ServantsOfChrist NALC
ServantsOfChrist NALC
  • Видео 122
  • Просмотров 1 791
2.2.2025 Why the Change?
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke 4:21-30.
Emphasis points:
1. They were amazed at His teaching vs.22, then they were filled with rage vs. 28, why the change?
2. He told them things they did not want to hear.
3. We like to hear Good News from Jesus.
4. When he tells us the truth about our sin, our greed, our selfishness, do we close our ears and ignore him?
Просмотров: 3


1.26.25 A Word for Us
Просмотров 1719 часов назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke 4:14-21. Emphasis points; 1. Jesus brings good news to us, the poor. 2. We are the captive ones that he proclaims release to. 3. Blind, is he talking about us? 4. Jesus is the one, The Holy One of God who saves us, helps us and sets us free.
1.19.25 Because Jesus was There
Просмотров 7414 дней назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on John 2:1-11. Emphasis points: 1. Why was Jesus at the wedding? 2. What did he do? 3. What difference did it make? 4. What difference does Jesus make in your daily life?
1.12.25 Jesus Baptism, Your Baptism
Просмотров 3521 день назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. Emphasis points: 1. At the Baptism of Jesus it was announced that he was the Beloved Son of God. 2. At your baptism it was announced that you are a beloved child of God. 3. Jesus' ministry was one of service and love as he poured himself out over the needs and hurts of others. 4. Our daily ministry is to be one of service and love as we pour ...
1.5.25 Epiphany- A Season of Seeking
Просмотров 2928 дней назад
Pastor Voss' sermon is based on Matthew 2:1-12. Emphasis points: 1. Epiphany is about seeking. The Wise Men were seeking Jesus only to worship him. 2. Why are we seeking the Savior this Epiphany? 3. We seek to know Jesus because only He brings true and lasting peace. 4. We seek Jesus because he brings light into our darkness. 5 We seek Jesus because he is the wisdom from above.
12.29.24 Do Everything In The Name of The Lord Jesus!
Просмотров 20Месяц назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Colossians 3:12-17. Emphasis points: 1.Our whole life is to be lived under the control and guidance of Jesus Christ. 2. We are to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly. 3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. 4. Gratitude and thanksgiving are hallmarks of the Christian walk and life.
12.22.24 And Mary Said
Просмотров 26Месяц назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke:1:39-55. Emphasis points: 1. Who was this Mary who spoke these words? 2. God uses the weak, the poor, those of little worldly account to do his work in the world.. 3. The Magnificat is a beautiful hymn of praise spoken by Mary that magnifies the Lord.
12.15.24 What Then Should We Do
Просмотров 48Месяц назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke 3:7-18. Emphasis points: 1. John the Baptist confronted the people over their sins. 2. They asked him the question, What Then Shall We Do? 3. John responded by saying, their daily actions should reflect their faith in and trust of God. 4. This part of scripture ends with these words, "So, with many other exhortations, he proclaimed the good news to the people."
12.8.24 A Voice For Our Wilderness
Просмотров 9Месяц назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Luke 3:1-6 Emphasis points: 1. John spoke a world of repentance to people struggling in the wilderness of sin 2. We need to hear his voice as it speaks to us who also walk in the wilderness of sin. 3. The voice and word of John in the wilderness says we need to repent. 4. What does it mean to repent?
12.1.24 Jesus is Coming Again!
Просмотров 112 месяца назад
Pastor Voss' sermon is based on Luke 21:25-36 Emphasis points: 1. Jesus is Coming again! 2. We often do not think about or plan for his return. 3. The text encourages us to be on guard at all times so the day does not catch us unexpectedly. 4. Be alert at all times, he is coming.
11.24.24 Comfort, Encouragement and Hope
Просмотров 152 месяца назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Revelation 1:4-8. Emphasis points: 1. The God we believe in and follow is in control of the world. 2. Jesus paid the price for the sins of all with his death on the cross. 3. Jesus loves us all and with the Holy Spirit we have daily access to God. 4. Jesus will come again. May we ready for Christ the King
Let Us Hold Fast To Our Confession
Просмотров 72 месяца назад
11.17.24 Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Hebrews 10:11-25 Emphasis points: 1. It is important to take sin as the human condition and as specific acts seriously. 2. Christ offered a single sacrifice for our sins. 3. Let us hold fast to this central teaching of our faith. 4. Let us stir up one another to love and good deeds.
Why Did She Do It?
Просмотров 142 месяца назад
Pastor Voss' sermon is based on Mark 12:38-44. Emphasis points; 1. Why did this poor woman give away everything to the temple treasury? 2. What could she gain from such a gift? .3. What motivates your giving? 4. Motivated by the Gospel any person, no matter their status, can become a great giver and a deep lover.
A Future To Look Forward To!
Просмотров 253 месяца назад
Pastor Ron's sermon is based on Revelation 21:1-6 Emphasis points; 1.The new Jerusalem is where God lives among His people. 2. God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. 3. No more crying, no more pain, no more death 4. All things will be made new. Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things.
Our Conscience is Captive To The Word of God
Просмотров 163 месяца назад
Pastor Voss' sermon is based on 8:31-36. Emphasis points: 1. God's Word is our great heritage. 2. All scripture is inspired by God. 3. Live daily and deeply in The Word of God. 4. Point others to Jesus who is revealed in the Word of God.
God is our Refuge When We are Afraid
Просмотров 203 месяца назад
God is our Refuge When We are Afraid
Some Things We Don't Like to Hear
Просмотров 383 месяца назад
Some Things We Don't Like to Hear
What Does This Mean?
Просмотров 223 месяца назад
What Does This Mean?
Salted with Fire
Просмотров 274 месяца назад
Salted with Fire
Death, Service, Children
Просмотров 254 месяца назад
Death, Service, Children
What's Your Answer?
Просмотров 184 месяца назад
What's Your Answer?
Do You Show Favoritism?
Просмотров 134 месяца назад
Do You Show Favoritism?
Be Doers of the Word, not merely hearers
Просмотров 135 месяцев назад
Be Doers of the Word, not merely hearers
Choices, Choices, Choices
Просмотров 65 месяцев назад
Choices, Choices, Choices
Просмотров 75 месяцев назад
Are You Hungry?
Просмотров 55 месяцев назад
Are You Hungry?
What Do You Want From God?, What Does God Want For You?
Просмотров 105 месяцев назад
What Do You Want From God?, What Does God Want For You?
Believe It Or Not
Просмотров 56 месяцев назад
Believe It Or Not
Просмотров 66 месяцев назад
The Plumb Line-Visions of Judgment
Просмотров 146 месяцев назад
The Plumb Line-Visions of Judgment
