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Gifo Childs
Добавлен 14 ноя 2021
M U S I C. I love to have fun 🤙🏽 Veteran 🇺🇸 I post whatever on here! Just have fun and be positive in life 👌🏽 Peace in the streets.
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I love this game so much! I have so gameplay footage to upload, myself. Thanks for sharing your content!
What sword is that?
@@Hyperion4101 The last sword you get in the base game
@@GifoChilds I was hoping to beat the game using that one. Now I have to beat the game to get the sword that will help me beat the game.
Hell yeah
i tried this one to you killed that
Nah, that zoom in. 😭
lol I was with my ex at the time, I just didnt wanna get that random guy in the vid
If there is a robbery, We already know which 2 statues will disappear first. 👀 Of course Chopper, because he is so small and cute.. And luffy cuz he is famous.. It is clear
not dirty minded at all💀
Nami put your pants up
Bruh Nami needs to pull those pants up
I touch nami's statue did u know the boobs are actually soft😅
Those nami and robin statues be looking really real right now
Ayo 👀
Do you want touch it 😏
When all you do is gank lol
@@nikb5643 lol this type of thinking is funny, this invader is considered an enemy just like the rest, just because it’s controlled by someone who wasn’t even invited doesn’t mean we’re not gonna gank the sht out of them 🤷🏻♂️😂 think the other enemies are crying “stop ganking me guys” ?
Hello Gifo,am i allowed to use your clip for my projects please?
@@NeedForMadnessAuto sure, I don’t care lol have fun 🤙🏽
You. Are. Late
That’s… the point lol I haven’t played in a while since I was in the military, so that’s why I posted this.
you are years late
That always happens to me, is ordis trying to hack my platinum account again?
An orokin transmission console in your lovely head. Rejoice, Tenno. There are translations for the text online. "Void link severed Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspicion tracking signal. Reinitiating dipolar connection on novel carrier. Bow in standby for seyenc check and sync. Motion compensation complete. Selenic lensing locked. Somatic control established. Margoolis implantation intact. EVM status nominal. Air platform awaiting sync. "
It’s a teaser for the second dream. Which is like 6 years old
That was the old sneak peek for stalker. Before he was added to the game
Lol why am I getting this now though?
Modded ass fit
It’s not modded it’s just a redesign
he is not worthy of the title griefer... real griefer would obliterate you until you leave with no deaths, yet this guy is a dummy good job on curing the griefer community and making fun of this bad player
thats wild I aint gonna lie 💯
bro be faking his death 😂
What’s the outfit though?
I’m rocking hellfire armour and X-01 torso the strongest armour ever 😮 I’m doing an iron man build.
thank you for the vid boss 🫡
Don't worry you got Hellfire power armor you'll be ok.
Typical, it happened a lot to me in the instituten and brotherhood pf steel.
Can you plz make a video showing were it is?
its additional content which you have to buy from the workshop. but I think there a mod of it too, if you get that you wont get achievements if that's important to you
its unmissable once you get the quest on the probably PC exclusive anniversary update
nice armor sir, where is this place tho
This is the castle but I found the armor right in front of “The Slog” settlement. Enclave was planning something.
@@GifoChilds thank you sir, keep up with the contents sir 🫡 I fw it
gimme that 35 seconds back
Lol you’ve wasted more precious time on worse things, I can tell.
How do you get no pants?
You can take them off. Just unequip it in your storehouse
Can you imagine if you could pickpocket the documents back then continuously sell them.
I hope youtube never recommends me your channel ever again
Naa jk not that kinda guy much love and was that shot gun a legendary
It’s not a shotgun, it’s THE OVERSEERS GUARDIAN. U can buy it in vault 81
Good man
So I think it's a an NPC you can talk to so it doesn't make any aggro against you. And since it doesn't make any agro against you, it won't wake up when you're jumping around it
You're an idiot, he didn't hit the trigger for it's animation so it didn't move.
Deaf people can become ghouls too
Perception 10
What did I just witness???
Someone wondering how a character wouldn’t notice someone else wearing huge armor after jumping like that lol
Infinite money glitch
"You really need to lay off the Jet" 3hrs later
For those who don't know, The higher level you are, the higher the chances there are of a x-01 power armor suit to spawn. I've been to this same location before and only gotten a t60 so it ranges from lv25 up to find one of these bad boys typically. Thanks for the video though. 🔥
Had no idea, I’m just level 30-something rn lol thanks for the info though!
I think this are the only kids we can killed in fallout 4 games
I tried lol he glitched on me, I had all of Sanctuary trying lol
What time frame is this under?
I had just started by that point, I just the whole map unlocked lol but it can be at any faction base!
how is this a glitch? pro tip: its not!
Pro tip: Maybe read the description.
thank you very match
Love the game so far great character bro
That really looks like Visualocity's second character
lol I see he has good taste 👌🏽