  • Видео 42
  • Просмотров 368 165
The little things that warm you up in winter🧣|Beef brisket noodles🍜|Sweater renovation
0:00 簡介
0:28 享受陽光
01:40 洗衣服
02:43 清理衣櫃
04:34 翻新毛衣
08:24 晾衣服
09:54 蘋果熱橙茶
11:37 煮牛腩麵
#winglife #牛腩麵 #cozywinter
instagram: winglife_ig
我使用 Epidemic Sound,在這裡註冊免費試用
Просмотров: 1 370


Organize the decorations and get ready for Christmas|DIY Christmas wreath|IKEA Christmas decorations
Просмотров 16 тыс.14 дней назад
【整理裝飾,準備迎接聖誕🎄|DIY聖誕花環🎀|宜家聖誕裝飾】 往年的這個時候我還擁有著一顆巨大的聖誕樹🎄 但今年已經無法做到了(小房子的無奈) 可聖誕裝飾還是要掛的,不可缺少的節日儀式感💖 希望你們也有一個愉快的聖誕假期💕 📖章節 0:00 簡介 0:30 喝茶 01:20 整理清掃 05:03 換抱枕套 06:07 裝飾聖誕樹 09:14 DIY聖誕花環 13:13 佈置聖誕小場景 14:24 裝飾半身櫃 #winglife #christmasdecor #silentvlog 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 🎵音樂 我使用 Epidemic Sound,在這裡註冊免費試用 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果...
Warm and delicious casserole porridge🍲|Please take good care of yourself as the season changes💛
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.Месяц назад
【溫暖美味的砂鍋粥🍲|換季請好好照顧自己💛】 季節交替,我一不小心又感冒了😷 請大家也要照顧好自己💛 📖章節 0:00 簡介 0:28 立冬 01:11 梳頭 02:19 喝感冒藥 03:41 拆快遞 06:45 砂鍋粥 #winglife #砂鍋粥 #好好照顧自己 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 🎵音樂 我使用 Epidemic Sound,在這裡註冊免費試用 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果你們喜歡我的視頻,請訂閱我的頻道💛
Making Halloween masks🎃|Pork Ribs and Sausage Claypot Rice|Ordinary but precious time✨
Просмотров 691Месяц назад
【那些平凡卻珍貴的秋日時光✨|DIY萬聖節面具🎃|排骨臘腸煲仔飯】 你好,朋友們!你們的萬聖節過得怎麼樣? 天氣冷了,又到了想吃煲仔飯的季節😋 今天做了非常好吃的排骨臘腸煲仔飯,推薦你也試試💛 📖章節 0:00 簡介 0:28 玩玩具 01:18 照顧植物 03:04 早餐 05:07 製作萬聖節面具 13:34 排骨臘腸煲仔飯 #winglife #萬聖節 #排骨臘腸煲仔飯 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 🎵音樂 我使用 Epidemic Sound,在這裡註冊免費試用 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果你們喜歡我的視頻,請訂閱我的頻道💛
Super breathable plant repotting tips🌿|Taking care of my lovely plants🪴
Просмотров 29 тыс.Месяц назад
【超透氣的植物換盆技巧🌿|照顧我的可愛植物🪴】 室內植物乾濕循環很重要,一個小小技巧就可以讓泥土幹得更快,讓植物的根系更發達💚 希望大家都能養出漂亮的植物🪴 📖章節 0:00 簡介 0:28 曬植物 03:37 植物換盆 09:26 養護水培植物 12:31 施肥 #winglife #植物養護 #植物換盆 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果你們喜歡我的視頻,請訂閱我的頻道💛
Self-healing autumn time☀️|Thick sauce rice noodles🍜|Handmade toy cars🚗
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.2 месяца назад
【自我療癒的秋日時光☀️|濃醬米粉🍜|DIY玩具車🚗】 十月某天的清晨感受到了一股清涼的微風 是秋天的氣息呀~ 做飯,手作 平淡日常的生活 有細小而確定的幸福💛 祝大家,秋天快樂🍂 📖章節 0:00 簡介 0:26 插花 01:54 家務 03:25 濃醬米粉 08:12 貼電腦屏幕保護膜 10:22 手工玩具車 #winglife #DIY #autumndiary 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果你們喜歡我的視頻,請訂閱我的頻道💛
My five renovation regrets|The renovation journey to reconcile with myself🌿
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 месяца назад
【我的五個後悔裝修|與自己和解的裝修之旅🌿】 人生第一次擁有自己的家,滿懷期待地裝修,也猝不及防地踩坑! 裝修根本就是一場不斷和自己和解的旅程! 如果你的裝修也踩到陷阱了,不要慌,因為我也是,你並不孤單😂 #winglife #silentvlog #home 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 如果你們喜歡我的視頻,請訂閱我的頻道💛
HOME TOUR🇭🇰|Warm and comfortable two-bedroom apartment designed by myself🌿
Просмотров 231 тыс.2 месяца назад
【HOME TOUR🇭🇰|自己設計的溫馨舒適兩居室🌿|裝修經驗分享🔧】 不知不覺,已經在這個家住了兩年多了 從剛開始的不斷添置到現在已經開始斷捨離,我和我的家在慢慢磨合,它也漸漸變成了我想要的樣子💛 由於資金不足,所以我的家是自己動手畫圖設計的,參考了很多別人的漂亮家居,結合自己的需要設計出獨一無二的家,不是最完美的,但是是我最用心的!也有一些裝修的省錢經驗和你們分享,希望對你們也有幫助💛 章節📖 0:00 簡介 0:29 開場 01:39 玄關 03:48 廚房 07:48 浴室 10:30 餐廳 11:57 客廳 13:15 主臥 15:57 兒童房 洗碗機介紹видео.html 照片牆製作видео.html 熱氣球教程
Beautiful autumn day💛|Making hot air balloon lanterns|Apple toast
Просмотров 8893 месяца назад
【美好秋日💛|DIY熱氣球燈籠|蘋果烤土司】 我又來做手工了! 我發現我真的很喜歡做手工😂這次是用垃圾袋做熱氣球,我很滿意😊 章節📖 0:00 簡介 0:25 準備 02:18 早餐 04:31 製作熱氣球燈籠 13:12 吃月餅 #winglife #熱氣球 #中秋節 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻
Taobao Pinduoduo unboxing|Beautiful plants and storage|Decorating my home🪴
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.3 месяца назад
【淘寶 拼多多開箱|美麗的植物與收納|裝飾我的家🪴】 今天是個購物分享,希望對您們有幫助💛 開箱商品 拼多多: 🌟銅錢草水培植物 🌟鱒魚秋海棠 🌟草莓之心彩葉芋 淘寶: 🌟棋盘格复古贝壳杯垫轻奢珠贝母咖啡杯托盘首饰托盘ins风拍摄道具 🌟桌面杯子收纳柜实木桌上咖啡杯茶具收纳盒防尘杯架置物餐边柜 🌟简约陶瓷花盆高款室内发财树文心兰蝴蝶兰专用盆吊兰多肉绿植大盆 🌟透明亚克力拍照背景板水波纹摆件珠宝首饰品美甲产品拍摄装饰道具 🌟北欧大理石托盘陶瓷创意卫浴收纳置物盘西餐蛋糕点心甜品寿司盘子 🌟高颜值可重叠单层抽屉 桌面铁艺收纳盒 咖啡机增高架 金属储物箱 🌟黑胡桃木实木首饰盒桌面收纳盒小抽屉式木质梳妆台整理箱分层神器 🌟木蜡油实木家具木头木材抛光蜡擦色保养打蜡防霉透明色食品级蜂蜡 🌟兰壹壹韶华抓夹波光粼粼的大蝴蝶结小抓夹蓬松增高颅顶发饰 章節📖 0:00 簡介 0:25 拼多多植物開箱 03...
Ordinary but happy home life🌿|Simple and refreshing pineapple shrimp balls
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.4 месяца назад
【平平無奇但又幸福的居家生活🌿|簡單清爽的鳳梨蝦球】 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻 超級簡單的鳳梨蝦球食譜: 🍲食材: 🌟去殼蝦仁(急凍或者新鮮的都可以)300g 🌟鳳梨(罐頭或者新鮮的都可以)280g 🧂調料: 鹽 一小勺 胡椒粉 一小勺 味淋 一勺 炸粉 適量 蛋清 一個 沙律醬 做法: 1.先將蝦仁用鹽、胡椒粉、味淋、蛋清、炸粉拌勻醃製10分鐘 2.鳳梨切粒 3.把蝦仁用平底鍋煎到兩面金黃倒出備用 4.把鳳梨同樣煎到兩面金黃 5.把鳳梨和蝦仁一起拌炒均勻 6.關火 ,加入適量的沙律醬攪拌均勻就完成啦 章節📖: 0:00 簡介 0:22 起床收碗 01:23 刷牙 01:54 早餐 04:27 打理鮮花 05:12 做功課 06:00 網購 06:34 晚餐 🌼保持联系 instagram: w...
Five tips to easily keep your house clean and tidy🍀|Easy housework|Storage ideas📦
Просмотров 9 тыс.4 месяца назад
【輕鬆保持房子乾淨整潔的五個小秘訣🍀|輕鬆家務|收納巧思📦】 我喜歡乾淨整潔空間,當要做的清潔家務越少,你就越有動力去保持家裡的乾淨整潔。 所以今天我要分享平時我在日常生活中的五個清潔收納技巧,它們讓我可以輕鬆維持一個乾淨整潔的房子🏠希望會對你有所幫助💛 洗碗機介紹видео.html #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #winglife 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻
Feel happiness in small things💕|Simple and delicious food|Comfortable and cozy way to spend summer🏖️
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.4 месяца назад
【在小事中感受幸福💕|簡單美味的食物🍲|舒適愜意的度夏方式🏖️】 暑假來了,但7月的香港仍然多雨🌧️ 與小孩在家也可以過得舒適愜意🌿 章節📖 0:00 簡介 0:29 醒來 02:21 葡撻、車厘子與小番茄 04:37 整理家務 05:52 火山爆發小實驗 08:10 下午茶 10:00 Aiden廚房 11:08 羊肚菌釀蝦滑、爆炒紫娃娃菜 #summer #rainyday #steamgame #winglife 🌼保持联系 instagram: winglife_ig 希望您們會喜歡我平凡生活裡的小片段💖 如果字幕有 何錯誤我很抱歉,因為我使用翻譯軟件💻
Design a children’s room for my son to grow up with him⛺️|DIY picture book shelf📚
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Design a children’s room for my son to grow up with him⛺️|DIY picture book shelf📚
Renewal of a small home🌿|Update the home that has been in for two years🏠
Просмотров 13 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Renewal of a small home🌿|Update the home that has been in for two years🏠
Summer time☀️|Enjoy the quiet and comfortable days🍧
Просмотров 4755 месяцев назад
Summer time☀️|Enjoy the quiet and comfortable days🍧
Home renovation|Create a photo wall with your own hands🌿
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Home renovation|Create a photo wall with your own hands🌿
Organizing toys with children 🗑️|Daily life at home on rainy days☔️
Просмотров 3876 месяцев назад
Organizing toys with children 🗑️|Daily life at home on rainy days☔️
Pinduoduo unboxing|50 yuan happiness|share affordable green plants🪴
Просмотров 11 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Pinduoduo unboxing|50 yuan happiness|share affordable green plants🪴
Roam around Shenzhen|Have a peaceful and comfortable day🍃|Nanshan Museum|Lixiang Park
Просмотров 4116 месяцев назад
Roam around Shenzhen|Have a peaceful and comfortable day🍃|Nanshan Museum|Lixiang Park
Fill your life with the things you like💛|Wood care|Hand-painted mobile phone case✍️
Просмотров 3357 месяцев назад
Fill your life with the things you like💛|Wood care|Hand-painted mobile phone case✍️
Every ordinary day is also a limited edition in life💛|Techniques for super strong nail art stickers💅
Просмотров 4687 месяцев назад
Every ordinary day is also a limited edition in life💛|Techniques for super strong nail art stickers💅
Cleaning ideas without using a vacuum cleaner🍃|Clean with me🧹|A rainy day alone🌧️
Просмотров 7 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Cleaning ideas without using a vacuum cleaner🍃|Clean with me🧹|A rainy day alone🌧️
Taobao Unboxing |Sharing of large green plants & small furniture
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Taobao Unboxing |Sharing of large green plants & small furniture
Making Easter hats🎩|🍹Homemade honey-soaked lemon|Parent-child reading|Parent-child daily life💕
Просмотров 3588 месяцев назад
Making Easter hats🎩|🍹Homemade honey-soaked lemon|Parent-child reading|Parent-child daily life💕
Discover the small beauty of life in the ordinary and trivial things💖
Просмотров 4959 месяцев назад
Discover the small beauty of life in the ordinary and trivial things💖
DIY cream style texture painting|you can do it with your hands, super simple
Просмотров 2639 месяцев назад
DIY cream style texture painting|you can do it with your hands, super simple
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Shenzhen vlog|Have a nice day|Shenzhen KTV ceiling! Very good to sing|First time wearing armor
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Shenzhen vlog|Have a nice day|Shenzhen KTV ceiling! Very good to sing|First time wearing armor
Taobao Unboxing | Cream Ceramics | Casserole Opening | delicious and simple mushroom and tofu stew
Просмотров 1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
Taobao Unboxing | Cream Ceramics | Casserole Opening | delicious and simple mushroom and tofu stew


  • @lizzyshinee
    @lizzyshinee День назад

    Wow beautiful home 👍🥰 I really enjoy this vlog so relaxing and calm 😊

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt День назад

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad you enjoyed the tour🧡🧡🧡

  • @Anson-d4p
    @Anson-d4p День назад

    請問淘寶傢俬係咪全部自己度呎訂做然後再搵香港裝修師傅裝? 唔驚度錯?

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt День назад

      @Anson-d4p dingzhi訂造傢俬唔係淘寶訂架😊所以無呢個問題

  • @overtherainbowoO
    @overtherainbowoO 3 дня назад

    Beautiful plants 🌱

  • @BrunaRamosdosPrazeres
    @BrunaRamosdosPrazeres 5 дней назад

    Amei seu vídeo ganhou mais uma seguidora aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷 😘❤️

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 5 дней назад

      Muito obrigado pelo seu amor e apoio 💛,meu amigo brasileiro✨

  • @gina-yk1yj
    @gina-yk1yj 6 дней назад


    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 6 дней назад


  • @yessicaperez3407
    @yessicaperez3407 7 дней назад

    Beautiful 😻

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад

      Thank you very much!💛💛💛

  • @celinezhang77
    @celinezhang77 7 дней назад


    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад


  • @thelostivy
    @thelostivy 7 дней назад

    Wow your video is beautiful! I've recently started a similar style channel and will learn from yours 🤎 You're very skilled at filming such beautiful scenes. Sending my best wishes from the UK 🤗

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад

      Thank you for this beautiful comment!💖 I have also been learning editing and shooting, let’s make progress together! Sending my best wishes from the HK too 🤗

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 7 дней назад

    Was eagerly waiting for your video loved this idea of hanging clothes..I love your pretty home so much and your display cabinet is so beautiful if someday you can show us how you did it...I am planning to make a similar display cabinet in my home . And your red sweter looking wow after the change of buttons..good idea !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад

      Thank you so much for always supporting me,I appreciate you so much! 🥹🥹💛💛My display cabinet was made by a furniture company and I haven’t filled it yet 😂 I hope your display cabinet goes well too 💛✨

  • @leekayue9208
    @leekayue9208 7 дней назад

    您家真的好美 不知可否分享裝修設計圖?❤ 因為我也即將收樓了🙏🏻

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад

      恭喜你🎊我在home tour有分享過設計圖,你可以參考一下💛видео.htmlsi=U-xaGWVxbXub8q4B 祝妳裝修順利🎉

  • @珊-n1q
    @珊-n1q 7 дней назад

    您好 不好意思 想請問一下電視櫃上的肌理畫在哪裡購買的呢?

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад


  • @lieug-cuocsonguc353
    @lieug-cuocsonguc353 7 дней назад

    Nice video. I like your beef brisket noodles 😊

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 7 дней назад

      I'm glad to hear that ☺️ Thank you 💛💛💛

  • @thelostivy
    @thelostivy 8 дней назад

    So glad RUclips suggested your channel! I've recently started a similar style channel and dreaming of reaching as many people as you one day 🤎 You're so inspiring and talented, sending my best wishes from the UK and looking forward to seeing more and supporting you! 🤗

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 8 дней назад

      Thank you so much for your love and support! 🤗Glad to know you have a channel too!💕 Your video is cozy and relaxing too! I wish you good luck with your creation💛✨

  • @phoneredmi507
    @phoneredmi507 9 дней назад

    祝你有个快乐的圣诞节🌲🧑‍🎄❄️ 路过看了你的视频很温馨美好!愿意分享你的日常!订阅关注支持了!有空才慢慢看,一定有许多美好!谢谢!❤🌹 good night🌜✨✨✨

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 9 дней назад

      謝謝你的喜歡與支持💖也祝妳過得快樂💕不止聖誕🎄sweet dreams🌙have a nice day✨✨✨

  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 13 дней назад

    Belated happy birthday....

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 13 дней назад

      Thank you so much! 💕 Wishing you all the best! 💖

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 14 дней назад

    English subtitles needed for this video very helpful video.

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 12 дней назад

      Thanks for your reminder, multi-language subtitles are ready😉

    • @pramitachanda4232
      @pramitachanda4232 12 дней назад

      @winglife_yt Thank you so much !

  • @Relastica
    @Relastica 14 дней назад

    Hi! Beautiful video, beautiful wreath turned out! I wish you good luck!👍💞

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      Thank you for this beautiful comment!💖 Wishing you the most beautiful, loving and soothing week ever! 🍃✨🍃✨

  • @prishlavrghs
    @prishlavrghs 15 дней назад

    I am so enamored by your plants 😍, its a treat to watch your video with soothing background score. Keep posting, love from India.

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      I'm glad to hear that ☺️ Thank you 💛💛💛

  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 17 дней назад

    I loved this video so much ! Your organizational skill is excellent! I go mad with my son's neatly everything you have organized....what about your child's clothes how do you organize ? There is so much to learn from you such a sweet video !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      I'm glad to hear that you’re enjoying my videos, it makes me really happy and much more motivated! 💛✨My son plays with his toys all over the floor every day, so I have to teach him to put them away after he is done playing.💪 I keep my son’s clothes in storage bins in my closet because his clothes are so small that they take up space hanging up.💛💛Hope it helps you,wishing you all the best in life and let’s stay in touch from now on!💕

    • @mohuanag3494
      @mohuanag3494 15 дней назад

      ​@@winglife_ytThank you so much for replying ..yes I am a new subscriber and I am totally loving your channel and eagerly wait for your videos.

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      Thank you for this support and I'm so glad to have you with me on this journey! Wishing you a lovely and beautiful week! 💕💕🏠🏠🏠

  • @hodaabdallah8485
    @hodaabdallah8485 17 дней назад


  • @hodaabdallah8485
    @hodaabdallah8485 17 дней назад


    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      thank you very much💛

    • @hodaabdallah8485
      @hodaabdallah8485 14 дней назад

      @@winglife_yt 🌼🌼🌼💚💚💚💚

    • @pramitachanda4232
      @pramitachanda4232 13 дней назад

      Belated happy birthday to you !! Want a big vlog !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 12 дней назад

      Thank you very much💛✨, let's look forward to the next vlog!🏠🌻

    • @pramitachanda4232
      @pramitachanda4232 12 дней назад

      @@winglife_yt yes, eagerly waiting for your next vlog please post soon !

  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 17 дней назад

    How easily and neatly you painted hats off ! The gallery wall looks so pretty ! So much to learn from you. You are excellent!!!

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Heyy! 🌻🌻 Thank you for the beautiful comment! I'm glad to know that my video was helpful to you!💕

  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 17 дней назад

    So beautiful decor you are so talented!

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      I'm so glad to hear that! 🥰🥰💕 I hope you’ll enjoy my future videos as well! Wishing you all the best in life! 💛💛🌻🌻

  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 17 дней назад

    Your home is so pretty.....more such vogs please do you manage your closet during coats / blazers / sweters ..if you can show that too...

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Thank you so much!💛✨Of course, thank you for your suggestions and providing inspiration for my creations!🏠✨I hope to make more videos that you like🌻🌻🌻

  • @ninanina-le5zx
    @ninanina-le5zx 17 дней назад

    Votre décoration est magnifique surtout la couronne.

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Merci beaucoup, je suis heureux de savoir que vous avez apprécié.💛💛💛

  • @rosecamargo2474
    @rosecamargo2474 17 дней назад


  • @QQ-gk5fx
    @QQ-gk5fx 17 дней назад

    有興趣知係裝修公司 超靚!!

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад


  • @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl
    @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl 17 дней назад

    You made a very precious and precious balloon for your beautiful child, how happy he is, you are a wonderful mother ❤❤❤ As always, your videos are excellent and unique Be successful and victorious, God willing, my dear colleague

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      Thank you so much for the love! ✨✨✨I'm so glad to hear that you’re enjoying my video! ☺️Wishing you all the love and joy possible!💛💛💛

    • @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl
      @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl 14 дней назад

      @winglife_yt Many thanks my dear colleague 🥰🌼❤️

  • @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl
    @simplelifestylewithavin-eh5yl 17 дней назад

    hello dear friend I accidentally came across your beautiful channel. How much beauty and relaxing thoughts are hidden in the shots of your videos. Your positive energy is easily transmitted to the audience. Watching the video along with the beautiful music relaxes the audience's mind for a while. Thank you very much for your efforts You are a creative artist, I support your beautiful channel Take care my dear colleague

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 14 дней назад

      Thank you so much for your kind words and wishes! I appreciate it so much and are so excited for what the future holds! 💛✨ Thank you for being so kind and supportive to me! 🌻🌻🏠🏠 Wishing you have a lovely day! 💕

  • @AYE_SHA-f1z
    @AYE_SHA-f1z 18 дней назад

    ❤wow lovely video

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed it! 💛💛💛

  • @mariahelenagomescarvalhoro9783
    @mariahelenagomescarvalhoro9783 18 дней назад

    Linda a árvore de fita🇧🇷😍

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      fico feliz que tenha gostado💛

  • @БибигульАбдикаликова-б9д

    🎉🎉❤❤ тамаша сәнді әдемі үй 🏡 тап таза

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Өте көп! 💛Сізге өмірдегі бар жақсылықты тілейміз! ✨✨✨

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 18 дней назад

    Such a lovely vodeo ..can you share your laundry routine if possible as you have no balcony then how do you manage.I have recently shifted in a new country and the flat hss no balcony only big windows. Your videos are too good ! Good that I found out your channel.

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 17 дней назад

      Okay😊, thank you for your opinion, it has provided me with new creative ideas!🌟 Thank you so much and welcome to my channel! Glad you like it! 💛

  • @silviasoto9141
    @silviasoto9141 18 дней назад


  • @mohuanag3494
    @mohuanag3494 18 дней назад

    Such a beautiful video!

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 18 дней назад

      🌻 Thank you so much for commenting! 💛💛💛

  • @lucyalmeida4126
    @lucyalmeida4126 19 дней назад

    CONGRATULATIONS Very cozy your Christmas. Kiss from Brazil

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 18 дней назад

      💛✨ Appreciate you so much✨💛Hope you have a wonderful Christmas too

  • @daiana1305
    @daiana1305 19 дней назад

    Eu planejo passar o natal em casa,com minha família mas adoro assistir tv ,e curtir com quem adoro Tenho muito saudades da minha mãe,agente sempre comemorava natal mas felizmente ela não está aqui comigo descanse em paz. 😢😢😢❤

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 19 дней назад

      Lamento ouvir isso. Desejo-lhe um maravilhoso feriado de Natal, cheio de amor e alegria.🎄💛

  • @MohuaNag-mm7es
    @MohuaNag-mm7es 19 дней назад

    So beautiful and that wreath looks so wow ....I am speechless! And that red golden Christmas tree you made looks so wonderful Everything looks so pretty and beautiful hats off ! Excellent video !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 19 дней назад

      🤗Thank you very much!Glad you like it. 💛Have a wonderful festive season🎄🥰

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 19 дней назад

    You make everything so pretty...and yes your son so cute ..excellent video !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 18 дней назад

      💛💛💛 Thank you for all the love and support! Aiden says thank you too💕 I hope you have a beautiful week and coming weekend 💛✨🏠

  • @yww2506
    @yww2506 19 дней назад


    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 19 дней назад


  • @MohuaNag-mm7es
    @MohuaNag-mm7es 20 дней назад

    New subscriber here loved your video so much !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 20 дней назад

      Thank you so much for your support and love! I wish you all the best! 💛💛💛

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 21 день назад

    Such a beautiful video !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 20 дней назад

      Hi friend! Thank you so much! 🌻Appreciate it 💛💛💛

  • @montsegarciadelrio1156
    @montsegarciadelrio1156 21 день назад

    Excelente trabajo. Muy acogedor. 👋👋

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 20 дней назад

      Muchas gracias. 💛 Me alegra oír eso.🌻🌻

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 22 дня назад

    Marvellous design and the way you decorated your home so smartly and looks so beautiful really hats off !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 22 дня назад

      I am very happy to receive your comments. 😊I am very encouraged and hope to continue to produce videos that you like.💖

  • @ronaidymoreraacuna790
    @ronaidymoreraacuna790 22 дня назад


  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 22 дня назад


  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 23 дня назад

    Excellent video !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 22 дня назад

      ☺️Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to me 💛

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 23 дня назад

    I am loving your videos so much !

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 22 дня назад

      🌻 Thank you so much for commenting! I'm super glad that you enjoyed my video and I wish you the best life ever! 💛💛💛

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 23 дня назад

    This is too good

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 23 дня назад

      Thank you for commenting! I hope you enjoyed my video ☺️ Let’s stay in touch! 💛💛💛

  • @pramitachanda4232
    @pramitachanda4232 23 дня назад

    Wonderful video!

    • @winglife_yt
      @winglife_yt 23 дня назад

      Glad you liked it!🧡🧡🧡