  • Видео 59
  • Просмотров 6 190 903
Prelude Medley | Ultrakill
Music from /// Prelude
00:00 - The Fire Is Gone
00:45 - Into the Fire
02:26 - Unstoppable Force
03:55 - Into the Fire
05:00 - Cerberus
All tracks are owned by Arsi Hakita Patala & Heaven Pierce Her
#ultrakill #newblood #soundtrack
Просмотров: 316


Gabriel Medley | Ultrakill
Просмотров 400Год назад
All Gabriel music mix: 00:00 - "I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ" - Fallen Angel 04:04 - Divine Intervention with the Death of God's Will 07:38 - Disgrace. Humiliation. Silence. Introspection. #ultrakill #gabriel #soundtrack
Attack on Titan Final Season: Part 3 Soundtrack but only best part for 1 hour
Просмотров 157Год назад
Original: ruclips.net/video/5WLtKUHYyZo/видео.html
Kid A but only intro for 1 hour (extra melancholic ambient)
Просмотров 7432 года назад
fall~winter mood
Who is She | Prisoners
Просмотров 3182 года назад
Movie: Prisoners (2013), dir. Denis Villeneuve Music: I Monster - Who Is She?
Hotline Miami: The Movie | Hotline Miami & Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number in Chronological Order
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.2 года назад
Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Beginning Prologue, Hawaii War, 1985 00:00:07 - Introduction: The Ghost Wolves 00:00:19 - March 17th, 1985 (Beard) 00:04:00 - October 25th, 1985 (Beard) 00:09:45 - October 30th, 1985 (Beard) 00:16:09 - Outro: April 3rd, 1986 (Beard) Part One, 1989 00:16:56 - Introduction: Members of 50 Blessings 00:17:15 - April 2nd, 1989 (Richter) 00:19:58 - April 3rd, 1989 (Jacket) 00:2...
It's a SHOWDOWN in the SPOTLIGHT 1 Hour | HARD DRIVE (lil slowed + reverb) / TikTok Version
Просмотров 1,1 млн2 года назад
Music: Griffinilla - HARD DRIVE (feat. WildCard) - Little Slowed Version Video was taken from @undercard1 on TikTok Peace!
It's a SHOWDOWN In the SPOTLIGHT | HARD DRIVE (lil slowed + reverb) / TikTok Version
Просмотров 3,3 млн2 года назад
Music: Griffinilla - HARD DRIVE (feat. WildCard) - Slowed Version Video was taken from @undercard1 on TikTok
Reason To Live | Evangelion
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.2 года назад
Anime: The End of Evangelion (1997) Music: DVRST - REASON TO LIVE
Help Yourself | Berserk
Просмотров 18 тыс.2 года назад
Anime: Berserk (1997) Song: Ezekiel - help_urself
The Monarch's Pyramid 1 Hour Loop | Utopia
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 года назад
Cristobal Tapia de Veer - The Monarch's Pyramid (from Utopia - Season 2)
Silhouette second part 1 hour / slowed reverb
Просмотров 48 тыс.2 года назад
song: PASTEL GHOST - Silhouette background: Cowboy Bebop (EP15)
Silhouette second part 1 hour
Просмотров 71 тыс.2 года назад
song: PASTEL GHOST - Silhouette background: Cowboy Bebop (EP15)
i slowed down new minecraft song and cried
Просмотров 38 тыс.3 года назад
Lena Raine - Infinite Amethyst
1 Hour of Calm Toby Fox Music | Undertale & Deltarune [Chapter 1 & 2] Music
Просмотров 176 тыс.3 года назад
1 Hour of Calm Toby Fox Music | Undertale & Deltarune [Chapter 1 & 2] Music
Spamton + NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A + BIG SHOT [Deltarune [Chapter 2]]
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Spamton NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A BIG SHOT [Deltarune [Chapter 2]]
Bad Piggies Out | Linkin Park x Bab Piggies Theme
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Bad Piggies Out | Linkin Park x Bab Piggies Theme
ежик в туманности 1 час
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ежик в туманности 1 час
flaws ending slowed reverb 1 hour
Просмотров 3463 года назад
flaws ending slowed reverb 1 hour
Просмотров 3763 года назад
Лядов удивляется один час
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 года назад
Лядов удивляется один час
Minecraft Music Playlist | VHS
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Minecraft Music Playlist | VHS
Plans We Make And Made Fig.2 | Son Lux
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Plans We Make And Made Fig.2 | Son Lux
my favorite underrated minecarft music 2
Просмотров 1623 года назад
my favorite underrated minecarft music 2
Просмотров 14 тыс.3 года назад
𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚕𝚞𝚡 - 𝚊𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌 / 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 + 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚋
Просмотров 3323 года назад
𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚕𝚞𝚡 - 𝚊𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌 / 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚋
TENET Inspired Original Score by Lauren Tiffany | 1 Hour loop
Просмотров 4,6 тыс.3 года назад
TENET Inspired Original Score by Lauren Tiffany | 1 Hour loop
TENET FREEPORT Scene for Better Understanding with Animated Interpretation
Просмотров 46 тыс.3 года назад
TENET FREEPORT Scene for Better Understanding with Animated Interpretation


  • @Ha-hacker
    @Ha-hacker 4 дня назад

    Pov: в мире происходит полный пипец теракты, войны, также Мадагаскар про который слышали только в мультике:

  • @spurdanbenis8787
    @spurdanbenis8787 5 дней назад

    То чуство когда музыка из детского мультика вгоняет в хтоническую грусть мощнее чем дарк эмбиент

  • @КириллДивейки
    @КириллДивейки 6 дней назад


  • @GregMcClean
    @GregMcClean 7 дней назад

    Not including Scarlet Forest is a travesty. Other than that it's a good list.

  • @macintoshclassicii
    @macintoshclassicii 8 дней назад

    i love this soundtrack, can't wait to hear the first song. i'm so exci

  • @shinpixypixel7368
    @shinpixypixel7368 8 дней назад

    omg the chills this gives me it sounds so genuine this is so so creepy (in all the good ways)

  • @PsychosomaticMilk
    @PsychosomaticMilk 8 дней назад

    when "undertale" came on i was trying not to cry while studying

  • @christianbrown-w1r
    @christianbrown-w1r 14 дней назад

    I___i love it so much😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @ellavictoria6517
    @ellavictoria6517 16 дней назад

    should I do my assignment worth 40 percent of my grade or should I procrastinate and vibe to this music, a battle of the thinkers

  • @sneaky4298
    @sneaky4298 17 дней назад

    Mettaton курит в сторонке

  • @MaTexnik1
    @MaTexnik1 19 дней назад

    кто из 2024?

  • @петряхинаЮлия
    @петряхинаЮлия 20 дней назад

    готова слушать вечно с 2:14

  • @inna9030
    @inna9030 20 дней назад

    Наш класс когда вышла училка😎

  • @sbraypaynt
    @sbraypaynt 20 дней назад

    2:28 Only paradox in the movie. From the inverted soldier’s perspective he was dead before he fires the rocket.

  • @Azik-kx4kw
    @Azik-kx4kw 20 дней назад

    Кто то знает из какой это анимации взято? Давно видел но забыл(

  • @Macdonalds-Goat
    @Macdonalds-Goat 23 дня назад

    Rip all of John friends Evan Marcus and John wicks dog the last gift of his wife until viggo son fucking killed it!😢

  • @arkhamdemigod4508
    @arkhamdemigod4508 26 дней назад


  • @poopface777
    @poopface777 27 дней назад

    Dude this is exactly what I wanted from a toby fox mix thank you so much

  • @Джотаро-у2д
    @Джотаро-у2д 28 дней назад

    В наушниках вообще кайф

  • @Травник-й9з
    @Травник-й9з 29 дней назад

    Тот самый чел, который учил иностранные языки не ради экзаменов или работы а чисто для себя:

  • @Skelly_study5838
    @Skelly_study5838 Месяц назад

    What a perfect Undertale playlist for work. I love how the songs were arranged and the smooth transition between songs. The ending was quite shocking just like an alarm told you that an hour had passed LOL. Ten out of ten😘

  • @Black.Roblox-1221
    @Black.Roblox-1221 Месяц назад

    бонни:бара бара бири бири

  • @Bound_90
    @Bound_90 Месяц назад

    2:13 TikTok video here

  • @ОптимусПрайм-ч8м
    @ОптимусПрайм-ч8м Месяц назад

    It feels like you're walking in the park with your friends and you fall down and see this!❤

  • @oompaloompagamerXD
    @oompaloompagamerXD Месяц назад

    Mettaton would be breakdancing with the animatronics

  • @worldblitz4706
    @worldblitz4706 Месяц назад

    Наконец-то... *самое желанное в моей жизни случилось...*

  • @Ansesal
    @Ansesal Месяц назад

    Кто тоже в поиск написал негр громко орет 10 часов

  • @Tatianna_Bright
    @Tatianna_Bright Месяц назад

    Даже сейчас она достойна внимания. По сей день

  • @Cool_man-s1h
    @Cool_man-s1h Месяц назад

    Я перепутал hard drive с death by glamour я изгой?

  • @user-kq4qv4io6z
    @user-kq4qv4io6z Месяц назад

    The song is linear. Like the fabric of space and time between them is the illusion of time with the holes in it which called consciousness.

  • @Rudy-vu2jz
    @Rudy-vu2jz Месяц назад

    Since i got into video games , some have come and go, but i can never let go of undertale

  • @Чабупелька
    @Чабупелька Месяц назад

    этому мэшапу примерно столько же сколько идет война

  • @Hero_of_Storms
    @Hero_of_Storms Месяц назад

    I adore this playlist, but I absolutely cannot sleep to it anymore because every time I do, 1:00:01 just straight up wakes me up like a startling alarm clock

    • @ArcticZH
      @ArcticZH 26 дней назад

      Hey I have a good idea for you! There is a feature on RUclips click the gear top right of the video go to sleep timer and click 1 hour. The video will stop before the jailbreak alarm! Hope this helps!

  • @KernelApk
    @KernelApk Месяц назад


  • @Qwerty-y6b
    @Qwerty-y6b Месяц назад

    [_______] [____] [_____¯¯¯¯¯]

  • @Чебурек-б5м5и
    @Чебурек-б5м5и Месяц назад


  • @DrSunshineResurrects
    @DrSunshineResurrects Месяц назад

    Wow this just really helps me sleep well at night

  • @nightmoder
    @nightmoder Месяц назад

    Лучший российский мультсериал

    • @Psevdopodiya123
      @Psevdopodiya123 25 дней назад

      Я бы сказал мировой... он еще и чему то учит, а не только пиццу жрать

  • @dem1n241
    @dem1n241 Месяц назад

    2024 приветик!

  • @witherwolf3316
    @witherwolf3316 Месяц назад

    Ok. I think my main issue is resolved by the conclusion that Volkov is using an inverted pistol, even though he isn't inverted. This explains where the bullet goes after Neil gets shot. Neil gets shot in reverse and Volkov catches the bullet. If it was a normal pistol that means that the bullet would have been stuck in Neil from the moment they inverted and then gone out the front of their head (from their perspective). Which is where most of my confusion was coming from. There was a gunshot, but I couldn't tell where the bullet went afterwards. So I think it has to be inverted.

  • @GAMES-jh9lo
    @GAMES-jh9lo 2 месяца назад


  • @arishachoudhury_
    @arishachoudhury_ 2 месяца назад

    makes me feel calm, tranquil, and almost emotional

  • @Cordus228
    @Cordus228 2 месяца назад

    вайб 2021

  • @prismak7607
    @prismak7607 2 месяца назад

    But the soldiers that rescue Kat on the blue side, don't they meet with the inverted people returning back to the turnstile?

  • @ДаряКуликова-й7д
    @ДаряКуликова-й7д 2 месяца назад


  • @ДаряКуликова-й7д
    @ДаряКуликова-й7д 2 месяца назад

    я гатава это слушать в всю жизни какойже это кайф

  • @banarrik
    @banarrik 2 месяца назад

    Я думал про МТТ

  • @DanyaSkobka
    @DanyaSkobka 2 месяца назад

    Текст: Chorus] Darling, I can show you where my love hides It's a heart beat, on a hard drive Yeah, I'm dancing with your soul in my sights It's a showdown in the spotlight Honey, glamour's got me out of my mind Like a kill switch on my backside And the camera's got you frozen in time Like a save state in a game file [Verse 1] I'm dreaming like no Dreemurr ever could There's my name, up in lights Fifteen minutes won't suffice, baby I'm sorry but it's for the greater good Raise the stakes, pick a fight And these ratings might ignite, baby [Verse 2] You got a lot of nerve, my friend What day and age you think we're living in? You've got a lot to learn, human Did you really think the doc was in? [Chorus] Darling, I can show you where my love hides It's a heart beat, on a hard drive Yeah, I'm dancing with your soul in my sights It's a showdown in the spotlight Honey, glamour's got me out of my mind Like a kill switch on my backside And the camera's got you frozen in time Like a save state in a game file [Bridge] Electric personality Persona fabulosity With romance, bloodshed, and intrigue Give the people what they need A star for humanity My face on a million screens Now turn your heel, but don't you flee Who needs arms with legs like these? [Verse 3] Get a load of my sequins Strut my stuff, you know I'm glamouring You're gonna go to the dungeon Do you really think that I won't win? [Chorus] Darling, I can show you where my love hides It's a heart beat, on a hard drive Yeah, I'm dancing with your soul in my sights It's a showdown in the spotlight Honey, glamour's got me out of my mind Like a kill switch on my backside And the camera's got you frozen in time Like a save state in a game file [Outro] It's a heart beat, on a hard drive It's a heart beat, on a hard drive It's a heart beat, on a hard drive It's a heart beat, on a hard drive

  • @GeorgeTheDinoGuy
    @GeorgeTheDinoGuy 2 месяца назад

    elevator music for depressed people

  • @wyv4066
    @wyv4066 2 месяца назад

    "Calm Toby Fox Music" bro I went into fight-or-flight at 28:38.