Radio Télé Rouleau Prophétique
Radio Télé Rouleau Prophétique
  • Видео 109
  • Просмотров 76 467


La Moisson, 20e partie: Le grand jour des expiations et la moisson antitypiqueLa Moisson, 20e partie: Le grand jour des expiations et la moisson antitypique
La Moisson, 20e partie: Le grand jour des expiations et la moisson antitypique
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.Месяц назад
La Moisson,19e partie: Matthieu 25-La Parabole des 10 Vierges🤔La Moisson,19e partie: Matthieu 25-La Parabole des 10 Vierges🤔
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Просмотров 793Месяц назад
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des prémices des vivants.
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Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 месяца назад
Nous devons étudier les grands signes qui précisent le temps dans lequel nous vivons... Nous devons coopérer avec LES TROIS PUISSANCES SUPRÊMES QUI SONT DANS LE CIEL: LE PERE, LE FILS ET LE SAINT-ESPRIT; ces puissances travailleront par notre intermédiaire, faisant de nous des collaborateurs de Dieu. - Special Testimonies Series B 7:51 (1905). {Év 552.2} Lors de l’achèvement de l’œuvre, nous se...
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La Moisson, 10ème partie: Prémices, Seconds Fruits et Tabernacle, c'est quoi?La Moisson, 10ème partie: Prémices, Seconds Fruits et Tabernacle, c'est quoi?
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Просмотров 2 тыс.4 месяца назад


  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 4 дня назад

    Amen oui. Sel problem a etude la mwen pa wè reference yo.

  • @aguafanta
    @aguafanta 8 дней назад


  • @agastafas2
    @agastafas2 8 дней назад


  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 11 дней назад

    Mezanmi message sa oblige tande plusieur fwa. Li byen explike wow wow ....

  • @kesnelestime5799
    @kesnelestime5799 21 день назад


  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Mezanmi gadon vérité..... gloire a Dieu amen amennnnnnnn... ke sa ki gin Zorey pou tande , tande sa l'Esprit di a legliz.

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Powerful message

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Gro koze oui....pitié pou nou Seigneur

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Mezanmi rete tande questions ak réponse yo jiskaske video a fini. Gin anpil réponse ki inspire nann video sa e tout lot video yo. Gloire a Dieu .

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Mezanmi levanjil lan klè oui... EGW se yon vrè prophetess

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад


  • @antuankoko3686
    @antuankoko3686 Месяц назад


  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Gro koze sou zafè dime sa. Verite a klè

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Hmmm Tet chaje, pi fò message kap preche sou chè a, pa gin approbation Bondye. Wow. Pitie pou peuple ou a Seigneur. Etude la vreman byen explike. Tout glaw pou Bondye

    • @jesusrevient9105
      @jesusrevient9105 Месяц назад

      Track 4 7:1 (FR) Aujourd’hui, la seule règle de conduite sûre et raisonnable consiste à lire attentivement toutes les pages du message solennel contenu dans ces pages. Qu’aucune ligne n’échappe à votre attention. Etudiez chaque mot soigneusement et dans un esprit de prière. Soyez un étudiant sincère et diligent de la vérité. " Eprouvez toutes choses et retenez ce qui est bon ". 1 Th. 5 : 21. {TN4: 7.1} se sak fe etude radio a tre importante tout ti detail entre ladan

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Anmweyyyyy laodicee bagay la rèd pou nou 😢

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    This study is very powerful. hallelujah glory to God Se pou tout Laodiceans tande message sa wow

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Amen oui I love this study

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Yon ti pays kon Haiti , Bondye bay pouvwa pou bat bête qui monte de l'abime(France)sa. Yo gro privilege oui. Ou met chante mon frere😅😅😅 c'est un rampart que notre Dieu, une invincible armure, notre delivrance en tout lieu, notre defence sure 🎶🎵.... hallelujah yon Beau chant oui

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Amen oui

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Amen nnnnnn

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Gloire a Dieu pou verite a,,, pou Bondye etabli verite la foi a li dwè pran lait la ki se pawol la nan main Rome wow wow wow bel esplikasyon.

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Problem pou dirijan yo , nan kesyon Dime sa... gro koze oui

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 Месяц назад

    Amen oui powerful study

  • @BabychooOA.Larose
    @BabychooOA.Larose Месяц назад

    ✝ Matthieu 10:8 "Guérissez les malades, rendez nets les lépreux, ressuscitez les morts, chassez les diables; vous avez reçu gratuitement, donnez gratuitement."

  • @BeanneFelix
    @BeanneFelix 2 месяца назад


  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    (3)-However, where you made a big booboo is saying that head-covering is not a Salvation issue. Usually, when someone says that about head-covering/ 1Cor.11, it is because they really do not want to offend people's feelings, or they simply do not know enough Scripture, nor understand that God would never devote well-over 16-verses which is about half of an entire chapter to a topic if it was not very important; God does not waste His Breath for nothing. And besides, since when was it not a Salvation issue to honor or dishonor God, Christ, the angels (whom are the reapers that will help destroy the disobedient lost Sinners!) 1Corinthians11 is not just about God's Divine established Order, it was also given to show the Bride how to honor Christ; not to mention for showing how not to sin against the Holy Spirit, Whom not only seals us to Christ and God, but leads us into all truths, whom is give only to them that Obeys God - as well honoring all of heaven and God's Commandments? What I'm saying is, there's no way a woman is going to dishonor man, whom was Created first in the Image of God and represents Christ, for God and heaven not to take-up issues with that. If I dishonor my neighbor, I dishonor Christ whom died for his soul; and if I dishonor Christ, I dishonor the Father whom sent Him; and if I dishonor Christ and the Father, you best believe all of heaven and the angels whom were commissioned to protect us all will have a serious issue with that SIN, and will eventually leave us to Satan. And it is in the 5th Commandment to show Honor; and the lack of it thereof is a Salvation issue. But I see from your video that you appreciate when a statement is backed-up by Scripture, so please read John 5:19-24; and then read 1Corinthians 11:1 and 2 again to see that point, and then verse 23 which clearly tells you whom was this holy Ordinance given by; and after that, to connect it all with Salvation, read Psalm 60:1-6 (especially vrs. 4, 5, 6, seeing the head cover/ veil is a sing/ symbol/ banner/ mark of identification of an obedient people); and then, to wrap-it all up with, who has the authority to tells us what to do and what is right for mankind, especially for the people of God: go to Isaiah 45:18-25. And as per a severe warning to all pretenders when it come to the subject of Covering (like those who covered with the masks during the pandemic, yet they were hating on their own neighbors and family members etc.., having been filled of hypocrisy, whether one cover with a mask or a veil): read Isaiah 30:1 to fully understand how it applies to head-covering for prayer also. And the point is, Disobedience to the Word of God is SIN, and SIN is a Salvation issue, regardless of whichever article God chooses to use to test whether we will Obey Him or Not. At one point in time past it was a fruit that was used for the test of loyalty, but Eve, through the influence of Satan, like you're doing now, thought she knew better than God's Wisdom: as you're speaking against a cross God has given for women who profess to be His, for her to bear/share in His suffrage, just as He bore a Crown of thorn for them; which also symbolizes the heavenly Crown, as also worn by the woman of Revelation 12, a symbol of God's Church with authority on her head. How did you missed that, sister? Dear sister, you are all over the place with your speech, with much discomfort and uneasiness, trying to argue against this God given Ordinance before you presented the thus says the Lord; and you never did go through the entire verses 1-16 as you said you would; which is expected, as I see you argue against this in the same manner Sunday-keepers argue against the Sabbath in favor of Sunday. They, likened to the Church of the 2nd Century threw-away the 7th-Day Sabbath because "they despised the Jews who rejected Christ"; but today we know better, and realized that they should not have "thrown the baby away with the bath water"; which is what you are now doing and teaching others to do, judging from your argument and reasoning, which you did more of then sticking to the Bible! "I saw that when sisters who are given to talk get together, SATAN IS GENERALLY PRESENT, FOR HE FINDS EMPLOYMENT. He stands to excite the mind and make the most of the advantage he has gained.." {2T.185}. One must never conduct a study of 1Cor.11 without first seeking to understand Israel and their condition just prior to the first Advent: to the point where God Himself spoke against their ways, Saying, "Even from the days of your fathers, ye are gone away from my Ordinances and have not kept them". Mal.3:7. However, I do believe that you mean well. Furthermore, we see through scripture that God always use sings and symbols to help our unbelief in order to Save us all: Saying, "How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? Num.14:11. ie.. Israel had to apply lambs blood onto the top part of their houses, to be "COVERED by the blood of the lamb"; But wait, are we not also living houses of God, whom must apply Obedience upon our heads in whichever way God says to do so? Moses and Aaron had to use a Rod to open the red sea; then, when the people got bitten by the deadly vipers for distrusting God in the wilderness, due to lack of faith, they were to make a brazen serpent, then put it on a pole just to look up upon it so to be saved; and no one argued about that. Both Elijah and Elisha on their way crossing the brook, took a mantle and struck the water and it parted that they may crossed over to the other side. According to the OT/Mosaic law, if a woman was suspected by her husband to have been unfaithful, he was to bring the matter to the priest, whom then summoned the woman to appear before him and God, to be "investigated" (judgment); and one of the thing the priest did was UNCOVER her head during the trial: which clearly tells you that the woman knew indeed to present herself COVERED for protection before God; and that protection was removed during her trial and investigation. (Read also Isaiah 3:16-25, and also see how because of this ignorant mindset, many women will inevitably bring war and judgment into their own household upon their husbands!) One must remember that because Eve forfeited her equality with the man upon her sinning against God, majority of the time women and their common activities were generally not included in the Scriptures; hence its Patriarchal makeup unto mankind.

  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    (4)-I am sharing this now so that every sister who wish to be faithful unto the Lord God and His word, may know of this Truth that is in 1Cor.11:1-23, so that she may do whatever is required of her to be shielded and protected when it comes time to face those days of darkness that is before every single one of us; which your pastors and your husbands whom some of you think is your "spiritual covering" will not be able to do anything for you, ziltch, nada in those days of your trials and tribulations. Many nay-sayers like to reject anything they do not understand just for the sake of attention; but Do Not reject Him who speaks to deliver your souls from bondage and error; but instead, listen to the truth: According to the Bible, the concept of Covering out of Reverence and Obedience first began in Heaven: seeing even the angels veil themselves before God in the heavenly places/ congregation and assembly, saying unto Him, Holy, Holy, Holy; and it doesn't matter what they had to cover, whether it be face or their feet etc.. they are above and seeing God face to face, but we are here below, and were asked to cover the head. That is a Divine Ordinance which God established long ago as a Heavenly Tradition and Holy Custom first unto the angels, way prior to there ever being any earth in which we now dwell; and all God did later-on, was simply then extended that Heavenly tradition and Holy custom/ Ordinance to the woman, and also for Order in the Church, because the Church, apart from the City of New Jerusalem, is also the Bride of Christ! But here is our hypocrisy in this whole matter: How many of you women had absolutely no issue wearing a veil for a mere mortal man when you were getting married, which some of you even had on a tiara added to your veil-showing-off; but when it comes to doing the same for Jesus Christ who bore a Crown of Thorn for your wretched souls, you somehow cannot bring yourselves to doing the same for the Son of God! Why? Because you are all vain idol worshippers! You worship your hair and weives, and putting that first befor God! But you are daughters of Royal descent, which is why the veil/ head-covering represents a CROWN, just likened to that which the Bride/ Woman of Revelation 12 has on her head-with 12-Stars. And till this very day, no one caught-on to what Corona was all about: CORONA which is a Spanish or Latin word for CROWN, is also God's way of announcing to the whole world of His coming Kingdom; and letting us Adventist know to prepare ourselves to meet the Bridegroom, and return to the old paths and do what He says to do, that we face not the very same demise as him who did not put on the garment that was given him to wear; but to keep the Ordinances as He delivered them to us 1Cor.11:2, just likened to how we love to tell the world to "Keep the Sabbath day holy; we too ought to "Keep His Ordinances. And how on earth do some of you ladies expect to receive a golden Crown in heaven, when you cannot even be faithful in wearing an earthly Crown/ veil here on earth? which was given to our people to represent heaven as its ambassadors, to reflect the ways and culture of heaven and the God of heaven and of all Creation? God knows who His people are: for of them that are faithful in that which is least, He knows they will also be faithful in much. Hence we're told in the book of Exodus that God has given us these signs and symbols to test whether we will obey Him or not; and to set a difference between them that serve God and them that serve Him not. "Why call me Lord, and do not the things which I say". Luke 6:46. Also, isn't it interesting that in the article that were shown above in the video, it says something to the nature that "the CROWN has the power to release her?" And what is that CROWN? Isn't it the powers that be? "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God..." Romans 13:1-3. Behold, It Is Coming! Corona was the virus that wore the Crown and authority to judge, since no one else would put on Obedience/ Faith/ the helmet of Salvation to judge themselves straight! 1Cor.11:13, 30-32. So ladies, do not let any man take away your CROWN! Seeing the preachers/ "the watchmen and keepers of the wall" has already done so by warring against this truth and not taught it: read Song of Solomon 5:7 and see for yourselves how women lost their veil coveing because of these men in the first place. And as per the good angels, they were commissioned to watch-over us and to protect us, as is one of their duties; but we awfully sadden them when we disobey The Lord God, and we put ourselves at risk not being protected: seeing the angel of the Lord encamped round about them that fear God, and He only delivers them. Psalms 34:7. And last, as per that sign and symbol, read Psalms 60:1-6, but with more emphasis on verse 4, 5 and 6a; which tells you that this banner/ veil is to be displayed, as a witness for Christ according to your faith in Him and in His Word; just likened to how some of you had no problem waiving and displaying your bandannas and Country flags of origin when you were shaking your behind in the carnivals when you were in the world. But this world is about to experience an evil supernatural time it has never before seen; and God is only trying to shield and protect all of His Obedient Children and Daughters. "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head, because of the angels; and we must remember that there are evil angels as well, which are demons. So, "LET HER BE COVERED!!" 1Cor.11: 5-6; That's the Commandment! (preferably with a white linen cloth/ veil: which represents holiness and the purity of God's righteousness and that of His saints; that is the definition given unto us as per the meaning to the word Cover in verses 4 and 5. Research this and look it up for yourselves ladies; it's VEIL; although, some covering to start this journey unto holiness is better than no covering at all); however, if anyone think they can just put on a head-covering to look pious while intending to cover-up their wickedness and wretched deeds; the Bible says, "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD,..that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may ad sin to sin.." Isaiah 30:1. May God bless you all, and be with our sister Gabrielle unto having full victory over her circumstances and short-comings!

  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    (5)-And finally, as per those who feel they ought to cover all the times because of "Pray without ceasing" from 1 Thessalonians 5:17, by all means, feel free to ever so try to please the Lord God as that Christian who desire to do more than what God says to do; if you were given to bear that, then bear it without imposing it on others, because that is of a personal sacrificial choice of the heart / understanding and piety. But one thing for a fact, no one was made to have parts of their body to be covered with any fabric or materials 24/7, seeing the head and hair and other parts of the body must breath, and receive fresh-air and Sunlight and water etc.. Which would also means that men were never to wear a hat, seeing "he was to be in constant prayer." And if this thing was about the severity of prayer and 1Thess.5:17, which it is not, then one should be sure to never remove their head-covering, and even in the shower, and during intimacy with their spouse etc.. To veil is about Obedience to God, and Honoring Christ Whom wore a Crown of Thorn for His Bride, whose figurative representation is the female/ the women, and thus her part to do in sacrificing Pride and self to bear her Cross and Veil/ Crown also; and it's also about defying women's Pride, Usurpation of authority and the ways of Satan/ Disorder in God's house and in the life of the Christian woman who's of Royal heritage. Amen? Now, for those who don't mind reading at all; here is my respond to a situation involving a sister with beautiful long hair that was violated in the worst way as a new SDA, overseas: To whom it may concern, please see to it that ms. Gabrielle receive this message also, as it is an open message to all as well: Now, as I understand it, ms. Gabrielle whom I am very sorry to hear of her trials, is also new to the SDA faith; and therefore, I kinda don't expect her to have fully known of this teaching which Adventist people have entirely ignored as essential for the last days, that God has given to the woman a protective veil/ sign/banner (Psalm 60:1-6a) and power of authority to be on her head, to cover her beautiful hair (1Cor.11:1-23), to prevent all such ill attractions towards her, especially when she is in the company of men of the assembly, and when she prays (that is, to speak with God) or prophesy (that is, to at least boldly claim that God is speaking through you), which we term today as teaching or when engaged in spiritual duties; to be covered with a veil, for her own safety and protection against demonic spirits, though more so, this veil covering was given to the woman to show Honor, respect and reverence to men, her husband, Christ and God, as well to the angels whom are commissioned to protect her; and angels do not protect blatant disobedience nor those whom dishonor GOD: "A son honor his father, and a servant his master: if I be a Father, where is My honor? and if I be a Master, where is my fear?" Hence the everlasting Gospel of the 1st-angel message to all the world, tongue, nations and kindred is found here also in 1Corinthians-11:1-23 to "Fear God and Give Glory unto Him, (Yes, give that hair-glory also by covering it in the presence of God); for the hour of His judgment (upon idolatry) is Come..and worship Him (ONLY)!" 14"..For I am a great King, saith the LORD of host, and my name is dreadful among the heathen." Malachi 1:6 and 14; Revelation 14:6-7. And my point here is: She was the only one in prison, and not any of us; not her pastor, not her friends, not her son, nor any of her co-workers or family members, JUST HER and all of Heaven to defend her now. And that will be the fate of every other woman who stands for the Truth of God's word as we thread through the hurdles of these last days. But why give yourselves to unnecessary trials and tribulations when God has clearly given unto women a symbol of His power and protection to use in Obedience to His wise counsel for her own good? But instead, we gave-in to decades of rationalizing that the veil and head covering of 1Corinthians 11:1-23 is not important, even when we have clearly seen that many women from all the other false persuasions are beginning to Obey and practice head-covering; So what's with the Adventists? Whose suppose to recognize what it means when all the animals are now flocking into the Ark of Truth? "Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine Ordinances and have not kept them!" Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of host." Mal.3:7. The early Hebrew Israelites Practiced it; believing Jews of Jesus’ days had no problem with it; the Aborgencies, Hugonots and Waldenseans Honored it; our modern Amish, Quakers and Mennonites families Live by it; the Muslims, Buddhist and Catholics are Revered for it; Methodist, Baptists, Pentecostals and Ellen .G.White covered with it! But we Adventists act as though God didn't know what He was talking about, and saying that "the woman's hair is her covering" etc.. But Miss. Gabriela is now in prison: Will her hair save her now? Did her hair get her out of Jail? The Bible tells us something which ms. Gabrielle repeats in her preaching very often, that "the weapon of our warfare is not carnal," and therefore the veil is not her hair, (which is a carnal thing), for the woman's hair cannot protect anything at all against any evil spirits; but our Obedience to God and all of His words will! Why do you think she was sexually harassed? her hair has a lot to do with it also, seeing how she seems to always let it all down, even in a professional work setting and environment, not to mention when she's also on the pulpit preaching, which I just find out that she did quite often, exercising authority over men while uncovered; did God call women to be pastors and preachers? If He did call them, they would have at the very least honored Him enough in return and be Covered. But what you will see is a whole bunch of single women and mothers who couldn't manage their relationships, nor be submissive to their own husbands, yet running straight into the Church to gain access to positions of leadership, to exercise control and power over men and the people of God, under a pious appearance, because they lost control over their own lives, over their man and their households! And why ask a man whom you see is interested in you, "where can I go to change my clothes?" An image of her being nude was then created in his mind! She could have asked that question to a woman instead. As I said, none of this is to any ill intentional fault of her own, seeing she might not have known any better, nor to cover her head before God; but the Adventist denomination and their lack to commit to these doctrines and neglect of these truths, are the ones to be blamed; especially seeing we're the only Church giving asylum and refuge to rebellious people from other denominations who are running-away from their reverential duties and religious obligations unto God and their fellow man and letting these women do whatever they want to do in God's Church! But still, that does not in any way excuse the evils which these men and women of that establishment committed against her! And another thing, look how the world governments demanded for "the mask of the beast" to be worn, and everybody and their mamma quickly adhere and obeyed, due to much fear of consequences and of loosing their jobs; both, ms. Gabrielle and her son wore a mask in church: but when God first said it in the Bible, that every woman should cover their head in His presence, especially when accessing the spiritual realm and spiritual office via prayer, entering into the presence of God; we all made excuses for them so not to do as commanded of the Lord, seeing "we are wiser than He."

  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    (6)-Nevertheless, much blessings toward your endeavor at "looking into the head covering". First off, the Scripture passage says, "But (IF) a woman has long hair" it is (a) glory to her (NOT TO GOD); for her hair is given to her for (a) covering." 1Cor.11:15. (the letter (a) never points to a distinct article, as the word (THE) does; but the letter (a) suggest that there are more than one glory and more than one covering in question; and that is basic grammar and reading comprehension; and believe me, so many people missed-out on this important valid point). There is a Scripture passage that says, "the weapon of our warfare is not CARNAL, but mighty" through GOD.. (or SPIRITUAL). And if you read that whole section of that passage, it will help with the understanding that there are two realms, the Natural/ Physical, and then the Spiritual/ Supernatural. Now, to best understand how this all comes together, just remember that prior to there ever was any SIN on Earth, GOD Created Man and the Woman with perfect knowledge and perfect beauty; and God made sure to give each of these two Created beings their own separate/ specific physical attributes to set them apart and not to look the same to prevent confusion: male and female Created He them. And so, prior to them SINNING, the woman was endowed with beautiful hair as a type of covering/ glory, which technically was her third covering for her body: (1st-that shining light/ holy Spirit that made them glow ever so brightly, which the bible calls Skekinah glory; 2nd-her beautiful skin; and 3rd-her beautiful long hair that served as a long shawl over her body); and not to mention a genetic makeup that was so potent, to enable every other woman that was born thereafter to also have beautiful long hair; but sin and women corrupting themselves by having rejected God first and then later with those chemicals added to their hair, body and diet, destroyed the ability for so many of these compromised women to grow long hair. Not to mention, Satan has always been after the woman, and wants to corrupt the Image and Glory of GOD, by also causing these women to get illnesses that affect their hair growth process to be bald. And the women who rejects this will soon go bald.. as is said in the word of God by Amos, that "Baldness will be upon every head!" So when SIN came on the scene, mankind needed a Savior and Redemption; and God, just like when He tested their loyalty with a fruit, He ever since after that all throughout the Old Testament, like He tested Cain and Abel on the manner of how to worship God, always did and continued to use Sings and Symbols to Save humanity and help all of our unbelief. And to resolve our SIN issue, GOD decided to established His Church, down here on the earth, a Special and unique religious Organization, to keep His Church in perfect Order, so to redeem the rest of us with Spiritual things, by faith with sings and symbols, among which, the veil was also given with Baptism, the Lord Supper and Feet-Washing etc.. all sings and symbols for Order and Obedience and Protection, (1Cor.11:10). And so, before SIN, mankind (Adam and Eve) had more than one glory and covering which had power and beauty; but after mankind SINNED, all of that glory and beauty became corrupted in the sight of God and tainted by SIN, which He will not touch; but Established a New Order and Spiritual way whereby mankind must be Saved through various means/ Sings and Symbols and be Redeemed by Faith in Jesus Christ and Obedience, and Reconciled us back to God, which Christ did all such works for us, and only ask us in return to honor Him and GOD with the holy Ordinances that serve as a memorial of His righteousness unto God on our behalf. In addition, the bible never exactly said for women to cover their hair at all times; the text suggest only when Praying or Prophesying. (we have with us in this christian walk and experience 3-types of Christians: the ones that wants to do more than what God says; the ones that always seek to do less than what is required to do; and of course those that do exactly what God says to do. And the question is, would you function this way with a combination-lock where your life depended on it? Or with your Bank account-Numbers and passwords and pins?; or even with a treasure map? And the answer is No, because you want to get things right and going good for you with no hiccups.) And although to Cover includes during personal and private time of prayer; It is more so relevant to public and corporate assembly, settings, group and Church meetings, because part reason why to cover/ hide the hair, is due to the fact it is often use as a distraction to lure men and to draw attention to superfluous beauty and one' self for the wrong reasons; which often draw unwarranted behaviors. Hence the caution "Not to cause a brother to stumble and sin". 1 Cor.11:5 says, "Every woman that prays or Prophesy with her head uncovered (with a veil, which is the Hebrew meaning for the word Cover in that verse,) (which, there are 3 Hebrew words in the whole chapter pertaining this subject: Kalipto, Katakalipto, Akatakalipto; (excuse misspellings). Other than that, as per "when and where then is her hair a Glory to her????" Answer, every other time when the woman is not engaged in Spiritual duties, prayer and prophesying; whether she's at home, with her family, with friends, on the road, at the mall etc.. the woman's glory was given to make her feel good about herself and beautiful. (unless she is in a Country or environment that require her to cover: One must honor custom where custom is due, as long it doesn't violate God's Biblical Standards and Law.")

  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    (7)-I hope this message is well understood and not taken out of context. We have a wage and hefty debt to pay if we're going to continue ignoring other viable sections of the Bible, especially those of the New Testament. The waters of Baptism is a sign; the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper are signs and symbols; the 7th-Day Sabbath is a sign and symbol to the people of God; the Ordinance of feet washing is a sign and symbol; but in those very same passages it talks extensively of the veil as a head covering to protect the sisters from pride and haughtiness; but nooo, we pick and choose to throw that one out of the Church! And we're wandering why the Church and some of our women are in disarray and out of Order? How do you go about ignoring 16 verses of the Bible, and then call ourselves "the people of the book?" That is my point: God has from since Genesis to Revelation always used Signs and Symbols to help our unbelief; and because women are more susceptible to falling to temptations and rebel, as did mother Eve whom usurped the authority of the man, God in His mercy and wisdom extended this particular sign and symbol of His Power/ CROWN of Authority and protection via the Veil of 1Cor.11 to wear, to help the sisters who are willing to have faith in God's wisdom and to trust in Him. All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD..! And the Scriptures cannot be broken! If any one which to learn more on this subject, feel free to reply first using my youtube name-tab James B, and I'll send you some information to make this subject even clearer. Again, God bless you all.

  • @BabychooOA.Larose
    @BabychooOA.Larose 3 месяца назад

    Sak fè yo pa di lè bondye te kreye dlo se paske dlo te deja kreye te gen dlo nan syèl la devant tròn bondye a

  • @BeholditisComing
    @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

    Amen you guys; and great job! May God bless you. Now let's talk about that which God has already given to us from the Bible to use as protection for ourselves and against the evil days, which all of Adventism seem to have forsaken and neglected, which was also given to shield and protect our women and daughters from pride, worldly and demonic influences, so to not be compromised: So please see my video on the "Forgotten Crown" of 1Corinthians11; A topic I know you are very, very familiar with. It is the only 38-minute long video in this my brand new RUclips channel; Titled, The man who actually went to GC-headquarter about "The forgotten head-piece to the wedding garment!". Thank You all. Peace and God bless!

    • @BeholditisComing
      @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

      (4)-I am sharing this now so that every sister who wish to be faithful unto the Lord God and His word, may know of this Truth that is in 1Cor.11:1-23, so that she may do whatever is required of her to be shielded and protected when it comes time to face those days of darkness that is before every single one of us; which your pastors and your husbands whom some of you think is your "spiritual covering" will not be able to do anything for you, ziltch, nada in those days of your trials and tribulations. Many nay-sayers like to reject anything they do not understand just for the sake of attention; but Do Not reject Him who speaks to deliver your souls from bondage and error; but instead, listen to the truth: According to the Bible, the concept of Covering out of Reverence and Obedience first began in Heaven: seeing even the angels veil themselves before God in the heavenly places/ congregation and assembly, saying unto Him, Holy, Holy, Holy; and it doesn't matter what they had to cover, whether it be face or their feet etc.. they are above and seeing God face to face, but we are here below, and were asked to cover the head. That is a Divine Ordinance which God established long ago as a Heavenly Tradition and Holy Custom first unto the angels, way prior to there ever being any earth in which we now dwell; and all God did later-on, was simply then extended that Heavenly tradition and Holy custom/ Ordinance to the woman, and also for Order in the Church, because the Church, apart from the City of New Jerusalem, is also the Bride of Christ! But here is our hypocrisy in this whole matter: How many of you women had absolutely no issue wearing a veil for a mere mortal man when you were getting married, which some of you even had on a tiara added to your veil-showing-off; but when it comes to doing the same for Jesus Christ who bore a Crown of Thorn for your wretched souls, you somehow cannot bring yourselves to doing the same for the Son of God! Why? Because you are all vain idol worshippers! You worship your hair and weives, and putting that first befor God! But you are daughters of Royal descent, which is why the veil/ head-covering represents a CROWN, just likened to that which the Bride/ Woman of Revelation 12 has on her head-with 12-Stars. And till this very day, no one caught-on to what Corona was all about: CORONA which is a Spanish or Latin word for CROWN, is also God's way of announcing to the whole world of His coming Kingdom; and letting us Adventist know to prepare ourselves to meet the Bridegroom, and return to the old paths and do what He says to do, that we face not the very same demise as him who did not put on the garment that was given him to wear; but to keep the Ordinances as He delivered them to us 1Cor.11:2, just likened to how we love to tell the world to "Keep the Sabbath day holy; we too ought to "Keep His Ordinances. And how on earth do some of you ladies expect to receive a golden Crown in heaven, when you cannot even be faithful in wearing an earthly Crown/ veil here on earth? which was given to our people to represent heaven as its ambassadors, to reflect the ways and culture of heaven and the God of heaven and of all Creation? God knows who His people are: for of them that are faithful in that which is least, He knows they will also be faithful in much. Hence we're told in the book of Exodus that God has given us these signs and symbols to test whether we will obey Him or not; and to set a difference between them that serve God and them that serve Him not. "Why call me Lord, and do not the things which I say". Luke 6:46. Also, isn't it interesting that in the article that were shown above in the video, it says something to the nature that "the CROWN has the power to release her?" And what is that CROWN? Isn't it the powers that be? "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God..." Romans 13:1-3. Behold, It Is Coming! Corona was the virus that wore the Crown and authority to judge, since no one else would put on Obedience/ Faith/ the helmet of Salvation to judge themselves straight! 1Cor.11:13, 30-32. So ladies, do not let any man take away your CROWN! Seeing the preachers/ "the watchmen and keepers of the wall" has already done so by warring against this truth and not taught it: read Song of Solomon 5:7 and see for yourselves how women lost their veil coveing because of these men in the first place. And as per the good angels, they were commissioned to watch-over us and to protect us, as is one of their duties; but we awfully sadden them when we disobey The Lord God, and we put ourselves at risk not being protected: seeing the angel of the Lord encamped round about them that fear God, and He only delivers them. Psalms 34:7. And last, as per that sign and symbol, read Psalms 60:1-6, but with more emphasis on verse 4, 5 and 6a; which tells you that this banner/ veil is to be displayed, as a witness for Christ according to your faith in Him and in His Word; just likened to how some of you had no problem waiving and displaying your bandannas and Country flags of origin when you were shaking your behind in the carnivals when you were in the world. But this world is about to experience an evil supernatural time it has never before seen; and God is only trying to shield and protect all of His Obedient Children and Daughters. "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head, because of the angels; and we must remember that there are evil angels as well, which are demons. So, "LET HER BE COVERED!!" 1Cor.11: 5-6; That's the Commandment! (preferably with a white linen cloth/ veil: which represents holiness and the purity of God's righteousness and that of His saints; that is the definition given unto us as per the meaning to the word Cover in verses 4 and 5. Research this and look it up for yourselves ladies; it's VEIL; although, some covering to start this journey unto holiness is better than no covering at all); however, if anyone think they can just put on a head-covering to look pious while intending to cover-up their wickedness and wretched deeds; the Bible says, "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD,..that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may ad sin to sin.." Isaiah 30:1. May God bless you all, and be with our sister Gabrielle unto having full victory over her circumstances and short-comings!

    • @BeholditisComing
      @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

      (5)-And finally, as per those who feel they ought to cover all the times because of "Pray without ceasing" from 1 Thessalonians 5:17, by all means, feel free to ever so try to please the Lord God as that Christian who desire to do more than what God says to do; if you were given to bear that, then bear it without imposing it on others, because that is of a personal sacrificial choice of the heart / understanding and piety. But one thing for a fact, no one was made to have parts of their body to be covered with any fabric or materials 24/7, seeing the head and hair and other parts of the body must breath, and receive fresh-air and Sunlight and water etc.. Which would also means that men were never to wear a hat, seeing "he was to be in constant prayer." And if this thing was about the severity of prayer and 1Thess.5:17, which it is not, then one should be sure to never remove their head-covering, and even in the shower, and during intimacy with their spouse etc.. To veil is about Obedience to God, and Honoring Christ Whom wore a Crown of Thorn for His Bride, whose figurative representation is the female/ the women, and thus her part to do in sacrificing Pride and self to bear her Cross and Veil/ Crown also; and it's also about defying women's Pride, Usurpation of authority and the ways of Satan/ Disorder in God's house and in the life of the Christian woman who's of Royal heritage. Amen? Now, for those who don't mind reading at all; here is my respond to a situation involving a sister with beautiful long hair that was violated in the worst way as a new SDA, overseas: To whom it may concern, please see to it that ms. Gabrielle receive this message also, as it is an open message to all as well: Now, as I understand it, ms. Gabrielle whom I am very sorry to hear of her trials, is also new to the SDA faith; and therefore, I kinda don't expect her to have fully known of this teaching which Adventist people have entirely ignored as essential for the last days, that God has given to the woman a protective veil/ sign/banner (Psalm 60:1-6a) and power of authority to be on her head, to cover her beautiful hair (1Cor.11:1-23), to prevent all such ill attractions towards her, especially when she is in the company of men of the assembly, and when she prays (that is, to speak with God) or prophesy (that is, to at least boldly claim that God is speaking through you), which we term today as teaching or when engaged in spiritual duties; to be covered with a veil, for her own safety and protection against demonic spirits, though more so, this veil covering was given to the woman to show Honor, respect and reverence to men, her husband, Christ and God, as well to the angels whom are commissioned to protect her; and angels do not protect blatant disobedience nor those whom dishonor GOD: "A son honor his father, and a servant his master: if I be a Father, where is My honor? and if I be a Master, where is my fear?" Hence the everlasting Gospel of the 1st-angel message to all the world, tongue, nations and kindred is found here also in 1Corinthians-11:1-23 to "Fear God and Give Glory unto Him, (Yes, give that hair-glory also by covering it in the presence of God); for the hour of His judgment (upon idolatry) is Come..and worship Him (ONLY)!" 14"..For I am a great King, saith the LORD of host, and my name is dreadful among the heathen." Malachi 1:6 and 14; Revelation 14:6-7. And my point here is: She was the only one in prison, and not any of us; not her pastor, not her friends, not her son, nor any of her co-workers or family members, JUST HER and all of Heaven to defend her now. And that will be the fate of every other woman who stands for the Truth of God's word as we thread through the hurdles of these last days. But why give yourselves to unnecessary trials and tribulations when God has clearly given unto women a symbol of His power and protection to use in Obedience to His wise counsel for her own good? But instead, we gave-in to decades of rationalizing that the veil and head covering of 1Corinthians 11:1-23 is not important, even when we have clearly seen that many women from all the other false persuasions are beginning to Obey and practice head-covering; So what's with the Adventists? Whose suppose to recognize what it means when all the animals are now flocking into the Ark of Truth? "Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine Ordinances and have not kept them!" Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of host." Mal.3:7. The early Hebrew Israelites Practiced it; believing Jews of Jesus’ days had no problem with it; the Aborgencies, Hugonots and Waldenseans Honored it; our modern Amish, Quakers and Mennonites families Live by it; the Muslims, Buddhist and Catholics are Revered for it; Methodist, Baptists, Pentecostals and Ellen .G.White covered with it! But we Adventists act as though God didn't know what He was talking about, and saying that "the woman's hair is her covering" etc.. But Miss. Gabriela is now in prison: Will her hair save her now? Did her hair get her out of Jail? The Bible tells us something which ms. Gabrielle repeats in her preaching very often, that "the weapon of our warfare is not carnal," and therefore the veil is not her hair, (which is a carnal thing), for the woman's hair cannot protect anything at all against any evil spirits; but our Obedience to God and all of His words will! Why do you think she was sexually harassed? her hair has a lot to do with it also, seeing how she seems to always let it all down, even in a professional work setting and environment, not to mention when she's also on the pulpit preaching, which I just find out that she did quite often, exercising authority over men while uncovered; did God call women to be pastors and preachers? If He did call them, they would have at the very least honored Him enough in return and be Covered. But what you will see is a whole bunch of single women and mothers who couldn't manage their relationships, nor be submissive to their own husbands, yet running straight into the Church to gain access to positions of leadership, to exercise control and power over men and the people of God, under a pious appearance, because they lost control over their own lives, over their man and their households! And why ask a man whom you see is interested in you, "where can I go to change my clothes?" An image of her being nude was then created in his mind! She could have asked that question to a woman instead. As I said, none of this is to any ill intentional fault of her own, seeing she might not have known any better, nor to cover her head before God; but the Adventist denomination and their lack to commit to these doctrines and neglect of these truths, are the ones to be blamed; especially seeing we're the only Church giving asylum and refuge to rebellious people from other denominations who are running-away from their reverential duties and religious obligations unto God and their fellow man and letting these women do whatever they want to do in God's Church! But still, that does not in any way excuse the evils which these men and women of that establishment committed against her! And another thing, look how the world governments demanded for "the mask of the beast" to be worn, and everybody and their mamma quickly adhere and obeyed, due to much fear of consequences and of loosing their jobs; both, ms. Gabrielle and her son wore a mask in church: but when God first said it in the Bible, that every woman should cover their head in His presence, especially when accessing the spiritual realm and spiritual office via prayer, entering into the presence of God; we all made excuses for them so not to do as commanded of the Lord, seeing "we are wiser than He."

    • @BeholditisComing
      @BeholditisComing 3 месяца назад

      (6)-Nevertheless, much blessings toward your endeavor at "looking into the head covering". First off, the Scripture passage says, "But (IF) a woman has long hair" it is (a) glory to her (NOT TO GOD); for her hair is given to her for (a) covering." 1Cor.11:15. (the letter (a) never points to a distinct article, as the word (THE) does; but the letter (a) suggest that there are more than one glory and more than one covering in question; and that is basic grammar and reading comprehension; and believe me, so many people missed-out on this important valid point). There is a Scripture passage that says, "the weapon of our warfare is not CARNAL, but mighty" through GOD.. (or SPIRITUAL). And if you read that whole section of that passage, it will help with the understanding that there are two realms, the Natural/ Physical, and then the Spiritual/ Supernatural. Now, to best understand how this all comes together, just remember that prior to there ever was any SIN on Earth, GOD Created Man and the Woman with perfect knowledge and perfect beauty; and God made sure to give each of these two Created beings their own separate/ specific physical attributes to set them apart and not to look the same to prevent confusion: male and female Created He them. And so, prior to them SINNING, the woman was endowed with beautiful hair as a type of covering/ glory, which technically was her third covering for her body: (1st-that shining light/ holy Spirit that made them glow ever so brightly, which the bible calls Skekinah glory; 2nd-her beautiful skin; and 3rd-her beautiful long hair that served as a long shawl over her body); and not to mention a genetic makeup that was so potent, to enable every other woman that was born thereafter to also have beautiful long hair; but sin and women corrupting themselves by having rejected God first and then later with those chemicals added to their hair, body and diet, destroyed the ability for so many of these compromised women to grow long hair. Not to mention, Satan has always been after the woman, and wants to corrupt the Image and Glory of GOD, by also causing these women to get illnesses that affect their hair growth process to be bald. And the women who rejects this will soon go bald.. as is said in the word of God by Amos, that "Baldness will be upon every head!" So when SIN came on the scene, mankind needed a Savior and Redemption; and God, just like when He tested their loyalty with a fruit, He ever since after that all throughout the Old Testament, like He tested Cain and Abel on the manner of how to worship God, always did and continued to use Sings and Symbols to Save humanity and help all of our unbelief. And to resolve our SIN issue, GOD decided to established His Church, down here on the earth, a Special and unique religious Organization, to keep His Church in perfect Order, so to redeem the rest of us with Spiritual things, by faith with sings and symbols, among which, the veil was also given with Baptism, the Lord Supper and Feet-Washing etc.. all sings and symbols for Order and Obedience and Protection, (1Cor.11:10). And so, before SIN, mankind (Adam and Eve) had more than one glory and covering which had power and beauty; but after mankind SINNED, all of that glory and beauty became corrupted in the sight of God and tainted by SIN, which He will not touch; but Established a New Order and Spiritual way whereby mankind must be Saved through various means/ Sings and Symbols and be Redeemed by Faith in Jesus Christ and Obedience, and Reconciled us back to God, which Christ did all such works for us, and only ask us in return to honor Him and GOD with the holy Ordinances that serve as a memorial of His righteousness unto God on our behalf. In addition, the bible never exactly said for women to cover their hair at all times; the text suggest only when Praying or Prophesying. (we have with us in this christian walk and experience 3-types of Christians: the ones that wants to do more than what God says; the ones that always seek to do less than what is required to do; and of course those that do exactly what God says to do. And the question is, would you function this way with a combination-lock where your life depended on it? Or with your Bank account-Numbers and passwords and pins?; or even with a treasure map? And the answer is No, because you want to get things right and going good for you with no hiccups.) And although to Cover includes during personal and private time of prayer; It is more so relevant to public and corporate assembly, settings, group and Church meetings, because part reason why to cover/ hide the hair, is due to the fact it is often use as a distraction to lure men and to draw attention to superfluous beauty and one' self for the wrong reasons; which often draw unwarranted behaviors. Hence the caution "Not to cause a brother to stumble and sin". 1 Cor.11:5 says, "Every woman that prays or Prophesy with her head uncovered (with a veil, which is the Hebrew meaning for the word Cover in that verse,) (which, there are 3 Hebrew words in the whole chapter pertaining this subject: Kalipto, Katakalipto, Akatakalipto; (excuse misspellings). Other than that, as per "when and where then is her hair a Glory to her????" Answer, every other time when the woman is not engaged in Spiritual duties, prayer and prophesying; whether she's at home, with her family, with friends, on the road, at the mall etc.. the woman's glory was given to make her feel good about herself and beautiful. (unless she is in a Country or environment that require her to cover: One must honor custom where custom is due, as long it doesn't violate God's Biblical Standards and Law.")

  • @titaainslie7456
    @titaainslie7456 3 месяца назад


  • @LuisViol
    @LuisViol 3 месяца назад

    Bon saba

  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 3 месяца назад

    Hallelujah verite a belle

    • @LuisViol
      @LuisViol 3 месяца назад


    • @LuisViol
      @LuisViol 3 месяца назад

      Mwn santim beni que Bondye fé nougras pou noutravay plis tlujou bon kouraj

    • @radiotelerouleauprophetiqu7854
      @radiotelerouleauprophetiqu7854 3 месяца назад

      +@LuisViol AMEN nous di Jésus merci pou sa

  • @DesgagesDawensky
    @DesgagesDawensky 4 месяца назад

    Crépuscule ❤ du soir

  • @ilamanportilus-lj1fl
    @ilamanportilus-lj1fl 5 месяцев назад

    Bravo seulement jou yo patko gen non ler jezi te mouri an

  • @vensclik_0079
    @vensclik_0079 5 месяцев назад

    Amen frèm

  • @jonasjosue3658
    @jonasjosue3658 5 месяцев назад

    Dios es grande

  • @jonasjosue3658
    @jonasjosue3658 6 месяцев назад


  • @edwingjoseph8681
    @edwingjoseph8681 6 месяцев назад

    Ane sacre,au lieu ange sacre

  • @edwingjoseph8681
    @edwingjoseph8681 6 месяцев назад

    U nan preparation fet pak kounyea, 29 mas nan kalendrier romain an ap 10eme pou moun pwofesy mete yo apa

  • @edwingjoseph8681
    @edwingjoseph8681 6 месяцев назад

    Selon calendrier biblique, sa Bondye remet Moise la,lap ba konesans piti piti sou li, Selon sa liv konferans jete a,nan imaj ange sacre a Nou wè fet pak la dwe toujou komemore le 14 eme jou du 1er mwa,ki pa sa la rome ap fete a Equinox primtemps an,se 1er jou nan mwa a, Mesaje ot anj lan bay yon balise,pou nou pa ttwompe nou.,

  • @edwingjoseph8681
    @edwingjoseph8681 6 месяцев назад

    Bon jour

  • @jonasjosue3658
    @jonasjosue3658 6 месяцев назад


  • @jonasjosue3658
    @jonasjosue3658 6 месяцев назад


  • @mayoussepwezi5003
    @mayoussepwezi5003 6 месяцев назад

    Wow wow to God be the glory. Vérité so goood... sa encourage m plis a étudier la verge...

  • @jonasjosue3658
    @jonasjosue3658 6 месяцев назад


  • @samuelguerrier7275
    @samuelguerrier7275 6 месяцев назад


  • @agathefortune2311
    @agathefortune2311 6 месяцев назад
