  • Видео 9
  • Просмотров 104 737


  • @Aaliyah-821
    @Aaliyah-821 6 месяцев назад


  • @Ameena-sis
    @Ameena-sis 10 месяцев назад

    What are they saying?

  • @eriahmooncarat
    @eriahmooncarat Год назад

    Their laughter say we agree😂

  • @neevaerstv7966
    @neevaerstv7966 Год назад

    Full video plz?

  • @HAPP540
    @HAPP540 Год назад

    Why he is so cute.......

  • @munizaqudeer8628
    @munizaqudeer8628 Год назад

    Everyday I relate more to him🤧 and realise why he is my bias

  • @friendsfriends9
    @friendsfriends9 Год назад

    He has a great self awareness.. That’s a strength.

  • @chum4u
    @chum4u Год назад

    Doesn't understand anything but i enjoy a lot when he talks😅😊...

  • @mdrokon8427
    @mdrokon8427 Год назад

    Everytime I find him cute somehow 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @poornitha3739
    @poornitha3739 Год назад

    so cute

  • @junie412
    @junie412 Год назад

    Mingyu literally is the most handsome in kpop along with cha eunwoo.

    • @meryanssar4670
      @meryanssar4670 Год назад

      More than eunwoo

    • @9yuticky
      @9yuticky Год назад

      Everyone has different opinions but I really find him the most attractive kpop idol ever..... A literal greek god 🤧

    • @kavya123-f40
      @kavya123-f40 Год назад

      For me... He is the most attractive male idol...

    • @yendysstigall1134
      @yendysstigall1134 10 месяцев назад

      I think Mingyu and Eunwoo are both the most handsome men of kpop right now (they're both in 100s of "Top Ten" lists that I've seen, so we're not wrong). My preference leans towards Mingyu because I'm a fan of rugged masculine men lol. But it depends on physical and personality preference, I guess. Eunwoo is one physical extreme, he is the type of ethereal, sharp narrow jaw, lean masculine beauty that is just so unreal it's heavenly. When watching him I'm afraid to blink because my eyes will miss being blessed by this being. Mingyu is the other physical extreme, he is the type of virile, sharp square jaw, built masculine beauty that is also so unreal it's earthly (he's very solid, made me think of the depths of the earth for some reason). When watching him I blink several times because my eyes can't handle being blessed that much. Did that make sense lol

    • @Nad23946
      @Nad23946 2 месяца назад

      ​@@yendysstigall1134 lol yes made sense. I like the description but the only thing is I wouldn't call Mingyu square jawed but other than that yup I pretty much agree ;)

  • @fadeflo__
    @fadeflo__ Год назад

    Why he is so funnyyyy

  • @arianamengbroken360
    @arianamengbroken360 Год назад

    Please be a father to our kid 😢🙏🏻

  • @anjxli7670
    @anjxli7670 Год назад

    That's actually true! This always happens with me.. that's why I mostly keep my mouth shut in front of my parents..😅

  • @faine8664
    @faine8664 Год назад

    Which interview or show is this ?

  • @gayatrisharma4201
    @gayatrisharma4201 Год назад

    Happy birthday kim mingyu 💓 💗 🎉🎉❤❤may God bless you 💜 💖

  • @aishaa_ghildiyal
    @aishaa_ghildiyal Год назад

    He looks more handsome when he speaks without pause 😂♥️♥️😘😘

  • @MyHappinessOT7
    @MyHappinessOT7 2 года назад

    when I see him I find him very handsome and sexy but when he speaks he is supercute, I don’t understand the language but I can listen to him all day 🤗

  • @maimonamim6691
    @maimonamim6691 2 года назад

    He also proof his formula 😂😂😂

  • @anyangeldw9395
    @anyangeldw9395 2 года назад

    What did he said.......????aa please tell me.....

    • @imaninfp-_-
      @imaninfp-_- 2 года назад

      Formula of His handsomeness = (mom + dad) - not to speak

    • @anyangeldw9395
      @anyangeldw9395 2 года назад

      @@imaninfp-_- ohhhhhh 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @laarnielamis3291
    @laarnielamis3291 2 года назад


  • @jebb84
    @jebb84 2 года назад

    Hi paklong mingyu

  • @bangbangbangtans
    @bangbangbangtans 2 года назад

    Me wondering how can someone be this handsome btw I didn't what he said LOADING..

    • @imaninfp-_-
      @imaninfp-_- 2 года назад

      His handsomeness = mom + dad - not to speak What he meant was that he sounds a lil weird which doesn't match his sexy face.... You know he is more towards cute side when he speaks🤗🤗 If this could help you😊🙃

  • @helloannyeonghaseyo3372
    @helloannyeonghaseyo3372 2 года назад


  • @manishamunduiya3220
    @manishamunduiya3220 2 года назад

    The way he say appa + mama 🤗😅

  • @mirbiyudik9506
    @mirbiyudik9506 2 года назад


    • @imaninfp-_-
      @imaninfp-_- 2 года назад

      Omg..!!!! The very first comment on my channel Thanks 🤗🤗

    • @mirbiyudik9506
      @mirbiyudik9506 2 года назад

      @@imaninfp-_- welcome😁🥰