- Видео 53
- Просмотров 13 188
Добавлен 23 июн 2014
Opoura helps energy companies unlock the potential of the energy transition by delivering smart, scalable solutions. With deep roots in Nordic renewable energy and a strong presence across North America and Europe, we offer decades of specialized knowledge within software, hardware, and consulting to support our customers in connecting, controlling, and commercializing their assets throughout the energy supply chain.
Our clients - from IPPs and OEMs to traders and TSOs - rely on us for our expertise and industry-leading solutions. We enable them to navigate complex energy projects, make informed decisions, and optimize their performance in an increasingly electrified landscape.
Our dedicated professionals bring diverse perspectives and a unified purpose to every project. Knowledge is at the core of what we do, drawing from our extensive experience in large-scale projects and partnerships across the sector.
Together, we ignite the potential of energy transition in a smart way.
Our clients - from IPPs and OEMs to traders and TSOs - rely on us for our expertise and industry-leading solutions. We enable them to navigate complex energy projects, make informed decisions, and optimize their performance in an increasingly electrified landscape.
Our dedicated professionals bring diverse perspectives and a unified purpose to every project. Knowledge is at the core of what we do, drawing from our extensive experience in large-scale projects and partnerships across the sector.
Together, we ignite the potential of energy transition in a smart way.
We are Opoura │ Igniting the potential of the energy transition - in a smart way
SCADA International has just rebranded to Opoura. Though our look might be new, we are not new to the industry.
Learn more about our next step through our press release: content.app-us1.com/83Bmz/2024/12/16/cbad3873-7df7-4378-9daa-540fec829aee.pdf
Be reminded of our new website launch: www.opoura.com
Learn more about our next step through our press release: content.app-us1.com/83Bmz/2024/12/16/cbad3873-7df7-4378-9daa-540fec829aee.pdf
Be reminded of our new website launch: www.opoura.com
Просмотров: 171
Episode 12: Hvorfor er SCADA systemer essentielle i den grønne omstilling?
Просмотров 1728 дней назад
I dette afsnit skal det handle om SCADA. For på trods af, at vi hos SCADA International beskæftiger os med SCADA-systemer hver eneste dag, så har vi faktisk ikke dykket ned i begrebet her i vores podcast. Og som en ny medarbejder påpegede overfor os, så kunne det måske være en idé at gøre jer lyttere lidt klogere på, hvad SCADA egentlig er, og hvorfor SCADA-systemer er vigtige, når vi snakker e...
Episode 11: Hvorfor er havet blevet vindindustriens foretrukne legeplads?
Просмотров 4428 дней назад
I dag skal vi snakke om offshore. Og det skal vi, fordi Energistyrelsen tilbage i april offentliggjorde Danmarks hidtil største udbud indenfor havvind, som med sin tilføjelse af minimum 6 GW skal mangedoble Danmarks havvindskapacitet. Og dette nye initiativ testamenterer ikke kun Danmark som en offshorenation, men åbner også for diskussionen om, hvad vi dog skal - og kan gøre - med det kæmpemæs...
Episode 10: Er vedvarende energi en (cyber)sikker vej at gå?
Просмотров 1528 дней назад
Cybersikkerhed. Det er sikkert et ord du har hørt op til flere gange det seneste år. Og det skyldes ikke mindst, at cyberangreb bliver mere og mere noget af et hverdagsfænomen for mange virksomheder og industrier. Og her er energibranchen ikke en undtagelse. Faktisk er energikilder og vores allesammens elnet ofte det, som står for skud i takt med, at flere områder bliver elektrificeret og digit...
Energy Explained - In Short: How do we unlock the queue of renewables?
Просмотров 486 месяцев назад
In an effort to build new renewable power plants and increase clean energy generation, many projects are being built and are projected to be built in the future. But they are encountering a challenge beyond their reach: grid constraints. And it's not a light one, as these challenges are building up a queue of renewable projects, waiting for a suitable grid, so they can generate nice and clean e...
In Short 6: How do we unlock the queue of renewables?
Просмотров 2228 дней назад
In an effort to build new renewable power plants and increase clean energy generation, many projects are being built and are projected to be built in the future. But they are encountering a challenge beyond their reach: grid constraints. And it's not a light one, as these challenges are building up a queue of renewable projects, waiting for a suitable grid, so they can generate nice and clean e...
Energy Explained - In Short: How does lack of control affect the control room?
Просмотров 486 месяцев назад
As the renewable energy sector continues to expand, ensuring efficient and reliable operation of power plants is more important than ever. This crucial aspect of the energy sector happens behind the scenes, in spaces we don't often see in the news. It's not the new biggest turbine being developed, an alternative use for wind turbine blades, or a flashy technology like PtX (also known as P2X or ...
In Short 5: How does lack of control affect the control room?
Просмотров 2928 дней назад
As the renewable energy sector continues to expand, ensuring efficient and reliable operation of power plants is more important than ever. This crucial aspect of the energy sector happens behind the scenes, in spaces we don't often see in the news. It's not the new biggest turbine being developed, an alternative use for wind turbine blades, or a flashy technology like PtX (also known as P2X or ...
In Short 4: How can we switch NIMBY off?
Просмотров 668 месяцев назад
Renewable energy represents 30% of the global electricity generation. We could think that green energy and the renewable transition are well on their way looking at these numbers. However, every action inspires counteraction, and with a spread in renewable asset installations, some groups appear to resist it. This phenomenon is called NIMBY (Not In My Backyard). But what exactly does it argue? ...
In Short 3: Why do we waste wind?
Просмотров 358 месяцев назад
Today, in the efforts to create green energy sources, wind turbines are being installed quickly. But is building as many wind turbines as possible the solution to our climate problems? Because we often see wind turbines that are stopped, even though there is clearly wind. In this episode, we talk about wind turbine capacity factor and the reasons for changes in availability, such as grid stabil...
In Short 2: Watt's behind electricity prices?
Просмотров 348 месяцев назад
Have you ever looked at your electricity bill and wondered: what am I paying for? In an effort to transition to clean energy, electrification takes place. But electricity prices have risen in the last couple of years, and talking about the price of energy has become common among people. In this episode, we break down the economics behind your electricity costs, exploring the variables that make...
In Short 1: Why are solar and batteries the power couple?
Просмотров 258 месяцев назад
With 1,18 GW of cumulative installed solar PV power since 2000-2022, and with a steep prospect for the next years, solar power is rising in popularity, thanks to its cheap, flexible, scalable, and sustainable nature. So in a world hungry for clean energy solutions, the fusion of solar PV and batteries emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing how we harness and store the sun's abundant energy....
Energy Explained - Episode 9: Hvordan går vi fra klimaangst til bæredygtig trivsel?
Просмотров 128 месяцев назад
Har du hørt om ordet klimaangst? Hvis ikke, er du en af de få. Frygten for fremtiden er nemlig en reel bekymring rundt blandt verdens befolkning, og klimakrisen er en af store årsager til, at vi går rundt og føler os magtesløse. Men der er håb forude. I dette afsnit gør psykolog i bæredygtighedspsykologi, Simon Elsborg Nygaard, dig nemlig klogere på, hvordan klimaangst er opstået og hvordan vi ...
Energy Explained - Episode 8: Er vi klædt på til at nå Danmarks 2050 klimamål?
Просмотров 108 месяцев назад
Den danske regering har en ambition om, at Danmark skal være uafhængig af fossile brændstoffer som kul, olie og gas i 2050. Det betyder, at Danmark skal kunne producere vedvarende energi nok til at kunne dække det samlede danske energiforbrug, når vi når hen til 2050. Men er vi er på rette spor? Er der handling bag ordene? Det finder du ud af i dagens afsnit, hvor vi snakker med Mona Juul, Folk...
Energy Explained - Episode 7: Hvad er vi villige til at ofre i den grønne sags tjeneste?
Просмотров 58 месяцев назад
Hvorfor møder vi modstand mod vindmølle- og solcelleprojekter ude i blandt den danske befolkning? Og hvad handler det der NIMBY egentlig om? Disse spørgsmål sætter rammen for dette podcastafsnit, hvor vi sammen med dagens gæst, seniorforsker Toke Panduro, diskuterer, hvad vi er villige til at ofre i den grønne sags tjeneste, og hvorfor ’Nej tak til vindmøller’ måske kan blive en reel trussel mo...
Energy Explained - Episode 6: Hvordan ser et 100% grønt energisystem ud?
Просмотров 98 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 6: Hvordan ser et 100% grønt energisystem ud?
Energy Explained - Episode 5: Skal vi alle oplade elbilen om natten?
Просмотров 98 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 5: Skal vi alle oplade elbilen om natten?
Energy Explained - Episode 4: Hvorfor snakker alle om PtX?
Просмотров 138 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 4: Hvorfor snakker alle om PtX?
Energy Explained - Episode 3: Er elnettet klar til 10.000 vindmøller?
Просмотров 318 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 3: Er elnettet klar til 10.000 vindmøller?
Energy Explained - Episode 2: Er lagring af energi den ultimative game-changer?
Просмотров 218 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 2: Er lagring af energi den ultimative game-changer?
Energy Explained - Episode 1: Hvorfor står vindmøllerne stille når det blæser?
Просмотров 249 месяцев назад
Energy Explained - Episode 1: Hvorfor står vindmøllerne stille når det blæser?
OneView® ETRM software │SCADA International
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OneView® ETRM software │SCADA International
Lean SCADA concept │SCADA International
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Lean SCADA concept │SCADA International
OneView® SCADA for traders │SCADA International
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OneView® SCADA for traders │SCADA International
Power control and regulation solutions │SCADA International
Просмотров 110Год назад
Power control and regulation solutions │SCADA International
Lean SCADA step-by-step │SCADA International
Просмотров 1962 года назад
Lean SCADA step-by-step │SCADA International
Lean SCADA outsourcing, Interview with Christian Daather │SCADA International
Просмотров 1372 года назад
Lean SCADA outsourcing, Interview with Christian Daather │SCADA International
Interview with triathlete Thomas Andersen│SCADA International
Просмотров 282 года назад
Interview with triathlete Thomas Andersen│SCADA International
New OneView® Energy Control Unit web client │SCADA International
Просмотров 1762 года назад
New OneView® Energy Control Unit web client │SCADA International
Controlling a PtX production │SCADA International
Просмотров 3412 года назад
Controlling a PtX production │SCADA International
is it a saas based software or a web based application?
Me gustaría trabajar en esta organización. Se nota la mística de la empresa y el área de las energías limpias es lo que necesitamos.
🤷 P R O M O S M!!