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REAL Talk 地產 E 哥
Добавлен 29 сен 2011
你好!我是一位專業的房地產和生活 RUclipsr,致力于發掘生活上的美好!我對家居設計充滿熱情,喜歡探索各種別緻的房屋,並分享室內設計技巧和生活小妙招。我的頻道內容豐富多元,無論你是需要點綴家居,尋找夢想家園,或是想觀看有趣、正能量的視頻,這裡都能滿足你的需求。加入我的頻道,讓我們一起探索這個充滿驚喜的旅程,讓生活變得更加精彩!
A channel for Architecture, Planning, Real Estate, Art, and Life!
Hey there! I'm a realtor and lifestyle RUclipsr on a mission to help you live your best life! With a keen eye for design and a passion for all things home-related, I'm here to inspire and entertain you with amazing house tours, interior design tips, and lifestyle hacks. Whether you're looking to spruce up your space, find your dream home, or just enjoy some fun and uplifting content, my channel has got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Join me on this exciting journey of discovery and let's make every day feel like a vacation!
你好!我是一位專業的房地產和生活 RUclipsr,致力于發掘生活上的美好!我對家居設計充滿熱情,喜歡探索各種別緻的房屋,並分享室內設計技巧和生活小妙招。我的頻道內容豐富多元,無論你是需要點綴家居,尋找夢想家園,或是想觀看有趣、正能量的視頻,這裡都能滿足你的需求。加入我的頻道,讓我們一起探索這個充滿驚喜的旅程,讓生活變得更加精彩!
A channel for Architecture, Planning, Real Estate, Art, and Life!
Hey there! I'm a realtor and lifestyle RUclipsr on a mission to help you live your best life! With a keen eye for design and a passion for all things home-related, I'm here to inspire and entertain you with amazing house tours, interior design tips, and lifestyle hacks. Whether you're looking to spruce up your space, find your dream home, or just enjoy some fun and uplifting content, my channel has got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Join me on this exciting journey of discovery and let's make every day feel like a vacation!
玄學角度來看的 2025!可信度高嗎?
2025 年在去年末的一陣鞭炮聲被迎來,對多數人來説,這充滿了未知以及期待。但對於風水大師來説,看事情的角度則是相當不同。
本頻道非宗教頻道,在過去雖有請大師來節目中侃侃而談玄學在投資上扮演的角色,主要還是希望大家即便不要迷信,但不可以不知道從專業風水的角度上,有什麽可能可以造成顧忌。相信對於大家來説,也能夠起到一定的保護作用。請帶著客觀,科學的角度來觀賞本期節目。一起來聽聽大師對於2025 年的一些看法。
00:00 前言
00:50 13 號星期五對中國人的意義
01:55 2025 年有什麽特別的地方
03:12 天災?農曆七月可能需要注意什麽?
05:44 人禍?可避免嗎?
06:47 對於迷信部分(相對)科學的 approach
09:28 更多的戰爭要發生?
10:21 2025
13:09 結語
#2025 #newyear #2025FengShuiPredictions #FengShuiAndRealEstate #GoodLuckIn2025
#FridayThe13th #FengShuiExplained #ScientificFengShui #FengShuiForHomeBuyers
#AvoidBadLuck2025 #RealEstateAndEnergy #FengShuiInModernTimes #RealEstateSuperstitions
本頻道非宗教頻道,在過去雖有請大師來節目中侃侃而談玄學在投資上扮演的角色,主要還是希望大家即便不要迷信,但不可以不知道從專業風水的角度上,有什麽可能可以造成顧忌。相信對於大家來説,也能夠起到一定的保護作用。請帶著客觀,科學的角度來觀賞本期節目。一起來聽聽大師對於2025 年的一些看法。
00:00 前言
00:50 13 號星期五對中國人的意義
01:55 2025 年有什麽特別的地方
03:12 天災?農曆七月可能需要注意什麽?
05:44 人禍?可避免嗎?
06:47 對於迷信部分(相對)科學的 approach
09:28 更多的戰爭要發生?
10:21 2025
13:09 結語
#2025 #newyear #2025FengShuiPredictions #FengShuiAndRealEstate #GoodLuckIn2025
#FridayThe13th #FengShuiExplained #ScientificFengShui #FengShuiForHomeBuyers
#AvoidBadLuck2025 #RealEstateAndEnergy #FengShuiInModernTimes #RealEstateSuperstitions
Просмотров: 6 311
Dual Agency 有可信度嗎?零利益衝突存在嗎??
Просмотров 16 тыс.14 дней назад
BRBC 在 2024 年九月以來到今日也經過了一個季度的洗禮。其中大家看到了各種不合理,各種不配合,當然也有各種騷操作。2025 年初也將迎來真正意義上 BRBC 的新規。那麽,這次的規定對於買賣雙方又有什麽影響呢?是否有機會讓市場真正帶來更多的合理化? E 哥來告訴你! 買賣的過程中,有些買家爲了取巧,會直接找賣家的經紀。這真的有用嗎?什麽叫做 Dual Agency (double-end),其中可能造成什麽利益衝突呢?來聼聼身經百戰的公證行霸總小姐姐怎麽説! 00:00 前言 01:17 BRBC 開跑到現在發生的實際情況 02:17 2025 BRBC 的新變 03:48 買家不(想)給佣金怎麽辦 04:25 Dual Agency 是什麽? 06:18 交易中的利益衝突有哪些 08:58 Dual Agency 有可能做得到嗎? 09:45 法定授權 (POA) 的危險性...
Просмотров 18 тыс.Месяц назад
許多屋主喜歡按著自己家庭或者投資的目標做一些加建,時以自用,時以租賃。但是有些業主爲了省錢,做的工程其實是沒有申請 Permit 的。一般時候倒也沒有影響,可是,等到要買賣房子的時候,這種做法有可能還會帶來不小的困擾。 首先是估價的部分產生拉扯,而這會直接導致貸款的額度出現問題。再來,加建部分的合法性,比方説官方認證的房間數與實際上有不少的出入,那該物件其實在本身的估價上面肯定有為數不小的爭議,進而影響建議本身的難度。其實説白了就是先甘后苦的瞻前不顧后的做法。 在貸款方面,除了前期保證合法性對於物件價值的保障。萬一不幸做了以上的不良前期操作,是不是還有一些補救的辦法呢?今天來和大家聊聊亡羊補牢的一些小妙招! 00:00 前言 01:15 違章建築可以估價嗎 01:52 銀行看到違建不能估價的最大原因是什麽 03:22 碰上了怎麽處理 04:54 ADU 如何估價,違建也可以嗎? 06...
2024 年末 VS 2025 年初市場大預測!
Просмотров 14 тыс.Месяц назад
冬季的市場真的有我們想象中的蕭條嗎?降息,選舉之後 2024 年年末目前看起來如何?實際上九月 NAR Settlement 之後市場就一直處於一個比較被動的狀態。觀望的人現在甚至觀望到 2025 暑期了。那又是爲什麽?哪些行爲讓買家偷鷄不着蝕把米?而明年的市場又會是怎麽樣的一個走向呢? 考慮投資的朋友,明年的走向到底又會怎麽樣呢?來聼聼專家怎麽説! 00:00 前言 00:57 2024 冬季市場 02:10 美聯儲降利率后利率反而變高? 03:03 貸款經紀壓力何來 03:52 貸款人應該有的基本修養 05:33 銀行,保險,物業,估價方面的挑戰 06:18 “救命” 級別的貸款! 07:33 不上道的“奧客”之反噬 08:50 2025 年的市場大預言 12:10 結語 #RealEstateMarket2025 #WinterHomeBuyingTips #RealEstat...
感恩節 Special!好吃的火鷄 VS 可怕的地基!
Просмотров 15 тыс.Месяц назад
對於許多買家來說,房屋的結構問題絕對是考不考慮買房的底綫。一般情況,買家透過屋檢能夠直觀地瞭解到現階段屋子的本身是否有超於常理的待修範圍。但是,許多人不知道的是,屋檢專人的專業度的高低,有時候會給大家帶來一定的誤導性,繼而直接影響到房屋買賣的過程與結果。 有哪幾種地基需要知道?地基都在看什麽?看到什麽就要考慮放棄不買?今天一次和大家説清楚! 00:00 前言 01:00 地基的種類 02:02 Raised Foundation 需要注意的事項 03:46 地基有裂痕需要注意什麽 05:40 大樹對於地基的影響 06:38 地基如何修理以及費用 08:29 危機 vs 商機 09:01 Slab on grade 需要注意什麽 11:52 房子四周幫助鞏固地基的妙方 13:14 結語 #HomeInspectionTips #FoundationIssues #StructuralI...
Просмотров 13 тыс.Месяц назад
負責 的說,在美几十年了,説實話沒有聽過身邊的朋友提及太多有關被歧視的案例,自身碰到的也都算個例,純屬於當事人的問題,平心而論不能以偏概全的説是一種社會現象。 但在過往的工作經驗裏,是不是大家或多或少還是感受到一些 glass ceiling, 就是那種只可意會卻無法言傳,永遠突破不了的瓶頸。仿佛最好的資源總是和我們失之交臂。在如今政確風氣那麽嚴重的時代,即便天平向不同的方向傾斜,好像也沒有真正意義的對華人有正面影響。對立面量級的倒是風水輪流轉了一大圈。 華人企業主的成功與否,真的和這種瓶頸有關係嗎?有沒有一些我們自身可以做的改變,能夠幫助我們破開窘境,向前邁進呢?有的!有的!今天來點不一樣的!大家來聽聼看鉄娘子是如何練成的! 00:00 前言 00:59 環境造英雄,逆流而上 02:07 公司剛開馬上生意萎縮,危機怎麽變轉機 04:04 個性使然得罪人,人言可畏嗎? 07:06 ...
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.2 месяца назад
總統大選結束了,幾家歡喜幾家愁。許多不合理的法案終於迎來了大結局,其中當然也不乏有和地產相關的事宜,值得大家來關注。在這段時間,殺紅眼的大家恢復理智之後,許多人又開始關心接下來房地產市場的走勢。 短期的來説,我們目前在入冬的市場,大家對於明年春季的動向還是相對很看好的。也有許多有新的賣主開始房子的佈局,希望能衝個好價錢。而賣家部分,有許多市場上對於利率浮動的揣測,主要在明年春季以及夏季,會有至關重要的影響。 那麽,除了這些大家都已經聽到耳朵長繭的老生常談以外,是否有一些其他的外在因素,是大家在做投資之前需要考量的呢?這期就和大家好好聊聊大選之後的投資風向標吧! 00:00 前言 01:45 明年房價會降嗎?原因爲何? 03:49 成功投資的習慣和小秘技 04:31 airbnb 的前景如何 06:09 南加目前適合做短租的城市 07:11 世界杯和奧運對於對於洛城房產的影響 08:4...
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 месяца назад
在美國,沒有車是真的寸步難行。其主要的原因除了建築密度過低,大衆運輸系統和亞洲國家比起來也確實很落後。因此,在美國擁有自己的車就變成至關重要的事,而車險自然也就變成幾乎人人都需要的服務了. 汽車保險在過去幾十年來雖然也有一定的變化,但最基礎的方面還是不離開責 ,理賠,以及風險的控制。從事地產行業的天天都在路上,對於這部分的基本知識,可真的要有基本層面的瞭解。才好更全面的爲自己和家人,甚至業主提供一定的保護。今天我們的專家除了教我們車保的基礎之外,還會和我們提供一些省錢小妙招哦!大家把筆記抄好抄滿! 00:00 前言 01:46 加州汽車保險最低額度 03:22 新移民,用國外駕照可以保險嗎 04:29 2025 汽車保險最低額度的改變 05:34 嚴重車禍導致傷亡部分的保險須知 07:05 全險所包括的範疇爲何 08:14 玻璃險是什麽鬼 09:58 肇事人無車險發生車禍怎麽辦 1...
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibilities! Power of Attorney!
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 месяца назад
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibilities! 蜘蛛人電影裏面曾經出現這麽一句話。在地產界有很多不同的 "power", 許多人不知道,除了鈔能力之外,還有一种 Power 叫做 Power of Attorney, 也就是所謂的法定(授權)代理人。 這是透過業主自身親自授權,公證后才被附有的特殊身份。但對於其具體的權力範圍,限制,以及可能會觸法的地方在哪裏,許多人對於這塊卻是非常模糊的。 今天請到我們的好朋友,和大家聊聊,在買賣的過程中,如果本人無法全程參與,需要請法定代理人,需要注意哪些事項吧! 00:00 前言 00:55 Power of Attorney 是什麽 02:45 誰可以準備 POA 03:09 地產人爲何不能做 POA? 03:38 POA 的種類 04:50 POA 時效的重要 05:42 長年在海外的業主建議做法...
Living Style with EVERYTHING You Need That's Actually Affordable!
Просмотров 763 месяца назад
Living Style with EVERYTHING You Need That's Actually Affordable!
Absolutely! Just gotta explained to them that it’s a state required legal procedure in upcoming 2025. It’s actually a great way to filter out clients who are a bit more ready.
Help help
Looks good, how much does it cost?
It is priced below $900k, an absolute steal at this neighborhood!
Pretty nice home
Thanks! It’s located at a pretty prime location, too! Come check it out!
She is such a great educator and mentor!!
yessss. She's got heart!
Very good info as always!! Another great guest! No idea the answer so I will be looking out for the final answer :). But my guess is the best time is when you are comfortable with the payment/rate currently since you can always refinance later.
Pretty good answer!!
Oh love it!
It was a lovely place
Wow, very good info!! Thank you!!
Thanks for the support!
WIld WIld West!
Haha yea
Oh man, place looks funnnnnn!
It was a lot of fun! Even had slot machines ha!
So pretty....
It sure is! It’s even more amazing in person!
so refreshing!
It was refreshing indeed!
Is that a small dam?
It is not huge by any means, but you can get pretty close up to it, which is super neat
Bison ramen?? Thats’s WILD! Pun intended!
Wild bison! Haha
Bruh, the waxing is so satisfying to watch!
Heck yea bro. Imagine being next to it! It was a cool experience.
holy moly! Now THAT is cool dude!
Yes sir!!! My first bourbon ever!
pretty amazing place
It truly is! Seeing that in person was incredible! Highly recommended!
that is so NOT an album cover, lol. Love the creativity though.
Yes it’s just for fun. But thanks for watching the video!
i was there in 2007, not much has changed..
That’s why it’s old faithful, cause it’s old and faithful, haha. Predictable even.
beautiful! didn't know you can get up to that close
Yes you do. I was actually right at the brink of it. It’s very powerful being that close to the waterfall.
nice video
Thank you for your support
Thanks for your support
Yes sir, good eye!
@@REALTalk007thanks for confirming it ha
funny stuff
@paulingsun thank you
was just there. Hot as hell but amazing!
Yupppp! HOT is right!!
adding a Parental Advisory sticker to some random ass bullshit doesn't make it an album cover
But it can 💀
@@mostsuperidol no it can not, and it did not and many cover arts don't even have Parental Advisory stickers on the idea that adding it to any 1:1 picture makes it an album cover, is from people with no artistic talent the album that the song used here comes from for example; the cover art means something in the background is 21's childhood neigbourhood with a picture of himelf as a child over it, and all his personal details this image means something, it signifies that this album is about him and not only does it have meaning, but it looks good too someone in a Minion costume means nothing and looks like shit
@@mOwOterboat well it just did
Who hurt you bro
@@MountHD your mom, her teeth really scratched up my dick yk 😥
Thanks for the support
Wait you are doing today's mission?
@@MasterKiller95213 yoooooo
@@MasterKiller95213 yes i am
I know..
Love this episode! Annie is so professional and sharing so much! Love this team's work ethic, too!
Gotta keep a positive mindset and just keep pushing! Annie is great!
Annie is an awesome Title Officer and an inspiration!!!! Thank you Edmund & CK for always bring us informative interviews!!! Super team!! ❤
Annie is a true inspiration! As if title officer’s job is not complicated/ challenging enough, she was fighting her own battle with health issues in the past year and half! She is not just a survivor, she is a CONQUER! It is our genuine pleasure to have her on the show!
Thanks for sharing 👍
You are very welcome! Appreciate your continuous support!
Thank you for inviting such a good guest speaker!! Michelle is so knowledgeable and using different case studies really helps us understand. Thank you!
Our pleasure!
Packed of good information again! Thank you! I can 地產 E 哥 really spend time to help educate us more about all things Real Estate related.
Thank you for the encouragement! Staying informed is super important!
Happy 4th!
Happy 4th, brother!
What’s their specialty beer?
I had their berry, peach, and horchata beer. Pretty good stuff!
Just went there. Awesome food. Thanks for the intro!
Glad you enjoyed, brother!
Great 👍👍👍
Thank you very much for your support
Very good info, thank you so much!
Yes yessss. You are welcome!
Yummy 🤤
Promo`SM ✌️
Good stuff!
the guy in the middle is very cute, such a cute smile! He looks so sweet!! 😂❤
Hahaha he does have a great smile lol
is he single? 😂
Fengshui is too far fetched for me bro. You sure this has any science backings??
Personally I am a nonbeliever as well, I can honestly say a lot of the stuff has logic to it… I wouldn’t say EVERYTHING is based on science.