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River of Love Christian Fellowship, Malta (Intl.)
Добавлен 23 фев 2017
This is The official Channel of River of Love Christian Fellowship, Malta (Intl.)
This is the main official channel for the Church in Malta for Live Streaming
River of Love is a Charismatic/Pentecostal/Apostolic/Prophetic Christian Bible Based Church.
We believe in God The Father, SON & Holy Spirit. We believe in the Gifts of The Holy Spirit & the Supernatural via Bible Knowledge & Experience.
We grow in God's love & grace! Your Home!
for more information please visit our website: www.riveroflovemalta.org
and our Facebook page and press like so that you remain updated weekly: RiverofLoveChristianFellowship/
Website: www.RiverofLoveMalta.org
This is the main official channel for the Church in Malta for Live Streaming
River of Love is a Charismatic/Pentecostal/Apostolic/Prophetic Christian Bible Based Church.
We believe in God The Father, SON & Holy Spirit. We believe in the Gifts of The Holy Spirit & the Supernatural via Bible Knowledge & Experience.
We grow in God's love & grace! Your Home!
for more information please visit our website: www.riveroflovemalta.org
and our Facebook page and press like so that you remain updated weekly: RiverofLoveChristianFellowship/
Website: www.RiverofLoveMalta.org
SAQSI #5: "Kif Topera fid-Doni Tal-Ispirtu s-Santu/ How to Operate in The Gift of The Holy Spirit?"
In this Q&A with Dr. Gordon-John Manche', answers a very important question being asked by one Jeanine, about how can we Christians learn how to experience walking experientially, in the 9 gifts of The Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12.
While many Christians claim that they believe in the 'gifts of The Holy Spirit", yet sadly many for various reasons, do not actually walk in them in an experiential way of life, neither in their daily Christian walk nor in many church congregations worldwide.
Many lack knowledge and know how, others are afraid, while others may have had less than a pleasant experience due to spiritual immaturity of zealous Christians but unfortunately...
While many Christians claim that they believe in the 'gifts of The Holy Spirit", yet sadly many for various reasons, do not actually walk in them in an experiential way of life, neither in their daily Christian walk nor in many church congregations worldwide.
Many lack knowledge and know how, others are afraid, while others may have had less than a pleasant experience due to spiritual immaturity of zealous Christians but unfortunately...
Просмотров: 27
SAQSI #4: "Jista' Bniedem jew Saħansitra Kristjan jiġi Msaħħar? | Dr. Gordon-John Manche'
Просмотров 1437 часов назад
F'din ir-raba' mistoqsijja mis-sensiela ta' - SAQSI: Q&A, li dr. Gordon-John Manche' - jirrispondi għaliha, hija ferm interessanti u fiha ħafna x'togħomod. Kemm huwa 'mportanti li nipproteġu ruħna billi noqgħodu attenti x'nisimgħu jew għal x'hiex ngħatu widen, għaliex dak kollu li jidħol mil-widna jinżera fil-qalb u mil-qalb jispiċċa jinfluwenza il-kumplament il-kumplament ta' ħajjitna, u saħan...
SAQSI #3: Għaliex Ġesu qal: "Hawni hi Ommok" lil Ġwanni?
Просмотров 1467 часов назад
🏬 CHURCH SERVICES: Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 7pm Sundays @ 10am All our church services are in Maltese or English, and translated into English, Maltese or Italian. All are welcome! For more information or for transport to come to church, please call on ( 356) 99239132. Watch our TV Program "Ħabbejtek" Episodes here: @Habbejtek If the Lord has touched you, saved you or healed you through this min...
SAQSI #2: Ġesu ħeġġeġ il-ħlas tat-taxxa tat-tempju, jew ta' Ċesare? | Dr. Gordon-John Manche'
Просмотров 14121 час назад
🏬 CHURCH SERVICES: Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 7pm Sundays @ 10am All our church services are in Maltese or English, and translated into English, Maltese or Italian. All are welcome! For more information or for transport to come to church, please call on ( 356) 99239132. Watch our TV Program "Ħabbejtek" Episodes here: @Habbejtek If the Lord has touched you, saved you or healed you through this min...
#3 | Close All Doors to Evil | COME OUT IN JESUS NAME | apostle dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 30-11-2024
Просмотров 205День назад
River of Love Christian Fellowship - (Malta) Malta - Gozo - Italy - Pakistan - Kenya - Uganda - USA Gospel Service Times: Every Wednesday & Saturday at 7pm, and Every Sunday at 10am. Ħinijiet tal-Gospel Service: Gospel Service, kull nhar ta' Erbgħa u Sibt u Celebration Sunday service kull nhar ta' Ħadd To view past installments of our TV-Program "Ħabbejtek" please visit: Għall-programmi ta' Ħab...
SAQSI #1: Ġesu kif ħareġ mid-dixxendenza ta' Ġuda u David? | Dr. Gordon-John Manche'
Просмотров 18114 дней назад
🏬 CHURCH SERVICES: Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 7pm Sundays @ 10am All our church services are in Maltese or English, and translated into English, Maltese or Italian. All are welcome! For more information or for transport to come to church, please call on ( 356) 99239132. Watch our TV Program "Ħabbejtek" Episodes here: @Habbejtek If the Lord has touched you, saved you or healed you through this min...
Come Out in Jesus Name Conference 2024
Просмотров 107Месяц назад
Come Out in Jesus Name Conference 2024
L-Imperatur tal-Univers | Minister Duane Dalli | 19-10-2024
Просмотров 194Месяц назад
L-Imperatur tal-Univers | Minister Duane Dalli | 19-10-2024
Magħmudija tal-Ilma / Water Baptism | apostle dr. Gordon-John Manche' & Minister Kurt Vella Petroni
Просмотров 5862 месяца назад
Magħmudija tal-Ilma / Water Baptism | apostle dr. Gordon-John Manche' & Minister Kurt Vella Petroni
Il-Bibbja u l-Kattoliċiżmu #3 | Ewkaristija, Tqarbin, Saċerdozju u Bibbja | ap. dr. GJ Manche'
Просмотров 1982 месяца назад
Il-Bibbja u l-Kattoliċiżmu #3 | Ewkaristija, Tqarbin, Saċerdozju u Bibbja | ap. dr. GJ Manche'
The Revelation of the Faith of Jesus | apostle dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 07-09-2024
Просмотров 3523 месяца назад
The Revelation of the Faith of Jesus | apostle dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 07-09-2024
Il-Bibbja u l-Kattoliċiżmu #2 | Għaliex Ħarrġu Mill-Kattoliċizmu, u x-Xogħol Apostoliku | Dr. Manché
Просмотров 4444 месяца назад
Il-Bibbja u l-Kattoliċiżmu #2 | Għaliex Ħarrġu Mill-Kattoliċizmu, u x-Xogħol Apostoliku | Dr. Manché
Il regno di Dio viene su Trinitapoli, Italia | apostolo Gordon-John Manche & Pastore Nicola di Biase
Просмотров 2034 месяца назад
Il regno di Dio viene su Trinitapoli, Italia | apostolo Gordon-John Manche & Pastore Nicola di Biase
Faith Explosion Conference 2024 PROMO (featuring guest speakers)
Просмотров 4094 месяца назад
Faith Explosion Conference 2024 PROMO (featuring guest speakers)
Hemm Qawwa Fid-Demm Tal-Patt | There Is Power in the Blood of the Covenant
Просмотров 1694 месяца назад
Hemm Qawwa Fid-Demm Tal-Patt | There Is Power in the Blood of the Covenant
Gesù Cristo lo liberò dalle maledizioni delle parole
Просмотров 1005 месяцев назад
Gesù Cristo lo liberò dalle maledizioni delle parole
L-Uġigħ Wara ż-Żifna | Dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 08-06-2024
Просмотров 4096 месяцев назад
L-Uġigħ Wara ż-Żifna | Dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 08-06-2024
River of Love Christian Fellowship - Taster Clip
Просмотров 6076 месяцев назад
River of Love Christian Fellowship - Taster Clip
Il-Kattoliċiżmu (No.1) Il-Bibbja, Papa, Tradizzjonijiet, Tagħlim Żvijjat | Dr. Gordon-John Manché
Просмотров 2776 месяцев назад
Il-Kattoliċiżmu (No.1) Il-Bibbja, Papa, Tradizzjonijiet, Tagħlim Żvijjat | Dr. Gordon-John Manché
Просмотров 2246 месяцев назад
Просмотров 2406 месяцев назад
Don't let the devil see you sweat | apostle Gordon-John Manché
Просмотров 1737 месяцев назад
Don't let the devil see you sweat | apostle Gordon-John Manché
Просмотров 1318 месяцев назад
L-Iblaħ t'Alla, Messaġġ tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira | Dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 29-03-2024
Просмотров 2468 месяцев назад
L-Iblaħ t'Alla, Messaġġ tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira | Dr. Gordon-John Manchè | 29-03-2024
Просмотров 798 месяцев назад
MIRACLE: Healed from Color Blindness | Alfred Cachia
Просмотров 1069 месяцев назад
MIRACLE: Healed from Color Blindness | Alfred Cachia
TESTIMONJANZA: Jesmond Falzon ifieq mill-morliti
Просмотров 1879 месяцев назад
TESTIMONJANZA: Jesmond Falzon ifieq mill-morliti
A very powerful message 👏 God bless
A much needed preaching..thank u God and thank u brandon..God bless you all..everyday in my prayers
Thanks for the service God bless you, i love you so much.
Amen, God bless you too my peaple.
I love you so much my peaple.
Glory be to God 🙏
Tnku jesus i start trust him and belive him 2 ❤🎉
Amen, thanks for loving Jesus Christ our savior.
Thanks for serving God man and woman of God
Kemm Hu helu u twajjeb, il Mulej li dejjem jitkellem minn fomm il qaddeja Tieghu u jghina mill Kelma Tieghu kif dejjem nistghu nersqu lejH halli Hu jkun jista' jghatina l qawwa u s sahha li mehtiega biex nimxu Warajh ❤
My online church
Glory be to God who do wanders
Amen amen u amen
Beautiful messages always groly be to God
Ikun imfahhar il Mulej Alla taggana
Grazzi Mulej 🌻 xi gmiel ta " messagg u kemm hu ta' veru!!!! Barkiet lilek ghaxiz Pastor u nitlob ghal dawk li huma ppersegwitati minhabba l vangelu biex ikunu fl Ispirtu halli jistghu jaraw lil Gesu jqum ghalihom halli jilqaghhom fl eternita' u bhal ma gralu Sawlu, il hniena tal Mulej tmiss il qlub tal persegwaturi biex huma wkoll jesperjenzaw l Imhabba bla qies ta' Alla l Missier ❤
Thanks for serving and loving our God always
Amen glory be to God
True..yrue and True..glory inly to God
Lotd only you deserve all the glory
Thank you Lord
Thanks for the service men of God
I welcome the holy spirit to stand with you.
Grazzi Mulej ghal dan il messagg mimli qawwa u rivelazzjoni ghal hajja li tonora u taghtiK il glorja halli titwaqqaf Saltnatek fuq din l art permezz tal maghzulin Tieghek ❤
Sending Blessing's 🎉🎉🎉
Ma nixba qatt nisma dak li l Mulej ikollu xi jghidilna minn din il qaddejja tant ghaziza ❤ Ghalkemm, nirringrazzja lil Mulej ghal kull min ikun qieghed jaqdi fix xandir tal Kelma t'Alla ❤ Grazzi Mulej ghal dan il messagg li jtina l kuragg biex nindmu u nghamlu pass il quddiem, Bik fit tmum ta' hajjitna halli nisimghu Lilek tilqghana fi Hdanek, bhalha l qaddeja tajba u fidili.... hallelujah
Holy spirit lead me I'm really nothing.
Amen 🙏
Amen 🙏
@26:35 "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men" Psalm 115: 16
Amen, thank for not getting tired of preaching more blessings dear.
Fill yourself with the Word of God so that when you're squeezed, the Word of God ushers out from your mouth ! Thank you Pastor Gordon, for showing us that the bible is important.
Love you so much thanks for beautiful massage to us, the enemies will not manage me in Jesus name.
Amen 🙏
Glory be to God 🙏
Thanks for serving and loving our God pastor.
Xi gmiel ta ' messagg ❤ ... kemm qed jiddispjacini li ma kontx il fellowship 😢 Barkiet ghaziz Pastor
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is still a miracle working God and I'm so happy that he did this for you.
Powerful men of God thanks for the service
Proud of you man of God, thanks for the service to us.
Beautiful message to us .
God bless you mightily, bro. Duane. Xi gmiel il-kelma t'Alla hallelujah.
Dear lord we need your murcy.
We love you more dear thanks for good services to us
Amen 🙏
Thanks for the service wemen of God
Copy cat ta manche qmis bliljun u ha joqod iwerzaq bhalu