的家中擔 家教,由此見到了曾有一面之緣卻鬧的並不愉快的大公子江一斌。在近距離的相處過程中,這對身份有著天壤之別的冤家越走越近,終於到了談婚論嫁的地步的故事。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOymyq8rpibCLmyYLkWqw8N4R
Girl severely beats cheating bf, then bumps into billionaire CEO, starting romantic love story!
Просмотров 6 тыс.День назад
感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~ #唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas XJSQJ 【夏家三千金】 劇情簡介❤️👇 該劇是由唐嫣、張檬、戚薇、邱澤、陳楚河、徐正溪等人主演的都市言情電視劇。講述了有關親情和愛情的故事,探討為人父母如何引導子女追求真正的幸福,展現子女人生旅途中父母真情的感召力量。 播放列表❤️👇 ruclips.net/p/PLB79jmG8mOym4kF8zXtQjrzsmirMf8inr
Underestimated girl is divine healer, she cures CEO saves his leg, and earns his lifelong love!
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.День назад
Underestimated girl is divine healer, she cures CEO saves his leg, and earns his lifelong love!
Billionaire falls for the company’s comic artist, overcoming obstacles to marry her, give security!
Просмотров 2 тыс.День назад
Billionaire falls for the company’s comic artist, overcoming obstacles to marry her, give security!
The CEO lies to Cinderella out of spite, but she leaves him, and he panics, rushing to apologize!
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.День назад
The CEO lies to Cinderella out of spite, but she leaves him, and he panics, rushing to apologize!
Cinderella kidnapped by terrorists, makes 1 move that makes the special forces captain fall for her!
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.День назад
Cinderella kidnapped by terrorists, makes 1 move that makes the special forces captain fall for her!
Drunk Cinderella wakes up to find herself sleeping beside the billionaire CEO, magical love begins!
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.День назад
Drunk Cinderella wakes up to find herself sleeping beside the billionaire CEO, magical love begins!
Poor girl gives her last bread to stray cat, unexpectedly seen by billionaire CEO, who marries her!
Просмотров 62 тыс.День назад
Poor girl gives her last bread to stray cat, unexpectedly seen by billionaire CEO, who marries her!
Cinderella in a wedding dress stunned everyone, CEO completely fell for her and wanted to marry her!
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.День назад
Cinderella in a wedding dress stunned everyone, CEO completely fell for her and wanted to marry her!
After accidentally conceiving child of 500-year-old demon, he falls in love with asks me to marry!
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.День назад
After accidentally conceiving child of 500-year-old demon, he falls in love with asks me to marry!
Girl help blackmailed elderly woman, unaware she’s a billionaire who chooses her as daughter-in-law!
Просмотров 218 тыс.День назад
Girl help blackmailed elderly woman, unaware she’s a billionaire who chooses her as daughter-in-law!
Usually gentle CEO, after jealousy, forcefully traps Cinderella in his arms and demands a kiss!
Просмотров 9 тыс.День назад
Usually gentle CEO, after jealousy, forcefully traps Cinderella in his arms and demands a kiss!
Scheming woman thought she'd become CEO's wife, but billionaire announces Cinderella as his fiancée!
Просмотров 6 тыс.День назад
Scheming woman thought she'd become CEO's wife, but billionaire announces Cinderella as his fiancée!
The girl saved a pregnant woman, gaining the love of the billionaire, changing her fate forever!
Просмотров 6 тыс.День назад
The girl saved a pregnant woman, gaining the love of the billionaire, changing her fate forever!
The thugs bullied the girl, unaware she was a Special Police Officer, and got beaten by her!
Просмотров 14 тыс.День назад
The thugs bullied the girl, unaware she was a Special Police Officer, and got beaten by her!
The disruptive patient's family didn't know small doctor they bullied was billionaire's girlfriend!
Просмотров 11 тыс.День назад
The disruptive patient's family didn't know small doctor they bullied was billionaire's girlfriend!
Billionaire CEO ignored beauties but fell for Cinderella who jumped into water to help him!
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.День назад
Billionaire CEO ignored beauties but fell for Cinderella who jumped into water to help him!


  • @林信旭-z5c
    @林信旭-z5c 21 час назад


  • @2222Nol
    @2222Nol 22 часа назад

  • @astutiagustiyani1434
    @astutiagustiyani1434 23 часа назад


  • @chenfrank5881
    @chenfrank5881 День назад

    劇名 : 我可能遇到了救星

  • @monakudra681
    @monakudra681 День назад

    Love both of them. He is handsome & she's beautiful ❤

  • @程主珍
    @程主珍 День назад


  • @joannapo9122
    @joannapo9122 День назад


  • @2222Nol
    @2222Nol День назад

  • @重機銷售陳志杰
    @重機銷售陳志杰 День назад


  • @monakudra681
    @monakudra681 День назад

    I love watching and watching, i love the character and THEY MATCH TOGETHER ❤️

  • @PhathiswaNtlenzi
    @PhathiswaNtlenzi День назад


  • @Apaalsesadia
    @Apaalsesadia День назад

    I love this drama ❤

  • @deergetter4836
    @deergetter4836 День назад

    👎no sound

  • @ErmaSalabatino
    @ErmaSalabatino День назад


  • @OliviaDzigbordiTsikata-Fum-k5w
    @OliviaDzigbordiTsikata-Fum-k5w День назад

    What the title?

  • @TomJerry-z4f
    @TomJerry-z4f День назад

    I like ur drama.but i cant understand ur language

  • @edytajencaaq2226
    @edytajencaaq2226 День назад

    Piekna drama polecam❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @juanmanuelgallardoflores1003
    @juanmanuelgallardoflores1003 День назад

    Una gasa en la frente😂

  • @juanmanuelgallardoflores1003
    @juanmanuelgallardoflores1003 День назад

    M.JOSE.L 🇪🇸🇪🇸 En la cama de un hospital con traje con Cortes en la cabeza que ni sangran ni curan 😂

  • @DonkaSimova
    @DonkaSimova День назад

    ❤❤❤ love❤

  • @monakudra681
    @monakudra681 День назад

    Watched. this movie twice very beautifully presented, This movie shows people real Love and FINAL CONCLUSION ❤️

  • @SisterkamoNagaza
    @SisterkamoNagaza День назад

    WOW ❤

  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere День назад

    I really love to watch those love stories very much ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere День назад

    I really loved tows

  • @aprilmiller4413
    @aprilmiller4413 День назад

    I SAW him let that woman kiss him. He could have backed away, pushed her back or just stopped her from moving toward him. Heck, he could've just turned his head, but noooo, he LET her kiss him. No leg to stand on, trying to play the misunderstood, loving boyfriend. Ugh!

  • @JaninaOleite
    @JaninaOleite 2 дня назад

    O amor ❤️ Pode mover Céus e a Terra ❤Amo ❤️❤️❤️👑

  • @elm-neo
    @elm-neo 2 дня назад

    The ending of this series was absolute garbage. When his first priority, his ex, was no longer there, he returned, and she accepted him and his feeble attempt at an apology. She was happy being the second priority for a lifetime, and everyone celebrated. I would have hit someone if I had to sit through 50 episodes of this and had seen that ending, but luckily, I went straight for the 50th episode.

  • @ibuMuamalah
    @ibuMuamalah 2 дня назад

    Pakai bahasa Indonesia donk

  • @rosagreer4416
    @rosagreer4416 2 дня назад


  • @mdansarisahab4805
    @mdansarisahab4805 2 дня назад

    Nice 👍

  • @rjmershmello6735
    @rjmershmello6735 2 дня назад

    Next scene please

  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere 2 дня назад

    The most love stories I ever saw ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @alejandramena9607
    @alejandramena9607 2 дня назад


  • @nausheenmughal4361
    @nausheenmughal4361 2 дня назад

    I like to See Chinese Drama with English translation I am From Pakistan❤

  • @mariadapaz8382
    @mariadapaz8382 2 дня назад

    Cadê o nome do drama em português e onde assistir, informações incompleto e errado não se deve dar sabia, fica muito chato pra quem quer assistir o drama,por favor dê informações completa e precisa, certo.👎

  • @MariaIslam-p9m
    @MariaIslam-p9m 2 дня назад

    Drama name please

  • @monakudra681
    @monakudra681 2 дня назад

    I realise recently The Chinese Actors and actress all Plays Smart and its nice to see something different than Hollywood one. I love all this CEO looks so real. I love xu kai & Fu Xinbo ,xxx

  • @monakudra681
    @monakudra681 2 дня назад

    This movie is so real life, its all out life when two people realy love each other and at the end of our life how is left have to reflect the past. I love all the movie all done CAST❤

  • @fariman2972
    @fariman2972 2 дня назад

    judul filmnya sitolol,

  • @mamaamel5077
    @mamaamel5077 2 дня назад

    Kelanjutan nya lagi

  • @HaryatiLilly
    @HaryatiLilly 2 дня назад


  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere 3 дня назад

    Still nice ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @rosinamamat3692
    @rosinamamat3692 3 дня назад

    Ha.. ha.. ha. when they fall down and bushhhh.. 🤣🤣

  • @gloriapalacios9777
    @gloriapalacios9777 3 дня назад


  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere 3 дня назад

    The lead actor and actress so cute.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @JoviteFequiere
    @JoviteFequiere 3 дня назад

    Beautiful movie love it 😊 😮❤❤❤

  • @BegamShameem-q5d
    @BegamShameem-q5d 3 дня назад

    Drama name plz

  • @Fhd-rv3yp
    @Fhd-rv3yp 3 дня назад

    Translate to Bangla.

  • @umdenkhasiumling8861
    @umdenkhasiumling8861 3 дня назад

    Not know the name of dram

  • @SalomeRodriguez-ok5nf
    @SalomeRodriguez-ok5nf 3 дня назад

    So sweet and Lovely movie,I Love it❤️❤️❤️