Hannes Schäuble
Hannes Schäuble
  • Видео 4
  • Просмотров 26 850
Gran Torino: Summary and Symbols
In this video, I summarize the movie Gran Torino. I also talk about Symbols and relationships of Walt to other people.
Not seen the movie before?
Seen it but want to know more useful information about it?
Doing the Abitur in Baden-Württemberg?
Then I've got the thing for ya!....this vid.
One thing that wasn't quite made clear is that Walt realizes at some point, that Thao and Sue really need a father and that he is also never there for his sons. But when he calls his son to tell him that he will die, he gets repulsed and finds out that it is too late to tie a close relationship. Later, during his confession, he says that this was also the main thing that was bothering him.
Did you catch every s...
Просмотров: 25 871


Do you regret Brexit?
Просмотров 6783 года назад
Have you always wanted to know stuff about regrexit? No? Well here you go! The origin of all of this knowledge: Extend to read more! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum www.debatingeurope.eu/2019/03/29/are-you-happy-with-brexit-so-far/ www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article156576085/Unfassbar-niedrige-Wahlbeteiligung-junger-Briten.html www....
Просмотров 1903 года назад
In diesem Video erkläre ich die Energiebereitstellung im Muskel des Menschen. Bitte mit Lernbereitschaft und einer Portion Humor anschauen... Damit ein Muskel arbeiten kann, braucht er logischerweise Energie, die er aus einer exothermen chemischen Reaktion nimmt. Dabei wird Adenosintriphosphat, also ATP in Adenosindiphosphat ADP und einen Phosphatrest P gespalten. Das ATP ist also der Energieli...
Of Languages and Cats by Hannes Schäuble
Просмотров 1153 года назад
This is a Video where I explain Language Also, ther's Cats...