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Добавлен 7 окт 2011
Welcome to DIY Feng Shui Master This channel offers expert advice and practical methods for incorporating Feng Shui principles into your property investments. Learn how to choose the right locations and features to maximize your profits while creating harmonious living spaces.
Welcome to DIY Feng Shui Master This channel offers expert advice and practical methods for incorporating Feng Shui principles into your property investments. Learn how to choose the right locations and features to maximize your profits while creating harmonious living spaces.
Pi(中文)008Pi派成功之道:GCV是基础,天时地利人和是关键项目,揭秘国际支付系统崛起的终极秘籍"#finance #金融#pi
HELLO 大家好,欢迎来到派项目视频!今天我们将深入探讨一个备受瞩目的话题--派币的价值、主网上线后的价格预测,以及未来10年它对世界经济的潜在影响。在这个日新月异的区块链世界里,派币作为一种颠覆性的数字货币,引发了无数人的期待与争议。Pi币的独特之处不仅在于其创新的挖矿方式,更在于它致力于构建一个去中心化、普惠性的全球经济生态系统。那么,Pi币到底值多少钱?主网上线后它会迎来怎样的价格走势?未来10年,它又会如何改变世界经济格局?这一切都将在今天的视频中为您揭晓!让我们一起展开一场头脑风暴,见证区块链技术如何重塑未来!
HELLO 大家好,欢迎来到派项目视频!今天我们将深入探讨一个备受瞩目的话题--派币的价值、主网上线后的价格预测,以及未来10年它对世界经济的潜在影响。在这个日新月异的区块链世界里,派币作为一种颠覆性的数字货币,引发了无数人的期待与争议。Pi币的独特之处不仅在于其创新的挖矿方式,更在于它致力于构建一个去中心化、普惠性的全球经济生态系统。那么,Pi币到底值多少钱?主网上线后它会迎来怎样的价格走势?未来10年,它又会如何改变世界经济格局?这一切都将在今天的视频中为您揭晓!让我们一起展开一场头脑风暴,见证区块链技术如何重塑未来!
Просмотров: 2 123
Pi(007) 若没PIGCV314159美元,您别梦想财富自由,一美元十美元可能吗?#finance 金融#pinetwork
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.14 дней назад
派项目(派 Network)正在引领一场全球支付系统的革命!作为一款去中心化的数字货币,它不仅为全球用户提供了轻松参与的机会,更承诺实现真正的金融普惠。独特的P2P交易模式、稳定币价值体系,以及超前的技术创新,使派项目成为数字经济的未来支柱。 想象一下:仅通过手机挖矿,你就能为自己和家人积累财富,甚至开启创业旅程!派项目的愿景是打造一个全球经济新生态,无论是教育、科技创新,还是跨国合作,派都在为下一代创造更美好的未来。 现在就加入派网络,共同见证这一百年不遇的财富与技术革命。每一个参与者,都是未来新世界的缔造者! HELLO 大家好,欢迎来到派NETWORK频道 我们将共同探讨一个充满机遇与未来的主题派Network 及其背后的深远意义与潜力。感谢各位的参与,希望今天的分享能为您带来新的启发与思考 此视频讨论分享 六个课题 其一:派Network 的精神与愿景 派Network 是一...
Pi(中文)006支持GCV何止得到25万美元财富?#finance #金融#pinetwork
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.14 дней назад
欢迎来到本视频内容,我们将深入探讨 派 Network 的兑换限制规则及其背后的战略意义。随着全球对数字货币的关注度持续升温,派 Network 凭借其独特的生态理念和创新模式,吸引了无数先锋用户的目光。如今,这一网络正在通过全新的兑换限制规则,开创数字经济的新纪元,为用户和全球金融体系带来深远影响。 派 Network 的兑换限制政策是其全球支付系统的关键一环。用户每月最多只能兑换 0.8 P派或价值 25 万美元的 派币,这一限制并非为了设限而设限,而是为了实现更大的目标:保护币值稳定,防止市场操控,确保生态的可持续发展。通过这一政策,派 Network 为普通用户创造了更加公平的交易环境,同时激励长期投资者见证 派 币的稳定增长。 对于广大先锋用户而言,派 Network 的未来无限光明。它不仅仅是一个数字货币,更是一场数字经济的革命。随着网络生态的不断扩展,派币的使用场景将涵...
Pi(中文)005 主网开放了GCV成功了,世界将会发生什么变化?先锋们如何布局下一步#finance #金融#pieconomy
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.21 день назад
如果 Pi Network 以 $314,159 的汇率启动主网,世界将发生什么变化? 引言 1. 如果 Pi Network 以 $314,159 的汇率启动主网,世界将发生什么变化? 当 Pi Network 宣布以 $314,159 的高定价启动主网时,这不仅是加密货币领域的震撼,更可能对全球经济、金融和社会产生革命性的影响。 加密货币市场的格局 将被彻底改变。主流数字货币如比特币和以太坊是否还能保持主导地位,将成为争议焦点。 传统金融体系 或面临前所未有的挑战。高价值的 Pi 币如果被广泛应用于支付和贸易结算,可能会削弱主权货币的地位。 社会财富分配 或许也将重新定义,早期参与 Pi 挖矿的人一夜暴富,而未参与的人可能感到遗憾甚至不满。 全球监管环境 可能急剧变化,各国政府和国际组织将不得不加速制定与加密货币相关的政策与规则。 这个问题不仅关乎技术,也关乎世界的金融稳定性与未...
Pi(中文)004 GCV314159美元十枚派币足够您财富自由您不要!为何您选择十枚派币买不到一个面包?#finance #金融#pi
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.21 день назад
欢迎来到 派 Network 全球化与市场推广的深度解析!在瞬息万变的区块链世界,派 Network 不仅是技术创新的代表,更是全球支付系统未来发展的先锋。在这个视频中,我们将深入探讨 派 Network 如何面对市场推广策略失败和跨文化挑战,带您解锁这个项目的全球化成功密码。 您将看到成功与失败的鲜活案例:从币安的全球布局到其他项目的教训,深入了解精准市场定位、多语言支持和文化适配如何助力 派 Network 打破地域与文化限制。更重要的是,我们将分享数据驱动的推广策略和用户反馈如何成为 派 成功的基石。 无论您是投资者、开发者,还是对加密货币生态感兴趣的探索者,这段内容将为您带来全新的视角和深刻启发。如果您对 派 Network 的未来充满期待,请点赞支持这个视频,并加入讨论,共同见证 派 Network 如何在全球范围内重塑支付与经济的新格局! 本视频分享和讨论几个重点如下 其...
Pi(中文)003真派币是点击闪电挖出来,假派币是在非法交易所买卖,小心陷阱买假派#finance #金融#pi
Просмотров 72421 день назад
假派币上中心化交易所 假派币上中心化交易所 假派币上中心化交易所 欢迎大家来到本次关于Pi Network讨论的分享平台!今天,我们将一起探讨一个重要话题: Pi Network的币在未经官方授权的交易所上市以及市场上假派币的交易现象。 随着Pi Network的热度不断攀升,一些不正规交易所已经开始宣称自己支持Pi币交易,但事实上,这些平台所交易的“Pi币”并不是真正的Pi代币,而只是未经授权的IOU代币。这种假派币的交易不仅可能让投资者面临风险,也暴露出加密货币市场监管不完善的一面。 假派币上交易所 Pi Network的核心团队明确声明,Pi币在其主网正式上线之前并不会在 何交易所进行交易。换句话说,市场上所看到的所有Pi币交易,都不是真正的Pi代币,而是交易所发行的IOU代币。这些IOU代币本质上是对未来Pi币的承诺,而非真实的Pi币,因此,它们没有实际的流通价值,也无法兑...
Pi(华语)002 派项目成了圣诞老人圣诞节分礼物,您准备要吗?#finance #金融#pinetwork
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.21 день назад
欢迎来到派项目频道!这里是专注于解析Pi Network发展、生态建设和全球支付系统未来的权威平台。无论你是资深矿工,还是刚刚接触Pi Network的新朋友,我们都致力于为你带来最前沿、最真实的项目动态和行业洞察。 在这里,我们不仅会剖析Pi Network的核心价值,还将探讨如何在Web3时代通过Pi构建更公平、更高效的全球支付生态系统。我们会为你揭示为何Pi的去中心化理念与稳定价值对全球经济具有颠覆性意义,以及如何应对当前面临的非法交易所挑战。 今天的视频将带你深入了解Pi Network 四个课题 其一 派项目注册CMC 其二 派开放主网 其三 KYC 延长到2024尾 其四 开放网络和放开主网解释 在CoinMarketCap (CMC) 注册后的战略意义和分享重要课题派项目开放主网交易信息 包括如何利用透明的权威数据打击非法交易所,澄清价格争议,并进一步增强社区信心。如果...
Pi(Eng)002 Amazon Apple Integrated Pi Blockchain Web 3 Eco System #finance #cryptocurrency #pi
Просмотров 19428 дней назад
Donald J. Trump's projected win in the 2024 U.S. presidential election is creating significant speculation about its impact on the cryptocurrency market and broader financial systems. Historically, Trump has been skeptical of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, which he previously criticized as a potential threat to the U.S. dollar. However, his administration's broader deregulatory stance ...
PI(华语)001派是国际支付系统需要稳定性价值,派项目未上任何交易所也不会去上取得价格#finance #金融#pi
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.28 дней назад
您好,欢迎来到 Pi Network 和 DIY 风水频道 这是一个探索风水、占卜和加密货币奥秘的终极目的地!无论您是想学习如何运用风水的力量改变生活,揭示通往繁荣的古老秘密,还是深入了解革命性的 Pi Network,您都来对了地方。 在这里,我们结合传统智慧与现代创新,为您提供实用建议、励志故事和突破性策略,帮助您实现成功、平衡和财务自由。从学习如何调整家居能量以提升健康与财富,到探索 Pi Network 如何改变金融格局,我们的内容旨在赋能并启发您的生活。 我们的社区充满成长、探索与支持。无论您是经验丰富的实践者,还是充满好奇的新手,您都能在这里找到有价值的洞见,指引您的旅程。如果您准备好改变生活,并参与重新定义未来的全球运动,请点击订阅按钮,与我们一起踏上这段激动人心的冒险之旅。 敬请关注我们的每周更新、深入教程和实用建议,这些内容不仅会丰富您的知识,还将为您开启通往新机遇...
Pi(Eng)001 USD 250k FOR 0.8PI, DID YOU RESERVE IT #finance #pi #diy风水大师
Просмотров 196Месяц назад
"Welcome, Pioneers, to an exciting new era for the Pi Network! Today, we celebrate a monumental milestone-the integration of fiat currencies into the Pi Blockchain! Imagine a world where your mined Pi coins can be seamlessly Pi Blockchain Fiat Integration Introduction: A Revolutionary Step for Pi Network Overview of the Pi Network and Its Mission The Pi Network has always stood as a beacon of i...
P038派不需要传统金融银行,银行需要派项目提供金融贷款服务#finance #pi #金融
Просмотров 812Месяц назад
派不需要传统金融银行,银行需要派项目提供服务 大家好,欢迎来到今天的分享!我们将探讨一个激动人心的话题 派(Pi Network)为什么不需要传统银行,而是银行需要派项目提供服务。 随着区块链和数字货币的快速发展,传统银行系统的中心化模式显得过于僵化和昂贵。派项目作为全球首个大规模用户友好的加密货币网络,提供了一个去中心化、低成本和高效的支付与交易生态。派的理念是赋能每个人,通过手机即可挖矿,让财富和权利重新分配,这直接颠覆了传统银行对金融体系的垄断。 相反,银行需要派项目的支持。派网络所拥有的庞大用户基础和点对点交易模式,能够帮助银行提升服务效率、减少中介环节、开拓数字支付新市场。更重要的是,派可以帮助银行适应未来的去中心化金融(DeFi)趋势,使它们在激烈的金融科技竞争中保持相关性。 派不再依赖银行,而是赋予全球用户更多的金融自由。让我们一同见证这场革命的到来! 解释为什么讨论P...
P037 Pi Network NOT listed Any Exchange Enclosed Mainnet Logo Trade Mark Pattern Claim Soon#finance
Просмотров 229Месяц назад
Pi Network Logo was Illegal Apply At Exchange Trade Mark Copyright Claim soon Pi NOT listed Any Exchange at Enclose Mainnet Pi Not Need listed Exchange to obtain Price Value. Pi coin is NOT commodity as buy and sell to created price. Pi is Stablecoin . Not Trade at Any Exchange to like other crytopcurrency need exchange to create price. Introduction: Understanding Pi Network Opening Hook "Imagi...
P036DIY风水大师之百万派财富不香吗#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance 金融#pi
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Месяц назад
HELLO 大家好,欢迎来到DIY 风水大师的频道!在这里,我们专注于为您带来关于派币、加密货币、区块链技术和金融自由的最新资讯与深度解析。无论您是对数字货币有兴趣的新手,还是已经在区块链世界中有所涉猎的经验者,我们的频道都将为您提供实用的知识、成功案例和未来趋势。 我们将定期发布关于如何通过派币挖矿、Web3、去中心化金融(DeFi)等话题的内容,帮助您更好地理解这些技术如何改变全球金融体系,并为个人财务自由提供新的机会。如果您对经济赋权、财富增长和未来金融体系的革新感兴趣,这里就是您的理想之地。 感谢您的加入!请务必订阅我们的频道,获取更多精彩内容,并随时分享给朋友们一起探索数字金融的无限可能。期待与您共同成长,一起迎接更美好的未来! 为什么你需要挖派币来得到财富 1. 引言 在今天这个飞速变化的世界里,财富差距正在不断扩大,尤其是对年轻人、退休人员、宝妈以及收入较低的人群来说,...
P035 Why Pi Network chosen as Global Payment System Alternative Why NOT Bitcoin? #finance #金融#pi
Просмотров 268Месяц назад
Why Pi Network ? Why not Bitcoin to be chosen for the Global Payment Quantum financial System Gary Cohn, former economic adviser to President Trump, predicted in 2018 that a global cryptocurrency would eventually emerge, but he was skeptical that Bitcoin would fulfill this role. His reasoning centered on Bitcoin's inherent complexities and limitations, including: Dependence on Mining Costs: Bit...
V098DIY风水大师之禅修清静两个小时不中断音乐Spiritual Healing 2hours Non Stop Music#finance #金融
Просмотров 101Месяц назад
For those involve spiritual practice might be the music suitable for the conditions. 禅修清静之士轻盈音乐带来不同认知。
P034DIYFengshui Pi Bank Ready for USD 314159 value#@DIYFENGSHUI #pi #finance
Просмотров 686Месяц назад
P034DIYFengshui Pi Bank Ready for USD 314159 value#@DIYFENGSHUI #pi #finance
P033DIYfengshui What How Pi bank operation module with 314,159USD#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #pi
Просмотров 135Месяц назад
P033DIYfengshui What How Pi bank operation module with 314,159USD#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #pi
P032DIY风水大师之PI是未来财富自由期待项目#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #pi
Просмотров 100Месяц назад
P032DIY风水大师之PI是未来财富自由期待项目#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #pi
V031DIYFengshui as 314,159USD offering Open Mainnet #@DIYFENGSHUI #pinetwork
Просмотров 56Месяц назад
V031DIYFengshui as 314,159USD offering Open Mainnet #@DIYFENGSHUI #pinetwork
P030DIY风水大师Pi Network NOT listed ANY Exchange to obtain Price After Open Mainnet#@DIYFENGSHUI#pi
Просмотров 242Месяц назад
P030DIY风水大师Pi Network NOT listed ANY Exchange to obtain Price After Open Mainnet#@DIYFENGSHUI#pi
V096DIY风水大师之住家后院风水布局秘诀第一集#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#finance#金融
Просмотров 41Месяц назад
V096DIY风水大师之住家后院风水布局秘诀第一集#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#finance#金融
Просмотров 94Месяц назад
P027DIY风水大师Why need 314159USD Pi Coin value to support Global Commodity Transaction#@DIYFENGSHUI
Просмотров 223Месяц назад
P027DIY风水大师Why need 314159USD Pi Coin value to support Global Commodity Transaction#@DIYFENGSHUI
V095DIY风水大师之RENOVATION FENGSHUI TIPS#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #@diy风水大师 #investment
Просмотров 59Месяц назад
V095DIY风水大师之RENOVATION FENGSHUI TIPS#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #@diy风水大师 #investment
P026DIY风水大师之PI NETWORK 1千分配方案及开放主网挑战#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance
Просмотров 156Месяц назад
P026DIY风水大师之PI NETWORK 1千分配方案及开放主网挑战#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance
V094@DIYFENGSHUI Relaxing An Hour Non Stop Music#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #business
Просмотров 75Месяц назад
V094@DIYFENGSHUI Relaxing An Hour Non Stop Music#@DIYFENGSHUI #finance #business
V093DIY风水大师之上山下水布局禁忌和后果严重#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance
Просмотров 45Месяц назад
V093DIY风水大师之上山下水布局禁忌和后果严重#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance
P024DIY风水大师之为何派币价值是GCV314159美元#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance# Pi
Просмотров 215Месяц назад
P024DIY风水大师之为何派币价值是GCV314159美元#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#金融#finance# Pi
P023DIY风水大师之为何派币价值需要314159美元来解决世界性交易买卖#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#finance #金融
Просмотров 192Месяц назад
P023DIY风水大师之为何派币价值需要314159美元来解决世界性交易买卖#@DIYFENGSHUI #@DIY风水大师#finance #金融
V092DIY风水大师之禅修清静一小时不中断音乐🎶Meditation An hour Non Stop Music#@DIYFENGSHUI #@diy风水大师 #金融
Просмотров 81Месяц назад
V092DIY风水大师之禅修清静一小时不中断音乐🎶Meditation An hour Non Stop Music#@DIYFENGSHUI #@diy风水大师 #金融
CT 公告 - OM 时间将在 2025 年第一季度 亲爱的全球先驱者们, 我们所有人都刚刚在 Pi Network 主屏幕上收到了 CT 关于 OM 时间表的更新,现在已确认将于 2025 年第一季度推出。 虽然 KYC 和迁移目前可以在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前满足要求,但仍有 20 个线上生态程序需要完成。CT 已经表达了他们调整初步计划的理由:他们的目标是确保 KYC 和迁移的钱包得到平等对待,并鼓励先驱者更广泛地参与即将到来的 OM。 CT 向我们保证不会再延期,这表明 OM 的最新预期日期是 2025 年 3 月 31 日,甚至可能更早。 鉴于目前每天 200,000 的迁移速度,估计需要大约两个月的时间才能达到 KYC 1800 万。 然而,KYC 数量将继续上升,这表明 OM 最有可能的日期可能是 3 月 31 日。 我鼓励所有先驱者在这段时间保持积极的态度。CT 已经提供了延迟的详细理由,并承诺不再延长。 同样值得注意的是,已成功完成 KYC 但尚未迁移的先驱者仍有机会与我们一起参与 OM。到 OM 时,可能有超过 40% 的先驱者的钱包里会有 Pi。 我们的 GCV 大使在教育我们的社区方面发挥着至关重要的作用。随着越来越多的先驱者持有 Pi,我们必须对与黑市相关的潜在风险保持警惕。尽管如此,我相信先驱者手册将有助于应对这些挑战,同时我们的教育 GCV 大使可以帮助所有先驱者按时完成他们的主要网络清单,以帮助 CT 更快地完成任务。 此外,部分 Pi 支付将继续进行,以便我们能够吸引更多商家加入 MapofPi。部分 Pi 支付可以帮助商家缓解现金流问题。 从我的角度来看,CT 希望为生态系统发展提供充足的时间,以便 OM 取得成功。 让我们花点时间庆祝我们迄今为止取得的成就,并继续努力向前迈进。 诚挚的问候, Doris Yin 🪷🪷🪷
🎉🎉🎉PI NETWORK NEWS: Indescribable Joy as We Approach Pi Network’s Historic Milestone!🎉🎉🎉 The exciting news from Ms. Doris Yin, the founder of the global GCV movement and Ambassador of the Global GCV Core Team, has brought a fresh wave of energy to the Pi community, igniting the flames of hope and pride that words cannot fully express: 🌟 "We are nearing the finish line!" 🌟 Learning that the wallet verification speed has reached 7,000-8,000 wallets per hour fills everyone with awe at the magic of unity and determination. The milestone of 10 million wallets completed by the afternoon of December 31, 2024 (California time) shines brightly, marking the strength and resilience of the Pi community. 🎉 Welcoming the New Year with the Historic Moment of OM! Ms. Doris’s message is not just an announcement; it is a call to prepare speeches for this monumental occasion. The moment OM officially opens will be a time the world recognizes: Pi Network has overcome all challenges to achieve its dream of global integration! ✨ East Asian Pride - Global Momentum! On the morning of January 1, 2025 (East Asian time), as the Pi Network community rings in the New Year with the OM event, we will not only celebrate the arrival of a new year but also a victory of historic proportions. OM is the proof of the perseverance and vision of millions of pioneers. 💪 Onward, Pioneers! Let us prepare our minds and hearts, get ready to speak, and celebrate a bright future together. This is not just a triumph for Pi Network but also a legacy for future generations. Congratulations to the entire Pi community! 🎆 See you at the pinnacle of glory-OM! 🥂✨🎉🎉🎉 --------------------------------------- 🥰P.S.: The global GCV team always welcomes your support and participation in our community activities. Join us to learn more about the value of GCV in the Pi Network. The GCV home is very happy to welcome you. For the future of our Pi Network, let's support each other enthusiastically! 🥰🪷 Join the group on Telegram here: t.me/Pi_network_int… --------------------------------------- 👉Please Like, Share, Comment for more information and let Pi spread quickly! Thank you! 🥰 @PiCoreTeam #PiNetwork @dorisyincpa @lurima_pi @NoncePadja @MoretopMovie @mousaviradmajid @oliverndati @Patrick198117 @tinmm278792 @LiangShi99 @YemenPi @Kamraniyan @lnfsliyong @1Pi_usd314159 @oliverndati @MarcelDango @unnvictor @AbiolaCherif @HerineMako37549 @almoheb100100 @Lowcupking @dannierche80682😅
Special thanks to the sponsors of the Yunnan Barter Event and the GCV ambassadors who made important contributions to this barter conference! 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍 List of sponsors: 1. Wangling Prince Furniture Co., Ltd. (venue provider) 2. Yiliang Xianglin Grocery Store 3. Yiliang County Senlong Tianma Plantation 4. Zhaotong Yongyi Network Technology Co., Ltd. 5. Xinyu Business Hotel 6. Kunming Fuhai Tea Factory 7. Dabazi Fruit Store 8. Yiliang County Youan Fire Equipment Business Department 9. Ao's Winery 10. Beijing Roast Duck 11. Chenguang Stationery store 12. Anti-aging youth · Anti-wrinkle hut 13. Yimeng Beauty Studio List of GCV ambassadors: Huolong (China Ambassador) Feng Hongjie (provincial level) Lei Faping (provincial level) Cao Yong (provincial level) Huang Xunmao (municipal level) Xu Chunhua (municipal level) Zheng Shiying (municipal level) Long Yang (municipal level) Huang Zaifen (municipal level) Dongfang Zilian🪷🪷🪷 Founder of the international GCV movement 12/16/2024
特别感谢云南易货活动赞助商家以及为此次易货大会作出重要贡献的GCV大使!🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍 赞助商家名单: 1.旺玲太子家具有限公司(提供场地的商家) 2.彝良向林副食店 3.彝良县森隆天麻种植场 4.昭通永益网络科技有限责任公司 5.鑫雨商务酒店 6.昆明福海茶厂 7.大坝子水果店 8.彝良县友安消防器材经营部 9.敖氏酒坊 10.北京烤鸭 11.晨光文具店 12.逆龄青春·抗皱小屋 13.伊梦美容工作室 GCV大使名单: 火龙(中华区大使) 冯洪杰(省级) 雷发平(省级) 曹佣(省级) 黄训茂(市级) 徐春华(市级) 郑士英(市级) 龙阳(市级) 黄再芬(市级) 东方紫莲🪷🪷🪷 国际GCV运动创始人 12/16/2024
各位, 就来开放主网了,我们要一起合作确保派网络可以成功。 1)开网时,我们要确保手中的派不乱抛售,我们要稳住市场,让派络成功稳定运行,让我们的家人都能享受到财富自由的愿景。我们是先锋,派网络去中心化后,就由我们来维护,人人有责,我们要充分的合作,没有人愿意看到派网络倒塌吧?收起自私自利的行为,我们要的是这整个派网络的成功,我们要成就一番伟业,并不是一番苦苦的折腾。 2)如果开网后你不知道要怎样做,那么就跟着GCV大使的脚步,我们要一同进退,以确保派网络能稳定发展,大家都能从中长期获利,而不是一时的利索,葬送前程,而悔恨终生。千万要记住,不要听信外面的谣言,此时开网,一定有不安好心的人,会散播派网络崩塌论,赶快卖派以免吃亏论等,为什么他们要这样做呢?理由很简单,无他,因为他们手上无币,开网时的GCV,他们是高攀不起,唯有散播谣言,制造恐慌,无中生有,让大家大量抛售派。如果你听信,那你就上当受骗了,钻石当玻璃来用,你辛辛苦苦挖矿,益了平时都不挖矿的人,为他人作嫁衣。大家一定不要听信谣言抹黑,大家和GCV同步就对了。 3)多留意GCV和派网络官方的资讯,而不是外面的主播,搞什么抵制项目方,搞什么一起不点闪电论,或对派网络和GCV的威胁论等,千方百计阻碍派网络健康发展。一旦开网,更会出现很多钓鱼网站,仿真派页面网站出现,来骗取你的助记词,千万要谨慎对待,不要乱点鸳鸯,一失足成千古恨。 4)我们要知道第一批进入开放主网的名额,只有1000万,6000多万的不足20%,一旦开放主网,还有一大堆先锋还需要看开放主网后的状况而定,如果顺利,其他的先锋就能逐渐映射和迁移,所以,没得到第一批名额的先锋一定要承得住气,千万不要做出出格的事来,如删除账号,鼓励别人一起删除账号等,或诋毁项目方的不公等。项目方是要确保整个派网络的成功,每一个先锋成就一番伟业,不得不实施的方案。 5)一旦开网,有人会过度兴奋因为坚持到现在,有人会过度悲伤因为后悔没挖矿或后悔没听取GCV团队的采取的政策。有币在手的人也不必要去调侃后悔的人,以免发生争端,给对方挠脑成怒,对你做出难以想象的攻击,所以,保持闭嘴模式尤为重要,不需要嚣张,只要积极做善事,造福一方。无论高彩兴奋或悲哀痛苦都好,需要的是,过后我们要保持平和心,以免乐极生悲或悲上加悲,无法自拔。 6)大家要协同合作才能确保派网络开网后,顺利过度,后取得成功,这并不是个人意气用事的时候,大家要一起充分的合作,默契配合,人人都能成就一番伟业,我们是派的一份子,也是派的股东,一定要配合项目方和GCV的呼应,绝对不能让派网络遭遇失败收场,让五年的付出,白费功夫。若如此,一定会使仇者快,亲者痛。我们面对这样庄严的机会,一定要促成派网络成功,才能对得起自己,对得起先锋之责。 Jason Wong Dear all, the mainnet is about to launch and we need to collaborate to ensure the success of the Pi Network. 1) During the launch, we must refrain from panic selling and stabilize the market to ensure the stable operation of the network. Let's work together to achieve the vision of financial freedom for our families. We are pioneers, and after the decentralization of the Pi Network, it is our responsibility to maintain it. We must cooperate fully because no one wants to see the network collapse. Let's put aside selfish behavior and focus on the success of the entire Pi Network. We are here to achieve greatness, not to struggle in vain. 2) If you are unsure of what to do after the launch, follow the footsteps of the GCV ambassadors. We must progress and retreat together to ensure the stable development of the Pi Network, so that everyone can profit in the medium to long term, rather than seeking short-term gains that may jeopardize our future. Remember, do not trust rumors from outside. During the launch, there will be individuals with ulterior motives spreading rumors about the collapse of the Pi Network and urging the sale of Pi to avoid losses. Why do they do this? The reason is simple, they do not hold Pi and cannot afford the GCV at the time of the launch. Their only option is to spread rumors, create panic, and induce people to sell Pi in large quantities. If you believe them, you will fall into their trap. Do not use diamonds as glass, do not let your hard-earned mining efforts benefit those who do not mine. Trust in synchronization with GCV. 3) Pay attention to official information from GCV and the Pi Network, not to outside broadcasters who try to boycott the project or spread threats against the Pi Network and GCV. There will be phishing websites and fake Pi pages trying to trick you into revealing your mnemonic phrase. Be cautious and do not click without thinking, as one bad move can lead to a lifetime of regrets. 4) We need to understand that only 10 million out of over 60 million pioneers will have the opportunity to enter the open mainnet, accounting for less than 20%. After the mainnet launch, more pioneers will need to wait and see how the situation unfolds. If everything goes smoothly, the remaining pioneers will gradually transition and migrate. Therefore, those who did not get the first batch of spots must remain patient and refrain from doing anything extreme, such as deleting accounts or encouraging others to do so, or criticizing the project unfairly. The project team's goal is to ensure the overall success of the Pi Network, and each pioneer has a role to play.
In order to further illustrate this concept, let's consider a scenario where a wealthy father has 10 children, some of whom are spendthrifts. Will the father continue to give money to those children? Similarly, if the father has 60 million children, it's impossible for him to personally identify who will be the spendthrifts. He can only assess their behavior through their spending habits. If the children demonstrate responsible spending, the father will continue to support them. So, you must understand that when facing a 60 million population, it's impossible to recognize who will be responsible and who will be spendthrifts. Therefore when they lose confidence, they will make the process slow. If the CT could control everything without pioneer collaboration, there would be no need to wait for three years for the Mainnet (OM). The fact that they are still waiting indicates that they rely on pioneer collaboration. Thanks to the hard work of GCV Ambassadors, the CT now shows more confidence and hopes to launch the Mainnet by the year's end, but they still require pioneer collaboration. Please remember the following text: If CT allows all pioneers to pass KYC and migrate right now or at the end of December without pioneer collaboration, what is the result? The result is Pi Network failure. After the Mainnet, most pioneers will sell PI on the exchange market. Even before the Mainnet, they may violate the agreement to sell and buy. Some pioneers believe that if CT punishes them, other pioneers will stop. However, the reality is different. Even if CT confiscates 10 million Pi, the future migrated wallets are still actively involved in selling and buying. CT doesn't want to depend on punishment to resolve the problem because it will affect the project if millions of wallets are lost. This will result in Pi Network failing. So I always said punishment cannot completely resolve the problem. Education can totally resolve the problem. Therefore, I suggest punishment along with education. Therefore you can see CT using punishing but still wait. Did you see CT extension KYC for 2 months. Same is here. They try to use wait to let more pioneers get well education not to sell Pi or buy Pi after they get Pi migration. Meanwhile, they still keep tracking and punish those who violated the policy. If you have the kind of thought to depend on punishing pioneers, it's because you never studied or read the white paper. Pi Network wants a dispersion of Pi, so they need a larger user base. You don't understand what Pi is! Your thought is that Pi is just another cryptocurrency. You thought after CT's Mainnet, you will have a lot of Pi to sell and get some money. But this is not what Pi Network wants. They want Pi to become a real currency to resolve financial crises or more. Why did I say if pioneers don't improve their consensus, the Pi Network will fail? It's because after the Mainnet, many pioneers will need cash, and they will sell their Pi on the exchange market. Do you understand? We educate pioneers to support the ecosystem and respect GCV so that they won't sell Pi and have the ecosystem to use Pi. If millions of pioneers sell, it will cause the Pi price to dramatically drop, which will harm the ecosystem that needs a stable price. Why doesn't CT punish these black market pioneers? How do you know they didn't? They confiscated 10 million Pi already in June. They won't publish who they confiscated from because if they do, all the black markets will know how to evade being caught. Understand? The white paper very clearly states that all the processes will be based on the parameters, which include but are not limited to blockchain records, to protect the network security and Pi's success. Also, the blockchain record shows hundreds and thousands of Pi in one transaction, not only from the black market but also from low barter transactions. CT has been required not to guide or indicate the Pi price. If they said this is because the Pi price is too low, they stop migration, the Pi Network will be closed by US regulations institution.
Mainnet is really ready.Stellar is 'combat ready' with all its v22 'weapons'..Pi Network mainnet is 'ready to perform' with Mainnet Protocol v18.4. All Pi Network Mainnet activities run on Protocol v18.4..Smart Contracts to validate transactions using SCP (Stellar Consensus Protocol) run on Protocol v.22..Updates on both Networks (Pi Network and Stellar) will continue after OM. There are still 13 days left..10 million mainnet migrated should be no problem,while waiting for surprises regarding 100 dApps and some Mega dApps.Let's wait and see. On fire!!!..🔥🔥🔥 #PiNetwork #OpenNetwor
pi netword to the moon Gcv 314$ , 3140$, 5000$
我们得到更多新闻:Pi Network 是加密世界的热门话题!! 🔥🔥 : Pi Network 不只是挖矿。它旨在创建一个完整的生态系统,其中原生加密货币 Pi Coin 可用于各种应用,例如交易、商品和服务。该项目设想未来 Pi Coin 将在日常商业中被广泛接受,为其用户提供传统货币的可行替代品。
节点主网“绿灯”--Pi节点系统准备好迎接公开主网!🌟 Pi Network正一步步接近公开主网阶段,Pi核心团队正式启动了“节点主网”测试,标志着其节点基础设施开发的重要里程碑。 🔹 观察节点测试: 只有少数运行节点的先驱被选中参与此试验,作为“观察节点”而非完全的验证节点。这一谨慎的做法确保了网络的绝对安全性和稳定性,为主网的发布做准备。 🔹 更大的Docker镜像: 与测试网版本不同,主网的Docker镜像显著增大,反映了这一测试阶段的完整性和官方性质。 🔹 最近的更新与改进: 最新的节点更新解决了几个关键问题,包括: ✅ 节点奖励重置为零。 ✅ 奖励分配不当。 💡 这些改进旨在优化节点操作,并鼓励先驱社区的积极参与。 🔐 Pi核心团队的细致努力展示了他们致力于构建一个安全、可扩展且稳定的区块链网络的决心,准备在公开主网发布时支持全球数千万用户。 👉 你准备好与Pi节点一起迎接公开主网了吗?🌍 #PiNetwork #PiNode #Pione
建设更强大的未来:全球GCV运动中团结的力量👑👑👑 我们自豪地宣布,我们的社区在所有地区已实现总计5,568,789笔GCV交易,这是一个真正非凡的里程碑,充分展示了GCV运动的广泛采用和成功。这一数据不仅反映了我们的大使、先驱和商家们的辛勤努力和奉献精神,也见证了我们使命的全球性。 这段旅程得到了来自不同背景、文化和地区的人民激情与合作的推动。从印尼到非洲,从菲律宾到阿拉伯地区,再到中国和台湾的重大贡献,我们的全球社区在一个共同的愿景下团结在一起--创建一个每个人都能参与、贡献并茁壮成长的去中心化经济。 我们取得的进展展示了社区驱动努力的力量。让我们来更详细地看看一些对这一卓越成就做出贡献的关键地区: 印尼已经成为GCV交易的领导者,交易量超过330万笔。这一惊人的数字反映了印尼在生态系统中的强大参与和投入,商家和先驱们为建设更强大的社区不懈努力。 菲律宾也显示出巨大的增长,自2023年以来实现了140万笔交易。它彰显了社区和合作精神,是其大使、商家和先驱们奉献的体现。 马来西亚在2024年取得了显著进展,达成了80万笔交易,显示出该国的商家和消费者正在拥抱去中心化交易的未来。 中国和台湾地区也为GCV运动的增长做出了重要贡献。随着这些地区采用量的增加,中国在去中心化交易方面展现出巨大的潜力,而台湾则在生态系统中建立了稳固的立足点,表明它们对经济包容未来的承诺。 非洲作为一个快速扩展的地区,坦桑尼亚、刚果(金)和贝宁等国家在2024年表现出稳步增长。这表明GCV正在进入新市场,并在新兴经济体中创造机会。 这些里程碑不仅仅是数字--它们代表了每一个参与GCV运动的人的集体努力。无论是通过组织物物交换活动、教育社区,还是向新商家介绍GCV,我们的社区成员一直是这一成功的推动力。 在这一全球运动的核心,是我们成员之间的团结。GCV不仅仅是一个运动,它是一个由社区驱动的倡议,依赖成员的集体努力蓬勃发展。每一笔交易、每一次互动、每一个新商家的加入,都让我们更接近构建一个更加包容和可持续的Pi经济。 随着我们继续发展,我们必须记住,运动的成功取决于我们的团结。我们之间的联系越紧密,我们的生态系统就会变得越强大。我们携手共同塑造一个去中心化的未来,在这个未来中,每个人都有发声的机会,并能够取得成功。 迄今为止,我们取得的成功只是一个开始。随着前进,我们专注于扩展GCV的覆盖范围,支持新的地区,并加强推动这一变革的先驱、商家和大使网络。我们对未来的愿景很清晰:创造一个生态系统,让每个人,无论背景或所在地点,都能通过GCV的力量获得经济机会。 在继续为这一使命努力的同时,让我们始终把团结的精神放在最前沿。GCV的全球成功是我们共同努力的结果,未来的可能性是无限的。 结论 总计5,568,789笔GCV交易跨越所有地区,不仅仅是一个里程碑--它是我们社区团结力量的体现。这个成就是证明,当我们齐心协力时,我们能够实现非凡的成就。在我们继续建设一个去中心化、包容性强且充满活力的生态系统时,让我们记住,社区的力量在于成员的团结。 我们携手打造的这个运动,将赋能全球各地的社区,造福未来的几代人。 Lumari🌹 GCV核心团队执行董事 GCV核心团队委员会主席 @PiCoreTeam @dorisyincpa @jojo102102 @NoncePadja @mousaviradmajid @MoretopMovie @Mosezog @jiaoqiuhua1 @oliverndati @Patrick198117 @LiangShi99 @tinmm278792 @YemenPi @unnvictor @AbiolaCherif @HAVYARIMANAsim1 @lnfsliyong @LIENCHE0307 @ElviPurnaw31 @edieralonso79 ❤❤❤❤
Building a Stronger Future The Power of Unity in the Global GCV Movement 👑 👑👑 We are proud to announce that our community has achieved a grand total of 5,568,789 GCV transactions across all regions, a truly remarkable milestone that speaks volumes about the widespread adoption and success of the GCV Movement. This data not only reflects the hard work and dedication of our ambassadors, pioneers, and merchants, but it also serves as a testament to the global nature of our mission. The journey to this point has been fueled by the passion and collaboration of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and regions. From Indonesia to Africa, from the Philippines to the Arab Region, and now with significant contributions from China and Taiwan, our global community has united under one shared vision-creating a decentralized economy where everyone can participate, contribute, and thrive. The progress we have made showcases the power of community-driven efforts. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key regions contributing to this incredible achievement: Indonesia has emerged as a leader in GCV transactions, with over 3.3 million transactions. This incredible number reflects Indonesia’s robust engagement and involvement in the ecosystem, where merchants and pioneers have worked tirelessly to build a stronger community. The Philippines has also shown tremendous growth, achieving 1.4 million transactions since 2023. Driven by a sense of community and collaboration, it is a testament to the dedication of its ambassadors, merchants, and pioneers. Malaysia has made significant strides in 2024, reaching 800,000 transactions, indicating that the country’s merchants and consumers are embracing the future of decentralized transactions. China and including Taiwan region have also contributed significantly to the growth of the GCV movement. With increasing adoption in these regions, China is showing great potential in decentralized transactions, and Taiwan is establishing a strong foothold in the ecosystem, demonstrating their commitment to the future of economic inclusion. Africa has emerged as an area of rapid expansion, with countries like Tanzania, DRC, and Benin showcasing steady growth in 2024. This demonstrates how GCV is reaching new markets and creating opportunities in emerging economies. These milestones are not just numbers-they represent the collective effort of each and every individual involved in the GCV movement. Whether through organizing bartering events, educating communities, or introducing GCV to new merchants, our community members have been the driving force behind this success. At the core of this global movement lies the unity of our members. GCV is more than just a movement; it is a community-driven initiative that thrives on the collective effort of its members. Every transaction, every interaction, and every new merchant onboarded brings us one step closer to building a more inclusive and sustainable Pi economy. As we continue to grow, it is essential to remember that the success of our movement depends on our unity. The stronger the bonds we form with each other, the more resilient our ecosystem will become. Together, we are shaping a decentralized future where everyone has a voice and the opportunity to succeed. The success we’ve achieved so far is just the beginning. As we move forward, we are focused on expanding the reach of GCV, supporting new regions, and strengthening the network of pioneers, merchants, and ambassadors who are driving this change. Our vision for the future is clear: to create an ecosystem where everyone, regardless of background or location, has access to economic opportunities through the power of GCV. As we continue to work towards this mission, let’s keep the spirit of unity at the forefront of our efforts. The global success of GCV is a reflection of what we can achieve when we come together, and the possibilities for the future are limitless. Conclusion The grand total of 5,568,789 GCV transactions across all regions is more than just a milestone-it’s a reflection of the power of unity within our community. This achievement is proof that when we work together, we can accomplish extraordinary things. As we continue to build a decentralized, inclusive, and thriving ecosystem, let us remember the strength of our community lies in the unity of its members. Together, we are building a movement that will empower communities across the globe for generations to come. Lumari🌹 Executive Director, GCV Core Team Committee Chair, GCV Core Team @PiCoreTeam @dorisyincpa @jojo102102 @NoncePadja @mousaviradmajid @MoretopMovie @Mosezog @jiaoqiuhua1 @oliverndati @Patrick198117 @LiangShi99 @tinmm278792 @YemenPi @unnvictor @AbiolaCherif @HAVYARIMANAsim1 @lnfsliyong @LIENCHE0307 @ElviPurnaw31 @edieralonso79❤❤❤❤❤❤
According to the Pi Network core team, “the launch of the open network will be historic.” The launch of the open Pi Network will indeed be a pivotal moment for the blockchain ecosystem. Pi Network has grown to millions of verified users, also known as “Pioneers.” #PiNetwork #PiGCV
#Picommunity #PiGCV @PiCoreTeam ISO 20022: ISO 20022 is a global standard for financial messaging that provides a common language and model for exchanging financial information between systems. Its implementation can significantly help Pi Coin integrate with banks and facilitate interoperability for exchanging Pi Coin with fiat currencies. Here’s how: 1. Standardized Communication ISO 20022 enables standardized communication between diverse financial institutions. For Pi Coin, adopting ISO 20022-compliant protocols can streamline its interactions with banks by ensuring consistent and precise data formatting. This reduces errors, enhances efficiency, and builds trust between Pi Network and traditional financial systems. 2. Enhanced Interoperability Banks and payment networks worldwide are transitioning to ISO 20022. By aligning with this standard, Pi Coin can integrate more seamlessly with these institutions. This means Pi Coin transactions could be processed alongside fiat currencies within existing banking systems, simplifying exchange processes. 3. Rich Data Capabilities ISO 20022 supports richer and more detailed data in financial messages. This enables Pi Network to include critical transaction details, such as user identification, transaction purpose, and compliance information. Banks rely on such details for anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) checks, which are prerequisites for facilitating currency exchanges. 4. Improved Compliance ISO 20022’s structured messaging makes it easier for Pi Coin transactions to comply with regulatory requirements. By integrating this standard, the Pi Network can provide banks with the transparency they need for regulatory reporting and monitoring, fostering greater confidence in facilitating Pi-to-fiat exchanges. 5. Real-Time Settlement ISO 20022 supports instant payment systems and real-time settlement capabilities. If Pi Coin aligns with this standard, it could enable faster and more efficient Pi-to-fiat conversions, reducing delays and improving user experience for both individuals and businesses. 6. Global Reach and Integration ISO 20022 is designed to support cross-border transactions, making it ideal for a cryptocurrency like Pi Coin with a global user base. Integration with this standard could enable Pi Coin to connect with international banking networks, opening up new avenues for Pi-to-fiat liquidity across borders. 7. Future-Proofing As ISO 20022 becomes the global standard, cryptocurrencies that adopt it will be well-positioned for long-term compatibility with evolving financial systems. For Pi Coin, this ensures ongoing relevance and integration with modern banking infrastructures. Practical Implementation for Pi Coin To achieve this integration, the Pi Network team would need to: Develop APIs and platforms that support ISO 20022 messaging standards. Collaborate with banks and payment networks to establish Pi Coin as a recognized and trusted asset. Ensure the network’s compliance with AML/KYC regulations through enriched messaging protocols. Enable seamless exchange mechanisms between Pi Coin and fiat currencies by leveraging ISO 20022-compatible payment systems. By aligning with ISO 20022, Pi Coin can bridge the gap between decentralized digital assets and traditional banking systems, making it easier for users to convert Pi Coin into fiat currencies while fostering mainstream adoption. Certainly PCT will furnish the house of Picoin as completely as possible to meet to the high expectation of the Pi Network world and the outside world.
The technical issues of upgrading the Pi Network Protocol went smoothly as the Stellar Protocol was upgraded.Pi Network and Stellar are closely interconnected despite operating on different blockchains. Get to know Stellar Core: github.com/stellar/stella… After OM,Node runners (validator) will be able to easily control and run the SCP algorithm and validating transactions in Stellar's Quorum Monitor: stellarbeat.io/quorum-monitor/ Get to know Quorum Explorer: quorumexplorer.com We will also easily transact to other wallets or store assets to other wallets.On the Stellar Network we can use LOBSTR wallet and SatoshiPay. Get to know LOBSTR: stellarbeat.io/organizations/… Get to know SatoshiPay: stellarbeat.io/organizations/… We will get all the splendor and convenience after OM.The things we know now are only a small part of the various luxuries of the Pi Network Mega Project. CT will do its best for the world,not just for Pioneers. Stay patient and wise,OM is before our eyes..No one can stop our GCV victory!!..👑👑🔥🔥 #PiNetwork
In line with trials on the Pi Network blockchain to stabilize the Pi value and determine gas fee,a few hours ago Stellar has also updated the Quorum (Validator) Mechanism to speed up transaction validation.This is to anticipate unresponsive Validators.Stellar has adjusted GCV $ 314159 as the Pi value accordingly BIP-39 and Derivation Path of Pi Network mnemonic (Mnemonic Phrase).Gas fee will be flexible 0.00001 - 0.0001 Pi depending on the level of network density. BIP-39 or Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39 is a standard used in the cryptocurrency world to generate mnemonic phrases. This phrase is a series of words used to secure and restore access to your crypto wallet.With BIP-39,users can store a simple phrase that serves as a master key to access their crypto assets. Thus,Pi owners can easily store their Pi assets in external wallets after OM. Update the Quorum Mechanism: github.com/stellar/stella… Quorum Mechanism Files: github.com/stellar/stella… On fire,GCV Community!!..🔥🔥 #PiNetwork
Doris Yin Speech to China HuBei GCV Barter 12/16-12/18 2024 Dear members of the core team of GCV in Hubei Province, as well as all pioneers in Hubei Province, greetings to everyone. I am Oriental Purple Lotus, and at the invitation of Mr. Daniel, the ecological ambassador of our core team in China, I would like to take this opportunity to speak to the pioneers of Hubei Province. December 13th marks the first anniversary celebration of Hubei Province Pi (Enshizhou) Network Technology Co., Ltd., followed by the on-site layout of GCV trading products on December 14-15, and offline GCV barter activities from December 16-18. First, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the first anniversary of Hubei Pi (Enshizhou) Network Technology Co., Ltd. in China. My heartfelt thanks go to Mr. Tian Qingsheng, Chairman of Enshi Zhou, Ms. Lei Bangfeng, General Manager, and the entire core team of Hubei GCV. Mr. Tian, as the GCV Ambassador of China and Chief Ambassador of Hubei, has been instrumental in positioning Hubei Province at the forefront of the GCV movement in China. Your active efforts and outstanding contributions have not gone unnoticed. Hubei Pi (Enshizhou) Network Technology Co., Ltd. serves as an excellent example of bridging the consensus between the Pi Network and GCV for local ecological development. We need more local enterprises like Hubei Enshi Zhou Network Co., Ltd. to join Pi Network supporting GCV ecosystem. This necessity persists not just during the closed mainnet phase but will be even more critical after the mainnet is launched. Based on data shared by Mr. Daniel, under Mr. Tian Qingsheng's leadership, Hubei Enshizhou Network Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully assisted numerous merchants and enterprises in registering for the offline ecology, creating PI maps, and connecting products. Currently, there are offline physical merchant stores, 59 enterprise connections, 240 registered maps, and 82 individual maps. This is an impressive start. I've previously highlighted the importance of integrating partial fiat currency and partial Pi payments in our efforts to benefit merchants. The Pi Network aims to serve local economic development, provide convenience and benefits to the general public, and ultimately set up a global currency settlement system to address current international settlement challenges. This mission holds great significance during the closed mainnet period, where our focus is on drawing the ecosystem into the GCV. Hence, this phase is less about pioneers reaping immediate rewards and more about collaboration between pioneers and merchants to build the ecological infrastructure of the Pi network. The responsibility lies with our GCV community to empower merchants and attract more to join, thereby strengthening the GCV data and establishing a robust industrial chain for comprehensive industrial circulation of coins. Currently, our GCV community spans over 100 countries and regions, creating between 400,000 to 5 million GCV transaction records, which account for a significant 70-90% of blockchain records in the past 11 months. Consequently, the document number GCV314159 USD represents the projected value post-mainnet launch. Communities worldwide are eager to foster the GCV ecosystem, and I encourage our Hubei community to persistently recruit more businesses and enterprises to support GCV, working towards the establishment of a Hubei GCV industry ecosystem quickly. Together, we can set an exemplary corporate standard for both China and the global community. On behalf of the International GCV Core Team, I extend my deepest gratitude to Mr. Liang Shi, Chief GCV Ambassador of China, and to the core team in China, especially Mr. Daniel, Eco Ambassador, for their invaluable contributions to the Hubei community's growth. I wish Hubei Enshi Zhou Network Technology Co., Ltd. tremendous success during your first anniversary celebration! Additionally, I wish you all the best for the Hubei GCV Barter Conference! Warm regards, Oriental Purple Lotus 🪷🪷🪷 12/12/2024 Toronto, Canada
热烈祝贺12月16日第十次湖北恩施线下GCV教育易货活动取得圆满成功🎉🎉🎉 感恩湖北社区GCV大使田清胜和总经理雷帮凤女士等优秀大使的通力合作🤝🤝🤝 并为此次活动提供商品支持的商家和工作人员点赞👍👍👍 感谢为此次易货活动所作出的努力与贡献🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 @PiCoreTeam @dorisyincpa
We Got News: Pi Network’s emphasis on decentralization is not just a technical innovation-it is a shift in the very philosophy of how cryptocurrencies should function. By making mining accessible to all and ensuring that its users have a voice in governance, Pi Network is helping to create a more inclusive, secure, and fair cryptocurrency ecosystem. As it moves toward full implementation, the platform’s mobile-first approach and decentralized model could offer a glimpse into the future of digital currencies, one where the power of the blockchain is truly in the hands of the people.@PiCoreTeam 🚀🚀🚀
支持提振全球经济,互惠共赢世界的Pi network辉煌未来!👍👍👍
甚好!看好Pi network辉煌未来!👍👍👍
@@xiangdongZhu-mr8dv 希望尽快开放主网
🇨🇳中华 GCV云南社区昭通线下活动圆满成功! 打造700笔数据 给 中华GCV大使火龙先生 云南GCV大使雷发平、曹佣先生 以及昭通所有GCV大使的通力合作 点赞👍👍👍 给为此次活动提供商品支持的商家和工作人员点赞👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 @PiCoreTeam @dorisyincpa
@@chendad1324 暂时映射钱包是基础币。
@@吳峻淵-w7q 接下来是技术课题
You are doing a great job! Can you help me with something unrelated? I have a SafePal wallet with USDT in it and I have my recovery phrase.(pride) (pole) (obtain) (together) (second) (when) (future) (mask) (review) (nature) (potato) (bulb). How do I transfer them to Binance?
Breaking News In a groundbreaking turn of events in the world of digital currencies, a figure known only as "Anonymous" has been recognized for their pivotal role in expanding the reach and acceptance of Pi Network, a decentralized cryptocurrency project aimed at democratizing access to digital wealth. Anonymous, a mysterious yet exceptionally skilled programmer and community organizer, was instrumental in catalyzing the global adoption of Pi. Here's how: The Journey of Pi: Anonymous began by developing innovative algorithms that significantly improved the mining process of Pi, making it more efficient and accessible even on basic mobile devices. This breakthrough allowed millions more to participate in mining Pi, without the need for specialized hardware or deep technical knowledge. Community Building: Recognizing the importance of community in the success of any cryptocurrency, Anonymous spearheaded a global campaign, creating vibrant communities across continents. They organized virtual and physical meetups, educational workshops, and hackathons, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose among Pi enthusiasts. Anonymous was also behind the creation of an intuitive, multilingual platform that made understanding and engaging with Pi simpler for non-English speakers. Regulatory Navigation: Anonymous also played a crucial role in navigating the complex web of international regulations. They worked tirelessly with legal experts to craft a compliance strategy that made Pi more acceptable to governments and financial institutions worldwide. This effort was pivotal in getting Pi listed on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, thus increasing its liquidity and credibility. Innovation in Use Cases: To demonstrate practical applications, Anonymous developed several apps and tools that utilized Pi for everyday transactions, from micro-payments for content creators to facilitating remittances in areas with limited banking infrastructure. These innovations showcased Pi's potential as a viable currency, not just a speculative asset. The Award: Given these monumental contributions, the Nobel Prize Committee, in a historic decision, decided to honor Anonymous with a special "Nobel Prize for Digital Economics and Social Impact." This award, while not an official Nobel category, was created to acknowledge individuals who have significantly advanced the field of digital economics with a focus on social benefits. At the award ceremony, held in Stockholm, Anonymous, maintaining their anonymity through a voice modulator and a digital avatar, accepted the award with a speech emphasizing the power of community-driven technology to transform lives. They highlighted how Pi Network could serve as a model for other digital currencies to follow, focusing on inclusivity, accessibility, and real-world utility. The Nobel Committee commended Anonymous for "revolutionizing the concept of digital currency, ensuring it serves as a tool for global economic empowerment, particularly in underserved regions." The world where digital currencies like Pi are not just about financial speculation but about creating a new paradigm for global economic participation. Anonymous's work is celebrated as a beacon of what can be achieved when technology is leveraged for the greater good. #NobelPrize2024 #Winning
Namechange is available on profile section on the mining app for pioneers who have not submitted KYC. But ,they have to update password to confirm ownership of account. then full namechange will be possible. After updating password you can check acknowledgment section to see your real names. #PiNetwork #PiCoreTeam
在挖矿应用的个人资料部分,尚未提交KYC的先锋可以更改姓名。但他们必须更新密码以确认账户所有权,之后才能进行完整的姓名更改。 更新密码后,您可以在确认部分查看您的真实姓名。 #PiNetwork #PiCoreTeam Malay: Perubahan nama tersedia di bahagian profil pada aplikasi perlombongan untuk perintis yang belum menghantar KYC. Tetapi, mereka perlu mengemas kini kata laluan untuk mengesahkan pemilikan akaun. Selepas itu, perubahan nama penuh akan dapat dilakukan. Selepas mengemas kini kata laluan, anda boleh semak bahagian pengakuan untuk melihat nama sebenar anda. #PiNetwork #PiCoreTeam❤
About 3 hour ago a big account with 2+ million followers sent me a Direct Message (DM).We exchanged messages for a while. Here's what his DM said that got me excited: "Hi buddy,this is just one of the posts that shows your intelligence.Don't be a clown just because of your Community Petition.Your Pi will be worth very high starting from number 3.Let the faithless Pioneers leave their Pi because natural selection is happening.Pi Network is designed to succeed without them.Go on vacation,Open Network will come to you.Thanks for your great work.Don't follow my account because I don't want to be known by others.I trust you.I will be happy to wait for you in London after Open Network.Good luck buddy". If I look at the capacity of the account owner and some of our conversations that should be kept confidential,I really believe in what he said. There is no indication of OM's delay until today,there is no doubt about GCV. GCV will win!!!..🔥🔥🔥 #PiNetwork #OpenMainNet #GCV
Pi⚡️Pi与微软有千丝万缕的关系,对于怀疑论者,这里有一些值得思考的东西:①在这张照片中,有梅琳达盖茨(微软创始人的前妻)和圆周率网络的创始人尼古拉斯在一起💥另外,尼古拉斯曾多次说过Pi币甚至可以兑换微软的股票💥 #微软 #梅林达盖茨 #pi
💯 Perkembangan dan kemajuan pi network setiap hari secara global dengan menciptakan DUNIA PI di bidang sektor HUBUNGAN KERJASAMA PI DENGAN PERUSAHAAN RAKSASA DUNIA di seluruh dunia dengan pembentukan ekosistem sendiri, hari senin, 9 Desember 2024 di kantor pusat pi network palo alto Fransisco california di USA @ PI CORE TEAM telah melakukan rapat umum dengan CEO pemegang saham perusahaan raksasa dunia di seluruh dunia dan 100% menerima pi sebagai alat transaksi pembayaran yang sah dan mendukung harga nilai pi GCV 1pi = 314.159 $ USA. ✍️ Berita yang Baik-Baik,Kita Aamiinkan saja ya,Hindari Perdebatan dengan Kaum Nyinyir. ⚡ Semoga Akhir Desember ini ada Berita yang Membuat Semua Pioners Bahagia. Kita Percayakan Doktor @nkokkalis dan @PiCoreTeam akan Memberikan yang terbaik untuk Semua Pioners. Pi Open Mainnet,✅ Pi to the Moon,✅ #PiNetwork
#PIGCV #Picommunity PiGCV In a world where numbers dance and dream, There lies a network, Pi by name, A coin of hope, a currency supreme, With a value that's not just a game. GCV314159, a figure so bold, Not just digits, but a story to unfold. A consensus by community, a vision to hold, A testament to a future, to be told. Like Pi, the constant, endless, and true, This value reflects what we pioneers pursue. A dream of wealth, not of me or you, But of all united, in a vision anew. A symbol of our faith, our collective might, In digital realms where freedom takes flight. A currency for all, in darkness and light, Aiming for a world where Pi is just right. With every transaction, with every shared goal, We're building an economy, whole and soul. GCV314159, in our hearts it's etched, A dream of prosperity, perfectly stretched. So here we stand, in the Pi Network's light, With GCV as our beacon, shining bright. Together, we'll make this value take flight, In a world where Pi is our shared delight.
About 4000-5000 wallets have been created on the mainnet blockchain every hour. I love the speed and i can see #OpenMainnet launching this year(December 2024) Why? Am confident because i can see coreteam took alot of time to migrate pioneers with large balances. For new pioneers with small balances, they can get migrated faster and with this, a large no of pioneers will be migrated. Its my own opinion but i hope coreteam can triple the speed. Follow: @PiNewsZone if you like it♥️ Remember to turn notification🔔 button on all my posts😎 Dont miss important updates #PiNewsZone #PiForLife #PiNetwork #Crypto #CryptoNews
Oke.. Baiklah Teman²,Saya telah mendapatkan Informasinya. Beliau adalah "Hasan Assegaf" Moderator Pi. Mungkin Dia mengetahui Dan Berpidato seperti ini...ya Karena Tahu Berita dari PCT. Ya di Aamiin kan saja,selama Berita itu Baik. Dan Perlu diingat Tgl 10 di sini hari ini ,berarti nanti MLM Setelah jam 12 Malam Waktu Indonesia . di Amerika baru memasuki tgl 10..perbedaannya 1 hari. Jadi Mari Kita nantikan Berita Kebenarannya. Semoga hal-hal Baik akan terjadi di Esok Hari.Aamiin🤲🤲
有限制提币量是好的,也避免造成人生安全问题,如果限制在大约0.1 更好,你可以建议让项目方知道
有多少人是因为怕嫌麻烦,而放弃了点亮闪电! 可是生活哪里来的容易?凡事就别怕嫌麻烦,没有钱才是最大的麻烦! 圆周率派π除了靠谱,什么也给不了你!别光想好事而不付出一点点!每天连接加速器→按时点亮闪电~就这么简单!
又是新的一天,主网又接近了一步,唯有积极的态度,才能把一天过得充实,然而有油管主播正在号召抵制项目方说如果不在今年开放主网就不点闪电,给点项目方颜色看先锋不是好欺负的。。。主播有些粉丝了,就开始飘了 觉得自己很重要了 想为先锋出头 想做英雄来了 。如果说项目方在今年主网 他就会说因为他给项目方施压 所以项目方妥协了 如果说项目方在明年主网又会跳出来说项目方在画大饼 。我想项目方根本不会理这些啊猫啊狗的,项目方还是会按照自己的原定计划施行的。两年前就有一班人号召抵制项目方,还计算项目方的罪行,结果两年过去了 项目还在而且参与者爆增 ,可是那些人,早已经销声匿迹了。我们一定要相信项目方所作的一切都是为项目好,赋予项目最佳的出路 ,这个准没错的,不要在枉做小人了 Jason Wong 越来越接近年尾了,越来越多假消息到处乱传,尼古拉斯博士的视频经过处理后竟然还有很多人当成是真的,可见大家都没有怎么关注项目方的动向与去了解项目方处事的一贯作风,不然怎么会给有心人忽悠了还相信无误呢,凡有跟进项目方方向的,就不会去相信这些无聊的讯息,几周前项目方有打出官方社交网络地址,官方油管的视频都在里面,大家可以认证一下,也可以打假,不要一见到有什么好消息,就迫不及待的转发,我们要做个负责任的先锋,而不是用好消息来麻痹自己 Jason Wong
*Teknik Barter Massal Pioneer* 1. Melaksanakan komunikasi yang baik dalam komunitas pioneer. 2. Menentukan satu tempat sebagai pasar barter massal pioneer komunitas. 3. Setiap pioneer membeli barang dan produk untuk kebutuhan bulanan, membawanya ke tempat atau pasar barter yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, untuk melakukan barter massal. *Ini bukan tipuan, tetapi bagian dari perjuangan* 4. Pemilik Barang dan Produk Pioneer Membeli Barang dan Produk Milik Pribadi yang Telah Dibawa ke Pasar Barter Massal. 5. Terlihat seperti kerugian, karena pemilik barang sebelumnya telah membeli barang dan produk dengan uang pribadi. Namun, menukar kembali barang dan produk milik sendiri, dengan koin π milik pribadi di WAB. 6. Poin tindakan kelima secara logika merupakan kerugian kecil, tetapi untuk membentuk ekosistem, pengorbanan harus dilakukan demi kelancaran transaksi blockchain yang tercantum sebagai persyaratan mainnet terbuka global. *Catatan* 1. Contoh teknik di atas, Berlaku untuk pelopor satu lahan, atau satu distrik, di satu kota. Berkoordinasi untuk mencoba teknik yang akan kita coba. Setelah penerapan, kita dapat mengevaluasi ulang. Sehingga kita dapat mengetahui di mana kendala yang dialami oleh para pelopor barter massal. 2. *Manfaat Sementara* 1) Menjadi Perhatian Publik. 2) Peluang terbuka bagi banyak orang untuk datang ke pasar barter massal untuk mengetahui tentang Jaringan Pi. 3) Memiliki kesempatan untuk memperkenalkan Jaringan Pi kepada banyak orang sebagai non-pelopor. 4) Metode ini merupakan bagian dari proses perintisan untuk membentuk ekosistem secara langsung, dan mengarah pada ekologi pasar yang nyata, setelah mainnet terbuka tiba. 3. *Kerugian Sementara* 1) Para Pionir Kehilangan Waktu yang Digunakan di Pasar Barter Massal. 2) Barang dan Produk Milik Pionir Sendiri, Menukar Barang dan Produknya Sendiri. Sehingga dari motif ekonomi mereka mengalami kerugian yang kecil, yang berarti. Namun sebuah kemenangan harus melalui perjuangan yang kecil. Global GCV Ambassador Internasional Wanita Elang 🦅🦅🦅 Nonny padja NTT 🇮🇩 *Pioneer Mass Barter Technique* 1. Implement good communication in the pioneer community. 2. Determine one place as the pioneer community mass barter market. 3. Each pioneer buys goods and products for monthly needs, brings them to a predetermined place or barter market, to carry out mass barter. *This is not a trick, but part of the struggle* 4. Pioneer Goods and Product Owners Buy Personal Goods and Products That Have Been Brought to the Mass Barter Market. 5. It looks like a loss, because the previous owner of the goods has bought goods and products with personal money. However, exchange your own goods and products, with personal π coins on WAB. 6. The fifth action point is logically a small loss, but in order to form an ecosystem, sacrifices must be made for the smooth running of blockchain transactions listed as a requirement for a global open mainnet. *Note* 1. The example of the technique above, Applies to pioneers of one land, or one district, in one city. Coordinate to try the technique that we will try. After implementation, we can re-evaluate. So that we can find out where the obstacles are experienced by the pioneers of mass barter. 2. *Temporary Benefits* 1) Becoming Public Attention. 2) Opportunities are open for many people to come to the mass barter market to find out about the Pi Network. 3) Having the opportunity to introduce the Pi Network to many people as non-pioneers. 4) This method is part of the pioneering process to form an ecosystem directly, and lead to a real market ecology, after the mainnet is open. 3. *Temporary Losses* 1) Pioneers Lose Time Used in the Mass Barter Market. 2) Goods and Products Owned by the Pioneers Themselves, Exchanging Their Own Goods and Products. So from their economic motives they experience small losses, which means. But a victory must go through a small struggle. Women Eagle 🦅🦅🦅 Nonny padja NTT 🇮🇩
今天,我很荣幸向大家介绍中国GCV运动的冠军--来自中国的GCV国家级女性大使苏平女士。🌹🌹🌹 苏女士来自浙江省温州市。她克服了重重挑战和障碍,成功组织了温州的GCV易货交易,在几天内创造了总共1600个GCV数据点。 现在我们可以看到,中国GCV社区(CT)非常强大,拥有15位国家级GCV大使以及许多省级和市县级大使。这要归功于中国GCV大使团长良石先生和所有GCV CT成员的辛勤工作和无私贡献。我赞扬他们的杰出成就。 苏平女士只是GCV数据运动的领导者之一,她是脱颖而出的第一名。让我们为她鼓掌; 我们非常感谢她非凡的领导力以及所有致力于这一进程的商家和先驱者。 中国社区就像一头苏醒的雄狮,充满了巨大的能量。几乎每隔几天就会举行易货会议。中国社区不仅是最大的 Pi Network 社区,也是世界上最大的 GCV 社区。他们在第一年做出了巨大贡献,许多商家牺牲了自己的产品来支持 GCV。我们非常感谢他们,并敦促所有中国商家和服务提供商利用部分 Pi 支付 GCV 运动,尽快加入 Map of Pi。这无疑将有助于加快中国先驱者的 KYC 和迁移流程,并帮助本地业务更快发展。 亲爱的苏平女士,继续努力。我为你感到骄傲!👍👍👍 Doris Yin 🪷🪷🪷
Remember it's the Pi Community can dictate the value which is GCV 314,159$ majority will win ,and to my own opinion GCV its already won and its on the Blockchain system of Pi network believe it or not, Keep focus !
接下来的几周对于确定 Pi Network 能否兑现承诺或面临进一步挫折至关重要。随着 12 月 31 日截止日期的临近,用户和评论家都在热切期待任何可能标志着 Pi Network 进入下一阶段的重大进展。剩余的 KYC 提交是否及时完成以及团队是否能够坚持其路线图对于塑造项目的未来至关重要。 @PiCoreTeam
PI NETWORK: THE JOURNEY TOWARDS OPEN NETWORK IN 2024 AFTER COMPLETING CONDITION 1 Pi Network is building a comprehensive ecosystem where applications and utilities meet real-world needs, powered by a decentralized and secure blockchain platform. The dynamic Pioneer community drives engagement and innovation, aiming to become the most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem using Pi as a widely adopted cryptocurrency. The development roadmap highlights progress in achieving Condition 1 to transition to the Open Network in 2024. Currently, more than 20 projects are active, each reaching significant milestones and continuing to grow. Thus, Pi Network has successfully completed Condition 1. Condition 2 is within reach for the Pi Core Team... only Condition 3 remains for the Pi Network Open Mainnet in 2024. #PiNetwork #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Pioneers #Decentralization #OpenNetwork2024 #DigitalCurrency #PiEcosystem #TechMilestones #Innovation
)因调查中共大陆“铁链女”事件而遭打压逃离中国的知名记者赵兰健,在拜读了法轮功创始人李洪志大师的几篇文章后表示受到了很大的启发。他说,李大师文中的“教人向善”令他印象深刻,当人人追寻“真、善、忍”,这个世界相信会变得更美好。 “教人向善”令人印象深刻 赵兰健说,李大师文中的“教人向善”令他印象深刻。 “我看了李大师这篇文章,还是对我有非常大的启发的,因为这些文章所倡导的是一种人内心的向善。就是说人内心有一份坚持的信仰,这份信仰又是以‘真、善、忍’这个角度提出来的。我认为这样一个思想支撑体系可以架构出一个坦然的内心,当这个世界人人要是追寻‘真、善、忍’的时候,我相信会变得更加美好。”他说。 李洪志大师近期发表了三篇文章,第一篇《为什么会有人类》,第二篇《为什么要救度众生》,第三篇《为什么人类是迷的社会》。 赵兰健认为,李大师的文章能让人“坚定地践行‘真、善、忍’”。 “我想我没有修炼者他们所触及到的那种心灵深层次的内涵,但我依然在这三篇文章当中有很大的收获,我认为这三篇文章构架了一个严谨的精神指导系统,其背后所呈现出来的是人类要对自己生活的环境有所思考,人类要对自己内心的向往有所坚定,那在这样的基础之上,我们才能更加深刻地把握住自己的思考方向,有力地去进行‘真善忍’的实践。” 赵兰健说,“我虽然是一位无神论者,但是我依然梦想这个世界是有神奇的,或者是有另外的生命体,或者是有一些所谓的神仙,或者是创世主。”他说。“我憧憬这个世界有一个救世主,他可以指导人的一切行为,能架构这个世界的良善的管理体系;我真是希望这个世界有天堂的,只是我目前还没有感受到神的客观的存在。但是我认为倡导神的这种精神指导体系,他会有利于我们对‘真、善、忍’的实践。” 中国人需要“真、善、忍” 作为深刻体验过中共体制的新闻媒体人,赵兰健表示,由于中共70年的黑暗统治和压迫,很多中国人的人性是被扭曲的,中国人需要“真、善、忍”。 “在中国当下的社会治理环境下,人的人性是被扭曲的,整个社会制度甚至可以说成是黑白颠倒的;我们当今的中国人可能看不清自己,但是我们确实是在一个思想控制和管理的系统里浸淫了70年。⋯⋯每一个10年都有着共产党对中国社会的深深的伤害,对人民的奴役,对全部人民思想的一种误导和扭曲。” 他说,“我认为对‘真、善、忍’的践行是我们当今整个人类社会所缺失的,无论在什么样的社会管理制度下,人性都不能被抹灭和扭曲。” 赵兰健说,虽然他没有更早地接触法轮功,但是他天生的叛逆性格让他对中共的严密精神控制体系产生了很大的反抗心理,最终在“铁链女”的调查中与中共决裂。 责任编辑:孙芸#
@PiCoreTeam @dorisyincpa 和平饭店 本店所有菜品美味佳肴 支持 GCV1Pi=314159美元易货 80%法币+20%Pi支付结算 地址:云南省昭通市发界街道新田村 联系人:卢立斌15012378972
Dear All Pioneers.. It's time for us to unite despite all our differences..💜💜 In the past two days,I conducted a small survey involving 100 Pioneers from various Communities.Of the 50 Pioneers who have KYC'd and Migrated,50% said that they should OM by the end of December,another 50% said that they leave it to the CT to determine the OM time.While the 50 Pioneers who haven't received KYC and are still 'tentative' KYC,all of them (100%) said that they would follow the CT's policy. Interestingly,about 80% of Pioneers suggested me to make a Petition for CT to announce OM time. Do you agree if I make a Petition to CT? If you agree,write your name and Country in the comments.I will include 100 Pioneers names to represent each Country in the Petition.And if you agree,I will make the Petition after December 15 if there is no announcement from CT regarding OM. Thank you,be a wise Pioneer..💐💐 NOTE: CT is a Group of great and professional people.Behind the scenes,the Pi Network Mega Project has been supported by hundreds of Large Institutions and Large Companies.They will do their best for the world,not just for Pioneers. #PiNetwork #OpenMainNet
I have a quick query: I possess USDT in my SafePal wallet, and my recovery phrase is (helmet endorse crucial amateur orange hover flat comfort swear route bullet pistol).
又是新的一天,主网又接近了一步,唯有积极的态度,才能把一天过得充实,然而有油管主播正在号召抵制项目方说如果不在今年开放主网就不点闪电,给点项目方颜色看先锋不是好欺负的。。。主播有些粉丝了,就开始飘了 觉得自己很重要了 想为先锋出头 想做英雄来了 。如果说项目方在今年主网 他就会说因为他给项目方施压 所以项目方妥协了 如果说项目方在明年主网又会跳出来说项目方在画大饼 。我想项目方根本不会理这些啊猫啊狗的,项目方还是会按照自己的原定计划施行的。两年前就有一班人号召抵制项目方,还计算项目方的罪行,结果两年过去了 项目还在而且参与者爆增 ,可是那些人,早已经销声匿迹了。我们一定要相信项目方所作的一切都是为项目好,赋予项目最佳的出路 ,这个准没错的,不要在枉做小人了 Jason Wong 越来越接近年尾了,越来越多假消息到处乱传,尼古拉斯博士的视频经过处理后竟然还有很多人当成是真的,可见大家都没有怎么关注项目方的动向与去了解项目方处事的一贯作风,不然怎么会给有心人忽悠了还相信无误呢,凡有跟进项目方方向的,就不会去相信这些无聊的讯息,几周前项目方有打出官方社交网络地址,官方油管的视频都在里面,大家可以认证一下,也可以打假,不要一见到有什么好消息,就迫不及待的转发,我们要做个负责任的先锋,而不是用好消息来麻痹自己 Jason Wong
Very good,
亲爱的中国Pi Network 社区大家庭!🌹🌹🌹 感谢你们的辛勤工作,参加今天在中国广东省汕尾市海丰县举行的线下 GCV 教育易货沙龙。我还要感谢本次活动的组委会全体成员,我是东方紫莲。 我要衷心感谢我们尊敬的 GCV 中国首席大使,GCV 中国核心团队执行董事良石先生、吴鸿志大使;以及广东省 GCV 大使郑建平先生、马锦铭先生和陈海峰先生。你们是 中国 Pi Network 社区的中坚力量,在沉寂一年后,你们承担起了振兴中国地区的任务。我们的 GCV 大使遍布全球 100 多个国家和地区,生成了大约 300 万个 GCV 数据点,并将大量商家连接到饼图。我们的先驱手册已被翻译成 19 种主要国际语言,并且我们成功地铸造了 GCV,这是一项重大成就。 请不要怀疑或犹豫--各个国家社区正在积极努力为商家进入 Mapofpi 开发生态连接,该 Mapofpi 具有 GCV314159 美元的国际共识价值。本地 GCV 值与不同区域的迁移比率直接相关。 我相信你们的洞察力和坚定不移的奉献精神将激发更多 GCV 商家和先驱者的热情和决心。这将为中国优秀的社区树立榜样,吸引更多的商家加入 Pi 网络,并在中国建立一个以 GCV 为统一共识的真正的 Pi 支付产业链生态系统。 中国是一个伟大的国家,拥有 5000 年丰富的文化传统和领先的发达经济。它还以其高科技和制造业而闻名。因此,我赞扬 GCV 大使的勇气和远见卓识,因为你们致力于提高中国地区的整体教育意识和生态发展,这将支持当地的经济发展。 我还要为今天参加会议的商人和先驱们鼓掌。您积极参与这项计划的奉献精神使我们更接近我们的共同愿景,即建立一个团结和繁荣的 GCV 生态系统。 我代表全球 GCV CT,感谢您对 GCV 使命的宝贵贡献,以及你们的领导和承诺。 我祝愿大家在加拿大多伦多的会议取得圆满成功。 真诚地 东方紫莲 🪷🪷🪷 2024年12月8日
# PIGCV #社区 PiGCV 在一个数字舞蹈和梦想的世界里, 有一个网络,名字叫Pi, 一枚希望的硬币,一种至高无上的货币, 它的价值不仅仅是一个游戏。 GCV314159美元,一个如此大胆的数字, 不仅仅是数字,而是一个有待展开的故事。 一个社区的共识,一个愿景, 一个未来的证明,被告知。 就像圆周率一样,不变的,无穷的,真实的, 这种价值观反映了我们先锋所追求的。 一个财富的梦,不是你我的, 而是团结在一起,在一个新的视野里。 象征着我们的信仰,我们的集体力量, 在自由飞翔的数字世界里。 一种所有人的货币,在黑暗和光明中, 瞄准一个圆周率恰到好处的世界。 每一笔交易,每一个共同的目标, 我们正在建设一个完整的经济。 GCV314159美元,铭刻在我们心中, 一个繁荣的梦想,完美的延伸。 所以我们站在Pi网络的光线下, GCV是我们的灯塔,闪耀着光芒。 我们将一起让这种价值观腾飞, 在这个世界里圆周率是我们共同的快乐。
GCV 😊😊😊😊😊
亲爱的中国Pi Network 社区大家庭!🌹🌹🌹 感谢你们的辛勤工作,参加今天在中国广东省汕尾市海丰县举行的线下 GCV 教育易货沙龙。我还要感谢本次活动的组委会全体成员,我是东方紫莲。 我要衷心感谢我们尊敬的 GCV 中国首席大使,GCV 中国核心团队执行董事良石先生、吴鸿志大使;以及广东省 GCV 大使郑建平先生、马锦铭先生和陈海峰先生。你们是 中国 Pi Network 社区的中坚力量,在沉寂一年后,你们承担起了振兴中国地区的任务。我们的 GCV 大使遍布全球 100 多个国家和地区,生成了大约 300 万个 GCV 数据点,并将大量商家连接到饼图。我们的先驱手册已被翻译成 19 种主要国际语言,并且我们成功地铸造了 GCV,这是一项重大成就。 请不要怀疑或犹豫--各个国家社区正在积极努力为商家进入 Mapofpi 开发生态连接,该 Mapofpi 具有 GCV314159 美元的国际共识价值。本地 GCV 值与不同区域的迁移比率直接相关。 我相信你们的洞察力和坚定不移的奉献精神将激发更多 GCV 商家和先驱者的热情和决心。这将为中国优秀的社区树立榜样,吸引更多的商家加入 Pi 网络,并在中国建立一个以 GCV 为统一共识的真正的 Pi 支付产业链生态系统。 中国是一个伟大的国家,拥有 5000 年丰富的文化传统和领先的发达经济。它还以其高科技和制造业而闻名。因此,我赞扬 GCV 大使的勇气和远见卓识,因为你们致力于提高中国地区的整体教育意识和生态发展,这将支持当地的经济发展。 我还要为今天参加会议的商人和先驱们鼓掌。您积极参与这项计划的奉献精神使我们更接近我们的共同愿景,即建立一个团结和繁荣的 GCV 生态系统。 我代表全球 GCV CT,感谢您对 GCV 使命的宝贵贡献,以及你们的领导和承诺。 我祝愿大家在加拿大多伦多的会议取得圆满成功。 真诚地 东方紫莲 🪷🪷🪷 2024年12月8日
其实白皮书普及了很多区块链知识,可以快速获得您对第三代互联网的认知。 我们更多人获得派币且更广泛使用情况下,即是铸币及发行者的实际参与原住民。 比特币近期已近十万刀,第一代互联网的获益良多,未来π币会有什么样的价值创造、转化以及实现呢?🔥🔥自行脑补吧‼️
Doris Yin Holiday Season Greetings! Happy Holiday Season, Global Pioneers!🎉🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂🥂🎈🎈🎈🎇🎇🎇 I want to thank all the pioneers and GCV ambassadors who care about my health. I’d like to share an update on what's going on with my left shoulder, arm, and hand. I tend to sit in one position for too long, often with poor posture, which has caused my neck to twist and compress the nerves in my left shoulder, arm, and hand. Additionally, I have myofascial inflammation. I tried acupuncture and massage once, which helped, but when I type a lot, the pain returns. I'm now focusing on more stretching exercises to help realign my neck and spine. Recovery will take time, so I'll be replying less and typing on my phone less than before. With only 20 days left in the year, I’ve noticed that many pioneers are feeling anxious about OM. In my article, I mentioned that we should focus on our current actions instead of worrying about the future. It’s similar to waiting for a text from a girlfriend or boyfriend; if you don’t receive it, disappointment and anxiety can arise. The right attitude is to focus on personal fulfillment-whether that's working out to stay healthy, studying to improve yourself, or making new friends. Learning to be independent is essential. Anxiety can strain your relationships because if you’re unhappy, you might complain to those you love. By becoming a better person, you'll also become more attractive to your partner. The same principle applies to our journey in the Pi Network and OM. We should concentrate on developing our GCV ecosystem and continuing our education, rather than worrying about the OM date. The deadline we set for 12/12/2024 serves as a self-imposed goal for our GCV community to complete our tasks and communicate our commitments to CT. It’s a collaborative effort. If pioneers remain passive, it will only slow down our progress. If everyone responds to our calls for action as we’ve instructed, the process will go much faster. Ultimately, CT will provide the OM information update soon in the last 20 days. With the holiday season approaching, I’ve already set up our Christmas and decorations. I encourage everyone to enjoy this beautiful, cozy time of year, but let’s also remember to work hard. The fruits of our labor will come from diligent effort-just like plants need watering, fertilizer, and sunlight. Let’s make the most of these last 20 days and work hard! By doing so, we will achieve a successful OM soon!✊✊✊ Doris Yin 🪷🪷🪷 Dec. 11th, 2024
upcoming updates🌬️ Solutions for name mismatches: For Pioneers whose Pi Account Name and KYC Name do not match upcoming update will provide potential genuine Pioneer accounts with the option to either: 1.Appeal for a chance to resubmit their application with corrected details; or 2.Update their Pi account name to their KYC’s name with a penalty of forfeiting part of their Mobile Balance. Turn notification 🔔button on😎 all my posts. #PiNetwork #π