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I Am A Pencil in God's Hands
Добавлен 11 фев 2015
God Is Eternal
My God, the Eternal Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, embodies a profound essence that resonates across the depths of my being.
In divine manifestation, my God is the epitome of love, truth, strength, peace, wisdom, forgiveness, abundance, justice and omnipresence. My God is creativity, inspiring me to express myself authentically and passionately.
Through this eternal bond, I find solace and purpose in the intricate tapestry of life. With unwavering faith, I surrender to the guiding hand of my God, invoking the intercessory grace of Our Lady, motherly in her compassion.
As I embrace my role as a mere instrument in the hands of the divine, I am enveloped in a symphony of love and grace, knowing that I am but a humble vessel for the masterful strokes of my God's eternal design...a Wife and Mum to 4 Queens(My 4 Priceless Jewels Of Inestimable Value)...
I am but a pencil in God's hands❤️
J.N.Ejio4, Esq.
My God, the Eternal Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, embodies a profound essence that resonates across the depths of my being.
In divine manifestation, my God is the epitome of love, truth, strength, peace, wisdom, forgiveness, abundance, justice and omnipresence. My God is creativity, inspiring me to express myself authentically and passionately.
Through this eternal bond, I find solace and purpose in the intricate tapestry of life. With unwavering faith, I surrender to the guiding hand of my God, invoking the intercessory grace of Our Lady, motherly in her compassion.
As I embrace my role as a mere instrument in the hands of the divine, I am enveloped in a symphony of love and grace, knowing that I am but a humble vessel for the masterful strokes of my God's eternal design...a Wife and Mum to 4 Queens(My 4 Priceless Jewels Of Inestimable Value)...
I am but a pencil in God's hands❤️
J.N.Ejio4, Esq.
Singing Sacred Psalms 1-10
#OurLadyofGuadalupe #dailyprayer
#HailMary #psalm #psalms #saint #saints #saintpadrepio #saintmariagoretti #saintthereseoflisieux #christianmusic #christianhymns #relaxing #relaxingmusic #relaxingsounds
#costadelsol #malaga #málaga ##india #france #spain #italy #usa #canada #australia #ireland #scotland #wales #switzerland #sweden #austria #germany #finland #norway #russia #dubai #pakistan #phillipines #indonesia #unitedstates #usa #tagalog #french #hindi #italian #polish #igbo #korean #german #spanish #unitedkingdom
#VirginMary #lagosnigeria #abuja #enugu #deltastate #biafra #biafranewstoday #biafrans #biafranews #ndiigbo #nigeria #israel ...
#OurLadyofGuadalupe #dailyprayer
#HailMary #psalm #psalms #saint #saints #saintpadrepio #saintmariagoretti #saintthereseoflisieux #christianmusic #christianhymns #relaxing #relaxingmusic #relaxingsounds
#costadelsol #malaga #málaga ##india #france #spain #italy #usa #canada #australia #ireland #scotland #wales #switzerland #sweden #austria #germany #finland #norway #russia #dubai #pakistan #phillipines #indonesia #unitedstates #usa #tagalog #french #hindi #italian #polish #igbo #korean #german #spanish #unitedkingdom
#VirginMary #lagosnigeria #abuja #enugu #deltastate #biafra #biafranewstoday #biafrans #biafranews #ndiigbo #nigeria #israel ...
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