he should go to lakers or celtic to get a ring than come back to cba. he is not yao ming. he is sun yue and ba te er. and he is not thin. he is 113 kg. or 250 pound. thats not thin even in NBA. i dont know which planet u come from. people over there 1 ton+?
yi got talent. but he needs to bulk up if he wants to play in nba. bater is a monster but he can't do much if he's at any place that's farther than 7-8 ft from the rim. haha im sorry. but you gotta do a better job for music selection next time.
why this OLD
C-4 嗰個冇畀人鬧咩?😂😂我勾腳嘅話 ,我阿sir殺咗我都似
我靠 。14,5年前莲妹的视频都能推给我
i do not like eat this
do you like eat poop
old video
好恐怖.... 比我的臉還恐怖!! 不愧是易帝
不過說真的~我在youtube看的強者影片中他的運球最高最不穩 我先說~我籃球打很爛 只是一點點意見而已><" 不要罵我...
朱焱淼,中國製造 告誡亞洲小同學來華比賽
@PatheticTeen 什馬叫扣籃,中國製造 告誡亞洲小同學來華比賽
大陸框也太脆弱了吧..一拉就下 我看大歐灌NBA框都沒什麼搖...
@fd3646 NBA只要外線就可以贏CBA了 能三分幹麻還要二分?
@s946163 中國人的台北人閉嘴好嗎?你他媽熟哥喔,媽的大家都跟你很熟喔?白痴滾蛋
@tina0506g 没有诶 就在阿联07年即将登陆美国的最后一个赛季也是王治郅回国后的第一个赛季 王的球队赢了
@MrHKABC Yao Ming is the heaviest player (141kg) nowaday. the biggest power.
易建聯的確是很厲害!~ 難怪可進NBA~... --- 小小建議 這影片特效用太多了... 而且很多特效都不是用的那麼恰當。
he should go to lakers or celtic to get a ring than come back to cba. he is not yao ming. he is sun yue and ba te er. and he is not thin. he is 113 kg. or 250 pound. thats not thin even in NBA. i dont know which planet u come from. people over there 1 ton+?
喬丹再厲害,也僅能讓一支球隊變強。 而易建聯確能讓29支球隊變強,這是多麼偉大的球員阿!
==易建聯== 先後效力於密爾瓦基公鹿隊和紐澤西籃網隊。其最為人稱道的是花樣多端的打鐵與神秘莫 測的年齡。易建聯進攻手段多樣,暴扣打鐵,強力被蓋,激情被斷均為其絕招。也是第一 個為NBA聯盟引進大後鋒概念的人。
易最終他的投籃命中率在聯盟有數據統計的440位球員中僅僅排在第350位,100位大前鋒 中排名第86位,在聯盟上場30分鐘以上的球員中,易建聯的真實投籃命中率位列所有球 員中的末席,換句話說,僅僅就進攻方面,稱呼易建聯為聯盟中最糟糕的先發大前鋒,後 面也不用加上個之一來掩飾一些東西了,最糟糕的先發球員,沒有之一。
2:47秒他飛身扣籃是真的嗎? 我怎麼覺得飛得有點怪= ="
yao has t-mac, ron in his team, but he still good. skill makes everything, nothing to do with stress
hes only good in china i believe he feels kinda stress having carter n harris such great players in his team which caused him not to play good in US
嚼绿箭,放轻松,上场打铁十分钟. 喝蒙牛,吸伊利,n 投一中太空易.
anyone know what the first song is??
do you spell overratted with yi
but we can kick your ass! your country have somebody like yi!? In Asia,we have no adversary!
wo~ outstanding physical performance~!!bravo
wow, he's good... can't believe he's only 19
gayest music ever
yi got talent. but he needs to bulk up if he wants to play in nba. bater is a monster but he can't do much if he's at any place that's farther than 7-8 ft from the rim. haha im sorry. but you gotta do a better job for music selection next time.