Sabel Vision Restoration (SAVIR)
Sabel Vision Restoration (SAVIR)
  • Видео 37
  • Просмотров 617 728
Patient feedback | Treatment of optic nerve damage caused by glaucoma
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Просмотров: 769


How Mental Stress and Vascular Dysregulation Affect Vision Loss and Recovery (French Version)
Просмотров 8833 года назад English Version:видео.html CONFÉRENCE/Comment le stress mental et la dérégulation vasculaire affectent la perte de la vision et comment son rétablissement s'inscrit dans une perspective de la neuroscience holistique. La vision est le sens le plus important pour les humains. Après une atteinte à la rétine, au nerf optique ou au cerveau, la fonct...
How Mental Stress and Vascular Dysregulation Affect Vision Loss and Recovery (Spanish Version)
Просмотров 3773 года назад English Version:видео.html CONFERENCIA/Cómo afecta el estrés mental y la desregulación vascular a la pérdida y recuperación de la visión: una perspectiva de la neurociencia holística La visión es uno de los sentidos más importante del ser humano. Después de una lesión de la retina, del nervio óptico o del cerebro, la función visual se deteriora...
How Mental Stress and Vascular Dysregulation Affect Vision Loss and Recovery (English Version)
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.3 года назад Prof. Sabel held a presentation at the 28th International Conference for Holistic Vision on the topic: "How mental stress and vascular dysregulation affect vision loss and recovery - a holistic neuroscience perspective". Vision loss due to ocular diseases such as glaucoma, optic neuropathy, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy, is generally considered an exclusive ...
Treating Vision Loss After Glaucoma - Patient-Feedback From Mr.B
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.3 года назад - Bei Herrn B. wird ein Glaukom (Grüner Star) diagnostiziert. Er besuchte das Savir-Center für die Behandlung, um die Sehkraft und Lebensqualität zu verbessern. 00:00 Erfahrungen mit der Savir-Therapie 01:07 „Haben Sie irgendwelche Nebenwirkungen bemerkt?“ 01:18 Verbesserungen nach der Therapie: bessere Fernsicht/weniger Nebel-Sehen/leichteres Lesen 02:32 Gesichtsfeldvergleich...
Optic Nerve Damage Treatment: Feedback from Macular Degeneration Patient (Mrs.S)
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад - Frau S. leidet an trockener Makuladegeneration (trocken). Nach 2 Wochen Behandlung hat sie einige Verbesserungen bemerkt: Ihre Sicht wird klarer, manchmal ist der Nebel in der Sicht verschwunden, und sie kann Farben erkennen, anstatt nur schwarz und weiß zu sehen. In dem Video spricht der Sohn von Frau S. über ihre früheren Erfahrungen: 00:00​ Farben erkennen statt schwarz-w...
Optic Neuritis Treatment: Restoring Eyesight After Vision Loss (Raymond)
Просмотров 11 тыс.3 года назад - Raymond (papilledema/optic neuritis) visited Savir Center to restore his lost eyesight. In the video, he shared his experience at Savir Center (Magdeburg, Germany). 00: 00 “Have you experienced any side effects after the therapy?” 01: 14 Improvements after the treatment: clearer vision; better peripheral vision 01: 54 Visual field test results: before/after the therapy 03...
Treating Vision Loss: Feedbacks from Mr. R. (Optic atrophy)
Просмотров 4,4 тыс.3 года назад
Herr R. (Optikusatrophie) hat mit seinem rechten Auge einen peripheren Gesichtsfeldausfall. Nach zwei Wochen Therapie im Savir Center hat sich seine Sehfähigkeit stark verbessert: Der Schleier im Gesichtsfeld ist fast verschwunden und er hat keinen Tunnelblick mehr. Das Ergebnis des Gesichtsfeldtests zeigte dann, dass sich die Größe seines Gesichtsfeldes nach der Savir-Therapie von 21% auf 54% ...
Optic Nerve Damage Treatment: Feedback from Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration Patient Mr. K
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.3 года назад - Bei Herrn K. wird ein Glaukom (Grüner Star) und eine Makuladegeneration diagnostiziert. Er besuchte das SAVIR-Center für die Behandlung, um die Sehkraft und Lebensqualität zu verbessern. 00:00 Vorstellung 01:14​ Erfahrungen mit SAVIR Center 01:55​ Seine Meinung zur SAVIR-Behandlung 02:15​ Erfahrungen mit der ganzheitlichen Behandlung „Weil ich erstens einmal schon mal die Er...
SAVIR Lectures 05: Why Is Vision Loss Not Always Easily Noticeable? (German Version)
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.3 года назад - Wie reagiert unser Gehirn auf Gesichtsfeldausfall? Warum sind Augenerkrankungen wie Grüner Star (Glaukom) im Anfangsstadium schwierig zu erkennen? Sind regelmäßige Augenuntersuchungen und Gesichtsfeldmessungen notwendig, auch wenn ich kein Problem bemerke? 00: 00 Objektives und subjektives Sehen 01: 01 Leicht erkennbare Gesichtsfeldausfälle 01:50 Nicht erkennbare Fälle von G...
Optic Atrophy Treatment: Vision Restoration After Optic Nerve Damage (Mr.O)
Просмотров 10 тыс.4 года назад - Mr. O from Nigeria suffered vision loss due to progressive optic atrophy. He described the positive changes in vision after SAVIR treatment: 00:00 Improvements after the treatment 01:30 Clearer vision 02:09 Increased confidence level "Before I would not even dare to look at things because I knew I wouldn’t see them. So that confidence itself, to be able to find out what i...
SAVIR Microcurrent Therapy for Optic Nerve Damage (German Version)
Просмотров 5 тыс.4 года назад - Das Savir-Center in Magdeburg bietet eine innovative Therapie zur Verbesserung von Sehnervschädigung nach Erkrankung des Sehnervs (z. B. durch Glaukom/Grüner Star), Schädelhirntrauma oder Schlaganfall an. Mit diesem Video haben wir die drei am häufig gestellten Fragen zur Mikrostrom-Therapie beantwortet: 00:00 - Wie funktioniert die Therapie? 02:47 - Welche Ergebnisse kann i...
Optic Nerve Damage Treatment: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mrs.B
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
Moniques Reise beginnt in einer sowieso schon herausfordernden Zeit: Während ihrer Schwangerschaft. Dann kommt der Schockmoment. Plötzlich verschlechtert sich ihre Sehkraft dramatisch, ein grauer Schleier legt sich über ihre Welt. Die Diagnose bringt Klarheit und gleichzeitig Rätsel: Ein Makulaödem hinter den Augen drückt auf den Sehnerv. Die Zukunft ihrer Sehkraft ist ungewiss, der Weg zur Bes...
Vision Loss and Restoration - Microcurrent Therapy (tACS) | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 13 тыс.4 года назад With this video, we answered the three most frequently asked questions about Microcurrent therapy: 00:00 - How does it work? 02:47 - which results can I expect? 03:39 - Which improvements can it bring to my vision loss? If you are interested in the treatment and want to know if it could help in your case, feel free to contact us here: 1) Send us a direct message by visiting ...
Optic Nerve Damage Treatment: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mrs.R
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.4 года назад - Frau R. sah die SAVIR Behandlung als Chance, dass sich der geschädigte Sehnerv erholen kann. 00:00 Vorstellung 01:18 Leichteres Lesen/klareres Sehen nach der Behandlung 01:51 Positive Veränderungen in Lebensstil und Verhalten 02:37 Meinungen von Familie und Freunden 04:23 Verbesserungen aus der Sicht des Partners „Ich habe nach der Behandlung hier eine enorme Veränderung in ...
Savir Lectures 6: Vision Loss and Eye-movement (German Version)
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.4 года назад
Savir Lectures 6: Vision Loss and Eye-movement (German Version)
SAVIR Lectures 05: Vision Loss and Eye Movement | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.4 года назад
SAVIR Lectures 05: Vision Loss and Eye Movement | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
SAVIR Lectures 4: Understanding Visual Field Test and Visual Field Chart (German Version)
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.4 года назад
SAVIR Lectures 4: Understanding Visual Field Test and Visual Field Chart (German Version)
Savir Lectures 3: Vision Loss and Residual Vision (German Version)
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.4 года назад
Savir Lectures 3: Vision Loss and Residual Vision (German Version)
Mini-Stroke (Transient Ischemic Attack) Treatment: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. M
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.4 года назад
Mini-Stroke (Transient Ischemic Attack) Treatment: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. M
Savir Videoserie 2: Stress und Sehverlust (Deutsche Version) | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.4 года назад
Savir Videoserie 2: Stress und Sehverlust (Deutsche Version) | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Savir Lectures 1-Introduction (German Version)
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 года назад
Savir Lectures 1-Introduction (German Version)
Treatment After Vision Loss: Feedback from Vascular Occlusion Patient Mr. K
Просмотров 9944 года назад
Treatment After Vision Loss: Feedback from Vascular Occlusion Patient Mr. K
Savir Lectures 05: Why is Vision Loss Not Always Visible? | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 года назад
Savir Lectures 05: Why is Vision Loss Not Always Visible? | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
SAVIR Lectures 04: Understanding Visual Field Test and Visual Field Chart | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.4 года назад
SAVIR Lectures 04: Understanding Visual Field Test and Visual Field Chart | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Glaucoma Treatment After Optic Nerve Damage: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. O
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
Glaucoma Treatment After Optic Nerve Damage: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. O
SAVIR Center Patient Feedback | Glaucoma Treatment | SAVIR Therapy
Просмотров 12 тыс.5 лет назад
SAVIR Center Patient Feedback | Glaucoma Treatment | SAVIR Therapy
Presentation: Vision Restoration with Holistic Ophthalmology and Neuroscience | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 4,7 тыс.5 лет назад
Presentation: Vision Restoration with Holistic Ophthalmology and Neuroscience | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Glaucoma Treatment After Optic Nerve Damage: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. F
Просмотров 14 тыс.5 лет назад
Glaucoma Treatment After Optic Nerve Damage: Feedback from SAVIR Patient Mr. F
Savir Lectures 03: Vision loss and residual vision | Prof. Bernhard Sabel
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.5 лет назад
Savir Lectures 03: Vision loss and residual vision | Prof. Bernhard Sabel


  • @southerncomfort971
    @southerncomfort971 Месяц назад

    this video is 11 years old? Where is the research today? in its results? Also is anyone in Canada having trouble getting their drops? Seems Lumigan and Timoptic are becoming more and more on back order? Is there a substitute for these that is more available? thank you.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 19 дней назад

      @southerncomfort971 A lot has happened in the last 10 years. Thousands of patients have been successfully treated. Prof. Bernhard Sabel, Ph.D., founder of the SAVIR Center, continues to lead groundbreaking scientific research on the brain and vision restoration. His findings contribute to the development and advancement of innovative methods for vision restoration, reinforcing the scientific foundation of the cutting-edge SAVIR therapy. Here are some examples: Spacetime in the brain: rapid brain network reorganization in visual processing and recovery 2021: Non-invasive brain microcurrent stimulation therapy of long-COVID-19 reduces vascular dysregulation and improves visual and cognitive impairment (2021): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018): Alternating Current Stimulation for Vision Restoration after Optic Nerve Damage: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2016): Are Visual Field Defects Reversible? - Visual Rehabilitation with Brains (2016): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018): Explore the complete collection of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sabel’s scientific publications here: Visit our website to learn more about the therapy: Your SAVIR Team

  • @srastro7784
    @srastro7784 Месяц назад

    My father after Glaucoma (from 2002) have Charles bonnet syndrome now and he has partial Vision damage...(more in last 1 year) he is 80 plz help ..he is in India...any inputs will be greatly appreciated

  • @devanshuchauhan9450
    @devanshuchauhan9450 Месяц назад

    Does this work for Visual snow syndrome as well?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 2 дня назад

      @devanshuchauhan9450 Thank you for your interest. I kindly ask you to reach out to our clinicians regarding your case. You can contact them here: Your SAVIR Team

  • @crazy_fact2183
    @crazy_fact2183 Месяц назад

    What is the name of the film made about the treatment, which is available on RUclips with subtitles in many languages? Sir 🙏 I am from India. 🇮🇳 I have lost 100% vision of my left eye due to glaucoma. Today I got a chance to watch your video on RUclips, which gave me hope of regaining my vision. Can you help me Sir?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 19 дней назад

      @crazy_fact2183 The name of the film is: Going Blind You can find more about it on this website: If you want more information about the treatment, please visit our website: Your SAVIR Team

  • @galya1470
    @galya1470 Месяц назад

    How can i make appointmen to try this therapy Tel number please

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 19 дней назад

      @galya1470 You will find everything on our website: Your SAVIR Team

  • @nelsonpangilinan1116
    @nelsonpangilinan1116 Месяц назад

    Is there any scientific proof that this works?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 19 дней назад

      @nelsonpangilinan1116 Thank you for your interest. Professor Sabel is a leading researcher in this field worldwide, and there is a significant amount of scientific research published on this topic. Here are some examples: Spacetime in the brain: rapid brain network reorganization in visual processing and recovery 2021: Non-invasive brain microcurrent stimulation therapy of long-COVID-19 reduces vascular dysregulation and improves visual and cognitive impairment (2021): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018): Alternating Current Stimulation for Vision Restoration after Optic Nerve Damage: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2016): Are Visual Field Defects Reversible? - Visual Rehabilitation with Brains (2016): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018):

  • @silkeduck9848
    @silkeduck9848 3 месяца назад

    Wie ging es denn weiter bei dem Patienten? War ja vor drei Jahren?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 2 месяца назад

      @silkeduck9848 Bitte entschuldigen Sie unsere verspätete Antwort. Generell ist es für Patienten unüblich, sich Jahre nach einer Behandlung bei der Klinik zu melden und über ihren Werdegang zu berichten. Wir können Ihnen daher in diesem Fall keine Informationen zu Konrads derzeitigem Befinden geben. Ihr SAVIR Team

    @TheBIKEDEALZ 4 месяца назад

    Do we know if it still under development? or what's the case now?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 4 месяца назад

      @TheBIKEDEALZ Prof. Sabel leads a clinic in Magdeburg, Germany, the SAVIR Center, where his therapy is performed. So far, thousands of patients have been treated. If you are interested, please visit the following website: If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Your SAVIR Team

      @TheBIKEDEALZ 4 месяца назад

      @@SabelVisionRestoration What the price of the service?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 2 месяца назад

      @TheBIKEDEALZ Sorry for the delayed response. The cost of the treatment depends on the individual case. To provide you with an accurate estimate, please send us a detailed description of your diagnosis via our contact form: Your SAVIR Team

  • @arsemahabtom2288
    @arsemahabtom2288 4 месяца назад

    Mein Shon ist 4 jahre alte er sieht sehr schlecht er hat Optikusatrophie beiden augen habe sie vorschlag wie eine Therapie oder etwas. Ich hoffe Ihr verstehet mein Deutsch 😊

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 4 месяца назад

      @arsemahabtom2288 Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Mit der SAVIR Therapie können wir Kinder erst ab dem Alter von 7 Jahren behandeln. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr SAVIR Team

  • @melbaker9495
    @melbaker9495 4 месяца назад

    Trials are finally underway in the U.S. at Stanford and a couple of other universities. They are only looking at preventing progression of glaucoma. Unfortunately they have a long list of criterial that will make you ineligible for the trial. I had epiretinal membreanes removed and was instantly disqualifired because of having that condition. I did go to Switzerland earlier, where the clinic noted my epiretinal membranes and asked if they were going to be treated. My "glaucoma" specialist hadn't bothered to mention them too me! The Swiss doctor suggested I have that work done first and then get the therapy, so he refunded my money. When I came back to the U.S. I fired my "doctor" and found a far better opthamologist who arranged the surgery to my eye and removed my cataracts. He fully supports the neurostimulation therapy and did his best to get me into the local trial. Unfortunately I won't be able to afford to return to Europe for a year and hopefully won't lose much more vision, although the central vision in my right eye is greately impaired. Lesson for American patients. Assume your average eye doctor will be hyperfocused on lowering your eye pressure and has little interest in exploring any alternatives for you. Make the extra effort to find someone open to every alternative. Only you can advocate for yourself in the U.S. factory farm system of "healthcare."

    • @cindydeaton3649
      @cindydeaton3649 Месяц назад

      Hi Mel. My Dad just found out he has optic nerve damage in his right eye. Retina specialist says there is nothing you can do for this damage. Should I reach out to someone else to find out if he would be eligible for a study here in the US? We are in MS.

    • @cindydeaton3649
      @cindydeaton3649 Месяц назад

      I tried to reply to you Mel, but it did not show up.

  • @UbuteyAustralia
    @UbuteyAustralia 5 месяцев назад

    What has evolved in ten years ???? Any answers ??

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 5 месяцев назад

      @UbuteyAustralia A lot has happened in the last 10 years. Thousands of patients have been treated successfully. Prof. Bernhard Sabel, PhD, founder of the SAVIR Center, continues to conduct scientific brain research in the field of vision. His findings contribute to the development and advancement of new methods for restoring vision and strengthen the scientific foundation for the innovative SAVIR therapy. An example of his work is this study on vision restoration published in Nature: You can explore a complete collection of the scientific works of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sabel, Ph.D. at the following link: Visit our website to read more about the therapy: If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. Your SAVIR Team

  • @UbuteyAustralia
    @UbuteyAustralia 5 месяцев назад

    So what has evolved in ten years since this video was made ???? Any replys or updates from the doctors HELP

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 5 месяцев назад

      @UbuteyAustralia A lot has happened in the last 10 years. Thousands of patients have been treated successfully. Prof. Bernhard Sabel, PhD, founder of the SAVIR Center, continues to conduct scientific brain research in the field of vision. His findings contribute to the development and advancement of new methods for restoring vision and strengthen the scientific foundation for the innovative SAVIR therapy. An example of his work is this study on vision restoration published in Nature: You can explore a complete collection of the scientific works of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sabel, Ph.D. at the following link: Visit our website to read more about the therapy: If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. Your SAVIR Team

  • @megh.dasgupta
    @megh.dasgupta 5 месяцев назад

    Does this work for traumatic optic neuropathies? I personally got diagnosed recently and am at 3/60 vision. Would love to explore this as a potential treatment option. Please revert ASAP. Thank you.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 5 месяцев назад

      @megh.dasgupta Yes. As long as there is any residual vision, the SAVIR treatment can improve visual performance resulting from damage to the optic nerve, the retina, or the visual cortex. Generally, it doesn't matter how long the problem has existed or what caused it. For more information on the SAVIR treatment, please visit our website: For a general overview: FAQ and answers: Find out if the treatment is suitable for you: If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Your SAVIR Team

    • @megh.dasgupta
      @megh.dasgupta 5 месяцев назад

      I have a couple of metal implants as a result of this diagnosis (had facial fractures when I got injured). What does this mean for the potential of doing this treatment?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 5 месяцев назад

      @megh.dasgupta In some cases, implants are not a problem. However, I kindly ask you to contact our clinicians directly about your case: Please note that in some cases, an answer might take a few days as they are always busy treating patients. Thank you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Your SAVIR Team

  • @kkuo408
    @kkuo408 6 месяцев назад

    So long did your improvement last? Was just temporary? Do you have to get more treatments or do more therapy to maintain the results? Just seems too good to be true.

  • @emilpopescu7282
    @emilpopescu7282 6 месяцев назад

    Excellent presentation based on science and holistic approach to eye therapy… treating the causes, not just the symptoms as most ophthalmologists do. At SAVIR vision center, the impossible turns to be possible. This should be a model and an eye opening example for the whole medical field.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @emilpopescu7282 Thank you. The treatment is still relatively new. Right now, the only clinic open to the public is in Germany, but we are conducting clinical trials with several university hospitals in the US.

  • @lightliz7834
    @lightliz7834 6 месяцев назад

    This video was made 11 years ago. It is now June 2024. Why is it taking so long to help us ?? I live in London in the UK. I have had vision problems since I was in my 20s. I'm with Moorfields. Glaucoma 20 years, now severe sight impaired due to glaucoma.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @lightliz7834 Your view is very understandable. We have treated thousands of patients since 2011. However, in medicine, this approach is still very new, and even with sufficient scientific evidence, it takes time for new treatments to be established clinically worldwide. Your SAVIR Team

    • @hyacinth1966
      @hyacinth1966 5 месяцев назад

      Good afternoon I am a 60-year-old woman I live in Jersey Channel Islands How do I go about booking appointment with you?

    • @lightliz7834
      @lightliz7834 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@SabelVisionRestorationthank you.

  • @elumalairajganapathi4081
    @elumalairajganapathi4081 6 месяцев назад

    Sir, Any possibility to come out from blindness?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @elumalairajganapathi4081 As long as you have any residual vision, we might be able to help. Your SAVIR Team

  • @VarietzHD
    @VarietzHD 6 месяцев назад

    21 with glaucoma, this video gives me hope

  • @BullDuckov
    @BullDuckov 7 месяцев назад

    How much does it cost? I am around 40 years old. About a year ago I was diagnosed with pigmental glaucoma. I noticed the eye loss too late. Didn't notice early signs, blaming nearsightedness. I did laser iridectomy and selective trabeculoplasty. Still taking drops 2 times a day. I hope to still be able to see in 10 years.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @BullDuckov The cost of the treatment depends on the individual case. To provide you with an accurate estimate, please send us a detailed description of your diagnosis via our contact form: Your SAVIR Team

  • @samuelolufemi1038
    @samuelolufemi1038 7 месяцев назад

    Please we need this in Nigeria sir

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @samuelolufemi1038 Currently, the only treatment center is in Magdeburg, Germany. If you are looking for more information, please visit our website: For a general overview: FAQ and answers: Find out if the treatment is suitable for you: If you want to apply for the treatment, please contact our clinicians via: We will get back to you as soon as possible. Your SAVIR Team

  • @ogunsolaquadri2968
    @ogunsolaquadri2968 7 месяцев назад

    It's been a long time we need more of this kind of videos especially in English language and other languages

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @ogunsolaquadri2968 Thank you for your suggestion. We are working on it!

  • @ogunsolaquadri2968
    @ogunsolaquadri2968 7 месяцев назад


  • @akinaa3626
    @akinaa3626 7 месяцев назад

    I would like to get I touch with this patient from Taiwan. Is there a way for him to contact me ? I am in the USA. Thanks so much !

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 6 месяцев назад

      @akinaa3626 In general, medical clinics do not share private data between patients or, in your case, between non-patients and patients. This is common practice in Germany as well as in many other countries. Therefore, we kindly ask for your understanding that we are unable to fulfill your request. However, if Mr. Lin sees your request, he might get in contact with you. Thank you for your understanding. Your SAVIR Team

  • @MaggieJohnson-vn6su
    @MaggieJohnson-vn6su 7 месяцев назад

    This could be me. My sight is nearly gone in my left eye from prednisone eye drops causing eye pressure.

  • @bublepoof
    @bublepoof 7 месяцев назад

    your approach is so sane compared to other outdated views on ophthalmology, thank you for the ongoing work on this important topic, and for helping people

  • @alle492
    @alle492 7 месяцев назад

    We are in 2024 and I have just learned about this treatment. Why isn't it better known? Unfortunately it seems that the business of drops, lasers and implants delay the emergence of regeneration of the optic nerve and ganglion cells. Organizations with the GRF all they do is repeat "very soon", "hope on the horizon", but nothing concrete and they continue with their rats. Media like the WSJ criticize David Sinclair's new approach. It is incredible that until today there is no cure.

  • @NgallanFofanah-cs4id
    @NgallanFofanah-cs4id 8 месяцев назад

    Please my mums eye has gone blind due to gucoma. Is there anything can it be revived again

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 8 месяцев назад

      Dear NgallanFofanah-cs4id As long as your mother has residual vision, we might be able to help. In that case, please visit our website. For a general overview: FAQ and answers: Find out if the treatment is suitable for you: If you decide to apply for the treatment, please contact our clinicians via: They will get back to you as soon as possible. For any unanswered questions, please contact us via Facebook PM: Your SAVIR Team

  • @ehsanmahmoodi6189
    @ehsanmahmoodi6189 8 месяцев назад

    Wünsche dir aus dem tiefsten Herzen dass du wir sehen kannst

  • @sybillefandrich525
    @sybillefandrich525 8 месяцев назад

    Ich habe jetzt mehr Angst

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 8 месяцев назад

      Sehr geehrte sybillefandrich525, Wir verstehen, dass Sehbeeinträchtigungen Patienten oft vor eine schwierige Aufgabe stellen. Es ist jedoch wichtig, Angst und Stress nach Möglichkeit zu vermeiden, da sie zu einer Verengung der Blutgefäße führen können. Dies kann die Nährstoffversorgung der Zellen im Sehapparat beeinträchtigen und somit das Sehvermögen verschlechtern. Wir möchten Ihnen Prof. Sabels Buch empfehlen, das sich mit diesem und vielen anderen Aspekten rund um Sehbeeinträchtigungen beschäftigt und darauf abzielt, Menschen im Umgang damit zu unterstützen Ihr SAVIR Team

    • @sybillefandrich525
      @sybillefandrich525 8 месяцев назад

      @@SabelVisionRestoration Danke!

  • @aziz-ed8sb
    @aziz-ed8sb 9 месяцев назад

    Hello I have glaucome m'y vision i very low Can i resto m'y vision in savir centre

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 8 месяцев назад

      Dear aziz-ed8sb We frequently treat glaucoma patients. For more information, please visit our website. For a general overview: FAQ and answers: Find out if the treatment is suitable for you: If you decide to apply for the treatment, please contact our clinicians via: They will get back to you as soon as possible. For any unanswered questions, please contact us via Facebook PM: Your SAVIR Team

  • @skalia4910
    @skalia4910 9 месяцев назад

    It's incredible. My left eye's optic nerve is totally damaged and there is no vision in it since 2005. Doctors in India say this damage is irreversible. 🙏 🕉️🙏

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 9 месяцев назад

      It takes time for new treatments to become established, especially when many specialists focus solely on the eyes rather than the brain, which processes visual information. In fact, there is ample scientific evidence from the past decade indicating a chance for vision restoration, with no reported serious side effects in the thousands of cases where microcurrent stimulation therapy has been applied. However, most eye doctors tend to recommend only what they are familiar with, and may not be aware of treatments they are unfamiliar with. We encourage you to share the studies listed below with your doctor. These studies, conducted by Prof. Dr. Ph.D. Sabel and published in reputable scientific journals, provide compelling evidence. If your doctor remains reluctant to acknowledge the scientific evidence, it may be advisable to consider seeking a second opinion. Spacetime in the brain: rapid brain network reorganization in visual processing and recovery 2021: Non-invasive brain microcurrent stimulation therapy of long-COVID-19 reduces vascular dysregulation and improves visual and cognitive impairment (2021): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018): Alternating Current Stimulation for Vision Restoration after Optic Nerve Damage: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2016): Are Visual Field Defects Reversible? - Visual Rehabilitation with Brains (2016): Vision Restoration in Glaucoma by Activating Residual Vision with a Holistic, Clinical Approach: A Review (2018): Your SAVIR Team

  • @sankiegreyling6309
    @sankiegreyling6309 9 месяцев назад

    Will this help for optic nerve damage due to gaint cell artritis?

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 9 месяцев назад

      Dear sankiegreyling6309 We treat patients with optic nerve damage frequently. Please visit our website to read more. About optic nerve damage: FAQ and answers: Your SAVIR Team

  • @محمدالاسمري-م2ذ
    @محمدالاسمري-م2ذ 9 месяцев назад

    هل في احد استفاد من العلاج

  • @agnesd6831
    @agnesd6831 10 месяцев назад

    i would like to know how long does the restoration lasts or if you need to go back regularly for the same treatment.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 9 месяцев назад

      Dear agnesd6831 We have patients where the results last for years. However, that's not always the case as there are important factors playing a role in stabilizing and improving the effect. Like the continuation of exercises and the lifestyle recommendations learned with us during the treatment. Vision can also be negatively affected again by stressful events, serious illnesses or surgeries. That's why some patients return for a short-term treatment in order to further consolidate the effect on the cells. Our FAQ page could provide you with some helpful additional information: Your SAVIR Team

  • @krishna20yt90
    @krishna20yt90 10 месяцев назад

    I also have gluecoma one eye totally blind can recover this please help me 😭🙏😭

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 10 месяцев назад

      Dear krishna20yt90 If you would like to apply for the treatment please send us a description of your diagnosis via our contact form: Your SAVIR team

  • @MaryGithuka
    @MaryGithuka 10 месяцев назад

    Kindly direct how to get to your facility

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 10 месяцев назад

      Dear MaryGithuka We are located in Magdeburg, Germany. Please visit our website for more information: Your SAVIR Team

  • @BernhardVonClairvaux.
    @BernhardVonClairvaux. 10 месяцев назад

    I do this exercises a couple of days and it helps a lot.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 10 месяцев назад

      Dear BernhardVonClairvaux. We are glad to hear that the exercises are helpful to you. You may be interested in exploring this article on eye training on our website: Your SAVIR Team

  • @n2music174
    @n2music174 10 месяцев назад

    Get your eyes checked even if you see well. Pressure inside your eye can only be checked by an eye doctor. It is not a pressure you will feel, but this pressure will rob your vision over time. Once the damage is done, it's too late. Get your eye pressure checked !!!!!

  • @vidyavox2576
    @vidyavox2576 10 месяцев назад

    Answer the two questions Q1. Is there any chances to lose eye vision in your therapy or any side effects? Q2. How many days is this therpay treatment you will do ? I mean how long therapy time

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 10 месяцев назад

      Dear vidyavox2576 1. No severe side effects 2. 14 days For detailed information, please be sure to visit our FAQ page: Your SAVIR Team

  • @sairaEden
    @sairaEden 10 месяцев назад

    After 1 year optic nerve autrophy this stimulation therapy will work please reply

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 10 месяцев назад

      Dear maryamarshad1874 The SAVIR treatment can enhance visual performance affected by damage to the optic nerve, retina, or visual cortex. Typically, the duration or cause of the issue does not impact treatment outcomes. For more information on the expected results, please visit our FAQ page: Your SAVIR Team

  • @MarkTedesco-zf8ej
    @MarkTedesco-zf8ej 11 месяцев назад

    have had glaucoma for 24+ years becoming excess pain in left blind eye eye docs tests irritate eye without any consideration for any oral rx pain relief brimonidine helps afraid of atropine they should have hospitalized me already suffered adverse eyedrop reaction that sent me to e.r. visit eye med. school train eye docs protocol for painfull blind eye glaucoma they act like they never heard of gaba pentin if they are cowards they should not be eye docs please

  • @ronaldocampbell6484
    @ronaldocampbell6484 11 месяцев назад


  • @ankursinghal4036
    @ankursinghal4036 11 месяцев назад

    Can you please let us know what frequency of current you applied

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 11 месяцев назад

      Dear ankursinghal4036 The applied frequency varies from patient to patient. Your SAVIR Team

  • @psyched1231
    @psyched1231 11 месяцев назад

    Are there any treatments like yours available in the US? I'm unable to travel to Germany.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration 11 месяцев назад

      Dear psyched1231 At present, treatment is exclusively available at our facility in Germany. Studies are currently underway in the USA in collaboration with NYU, Stanford, and the Wilson Institute; however, they are still in the early stages. Patients with glaucoma may consider contacting these institutes to inquire about participation as subjects in these studies. Please note that our clinic cannot provide information regarding such contacts. Your SAVIR Team

  • @rosep4890
    @rosep4890 Год назад

    Hi I need help for my mother, one of her eye is completely gone and the other one is detoriating.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration Год назад

      @rosep4890 If you are interested in the treatment, please visit our website: For a general overview: For FAQs and answers: To determine if the treatment is suitable for your mother: If you would like to apply for the treatment or if you have any remaining questions, please contact our clinicians via: We will get back to you as soon as possible. Your SAVIR team

  • @nsubugadanielkelvin8414
    @nsubugadanielkelvin8414 Год назад

    I have to come for your treatment to save me from glaucoma blindness to which is eating up my vision day by day

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration Год назад

      @nsubugadanielkelvin8414 If you are interested in the treatment, please visit our website: For a general overview: For FAQs and answers: To determine if the treatment is suitable for you: If you would like to apply for the treatment or if you have any remaining questions, please contact our clinicians via: We will get back to you as soon as possible. Your SAVIR team

  • @200x-v4k
    @200x-v4k Год назад

    Such a great and informative video thank you. Really shows the lack of research and effort in the US.

  • @admirkurtulaj4375
    @admirkurtulaj4375 Год назад

    Is this procedure expensive??

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration Год назад

      Dear admirkurtulaj4375 The price is case-dependent and is determined by our clinical staff after reviewing the patient's medical reports. If you are interested, please contact us via: Your SAVIR team

  • @christiantm704
    @christiantm704 Год назад

    Does any pattient lower iop with terapy, im asking because if there are improvement of blood flow it must lower or normalize the iop too in fact. Im around 28/30 iop and cant handle it lower.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration Год назад

      @christiantm704 The alternating current stimulation has no impact on the IOP. The therapy enhances cell function by improving blood circulation, leading to a better supply of oxygen and glucose to the cells. Studies have shown that IOP can be improved through specific breathing exercises, which are integral components of our treatment. Your SAVIR team

  • @christiantm704
    @christiantm704 Год назад

    Does any pattient lower iop with terapy, im asking because if there are improvement of blood flow it must lower or normalize the iop too in fact. Im around 28/30 iop and cant handle it lower.

    • @SabelVisionRestoration
      @SabelVisionRestoration Год назад

      @christiantm704 The alternating current stimulation has no impact on the IOP. The therapy enhances cell function by improving blood circulation, leading to a better supply of oxygen and glucose to the cells. Studies have shown that IOP can be improved through specific breathing exercises, which are integral components of our treatment. Your SAVIR team