Love Vibes
Love Vibes
  • Видео 37
  • Просмотров 132 194
Chill Out Time宁静时光 - 放过自己 Let yourself go
Excessive expectations are the source of pain, and some things, choose to let go, not to forgive others, but to let go of yourself!
Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope our music brings you peace and joy.
Don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the bell icon so you never miss an update. And if you enjoy our music, please share it with your friends and give us a thumbs up!
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Просмотров: 370


Relaxing Moment放松时光 - 我的城市在下雨,你呢?It's raining in my city, how about you?
Просмотров 4464 часа назад
赶路的路上,雨越下越大,伞已挡不住四溅的水花。街道在雨幕中变得模糊,脚步也不由得加快。突然,看到街角有一家小咖啡馆,橙黄色的灯光从窗户透出,像是为我点亮了一盏温暖的灯。 为了避雨,我推开了咖啡馆的门,空气中立刻弥漫着咖啡的香气和轻柔的音乐。室内的温暖瞬间包围了我,和外面的风雨形成鲜明对比。我找了个角落坐下,看着窗外雨水敲打玻璃,杯中的咖啡冒着热气。这个临时的避雨之地,成了赶路途中意外的宁静港湾。 On the way, the rain became heavier and heavier, and the umbrella could no longer stop the splashing water. The streets became blurred in the rain, and the pace could not help but quicken. Suddenly...
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 -给自己一个微笑,带着勇气和信心前行。Give yourself a smile and walk forward with courage ...
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.9 часов назад
新的一天,新的开始。无论昨天经历了什么,今天都是重新出发的机会。给自己一个微笑,带着勇气和信心前行。每一步都是成长,每一刻都是努力的见证。加油吧!你比自己想象的更强大。 A new day, a new beginning. No matter what you went through yesterday, today is an opportunity to start over. Give yourself a smile and walk forward with courage and confidence. Every step is growth, and every moment is a testimony of hard work. Go for it! You are stronger than you think. 欢迎来到我们的环境音乐频道!🎶 Thank ...
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 愿一切安好,愿世界温柔待你。May all be well, and may the world be gentle with you.
Просмотров 9 тыс.16 часов назад
温柔的旋律在耳畔轻轻流淌,带着我最深的祝福,悄悄传递。愿每一个人都在平静的日子里找到安宁,无论未来如何变幻,心中永远留存一片温暖与希望。愿一切安好,愿世界温柔待你。 The gentle melody flows gently in my ears, quietly passing on with my deepest blessings. May everyone find peace in a peaceful day, no matter how the future changes, there will always be warmth and hope in their hearts. May all be well, and may the world be gentle with you. 欢迎来到我们的环境音乐频道!🎶 Thank you for being a p...
Relaxing Moment放松时光 -人与人之间,最舒服的关系,就是可以随时说话,也可以一直不说话。The most comfortable relationship between people
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.21 час назад
人与人之间,最舒服的关系,莫过于在言语和沉默间的自由切换。 这种关系,不是建立在言辞的繁多,而是在于心灵的默契和相互的理解。不说话时,也不会感到尴尬;说话时,彼此的声音就是心灵的回响。正是这种随心的自由,让人感到真正的放松与舒适。 There is no more comfortable relationship between people than the free switching between speech and silence. This kind of relationship is not based on the multiplicity of words, but on the tacit understanding of the soul and mutual understanding. When you don't speak, you won't fe...
Chill Out Time宁静时光 - 路是自己选的,没有输赢,只有值不值得。The road is chosen by yourself.
Просмотров 626День назад
路是自己选的,输赢并不重要,重要的是它是否值得走。每一步都在问自己:这段旅程有没有让你成长?有没有让你离心中的目标更近?值不值得,只有经历过,才会知道。 The road is chosen by oneself, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is whether it's worth taking or not. Every step of the way, I asked myself: Has this journey made you grow? Did it bring you closer to the goal in the centrifugation? Whether it's worth it or not, you will only know if you have experience...
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 这一刻,世界似乎放慢了腳步,所有的煩擾都隨風遠去。At this moment, all the troubles go with the wind.
Просмотров 6 тыс.14 дней назад
看著小白花在微風中輕輕搖曳,耳邊傳來柔和的音樂,像是流淌在空氣中的輕聲細語。花瓣在陽光下顯得純淨無暇,音符隨風散落,與花香交織成一片寧靜。這一刻,世界似乎放慢了腳步,所有的煩擾都隨風遠去,只剩下平和與自然的溫暖。 Watching the little white flowers swaying softly in the breeze, soft music came from the ears, like whispers flowing in the air. The petals are immaculate in the sun, and the notes scatter with the wind, weaving with the fragrance of the flowers to create a sense of tranquility. At this mo...
Chill Out Time放松时光 - 沉淀不是逃避,而是为了更好地前行。Precipitation is not an escape, but a better way forward.
Просмотров 81014 дней назад
沉淀自己,是一种与内心深处对话的方式。人生如流水,偶尔需要停下来,让心灵沉淀,才能看清前方的路。静下心来,远离喧嚣,在沉默中找到内心的力量。沉淀不是逃避,而是为了更好地前行。 Precipitating oneself is a way to talk to the depths of one's heart. Life is like flowing water, and occasionally you need to stop and let your soul settle in order to see the road ahead. Calm down, get away from the hustle and bustle, and find inner strength in silence. Precipitation is not an escape, but a...
Chill Out Time宁静时光 - 这片草地上,仿佛一切都静止了,只有自然的呼吸在耳边轻声作响。In this meadow, it was as if everything was still
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.14 дней назад
一大片草地,随风轻轻摇曳,阳光洒在每一根细小的叶尖上,闪烁着微光。偶尔有几只蝴蝶翩然飞舞,仿佛在与微风共舞。脚下柔软的绿毯,延伸向远方,仿佛无尽的平静与自由。在这片草地上,仿佛一切都静止了,只有自然的呼吸在耳边轻声作响。 A large meadow, gently swaying in the wind, the sun shining on each tiny leaf tip, shimmering. Occasionally, a few butterflies flutter as if dancing with the breeze. The soft green carpet under your feet stretches into the distance, as if there is endless peace and freedom. In this mea...
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 愿你心中永远有光,无论风雨如何,都能守住内心的平和与快乐。
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.21 день назад
祝福是一份心意的传递,是希望你未来的每一步都能踏实而坚定。愿你在前行的路上,遇到温暖的人,拥有灿烂的笑容;愿你心中永远有光,无论风雨如何,都能守住内心的平和与快乐。祝你健康、幸福、梦想成真。 Blessing is a heart-to-heart transmission, and it is hoped that every step of your future will be steadfast and firm. May you meet warm people and have a bright smile on the way forward; May there always be light in your heart, and no matter what the wind and rain, you can keep the peace and happines...
Chill Out Time放松时光 - 人与人的距离,可以是一杯咖啡。 The distance between people can be a cup of coffee.
Просмотров 28921 день назад
在城市的街角,一间小小的咖啡馆,两个人静静地坐着。虽然相隔不远,却仿佛隔着一个世界。各自品味着手中的咖啡,热度渐渐散去,温度在慢慢冷却。 人与人之间的距离,不仅仅是身体的远近,更是心灵的温度。一杯咖啡,可以温暖,也可以冷却,一切在于那颗心是否依旧热忱。 On the corner of the city, in a small café, two people sit quietly. Although they are not far away, it seems to be separated by a world. Each tasted the coffee in their hands, the heat gradually dissipated, and the temperature slowly cooled. The distance between people ...
Relaxing Moment放松时光 - 每一个浪花,都是生命的节奏,推着我们向前,有时轻柔,有时猛烈。
Просмотров 14621 день назад
人生如海浪,有起有落。平静时,我们感受宁静与安详;汹涌时,我们迎接挑战与磨练。每一个浪花,都是生命的节奏,推着我们向前,有时轻柔,有时猛烈。我们无法预测下一个浪头会如何,但正是这些不可预知的波动,教会了我们如何应对变化,如何保持平衡。就像海浪总会回归平静,我们的人生也会在风雨过后找到新的宁静。无论波澜如何,我们始终在这片海洋上前行。 Life is like the waves, with ups and downs. When it is calm, we feel serenity and serenity; When the tide is turbulent, we rise to the challenge and grind. Every wave is the rhythm of life, pushing us forward, sometimes softly, s...
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - People are happy when they are simple.人简单就快乐。
Просмотров 45521 день назад
人简单就快乐。简单的人不会被复杂的情感纠结,也不会被无尽的欲望困扰。简单的人知足常乐,能从日常的小事中找到满足和幸福。他们懂得生活的真谛,不为不属于自己的东西而烦恼。简单,就是一种智慧,也是一种自在的生活态度。 People are happy when they are simple. Simple people are not entangled in complex emotions, nor are they bothered by endless desires. Simple people are content and happy, and can find satisfaction and happiness in the little things of daily life. They know the true meaning of life and don't...
Relaxing Moment放松时光 - 我与你相遇的概率,只有0.00478。
Просмотров 11228 дней назад
今天看了一本关于相遇的书,很有意思,希望与你分享。 在地球上,两个人相遇的概率,只有0.00478。 然而,正是这微乎其微的数字,让人深感人与人之间的缘分是何等神秘与珍贵。茫茫人海,时光流转,每个人都在自己的轨迹中穿行,却因某种不可见的力量,彼此交汇。缘分,或许无需解释,它不依赖概率的大小,而在于那一瞬间的心灵相通。 Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope our music brings you peace and joy. 欢迎来到我们的环境音乐频道!🎶 Don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the bell icon so you never miss an update. And if you enjoy our music, please sha...
Chill Out Time放松时光 - 其实这个世界没有变好,也没有变坏,是你慢慢在变好,你的心态在慢慢的变好。
Просмотров 22228 дней назад
世界依然是那个世界,只是你自己在悄悄地改变。你学会了如何面对困难,用更积极的心态去看待生活中的每一个瞬间。慢慢地,你的内心变得更加坚韧和平和,眼中的世界也因此显得更加美好。于是你发现,真正改变的,不是外在的世界,而是你内心的世界。 Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope our music brings you peace and joy. 欢迎来到我们的环境音乐频道!🎶 Don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the bell icon so you never miss an update. And if you enjoy our music, please share it with your friends and give us a thumbs...
Relaxing Moment放松时光 - 发呆,让自己情绪游走在蓝天白云上。外面的世界很吵,我的内心很平静。
Просмотров 129Месяц назад
Relaxing Moment放松时光 - 发呆,让自己情绪游走在蓝天白云上。外面的世界很吵,我的内心很平静。
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 每一步都能听见脚下的叶子轻轻作响,仿佛大自然在低声絮语。
Просмотров 708Месяц назад
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 每一步都能听见脚下的叶子轻轻作响,仿佛大自然在低声絮语。
Music Night音乐漫步 - 耳边的音乐轻轻流淌,伴随着脚步声,仿佛在为这片刻的宁静谱写一首独特的旋律。
Просмотров 209Месяц назад
Music Night音乐漫步 - 耳边的音乐轻轻流淌,伴随着脚步声,仿佛在为这片刻的宁静谱写一首独特的旋律。
Deep Sleep沉睡时光 - 下雨的夜里,愿美梦。
Просмотров 125Месяц назад
Deep Sleep沉睡时光 - 下雨的夜里,愿美梦。
Chill Out Time放松的时间 -下雨了,我只想静静。
Просмотров 143Месяц назад
Chill Out Time放松的时间 -下雨了,我只想静静。
Chill Out Time放松的时间 - 忙碌的生活就像一条无尽的跑道,每个人都在奋力奔跑,却不知道终点在哪里。
Просмотров 63Месяц назад
Chill Out Time放松的时间 - 忙碌的生活就像一条无尽的跑道,每个人都在奋力奔跑,却不知道终点在哪里。
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 清晨,是一切美好的开始,让人心中充满力量与期待。
Просмотров 94 тыс.Месяц назад
Peaceful Morning宁静早晨 - 清晨,是一切美好的开始,让人心中充满力量与期待。
Relaxing Moment悠闲时光 - 我有咖啡,你有故事吗?
Просмотров 107Месяц назад
Relaxing Moment悠闲时光 - 我有咖啡,你有故事吗?
Quiet Bliss: Soothing Music for Tranquility 安静的幸福:舒缓的音乐带来宁静-这是一场心灵的告别,也是一场新的开始。
Просмотров 193Месяц назад
Quiet Bliss: Soothing Music for Tranquility 安静的幸福:舒缓的音乐带来宁静-这是一场心灵的告别,也是一场新的开始。
Calm Waves: Relaxing Music for Inner Peace 轻松的音乐,带来内心的平静
Просмотров 79Месяц назад
Calm Waves: Relaxing Music for Inner Peace 轻松的音乐,带来内心的平静
Calm Waves: Relaxing Music for Inner Peace 轻松的音乐,带来内心的平静
Просмотров 245Месяц назад
Calm Waves: Relaxing Music for Inner Peace 轻松的音乐,带来内心的平静
Zen Tunes: Ambient Music for Deep Relaxation 深度放松的环境音乐
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Месяц назад
Zen Tunes: Ambient Music for Deep Relaxation 深度放松的环境音乐
Tranquil Moments: Relaxing Ambient Music 宁静的时刻:轻松的环境音乐
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.Месяц назад
Tranquil Moments: Relaxing Ambient Music 宁静的时刻:轻松的环境音乐
Blissful Break: Gentle Music for Stress Relief 轻柔的音乐缓解压力
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.Месяц назад
Blissful Break: Gentle Music for Stress Relief 轻柔的音乐缓解压力
Peaceful Vibes: Soothing Music for Relaxation 宁静的氛围:舒缓的音乐让您放松身心
Просмотров 117Месяц назад
Peaceful Vibes: Soothing Music for Relaxation 宁静的氛围:舒缓的音乐让您放松身心


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k Час назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k День назад


  • @Musicforsmile1
    @Musicforsmile1 2 дня назад

    Very relaxing and peaceful music ❤ Have a great day ❤ New Subscriber ❤

  • @CeliaguadalupeChicontrer-wl1qb
    @CeliaguadalupeChicontrer-wl1qb 2 дня назад

    Para los que desean trabajar estudiar que dios les bendiga siepre

  • @gentlepianomusicofficial
    @gentlepianomusicofficial 2 дня назад

    so relaxing i love this type of music

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 2 дня назад

      glad you like it, thanks❤❤

  • @gentlepianomusicofficial
    @gentlepianomusicofficial 2 дня назад

    This mix is ​​so good, I listened to it all day long at work.

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 2 дня назад

      Is my honor that you love this song, bless you have wonderful days.

  • @SunoGiaiĐiệuViệt-2024
    @SunoGiaiĐiệuViệt-2024 4 дня назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 4 дня назад


  • @hyeonkyoo
    @hyeonkyoo 6 дней назад

    Nice to meet you Everyday everything gets better Have a nice day today 😊

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 6 дней назад

      Hey, nice to meet you too! Totally agree, things just keep getting better. Hope your day’s awesome!

  • @GuitarChillVibes
    @GuitarChillVibes 7 дней назад

    The delicate notes cradle the soul, dissolving all troubles.

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 7 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy❤

  • @RitmoAntigo
    @RitmoAntigo 8 дней назад

    I just want to share with those who always play this relaxing music, this has been my stress reliever every morning when I wake up in bed, make breakfast while playing this music, it's the start of a new day mine is amazing..everyone please take care of your health

  • @SerenityStringsMusic
    @SerenityStringsMusic 8 дней назад

    Melodies unfold like a peaceful journey, helping stress melt away

  • @TopGuitarRelaxing0302
    @TopGuitarRelaxing0302 8 дней назад

    Wonderful! A song worth repeating.

  • @chillinglunch
    @chillinglunch 8 дней назад

    Calming and relaxing piano sound here. Really nice. Thanks for the music🤗💛💚🍀🌿

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 8 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @BesideSound
    @BesideSound 9 дней назад

    풀청완료합니디~~~ 언제나 좋은 영상 잘 보고있어요 응원합니다~

  • @assia3760
    @assia3760 10 дней назад

  • @SunoGiaiĐiệuViệt-2024
    @SunoGiaiĐiệuViệt-2024 10 дней назад

    Thật tuyệt vời. Ủng hộ bạn! Cùng đồng hành nhé!

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 10 дней назад

      thanks, let's grow together💕

  • @BesideSound
    @BesideSound 10 дней назад

    풀청완료합니디~~~ 언제나 좋은 영상 잘 보고있어요 응원합니다~

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 10 дней назад

      고맙고 음악을 통해 여러분을 알게 되어 기쁩니다.

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 10 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @ekgodakxm
    @ekgodakxm 10 дней назад

    Thank you for the good video, I clicked subscribe and like. I hope we can be good neighbors~^^

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 10 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy❤ i have subscribe your channel as well let's grow up together👍

  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 11 дней назад


  • @believe-in-yourself
    @believe-in-yourself 11 дней назад

    Feeling + healing ❤

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 10 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @tsuier2658
    @tsuier2658 12 дней назад


  • @SakionceMakiole
    @SakionceMakiole 12 дней назад


  • @JanAnsari-nw3df
    @JanAnsari-nw3df 12 дней назад

    I appreciate ❤️🪷

  • @TimelessMelodies2025
    @TimelessMelodies2025 12 дней назад

    Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you!

  • 13 дней назад

    우와 화려해 보이지만 소담스럽고, 잔잔한 소리까지 너무 매력적인 영상과 편안한 소리가 너무 좋습니다. 첫 구독 하고 갑니다.

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 13 дней назад

      감사합니다 음악을 통해 여러분을 알아가는 것은 즐거운 일입니다

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 13 дней назад

      Thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @GratefulMusic06
    @GratefulMusic06 13 дней назад

    I’m blown away by the elegance and depth of your compositions

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 13 дней назад

      Thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @ehnarpardahdahbue4474
    @ehnarpardahdahbue4474 13 дней назад


  • @vrosaroses
    @vrosaroses 13 дней назад

    Hello~ Beautiful video and very soothing music. I enjoyed it. Greetings~ Like 6

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 13 дней назад

      Thanks, hope you enjoy💕

  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 14 дней назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 14 дней назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 16 дней назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 16 дней назад


  • @TeresaTan-jg9oj
    @TeresaTan-jg9oj 18 дней назад

    别听恶魔的话 要听一定听我好人真话 他超不只不要脸脸自尊尊严都丢骨气志气都没反而我一直说关系破裂。面对都不面对好作白日梦 还是我理智多成熟多。关系早就破裂居然有脸重复爱。我老早忘记他根本不是人 ,面对他自己根本不是人

  • @namoamitabha77323
    @namoamitabha77323 19 дней назад


  • @foochiheng2047
    @foochiheng2047 20 дней назад

    nice ❤❤❤❤

  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 20 дней назад


  • @nikigirl8741
    @nikigirl8741 21 день назад


  • @nikigirl8741
    @nikigirl8741 21 день назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 22 дня назад


  • @mariaterezahiguthifukuyama9408
    @mariaterezahiguthifukuyama9408 24 дня назад

    So beautiful! Touch my heart!❤️🙏🌟

  • @-HealingMusicforSoul
    @-HealingMusicforSoul 25 дней назад

    To those of you who are listening to this sound with me. I wish you always have good luck, live happily and nurture a healthy heart. I love you so much. Join me in living a meaningful life, my love.😊😊😊

  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 26 дней назад


    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 25 дней назад


  • @billwu4570
    @billwu4570 26 дней назад

    Very beautiful and relaxing! Thanks for sharing! 51:44💯👍👍👍

  • @kido24world
    @kido24world 26 дней назад


  • @sophieswonderfulworld235
    @sophieswonderfulworld235 28 дней назад


    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 28 дней назад

      thanks, hope you enjoy.😊😊

  • @wylam4798
    @wylam4798 29 дней назад

    wonderful music 🎶 look forward to hearing your next video 📹 Thank you

    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s 29 дней назад

      Thanks, i hope you enjoyed.

  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k 29 дней назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k Месяц назад


  • @明-w8k
    @明-w8k Месяц назад


    • @NgAnnie-d5s
      @NgAnnie-d5s Месяц назад
