Miguel Palomino
Miguel Palomino
  • Видео 14
  • Просмотров 10 284
Venus Aphrodite Love Altar Update
Hello everyone,
This is an update on my Venus Aphrodite altar from my previous video. She shares this space with her companion/son Eros Cupid. Sorry for the low lighting
Here is a link to my previous video
Просмотров: 956


Aphrodite Venus Goddess of Love Altar
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
Hi everyone this is my altar to the goddess of love (feat. Cupid-Eros). I worship and honor both her Roman and Greek aspects and I personally consider Venus and Aphrodite to be one and the same. To me she is a goddess of every from of love, including self-love and patron of the LGBTQ community.


  • @markpage646
    @markpage646 5 месяцев назад


  • @theeuniquegoddess
    @theeuniquegoddess 5 месяцев назад

    This is thee most beautiful altar I've ever seen! 💖💖💖💖

  • @Bishop782-l1o
    @Bishop782-l1o 6 месяцев назад

    Damn where you at

  • @Papertrail-t3v
    @Papertrail-t3v 11 месяцев назад

    Can u make a video on how you worship and connect to her

  • @indigoazure8496
    @indigoazure8496 Год назад

    Beautiful sanctuary, what kind of paint did you use to paint the statue of Aphrodite? 🦢💗

  • @Rubi-ml7qy
    @Rubi-ml7qy Год назад


  • @ArgiroFlitzani
    @ArgiroFlitzani Год назад

    Hey first I want to say that I really love your account And also I have a question I recently saw a video you had made about an Aphrodite altar and because I have been wanting to worship her for a very long time I wanted to ask you if I can make an altar of her but without a statue because I can't afford one. IAM thinking to make a painting of her and use that instead can I do that

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires Год назад

      Thank you so much! Oh i think making a painting of her is a great idea, especially because it really comes from the heart ❤️

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires Год назад

      My very first altar was just my birth of Venus tapestry next to a small table with sea shells and an incense burner. The altars can be as elaborate or as minimal as you’d like and manage

  • @PicthePaganPolytheist
    @PicthePaganPolytheist Год назад

    Absolutely beautiful. I love your altar❤

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires Год назад

      Thank you very much! I love your channel!

    • @PicthePaganPolytheist
      @PicthePaganPolytheist Год назад

      @@SeafoamDesires appreciate it! If you ever wanna be on The Hellenic Polytheists We Are series I’m currently doing, I’d love to have u as a guest one day :)

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires Год назад

      @@PicthePaganPolytheist that sounds very cool and I’d love to be on it!

  • @MarieRimmer-q8d
    @MarieRimmer-q8d Год назад

    I also work with Aphrodite and Eros, i love this.

  • @pmoran9785
    @pmoran9785 Год назад

    Whats the name of this tune

  • @minionswag69
    @minionswag69 2 года назад

    literally so ethereal and perfect i’m speechless, this altar is one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen aphrodite and eros must love it!

  • @chythebeautiful
    @chythebeautiful 2 года назад

    I love your Aphrodite ❤️❤️

  • @caseysavestheday
    @caseysavestheday 2 года назад

    Be my best friend. Your attention to tradition is incredible. Is Aphrodite your patron?

  • @divinedia
    @divinedia 2 года назад

    Gorgeous I adore Aphrodite

  • @pazelemental
    @pazelemental 2 года назад

    I neeeed moreeee

  • @kawaiidoll4
    @kawaiidoll4 2 года назад


  • @Martyrssoul
    @Martyrssoul 3 года назад

    Such a lovely voice

  • @Adam-pt7ud
    @Adam-pt7ud 3 года назад

    Where did you buy that statue on the right?

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      The Aphrodite of Knidos, is from Amazon but I’ve seen it on other online vendors since then

  • @kit-kat9466
    @kit-kat9466 3 года назад

    Beautiful! You might want to consider getting a square/flat stone or concrete mold and glue your Aphrodite statue to it to keep her from falling over! You can also paint it pretty too. :)

  • @butterflymalice
    @butterflymalice 3 года назад

    Beautiful Altar, My past life liked her, and tried to model Venus in her model photos, I also seen her posing like her in my first past life meditation, all in pink

  • @jroronoa17
    @jroronoa17 3 года назад

    Omg I’m in love with you’re updates Altar for Aphrodite❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😍😍😍😍! Also Eros!! Hehe ❤️❤️❤️ I look forward to more of your videos! ❤️❤️

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 2 года назад

      Thanks! I’ll be uploading a new update soon!

  • @marinabor6870
    @marinabor6870 3 года назад

    So beautiful!

  • @mihaitodorut5297
    @mihaitodorut5297 3 года назад

    This is sooo beautiful

  • @keenanpryor3247
    @keenanpryor3247 3 года назад

    cannot hear, but love your altar

  • @Pxndoraxhoneycomb
    @Pxndoraxhoneycomb 3 года назад

    prettiest altar I've ever seen

  • @shahadMB
    @shahadMB 3 года назад

    Iconicccccc bestie

  • @amethystfire3076
    @amethystfire3076 3 года назад

    Have you ever thought about the statue of liberty on your altar? I am thinking of it now that you mentioned the copper.

  • @amethystfire3076
    @amethystfire3076 3 года назад

    Where did you get your main middle Aphrodite sculpture? Are you nervous about being in front of the window during ritual? I have not had a ritual for her yet but are you naked why doing it? Or is that not a requirement?

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      The main middle statue I got from Amazon! I've actually never done any rituals in the nude besides in my bath tub. I usually do ritual at night and then my curtains are closed, so there is some privacy

    • @amethystfire3076
      @amethystfire3076 3 года назад

      @@SeafoamDesires thank you. I will try the chain idea on my altar too. It will be my first one. I will look on Amazon for your statue.

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      @@amethystfire3076 that sounds great! I used copper wire from michaels but necklace chains work well too!! Good luck!!

  • @amethystfire3076
    @amethystfire3076 3 года назад

    The body chain idea on the statue is a very creative idea. I am sure lots of other men will be copying it.

  • @danastidham7344
    @danastidham7344 3 года назад

    You should do some tutorials on making some of this stuff. I absolutely love the pieces you made, and would be so down to watch some “how to” videos!

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      Thank you so much! I hope to someday soon make a how to!

  • @danastidham7344
    @danastidham7344 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing ❤️ And that journal😍😍😍, did you make that?? So beautiful !

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      Thank you! I did make it and it has lot of my own artwork that I'd like to make digital someday!

  • @frannvless4634
    @frannvless4634 3 года назад

    Please make more videos I’m INLOVE YES!!

  • @markiahnadiaries5051
    @markiahnadiaries5051 3 года назад

    Stunning! Little advice from me... Venus should be superior to any figures on your altar bc that will give her authority upon your life and connection with her. TIP : if you shine a light directly on her at nighttime, it would give her more power and eradicate the negative energy. That way her spirit can be at authority and at its best. 🧿🏛✨💧🐚🦢

  • @carmenabracodeluz
    @carmenabracodeluz 3 года назад

    o que adianta a legenda em inglês, continuo não entendendo nada

  • @kwntiberio1806
    @kwntiberio1806 3 года назад

    That's so beautiful, thanks for this video. 💖

  • @Jordanm53
    @Jordanm53 3 года назад

    This has given me ideas for my own Aphrodite altar

  • @eddie9420
    @eddie9420 4 года назад

    Wow this is gorgeous. I'm having trouble figuring out if I should work with her or not as I'm super attached and drawn to her but never actually had an experience with her. Maybe I need to wait until the right time? I'm not sure.

    • @moonflower9406
      @moonflower9406 3 года назад

      Her energy as very gentle until you awaken her with your own offerings/altar. She is pure feminine energy, so she will not force herself into your life. until you realise she's been surrounding you all along!

  • @jroronoa17
    @jroronoa17 4 года назад

    I love the setup of the Altar! Everything is so beautiful 😍

  • @castingcauldron6578
    @castingcauldron6578 4 года назад

    Beautiful ❤️

  • @sammy1214
    @sammy1214 4 года назад

    This is really interesting! I recently received a gift from Aphrodite and found out she wanted to work with me. But, I can't right now because I don't have the materials, space, or experience to do so yet, so I asked her to wait. But I did start doing research on her so I know somewhat what to do when I finally start working with her. So this was very helpful.

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      Wonderful! I'm happy you enjoyed it and it helped!

  • @brandonmccluskey1665
    @brandonmccluskey1665 4 года назад

    As a devotee of Venus/ Aphrodite, I love this!

  • @lunarfang9021
    @lunarfang9021 4 года назад

    Love your altar set up beautifully done

  • @chia6072
    @chia6072 4 года назад

    Wow. That is so beautiful! I'm just starting to work with Aphrodite, to increase my beauty as well as self love and discernment in relationships. Could you give me any suggestion?

    • @SeafoamDesires
      @SeafoamDesires 3 года назад

      Thank you! You can always start off with offerings and journaling! Find little ways to connect with her, things you love and find beautiful!

  • @Man-ej6uv
    @Man-ej6uv 4 года назад

    i still think about this altar all the time.

  • @phunkypuhnk
    @phunkypuhnk 4 года назад

    Such a beautiful altar! I love the the color combination, the attention to detail, and all the personal touches. I especially love the fish net! I feel very inspired for my own altar now 🤗💜💕

  • @Timmypd
    @Timmypd 4 года назад

    I feel like you need a glass of water on your altar.

  • @Timmypd
    @Timmypd 4 года назад

    Venus is amazing actually! Thank God for her.

  • @blossom654
    @blossom654 4 года назад

    Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed your walk through. Inspiring🌺

  • @xWildlingx
    @xWildlingx 4 года назад


  • @Solomon72000
    @Solomon72000 4 года назад

    Really like how you painted the sculptures.