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- Просмотров 28 356
St Mary's Nantwich
Добавлен 19 апр 2020
We are a large, lively and diverse church in the centre of Nantwich. We attract people of all ages and outlooks to services that range from the contemporary to the traditional, from cafe style to choral, and we would love to meet you. We are an Anglican church in the Diocese of Chester.
We will be uploading videos from our streamed services, Worship Band and Church Choir. We also hope to be live streaming here as well!
We will be uploading videos from our streamed services, Worship Band and Church Choir. We also hope to be live streaming here as well!
10:45 Holy Communion for Sunday 19th December 2021
10:45 Holy Communion for Sunday 19th December 2021
Просмотров: 131
9.30am All Age Worship, Sunday 11 April 2021
Просмотров 673 года назад
9.30am All Age Worship, Sunday 11 April 2021
Compline for Wednesday of Holy Week 2021
Просмотров 173 года назад
Compline for Wednesday of Holy Week 2021
Compline for Tuesday of Holy Week 2021
Просмотров 163 года назад
Compline for Tuesday of Holy Week 2021
All Age Worship for Palm Sunday, 9.30am 28 March 2021
Просмотров 463 года назад
All Age Worship for Palm Sunday, 9.30am 28 March 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 21 March 2021
Просмотров 483 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 21 March 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Mothering Sunday, 14 March 2021
Просмотров 493 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Mothering Sunday, 14 March 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 7 March 2021
Просмотров 323 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 7 March 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 28 February 2021
Просмотров 333 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 28 February 2021
All Age Worship, 9.30am Sunday 21 February 2021
Просмотров 403 года назад
All Age Worship, 9.30am Sunday 21 February 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 14 February 2021
Просмотров 373 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 14 February 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 7 February 2021
Просмотров 453 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 7 February 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 31 January 2021 - Candlemas
Просмотров 563 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 31 January 2021 - Candlemas
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 24 January 2021
Просмотров 333 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 24 January 2021
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 17 January 2021
Просмотров 543 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 17 January 2021
9.30am All Age Worship - Sunday 10 January 2021
Просмотров 393 года назад
9.30am All Age Worship - Sunday 10 January 2021
Morning Worship - 9.30am Advent Sunday, 29 November 2020
Просмотров 334 года назад
Morning Worship - 9.30am Advent Sunday, 29 November 2020
9.30am Morning Worship - 22 November 2020
Просмотров 234 года назад
9.30am Morning Worship - 22 November 2020
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 8 November 2020
Просмотров 574 года назад
Morning Worship 9.30am Sunday 8 November 2020
Why would you throw away the word church ?
So comforting and glorious to see your Church and hear all the servicing of God our Father. God Bless, Sylvia (how can we send your Church email greetings?)
That’s my Rev 🎉 oluseye international 😊
Well done, very enjoyable.
The Sanctity of Marriage. The Universal Church and Her Vision for the Roles of Wives. Ephesians 5:21-30. Examining The Roles of Richard L and Carolyn M. Yuengling. As his WIFE, I totally TRUST HIM every conceivable way. My GOAL is to ALWAYS PLEASE MY HUSBAND, Dickyboo, my Rickybeau, my Dick, my Rick. He's MY ALL and. all of these to me. One is my Father. One is my Lover. One. is my SOULMATE/SPOUSE. And the last one is my VERY BEST FRIEND FOR EVER. This is the healthy, vibrant, and HOLY WAY of envisioning and accepting your husband. As FATHER, he is your ultimate PROTECTOR and NURTURER. As LOVER, he sees to your every need and CARES for you As SOULMATE/SPOUSE he GUIDES, ENLIGHTENS, NURTURES, and SEXUALLY SATISFIES you above his own needs and desires. You are always FIRST. And as your BEST FRIEND FOR EVER, he is your CLOSEST CONFIDANT, SHOULDER TO LEAN ON, FUN FELLOW. for whatever goes, FAITHFUL and TRUE COMPANION, TRUSTED MENTOR and COUNSELOR, and everything you need to feel TREASURED, CHERISHED and WANTED. The Universal Church and Her Vision for the Roles of Husbands. Ephesians 5:21-30. Examining The Roles of Richard L and Carolyn M. Yuengling. As your HUSBAND, he totally TRUSTS YOU in every conceivable way. HIS GOAL is to ALWAYS PLEASE YOU. You're EVERYTHING to him and all of these: In his eyes, he sees you FIRSTLY as his MOTHER. Next he sees you as his LOVER. Then he recognizes you as his SOULMATE/SPOUSE. And lastly he accepts you as his VERY BEST FRIEND FOR EVER. This is the healthy, vibrant, and HOLY way of envisioning and his accepting you as his wife. As MOTHER, you are his ultimate PROTECTOR and NURTURER. As LOVER, he sees you as one who meets his every need and CARES for him, his appearance, clothes, diet, etc. As SOULMATE/SPOUSE he wants and guides you to ALWAYS, ENLIGHTEN, NURTURE, and SEXUALLY SATISFY him above your own needs and desires. He is always FIRST in your playbook and life. And as his BEST FRIEND FOR EVER, you are his CLOSEST TRUSTED CONFIDANT, SHOULDER TO LEAN ON, FUN FELLOW. for whatever goes, FAITHFUL and TRUE COMPANION, TRUSTED MENTOR and COUNSELOR, and everything he needs to feel TREASURED, CHERISHED and WANTED. If you're having difficulties in your marriage or your single relationship, examine your conscience with these in mind and heart. The only exception is SEXUAL SATISFACTION. This is reserved ONLY FOR THE MARRIED HUSBAND AND WIFE. The Sixth Commandment says, "Do not commit adultery." Sex without marriage is ADULTERY. No marriage founded in a sexual relationship will be blessed by God. You've already given yourselves to the devil. If this is the case, repent together. Give yourselves at least three months of loving each other's minds, hearts, and spirits WITHOUT ANY SEX. If you can do this,you will rediscover the PERSON IN lieu of the BODY. These attributes are what lasts and will keep the relationship in full swing over time and make the🦋😇 happy. Cease your carnal lusts today for tomorrow may be too late. In the love of Christ Jesus, Wishing everybody a wonderful, holy union with the one you love, now and for ever. Peace, Love & Joy, The Guardian 🦅❤️🔥🕊️⚖️♾️ 02/18/24. 05:37. AM. EDT.
Greetings from Austin Texas 🌿
The church is the bride of Christ. Christ is the bridegroom. You can't have a female bridegroom. Just like a man can not have a baby. You all are just fooling yourselves.
Thank you streaming this glorious service.
God is highly glorified.Always aspire to be a forerunner like John.Willing to encourage others to be a faithful faith-sharer. Venerable E . O . Adebiyi Nigeria.
Lovely service with interesting arrangements. I loved the piece 'The Cold Bleak Winter'.
It was such a shame that none of the music was audible on You Tube channel for the Civic service ob October 15th.
Love from Nigeria 🇳🇬 #houston&jamesrobinson
tidy choir and organist who knows waht h/she'sdoing. Very dignified.
Hello from Lagos Nigeria 🇳🇬. (Ref: James Robinson )
Amen and Amen. From Houston Ottoh-Itam and James Robinson
Amen 🙏🏽
Start watching at 15mins 30secs
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : cams.downloadz.to !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618864281
Good Morning All
A big thank you to the Rector Mark Hart, the choir quartet and the staff at St Mary's for planning and staging this important event. It is really appreciated. Thanks also go to Nantwich Town Council for supporting us in ensuring Remembrance Sunday was marked in a special way. John Dwyer, Chair of Nantwich and District Branch, Royal British Legion