The Overthinker
The Overthinker
  • Видео 3
  • Просмотров 14 425
The Death of Faith: An Analysis of Angel's Egg (1985)
I really love Angel's Egg. I think it's a prime example of anime as high art. Here's my analysis of the many heavy themes in the film.
Просмотров: 10 614


The Tragic Case of Conrad Roy
Просмотров 5397 лет назад
Conrad Roy committed suicide after encouragement from his girlfriend, Michelle Carter. He seemed to be having second thoughts. Was her encouragement a crime? In this episode, I have a discussion with Professor Robert Claridge from Central Washington University in order to take a closer look at the case of Conrad Roy and what it could mean for free speech.


  • @random_guy_ok
    @random_guy_ok 2 месяца назад

    Early Christians where haunted by Romans for refusausing to worship roman God. worshipping any other God but YHWH against the biblical teachings. So Christians would implement this symbol drawn in two moves it was symbol of fish. If we where to go on by this. Logic it was also heavily implied that God would destroy the world over the smallest things in the old testament such as Jonah not complying. This could be a world where God's plan didn't go 100% as God has intended. Sending the messiah to do what he must. Also saints being on the machine as it ascends it could be a way of making it to heaven.

  • @ainehickey7445
    @ainehickey7445 4 месяца назад

    There is still faith

  • @coldhotpocket8226
    @coldhotpocket8226 Год назад

    I feel like the weird parade of biomechanical tanks is a representation of warfare and the living state of war involved countries, which probably sowed the first seeds of cynicism and doubt in the writer. These ideas pictured as the man literally coming in on a parade of tanks into the girls life to pester and question her beliefs. Also, your interpretation of the scene where she falls into the water and breathes out the eggs is fascinating. Thank you for this video.

  • @ronim1447
    @ronim1447 Год назад

    Nice overthinking!!!!!

  • @indigodande4345
    @indigodande4345 Год назад

    The girl pursues her faith differently than the fishermen. They run chaotically and greedily all over town destroying things and never catching a fish... The girl carrying the egg is illuminated and glowing in most shots also she collected the water repeatedly almost joyously. I think her introduction to the tree story was like eve waking up. While the man is a priest but not divine. Hes pretty much obsessed with watching her and watching that eyeball in the sky. I still feel like he raped her/violated her. Taking away what was her choice to attempt to hatch the egg versus breaking it open. He did it without her consent. There is no proof that the egg would not have hatched had they been patient. He was impatient after seeing the Angel on the wall aka breaking the egg. There must be some sort of japanese social undertone here I am missing interpretation on but picking up vibe wise. His choice to force the girl/holiness to the crux of rape/egg break. Reminds me of the pressure of Rod Reiss in attack on titan. Rod Reiss obsesses over the titan power and royalty but never wants to become the titan himself. Instead hes some crazy ass follower of the titan power. Another example of this social awkwardness around witnessing divinity but not embodying itself by the person chasing it - is Shinji Ikari's dad. He obsesses over the human instrumentality project... but is willing to watch/obsess over Rei becoming lilith. or Shinji being the vehicle to divinity. Aka like willing sacrifice... but never man enough to do the job himself or to embody the power they obsess over. Its very japanese.... I also feel like the characters are in some sort of time loop. He stares at the eye at the beginning. Which is noted to have the goddess statues in prayer. He reveres that eye god thingy. They are statues...almost like buddist statues you see at temples. I feel an overlay of Buddhism and Christianity here. maybe he stares often enough and does the loop so many times hes forgotten. However the girl offers something different. He chooses to willingly sacrifice her egg because he knows shes different. By the end of the movie.. he doesnt care if he possibly drowns in the water. He is witnessing that a change to the eye has indeed occurred. The man has forced his physical tangible will / faith and has witnessed physically that the girl physically has died and some how reincarnated / transmutated spiritually onto the eyeball with her own differentiated shrine which represents some sort of honor achieved. The eyeball is God. He will never be eternally honored on that eyeball. She returned to "source" with the egg." hes still just standing all alone on that beach. He isnt greedy like the fishermen, he is patient but physically to involved in the tangible world of his faith and forces it. The girl didnt force but just faith the egg would hatch. Because of his force he will never return to source/peace. The girl didnt force it - she returned to source and has peace. He will never experience true enlightenment. He said the bird never returned to noah's ark. Yet the girl believes the bird is within the egg. There is hope still she believes. By sacrificing her... she promulgates hope further in more eggs. Hes a sort of destructive force always stomping out faith aka like churches and clergy. His cross actually weighs him down.

  • @liminalsesh
    @liminalsesh Год назад

    Amazing video thanks so much for this ☮️

  • @davidhudson5109
    @davidhudson5109 2 года назад

    Great video

  • @campos4769
    @campos4769 2 года назад

    aaa destruye el huevo con la cruz, así como Jesús se volvió ateo en la cruz "Padre, ¿por qué me has abandonado?", así con la cruz la fe queda destruida.

  • @freewilliam93
    @freewilliam93 2 года назад

    The man is Lucifer who gives light/knowledge of the egg to the girl.

    • @hHase
      @hHase 10 месяцев назад

      Why us holding cross?

  • @JohnTLyon
    @JohnTLyon 2 года назад

    It is worth noting that the shadow fish seem to be Coelacanths, an ancient species once thought extinct. A living fossil. During Jesus' life, the fish was a symbol of the Christian faith. This is a wonderful analysis in light of Oshi's loss of faith and, having gone through the same crisis myself, I found this film to be very relevant, personally.

  • @thewolfmanhulk2927
    @thewolfmanhulk2927 2 года назад

    Years later but good job with this video, you did well

  • @thedarkparadox
    @thedarkparadox 2 года назад

    After finally getting around to watch this film, it was to my genuine surprise the amount of influence it's had on other mediums I've consumed over the years - Ghost in the Shell and Dark Souls 3 just to name a few. Your analysis is excellent albeit lacking only because of a lack of understanding of the Bible. I don't mean this as disrespect, simply a matter of fact statement. Firstly, it was Noah, not Moses. Secondly, given the imagery used throughout, I'd be willing to say Oshii was jaded and betrayed by catholicism and not biblical Christianity. There are vast differences, to the point that the Bible actively condemns the very traditions that are actively held by catholicism. The dogma in which the little girl held so tightly to was, of course, empty - a stillborn faith - because it was misplaced in something that wasn't genuine to begin with. This, however, doesn't make the man correct or justified. Whereas logic can easily destroy misplaced faith that bears no fruit, it has no choice but to adhere to the fruitful faith of biblical Christianity, of Jesus Christ. The checkered board floor the man stands on while looking out with a challenging countenance at what is perceived to be a boisterous god, is symbolic of another faith-claimed-logic - Freemasonry. While it claims to have its methods of grabbing control and understanding of this world, it is shrouded in a veneer all the same as catholicism. Two sides of the same coin - pageantry, both laying claims to have the truth while dealing out nothing but deception and waste. Whether Oshii realized it or not, he proved that in the end misplaced faith is just as detrimental as science falsely so called... 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

    • @thedarkparadox
      @thedarkparadox 2 года назад

      I'll go a step further with proving my point that both the girl and the man were wrong. The flood and the ark were shown to be real. Side note: angels, not to be confused with cherubim or seraphim, are never described or depicted as having wings in the Bible, lending credence once again that Oshii's religious influence (and subsequent betrayal/abandonment) was of and by the Catholic church, not biblical Christianity.

    • @BM-13_KATYUSHA
      @BM-13_KATYUSHA 2 года назад

      Angels cannot have remains because they are not mortal beings. Even though Catholicism is the most popular and widespread fate, we can't forget that it originated with the divide of Christianity and Rome, therefore it is not real, it is empty just like the egg.

    • @claudio3518
      @claudio3518 Год назад

      Old comment, but i'd like to say that Mamoru Oshii was raised christan and had his crisis of faith when he was undergoing seminary to become a christian preist. He was not catholic

    • @edorasmarauder5761
      @edorasmarauder5761 7 дней назад

      ​@@BM-13_KATYUSHA What an ignorant claim to say about Catholicism. These Protestant types make it very hard to get along with when they refuse to even understand Catholics.

  • @_xis.byz_
    @_xis.byz_ 2 года назад

    Loved the vid. In Christianity the sheep and the fish are symbols for Christ

  • @jdubluffy1959
    @jdubluffy1959 2 года назад

    I absolutely loved this video so much! Seeing someone analyze someone’s passion is amazing to see. And I have some input too, at 18:25 when all the eggs come out of the water I counted each one to see how many there was and it was 147. Apparently there’s something called Psalm 147 and it is commonly referred to in Jewish and catholic religions. It is psalm of praise aka praising god and why you should praise him. So this number could mean the girl “praise for god” left her instead of the eggs meaning ideas. Also love the content hope you make more 💜

  • @sprazz8668
    @sprazz8668 2 года назад

    Lol I’m not sure why all the sexual interpretations were brought up, I’m pretty sure nothing sex-related is going on here. Superb video though!

    • @FeministCatwoman
      @FeministCatwoman Год назад

      Because the biomechanical tanks and the machinelike crucifix the man is holding are very phallic in shape, and they present a looming threat over the small girl. Also him breaking her egg without her permission could be seen as a sort of violation of consent. The entire movie is symbolic, and there is definitely some gender symbolism at play along with the religious iconography.

  • @swankfrankdoob1471
    @swankfrankdoob1471 2 года назад

    Your analysis made me want to create my own angels egg . Watching the movie i was ok not understanding what was happening

  • @BasementDweller_
    @BasementDweller_ 2 года назад

    Tasty egg.

  • @justincurll1110
    @justincurll1110 3 года назад

    I dont understand why people so frequently view faith and logic as seperate, especially when the Bible describes faith as being accompanied by demonstrative evidence (Hebrews 11). I love this movie, and enjoy this analysis (and the Ringed City dlc), but I am perplexed by the common view that faith and rationality are mutally exclusive. I think atheism is proof this is not true, as most atheists say they believe in science, while they themselves are not scientists or even scientifically literate, requiring them to put faith in what they are taught by scientists.

    • @joaovalverde6877
      @joaovalverde6877 2 года назад

      Atheism has nothing to do with science, there were atheist philosophers (Epicurus, i.e.) long before the modern idea of the scientific method, atheism is about do not believing in the statement: "God exists". Because there's no explanation in the sensible world, that this entity(or entities) exists, it requires faith to make this statement. To question one's statement doesn't require faith, so atheism is the rejection of faith in the immaterial.] In fact, most atheists use science to try to prove that God doesn't exist, but science is uncapable of measuring the incommensurable, so there's no way of proving wheter or not God exists by science. So even with science, you can have your faith, but you have to remember they are seperate things, and the scientific method is skeptical, based in the material world, while myths, religion, spirituality and God(s) demand faith and are immaterial. I read Hebrews 11, great text, it shows how people need faith to continue living in a World full of suffering, but I don't know how it applies to science

    • @nolongeranobody869
      @nolongeranobody869 2 года назад

      Yeah I agree

    • @Lex_Nocturna
      @Lex_Nocturna Год назад

      This is a gross misrepresentation of atheists and how they lean towards science. Science is a process not a faith. It's seeking information and evidence in lue of blind faith. Atheism is rejecting the notion proposed by the religious that there's a god due to lack of evidence of said being. Citing scripture is circular reasoning, it's not logical nor evidence .

  • @touka32able
    @touka32able 3 года назад

    thanks for making this video. Enjoyed it :)

  • @mana_beast_beats1114
    @mana_beast_beats1114 3 года назад

    "You're such an inspiration for the ways that I will never ever choose to live. Oh so many ways for me to show you how your dogma has abandoned you." -- A Perfect Circle - Judith

  • @feint102
    @feint102 4 года назад

    Bro, are you Vaaty , you sound like him tho

  • @feint102
    @feint102 4 года назад

    Bro, are you Vaaty , you sound like him tho

  • @alexstevensen4292
    @alexstevensen4292 4 года назад

    That Tree of Life is an evolution chart. The large structure looks like the ark but it's actually something else. Those bottles are from previous generations/lives. The track played is called 'accumulation of time'. an angel is a man pretending to be a bird.

    • @drakoronus
      @drakoronus 2 года назад

      holy shit, the angel thing is insane but actually makes sense

  • @msmelissxo33
    @msmelissxo33 4 года назад

    Being raised in the roman catholic faith and falling out later in life, I always thought the sirens in the beginning where that of the horns of heaven that signify the revelation and god descending to make judgment. There's supposed to be about 7? It's been awhile since bible studies lmao Also I'd have to re-watch the beginning to count how many times that goes off.

    • @msmelissxo33
      @msmelissxo33 4 года назад

      Also I always thought the checker bored may be heaven? Seeing as the boy never has bandages there yet we can see them with the girl after a certain point, again I'd have to re-watch the film, even only watching last week the details blend with the immersive world thinking back.

    • @msmelissxo33
      @msmelissxo33 4 года назад

      Fish are extremely important to the christian faith, for Jesus and his disciples and thus followers where called fishermen, or fishers of men. So it's probably the men chasing for a preacher to gather around and hear the message they've forgotten? The churches are empty yet the streets are full. Seeing as followers of Christ (when illegal in Rome) used a simple fish symbol to signify safety to share their faith and hold sermons.

    • @theoverthinker4009
      @theoverthinker4009 3 года назад

      All great feedback, thank you. If only I could have included this in the video.

    • @msmelissxo33
      @msmelissxo33 3 года назад

      @@theoverthinker4009 Lol, I'm flattered my old bible studies could afford me such praise, but honestly as a writer, thank you for such a compliment. Best to you &your family during such times. Hope to see more videos on the topic of film analysis, maybe next time I could offer my perspective.

  • @alejandroverdias2216
    @alejandroverdias2216 5 лет назад

    The main idea of that show is to be available to the average person and the average person is not aware of the bussines model of facebook or google

  • @juphro24
    @juphro24 5 лет назад

    Don't agree with all your points (or the show's points) but you're at least thinking critically about it, which is more than can be said about most people.

  • @etiletmaipi9036
    @etiletmaipi9036 5 лет назад

    Generally speaking, I think you have a lot more trust in Facebook and advertisers than I do. After watching "The century of the self" and learning about the true origins of American advertising, I really don't trust advertisers with any of my information. All of it will be used against you. For all that we know about how Facebook uses our information, there's probably at least 2x as much that we don't know.

  • @tatjanav9657
    @tatjanav9657 5 лет назад

    First you pay subscription to facebook and google, then linkedin, wikipedia, youtube, and for every website you want to go! It will be too expensive for general user and internet will be only for rich people.

    • @qwertylerqw3
      @qwertylerqw3 5 лет назад

      I didn't understand their point with that. The problem they describe is how advertisements are used, not that we have advertisements. Making the internet incredibly expensive to use practically is a terrible solution.

  • @lizzieelsenpeter7256
    @lizzieelsenpeter7256 5 лет назад

    Well mainly because it's suppose private, and some people have different levels of privacy so..........

  • @ijoyner
    @ijoyner 6 лет назад

    No, it is a big deal. $12 per person over millions of people adds up to way more than the small wad of cash Adam turns over. Perhaps you can't see what is wrong with this, but most of us would be very concerned about this Big Brother manipulation. In network security, we are very concerned about protection of consumer's data. But Google and Facebook have found a way around this. Then you say "hackers are mainly interested in large corporations". Well what about all the phishing and spam mail we get? You then contradict your own point by actually citing phishing attacks. What you ignore is the power of small numbers multiplied by large numbers of population. That is the way companies get rich and governments work by taking small amounts from lots of people. In your fallacies, you say Adam assumes Google and Facebook might do something malicious with the information. Adam didn't say that he just said "we don't know what they are doing with it". But your use of fallacies here is itself fallacious and you have used the straw man fallacy - told us what you think Adam is saying, even though that is wrong, then attacking your own mistaken interpretation. Adam is exactly right when he says "we are not the customer, we are the product". That is the product being sold to others. On slippery slope - it's not that we should be afraid, but we should be concerned. Yes we should be uncomfortable about being profiled online. Correct, $12 is not a fat stack of cash. But $12 multiplied by millions and billions is. This is the fact you conveniently ignore. Yes many of us are concerned about Google and Facebook selling our information to others. So you needn't wonder any longer. Well, the last 20 seconds got better.

    • @tatjanav9657
      @tatjanav9657 5 лет назад

      $12 dollar is the price for one company/organisation. And you don't know how many companies bought our data. It could be thousands.

  • @thepunpolice7932
    @thepunpolice7932 6 лет назад

    You made a Angels egg vid subscribed.

  • @OptimusPhillip
    @OptimusPhillip 6 лет назад

    This is more a pet peeve than anything, but I don't like when people say "I don't like seeing commercials on cable because I'm already paying for cable." The money you pay for cable goes to your cable provider, not the networks they carry (in fact, the networks pay the provider to carry their channels). The revenue from those commercials is going to the networks they air on.

  • @ashkuhlmann7432
    @ashkuhlmann7432 6 лет назад

    I respectfully disagree with you. Giving us targeted ads that were are more likely to actually purchase is a bad thing because what ads achieve at a very basic level is unhappiness for the recipient. This is because there is literally nothing you truly need that an advertisement can meet (I don’t need an ad to tell me where to buy water) and instead they brainwash people into thinking they will be happy once they have bought whatever product (which is obviously untrue; it is common knowledge happiness can not be bought). This advertisements have a negative impact on the people who regularly view them and suggests I targeted ads may be better for the general populace. Feel free to point out any logical fallacies I made. I’m all ears

    • @etiletmaipi9036
      @etiletmaipi9036 5 лет назад

      Ash Kuhlmann dude if you haven't already, watch "the century of the self". It's on RUclips and really nicely explains how American advertising became "peacetime propaganda"

  • @pittland44
    @pittland44 6 лет назад

    Isn't the guy from the beginning of the video the apple guy from "Captain America: The Winter Soldier?"

  • @ConnorLonergan
    @ConnorLonergan 6 лет назад

    You missed one other crucial detail. That 12 dollars a month would be just one sight, assuming costs and prices are the same for all high traffic sights for a consumer the cost will go up to the hundreds. that’s a problem even more so when the internet today is considered a necessary part of life (at least in the industrialized world)

  • @potatoes__tomatoes__2993
    @potatoes__tomatoes__2993 6 лет назад

    wow, you make very good points here! I’m glad you didn’t have a smug tone as I feared. You earned a sub my dude 👍🏼

  • @drchanhatten5789
    @drchanhatten5789 7 лет назад

    Good vid