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Spoiler Alert Video Game Endings
Добавлен 21 июл 2020
Video game endings from all generations and computer game shorts posted daily
The Worst Game ending ever !
The Nintendo switch remake / remaster of james pond robocod. It has literally all content removed and doesn't even give you a reward for your hard work or you hard earned money ,, absolutely the worst ending I've ever seen here on the channel #nintendo #gaming #retro
Просмотров: 42
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Ran out of room on the cart I guess lol
The original games do have a crazy ending in a completely different art style ,, so my guess is the people that bought the rights for the nintendo Switch Remaster didn't want to pay the royalties to the owner
Well, that wasn't very rewarding at all, lol 😅 🙃 😆.
Lol 😆 . It honestly really bad , the nintendo Switch Remaster version has so much content removed, but i felt for sure they would leave the ending in ffs lol , considering a physical copy of the game retails for around £25/$30. Anyway, thanks for watching 😃
Great ending. Straight to the point 😂.
Used to rage quit this stage a lot when I was younger lmao
I remember this mission way back in the day
Nice one
Thanks 😎
First 🐶👍
Thank you 😎., I was watching your latest video as you commented on mine , in some sort of bizzare twist lol
What game is this?
The games called Cybermorph , originally for the atari jaguar, .. thanks for watching
After watching a couple movies with *incredibly* sad endings that utilize "The Water is Wide", it's interesting hearing it in a more positive situation. Also banger game!
Why does one go back in 2. Version and hoe do both be free
What game is this?
Resistance, fall of man .. Thanks for watching
Holy moly
Miss half life 2. Portal is the most famous mod for sure
The orange box is possibly the greatest collection of games ever
Big like my friend 🐶✌️
Thank you so much 😎
This one I can say I saw when I was younger. While this game was short its still a fun one :).
@retrorobbyreviews Thank you for watching and your continued support :)
Congrats on completing it
Most frustrating level in the mission impossible game. I can't tell ya how it took me and my friends to beat this level on Impossible Mode, lol.
I love this game so much but I was never good enough to beat it 😭
Thanks for watching.., the ending to the game is available on my channel if you'd like to check it out
@ yeah I’ll check it out
Игра крутая я в неё играл
So thats the ending to this game. Thanks for posting this :).
Glad you enjoyed 😎
@spoileralertvge of course!!! I love how your channel is dedicated to video game endings. Without this channel, there would probably be games. I would never see the ending, too.
Why doesn't this have more views 😮
Fantastic stuff lol
The motivation I need for my PPL checkride
Good Classic
Sony needs to bring back the resistance franchise!
100% agree with you. they were a really successful franchise of games in the ps3 era , so it's surprising they haven't been bought back
Bought this game in 2004. Beat it in 2007. Finally!
Good gane that
Definitely is. It's nice and relaxing but has good story layers to it as well
Quando eu era crianca ganhei um NES mas so tinha um jogo "Rush'n attack" passava horas intrertido nunca cheguei na 4 fase 😂
Eu comando você lentar se da sua tumba e resgate minha filha. / I command you rise from your grave and rescue my daughter. 🎉
Cómo se llamaba el Jeep británico?? Lp o upl??? No se
It was the bunny all along! 👀 😂 God dammit tom! 🤣
The music is great but the sound effects suck lol
Except for the pause button
I enjoyed the Game a lot when I was child, Played on my PS2. Now I jave PS5 and I havent played Scaler for over 10 years now
It's a great little game. Thank you for watching. Feel free to check out the full ending video to scaler on my channel 😃
Ears fell off
@@JAMlE1 that's some 8 bit quality sound man
Played it for GameCube and was one of my favorite games
What game is that?
Mario galaxy . Thanks for watching
This level was the bane of my existence as a kid
A new game with this style concept/aesthetics would be so awesome
True to the movie a
@JAMlE1 Yeah, they done a really good job of capturing the ending, I reckon
What game is that?
It's x men destiny for xbox360 and ps3 . Thanks for watching
Interesting!!!! Now i want to try this game.
@retrorobbyreviews I'd definitely recommend if you can get on sale or a discounted price . It has an interesting story and is definitely a game you can chill to for a few hours
@@spoileralertvge I will definitely look into it :). Thanks for the recommendation 😀.
What you playing on? Yeah yeah yeah
Sega megadrive, dude . It's the only console it's on lol
So relaxing
That 1 or 2?
Mario Galaxy 1 👍
It is indeed sir . Good game for it to
Hard game
Yeah, definitely, it's one of them games we're it's not so hard if you go slow, but you can't go slow because there's a really short timer ffs
Childhood mega drive memories right there
Thanks for watching dude 😎