Apostolate of St. Paul Malta - ASPM
Apostolate of St. Paul Malta - ASPM
  • Видео 54
  • Просмотров 123 021
Bread From Heaven (Corpus Christi Traditional Latin Mass)
"In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ... The Catholic Church has always offered and still offers to the sacrament of the Eucharist the cult of adoration, not only during Mass, but also outside of it, reserving the consecrated hosts with the utmost care, exposing them to the solemn veneration of the faithful, and carrying them in procession." CCC 1378, Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei 56. The Holy Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life" (Lumen gentium 11, CCC 1324).
Filmed in Malta on the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 19, 2022) and at our subsequent Traditional Latin Masses.
Produced in collaboration with True Light Catholic Media
Просмотров: 1 752


Palm Sunday Roman Rite 10th April 2022
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Palm Sunday Roman Rite 10th April 2022
Lent reflection. 1st April 2022, Fr N. Doublet
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3rd lent reflection, every Friday after 7pm Tridentine (Latin) Mass.
Lent reflection. 11th March 2022, Fr N. Doublet
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second of 5 lent reflection, every Friday after 7pm Tridentine (Latin) Mass.
Lent reflection. 4th March 2022, Fr N. Doublet
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First of 5 lent reflection, every Friday after 7pm Tridentine (Latin) Mass.
Feast of St Paul's Shipwreck 10th February 2022 Jesuits' Church Valletta, Malta
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Festa Konverzjoni ta’ San Pawl 2022: Ghasar u vespri.
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Festa Konverzjoni ta’ San Pawl 2022: Ghasar u vespri.
Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum
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Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum
It-Tielet Jum tat-Tridu, Prietka, Knisja San Pawl tal-Wied, Birkirkara
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It-Tielet Jum tat-Tridu, Prietka, Knisja San Pawl tal-Wied, Birkirkara
It-Tieni Jum tat-Tridu, Prietka Knisja San Pawl tal-Wied, Birkirkara
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It-Tieni Jum tat-Tridu, Prietka Knisja San Pawl tal-Wied, Birkirkara
Pittura tal-Knisja tà San Pawl, Birkirkara, ta' Ġużeppi Briffa
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Sensilhena - Hilary Spiteri - L-ERBGĦA 06 TA' JANNAR Pittura ta' San Pawl f'Malta minn l-artist Ġużeppi Briffa. Saret bejn 1944 u 1961 u tinsab fil-Knisja ta' San Pawl f'Birkirkara.
Mass for Repose of Dr Aaron Casha
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13th May 2020
Restawrata l-pittura tas-saqaf tal-Kappella tal-Konversjoni ta’ San Pawl f’Birkirkara
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TVM News: Imtella' Jannar 20, 2020 - Aġġornata 20 Ta' Jannar, 2020 8:47pm www.tvm.com.mt/mt/news/ara-restawrata-l-pittura-tas-saqaf-tal-kappella-tal-konversjoni-ta-san-pawl-fbirkirkara Tlesta proġett ta’ restawr tal-pittura tas-saqaf fil-Kappella dedikata lill-konversjoni ta’ San Pawl fil-Wied ta’ Birkirkara. Din kienet saret mill-artist Ġużeppi Briffa waqt li r-restawr sar mill-kumpanija Ateli...
Restawr tal-pitturi fis-saqaf tal-Knisja ta’ San Pawl f’Birkirkara
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TVM News: Imtella' Ottubru 13, 2018 Rapport: Fiorella Pace www.tvm.com.mt/mt/news/restawr-tal-pitturi-fis-saqaf-tal-knisja-ta-san-pawl-fbirkirkara/ Għaddej ix-xogħol ta’ restawr fuq il-pitturi fis-saqaf tal-Knisja ddedikata lill-konverżjoni ta’ San Pawl f’Birkirkara. Dawn huma xogħlijiet tal-pittur, il-Professur Giuseppe Briffa li ħadem fuq dawn il-pitturi bejn l-1945 u l-1968. Għalkemm Triq il...
X’nifhmu bl-infallibilità tal-Papa?
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X’nifhmu bl-infallibilità tal-Papa? Dan huwa filmat qasir mit-tieni laqgħa ta' 'Discipulus: Ejja u Imxi Warajja' dwar 'Ir-Rivelazzjoni'. Tista' titgħallem aktar dwar dan is-suġġett billi taqra paragrafi 50-133 tal-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika. Discipulus huwa vjaġġ ta’ fidi u raġuni bl-għan li jwassal lil min jieħu sehem biex isir dixxiplu aħjar ta’ Kristu. Jikkonsisti f’laqgħat ta’ kull xaha...
X'inhi r-relazzjoni bejn il-Kristjaneżmu, l-Ġudaiżmu u l-Iżlam?
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X'inhi r-relazzjoni bejn il-Kristjaneżmu, l-Ġudaiżmu u l-Iżlam?
X'kienu l-kriterji li l-knisja użat biex tagħżel il-kotba tal-Bibbja?
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X'kienu l-kriterji li l-knisja użat biex tagħżel il-kotba tal-Bibbja?
X'inhi d-differenza bejn Rivelazzjoni Pubblika u Rivelazzjoni Privata?
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X'inhi d-differenza bejn Rivelazzjoni Pubblika u Rivelazzjoni Privata?
It-tagħlim tal-Knisja jista’ jinbidel jew jiżviluppa?
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It-tagħlim tal-Knisja jista’ jinbidel jew jiżviluppa?
Min għandu l-awtorità li jinterpreta l-Iskrittura?
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Min għandu l-awtorità li jinterpreta l-Iskrittura?
Għalfejn nemmnu fl-Iskrittura, t-Tradizzjoni u l-Maġisterju?
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Għalfejn nemmnu fl-Iskrittura, t-Tradizzjoni u l-Maġisterju?
Kif għandna nirrispondu għar-rivelazzjoni ta' Alla?
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Kif għandna nirrispondu għar-rivelazzjoni ta' Alla?
Kif għandna ninterpretaw l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa?
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Kif għandna ninterpretaw l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa?
Min hu l-awtur tal-Bibbja?
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Min hu l-awtur tal-Bibbja?
L-Iskrittura hija xhieda tar-rivelazzjoni ta' Alla
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L-Iskrittura hija xhieda tar-rivelazzjoni ta' Alla
Min beda u wassal il-proċess tar-rivelazzjoni sal-milja tagħha?
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Min beda u wassal il-proċess tar-rivelazzjoni sal-milja tagħha?
It-twemmin fir-Rivelazzjoni jmur kontra r-raġuni?
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It-twemmin fir-Rivelazzjoni jmur kontra r-raġuni?
Ir-Rivelazzjoni x'inhi?
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Ir-Rivelazzjoni x'inhi?
Discipulus 2: Ir-Rivelazzjoni
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Discipulus 2: Ir-Rivelazzjoni
Il-kuxjenza tal-bniedem tipponta lejn l-eżistenza ta' Alla
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Il-kuxjenza tal-bniedem tipponta lejn l-eżistenza ta' Alla


  • @ИринаКим-ъ5ч
    @ИринаКим-ъ5ч 25 дней назад

    Martin Kimberly Lopez Maria Rodriguez Matthew

  • @waleska1963
    @waleska1963 Месяц назад

    Reminds me of my church in Cleveland. I love the Latin mass. It took me like 3 masses to get used to it. Once I learned the Gregorian chants and follow the mass I got hooked. I just love it. The choir here sound just like those singing at my church. Absolutely beautiful!!!

  • @Forlax19Oficial
    @Forlax19Oficial 3 месяца назад

    Todo el honor, honra y Gloria a Dios en su altar y casa... 🙌🏻🙏🏻🥹

  • @zalobo
    @zalobo 3 месяца назад


  • @SandraRodriguez-ql2cb
    @SandraRodriguez-ql2cb 4 месяца назад

    Lastima que hayan personas que no se ponen a la altura de la Misa." Deben usar la mantilla" Ésta misa es la celebración del sacrificio del cordero. Santa madre de Dios ora pro. Chile.

  • @randywatts6969
    @randywatts6969 4 месяца назад


  • @trujilloramos813
    @trujilloramos813 5 месяцев назад

    Gracias ❤️ por tan bellas y hermosas imágenes de nuestra santa misa tridentina nuestra santa misa de siempre 🙏 hoy primer día de mes después de la santa misa, rezo del santo trisagio a la Santísima Trinidad, gracias Dios por tu presencia en mi vida, amén.

  • @ewelinasz1923
    @ewelinasz1923 5 месяцев назад

  • @wilmarmontes5115
    @wilmarmontes5115 6 месяцев назад


  • @rathalos4783
    @rathalos4783 7 месяцев назад

    can someone tell me the song at 38:00? I hear it at mass and I love it

    • @anthonynami2
      @anthonynami2 6 месяцев назад

      Credo in unum dayum its the creed in latin i love it too

  • @carmelitabiffle5572
    @carmelitabiffle5572 7 месяцев назад

    In deep reverence of our Lord and true devotion, men and women should look their best and, women should most certainly wear veils. You are not going for a show; you are going before God to receive the Holy Sacrament.

  • @danieldimech9952
    @danieldimech9952 8 месяцев назад

    Nixtieq narrfek li andek idea komoletament zbaljata ta xjahsbu latei rigward l allat kollha, tijek inkluz. L ateismu huwa ir rifjut ta twemmin f alla/allat minhabba nuqqas ta povi konkreti, tangibbli u xjentifikament replikabbli ta l ezistena taghhom. Jin ma nahsibx li l allat se jillimitawni fil hajja tijej, semplicement ma nemminx li jezistu u nghix hajta daqs li kieku!

  • @rosado7014
    @rosado7014 8 месяцев назад

    Con cảm tạ ơn CHÚA

  • @alejandrogonrog
    @alejandrogonrog 9 месяцев назад


  • @jotapevaldivia
    @jotapevaldivia Год назад

    Incomparable una Missa tradicional Vestus Ordo vs la “eucaristía” moderna (Novus Ordo). Deo grátias Gracias Monseñor Lefebvre y a la FSSPX

  • @andreluizaraujodemagalhaes6264

    Sao Pio V! Deo dicamus gratias!

  • @aSLAVEofLordJesusChrist
    @aSLAVEofLordJesusChrist Год назад

    this is so based... more more more more forever ....

  • @marelizcarman8860
    @marelizcarman8860 Год назад

    may i receive the english translation of these prayers?

    • @cys8964
      @cys8964 Год назад

      Let us adore forever the Most Holy Sacrament O praise the Lord, all ye heathen : praise him all ye nations. For his merciful kindness is ever more and more towards us : and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise the Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be : world without end. Amen Let us adore forever the Most Holy Sacrament. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

  • @chasemonro
    @chasemonro Год назад

    Please Does Anyone Know The song at 1:11:07 ???? Its So Beautiful

  • @sasquatchdonut2674
    @sasquatchdonut2674 Год назад

    That’s a tiny church. Beautiful though

  • @e.jenima7263
    @e.jenima7263 Год назад

    I wish the extraordinary form would be made more available to parishioners in all Roman catholic Parishes . The Old mass has more beauty in it than Novus ordo, I truly feel more drawn to god and more catholic when I attend one but I will say I am not happy or comfortable with many Rad Trad and Untra orthodox Catholics that can be found at Latin mass Perishes to were when you go into one it has a claustrophobic cult like atmosphere.

  • @juliabajaro3463
    @juliabajaro3463 Год назад

    If it is Traditional women should observe what is Traditional mean’s, and or posted in the bulletin. I noticed some or most women do not wear veils and sleeveless dresses.

  • @marcelhuntyupwalukow5005
    @marcelhuntyupwalukow5005 Год назад

    Small Church but beautiful. Today we catholics have large Church but bad altar design. Oh Novus Ordo.. Ad Orientem altar, high candles, gradines it's enough for simplistic but beauty

  • @christophercox8905
    @christophercox8905 2 года назад

    Is that a houseling cloth?

  • @patriciamariecunningham306
    @patriciamariecunningham306 2 года назад

    Is this sspx?

  • @jonphinguyen
    @jonphinguyen 2 года назад

    The music is just a touch too loud over the speaker. Otherwise beautiful

  • @smitysmiten2630
    @smitysmiten2630 2 года назад

    Beautiful, Deo Gratias

  • @mikedan1748
    @mikedan1748 2 года назад

    Mystical! Thanks to God .

  • @smitysmiten2630
    @smitysmiten2630 2 года назад


  • @benchamingabriel5218
    @benchamingabriel5218 2 года назад

    We want traditional Latin mass

  • @e.jenima7263
    @e.jenima7263 2 года назад

    I much prefer the Latin mass....the way it was celebrated and the form of the mass my ancestors knew for 100's of years. It is a bridge from the past to the present...making both almost indistinguishable. I love the latin mass and am most comfortable with it but I must confess I am not always at ease with certain types of Catholics it sometimes and does attract . I always allong with my many prayer intentions in my daily rosary/s for the Extraordinary form of the mass to be THE ONE AND ONLY FORM OF THE MASS AGAIN.

  • @jonsoto8233
    @jonsoto8233 2 года назад

    Beauty and majesty of traditional catholic mass is incomparable.

  • @crusaderlatin732
    @crusaderlatin732 2 года назад


  • @bartvermeulen5486
    @bartvermeulen5486 3 года назад

    The true sacred worschip of God !! Amen .

  • @tiagot6516
    @tiagot6516 3 года назад

    Hi, how are you ? The JWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, are the only religion I know in of all I have seen, that teach and also actually put into practice what the Bible teaches, which is true. And look, I've already analyzed much other religions. They themselves have a little book that talks about all the religions that exist, and how to identify the one that does what God wants. The other religions that I know, only deceive people, confuse and lead nowhere. I know this because I read the Bible and I know which do and which do not do what it she, bible the says. Reading the bible you know what is right or wrong from God's point of view, and you can be saved from this bad world we live in that will end, and in its place will come a better one where people will really have peace and joy, security and perfect health, and they won't even die in the new world, if they put that knowledge into practice. In addition, they may be resurrected in the future to live in this new world. The person gains a lot of wisdom and even now he can have a better life putting this knowledge to face the difficulties and problems of life. Furthermore, it gives us comfort, hope. They give a free Bible course at www.jw.org, which is the organization's website, or in person. Order one now. See this video, it's very interesting. Open our eyes on this subject! The video is in English. www.jw.org/en/library/books/good-news-from-god/recognize-true-worshippers/video-true-worship-bible/ . Hugs!

  • @allansimoes8338
    @allansimoes8338 4 года назад

    I always thought that each Priest has to say an individual mass. As we are confused Absolutely by the the passing fashions type of masses. Thank you for this Upload​. Allan. Vasai, India.

  • @markrobertson6664
    @markrobertson6664 4 года назад

    Magestic. May the Holy Saints preserve us from the errors of the Second Vatican Council!

  • @mariogaggia5192
    @mariogaggia5192 4 года назад

    Mi ricorda la mia giovinezza. Questo e' il vero Rito. Grazie.

  • @lucindabunda2106
    @lucindabunda2106 4 года назад

    Thr Priest should read the Epistle and Gospel in English or their dialect before he gives his sermon.

    • @nathanielramos8713
      @nathanielramos8713 4 года назад

      Nope he is not allowed to do that. No English or other language during the traditional mass. The priest should read the epistle and gospel in Latin.

    • @nathanielramos8713
      @nathanielramos8713 4 года назад

      Except the homily

    • @larryjohnwong
      @larryjohnwong 3 года назад

      @@nathanielramos8713 Summorum allows them in the vernacular. Plus, if it is done as a part of announcements before sermon, it is not a part of the Mass, therefore it does not have to be in Latin.

    • @peterlongan
      @peterlongan 3 года назад

      The English readings are exceedingly disruptive. This was done beautifully. Very rare to see a mass all in Latin.

    • @EmanuelPetrila
      @EmanuelPetrila 2 года назад

      In this parish we are always handed papers with the readings and the changeable parts of the mass, both in Latin and in English. So that is fixed :) you also have handy small booklets with the mass in the extraordinary form transcript. God bless!

  • @lucindabunda2106
    @lucindabunda2106 4 года назад

    A woman should not chant the Introit, collect, etc. It should be the male who leads.

    • @michellekramer2752
      @michellekramer2752 4 года назад

      This is absolutely false. Anyone can intone and sing the propers including children. - Mike

    • @lucindabunda2106
      @lucindabunda2106 4 года назад

      @@michellekramer2752 I am talking about The Traditional Catholic Latin Mass of the Roman Rite.

    • @Angelo-rj5er
      @Angelo-rj5er 4 года назад

      Lucinda Bunda what if there is no one else available?

    • @lucindabunda2106
      @lucindabunda2106 4 года назад

      @@Angelo-rj5er why not you Angelo? You have the Angel's name. You can learn may be you have friends who can do it too for the greater glory of God. I think it was Pope Gregory who wrote a directives that only boys and men should chant during the Holy Mass. I forgot the directive but maybe some old traditional priest is familiar with this. You see it did not come from me. I read it myself. Maybe I misinterpreted it but I understood what I read. If you read the Bible woman has no voice in the Church. In our traditional parish women can not lead the Holy Rosary only men. If there was no man present there is no praying of the Rosary. It is time that men should step up especially in the Church. Satan is making men go to sleep and make women step up to the plate because he wants to destroy the Church through FEMINISM. Pax tecum.

    • @lucindabunda2106
      @lucindabunda2106 4 года назад

      @@michellekramer2752 you have no idea what tradition is. You don't even know your Holy Bible. You may not have even heard of what a valiant woman is?

  • @eugenebastian8351
    @eugenebastian8351 4 года назад

    Thanks Jesus. After many years of Protestant Mess , I have taken part in real Catholic Mass.

  • @josephsellarslesacelier2742
    @josephsellarslesacelier2742 4 года назад

    merci abp bp m-f lefebvre sspx

  • @cdlv5795
    @cdlv5795 4 года назад


  • @user-dh9es7sf5h
    @user-dh9es7sf5h 4 года назад

    1:06:19 what happened?

    • @vincenta_2
      @vincenta_2 3 года назад

      The people in the choir loft were asked if they wanted to recieve. They declined from what it looked lile.

  • @russellhaley6901
    @russellhaley6901 4 года назад

    Went to an N.O. mass today so I needed to get my fill. Vivat Jesus!

  • @patriciaowens3479
    @patriciaowens3479 4 года назад


  • @cornishanglican
    @cornishanglican 5 лет назад

    The sermon was very good. I appreciated hearing a different perspective on the story of the Good Samaritan.

  • @julietspaghetti
    @julietspaghetti 5 лет назад

    That's right, this is the correct mass. The protestanization of our mass has made the entire planet suffer. Bring Latin mass back to America.

  • @danieljaghab2664
    @danieljaghab2664 5 лет назад

    I have those altar cards

  • @mimmologiko
    @mimmologiko 5 лет назад

    this liturgy is a mystical journey

    • @gunnarthorsen
      @gunnarthorsen 5 лет назад

      Exactly. It's a road map, a formula, which takes us to a destination. When an orchestra performs a work by Bach, it performs it as it was composed and handed down. It doesn't tinker with it. The old Mass - which was "composed" by the Holy Ghost - deserves as much. Christianity is a mystery religion. It always has been, always will be. "Understanding" is good, but all the understanding in the world won't bring us as close to the mystery as does faith. For centuries, wise men and women and uneducated fools attended the same Mass and benefitted equally from it. As St. Anselm said, "Credo ut intelligium": I believe in ORDER to understand.

    • @indianna.777
      @indianna.777 Год назад

      @@gunnarthorsen you got that right! It is a formula! Every single word said and step taken has a reason to be. Also, it is something you should not apply to your rational counsciousness. I’ve just seen a comment in another video which stated: “why would you attend a Latin Mass where you don’t take any meaning out of it, when you could attend the New Ordo rite which is done in your own language?”. This comment shows us people see religion (which its main objective is to reconnect - religare - with the divine) as something we should rationally understand, when, in reality, the great Masters and old rites shows us otherwise. When priests say, in the Latin Mass rite, that “one must not understand the Mysteries”, they are not saying religion is hiding something from people, or that people are not ready to understand the Mysteries. But, actually, that it is pointless to try to **understand** the Holy. In other words, to submit it to rationalism and criticism. The meaning of “understand” here is purely semantical. Sacred rites, generally, have mystical purposes, not analytic or reasoning. Not only you don’t need to understand it rationally to have its benefits, but you should not do so, because when you take any kind of reason (even if subconsciously) into a sacred ritual, you tend to try to “decode” it, which is extremely prejudicial, that’s why the traditional rite is in Latin. That doesn’t mean one should not use reason to act correctly in the daily life for example, but one should not use it in a holy rite, for, by doing so, its purpose cannot be **truly** achieved.