Care Disability Center
Care Disability Center
  • Видео 1
  • Просмотров 1 173
Environmental Science Civil Engineering Department Petra Christian University-B9 2020_2021
Environmental Science Civil Engineering Department Petra Christian University - Group B9:
1. Lorenzo Christiant Halim - B11180045
2. Laurensius Alexander - B11180097
Supervisor Lecturer:
Dr. rer. nat. Ir. Surya Hermawan, S.T., M.Eng., IPM.
Disability people has been experiencing difficulties in this harsh life especially for economy, education, and accessibility like going to the public facility. This condition has touched our hearts to turn things around. We made this innovation so they can live as a normal person. Our goals is to make them feel and experience how a...
Просмотров: 1 173

